Dick’s, Major Gun Retailer, Will Stop Selling Assault-Style Rifles

Never heard of ‘em.

Dick’s, Major Gun Retailer, Will Stop Selling Assault-Style Rifles

One of the nation’s largest sports retailers, Dick’s Sporting Goods, said Wednesday morning it was immediately ending sales of all assault-style rifles in its stores.

The retailer also said that it would no longer sell high-capacity magazines and that it would not sell any gun to anyone under 21 years of age, regardless of local laws.

The announcement, made two weeks after the school shooting in Parkland, Fla., that killed 17 students and staff members, is one of the strongest stances taken by corporate America in the national gun debate. It also carries symbolic weight, coming from a prominent national gunseller.

I quite like Mr. Stack.

When is Georgia going to threaten them? Gun lickers are in a full on panic because they know the worm has turned my friend. No more free ride for the cowardly NRA or any of it's vassals.
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We need both.
Again, why the AR platform? What specifically does the AR platform provide that other platforms do not?

This is a hard question, because to really get the result you want (presumably guns that can kill lots of people in a short amount of time) more than 75% of civilian guns will be included in such a ban.

That's why the Assault Weapons Bann in 1994(?) was such a joke. All it did was turn this:

into this:

Purely cosmetic. It did absolutely nothing to change the effectiveness of the weapon.

This is why we need the left to be more educated before they try to shove gun control down our throats. We have already given up a bunch of freedoms to gun control, and yet we still have gun violence.

You can understand why we are apprehensive about giving in. Surely, you can see why we suspect the motives of those calling for gun control, can't you?

You would like me to be more educated but it's hard to get an answer to my questions when I ask. I would truly like to know what makes the AR the weapon of choice for mass shooters. I have heard it's just the cool gun of the month, and that it is easily customizable (but I didn't learn what customizations a mass shooter might want that an AR can provide).

The ten year assault weapons ban held mass shootings steady instead of annually rising as they had been, and when the ban expired, mass shootings increased 200% the following year. So it may have been a total coincidence, but I wonder if it was actually a worthless, cosmetic piece of fluff.

I have already said here that I am trying to find out more about this AR weapon. So why are you expecting me to answer questions on them?
I asked first. LOL

They like it because it looks cool and they get to feel like Seal Team 6 'goin' after Bin Laden'. We used to play these games as children, these people just never grow up.

Hunting with a single shot rifle is an honest use of a rifle by an adult. Nobody wants to take away hunting rifles or pistols. All the rest needs to be well regulated as demanded by the Constitution. That includes the number of rounds in a magazine. But the knuckle draggers think their toys are more important than human life. It's disgusting.
It's not the gun, OldLady, it's the people using it.
It's the gun the people are using that is a large part of the problem. Like it's even arguable.

Except it's NOT the gun people are using, most of the mass shootings in this country were not done by an AR-15.

Americans own something like 15 million AR-15-style rifles, which have been one of the biggest-selling firearm categories during the last decade or so. These guns are almost never used to commit violent crimes. According to the FBI, rifles of all kinds accounted for just 3 percent of firearm homicides in 2016, while handguns accounted for 65 percent. Contrary to what you may have heard, handguns are also by far the most common choice for mass shooters. A Mother Jones review of mass shootings from 1982 through 2012 found that 66 percent of the weapons were handguns, while just 14 percent would qualify as "assault weapons" under the definition used in a 2013 bill sponsored by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.). More recent data show a similar pattern.

Politicians, activists, and journalists who have decided to blame mass shootings on "assault weapons" either do not acknowledge these facts or wave them away. "While semi-automatic handguns still account for the vast majority of weapons used in mass shootings across the United States," says The Miami Herald, "semi-automatic rifles are increasingly common weapons of choice." How can certain kinds of guns be "weapons of choice" when other guns are chosen much more often?

highest death tolls. But two points should be kept in mind when considering those attacks.

First, it is clearly possible to carry out attacks similar to yesterday's, which killed 17 people, without using "assault weapons." Nine of the mass shootings with the 20 highest death tolls involved handguns or long guns that are not covered by Feinstein's bill. That includes the third deadliest mass shooting, which killed 32 people at Virginia Tech in 2007, as well as two other attacks that killed 17 or more people.

Second, the fact that the perpetrators of the deadliest mass shootings tend to favor "assault weapons" does not mean that choice makes the attacks deadlier than they otherwise would be. That proposition seems pretty doubtful in light of the "assault weapon" definitions used by legislators, which are based on appearance rather than lethality.

The latest version of Feinstein's bill covers any semiautomatic rifle with a detachable magazine if it also has a pistol grip or forward grip, a grenade launcher or rocket launcher, a barrel shroud, a threaded barrel, or a folding, telescoping, or detachable stock. Those features may help explain why some mass shooters like the looks of these guns (just as Feinstein hates the looks of these guns), but they do not explain why one mass shooter kills 10 people while another kills five.

Feinstein's bill does not apply to the millions of "assault weapons" that are already in circulation, so it would not actually "make it impossible for civilians to have AR-15s," as Linda Stasi recommends. But even if the government could magically make all the guns targeted by Feinstein disappear, there is no reason to believe it would have a noticeable impact on the frequency or lethality of mass shootings. The notion that legislators can "stop the killing...by changing the law" is perennially appealing, but it is completely divorced from reality.

An 'Assault Weapon' Ban Won't Stop Mass Shootings
Get this straight, Marion: I am equally supportive of reforms and programs like ERPO for law enforcement and programs that try to intervene with troubled kids like Cruz BEFORE they go off their nut. I also support getting graphic images of humans killing humans greatly reduced on tv, movies and in video games. This particular thread is on gun control, which is why that is what I'm talking about.

Yeah well, it wasn't people being able to own guns legally that got 17 kids dead in Broward county.

1) It was the abolition of State Mental Health institutions which physically restrained nutjobs vs. "chemical restraint" methods lobbied for and won by the leftists. Mental hospitals were closed in the 60s.

2) Leftist policies between the Broward County Sheriff's office and school board kept the crazy boy from ever getting arrested, charged with crimes he committed, or Baker acted.

3) The school resource officer did not do his job

4) Leftists designating schools "Gun Free Zones" made everyone on campus an unarmed target.

5) The state DCF did not do their job, despite the LEO being called on the boy 39 times.

6) The leftist indoctrination system teaches children to ignore what their parents teach them, forbids parents and schools from discipling children, then squares that with teaching "subjective morality" and "secular humanity".

Yeah, the only way that could get worse is to place them into a state-run instituion.

#6 produces quasi-state babies. WTF did you tards think would happen, dipshits? No limits? No God? No morality?

And you're scratching your ass and wondering why they're churning out depraved monsters?

You created this situation, leftists. You're not the solution.

So, tell me more about how people should be denied the gun they want by leftists, because they know so much about people, and their policies are succeeding greatly? They're not.

Why was he allowed to refuse mental health care? That should have been enough to take him in front of a judge to force him to accept treatment. Sheriff called on him 39 times, school had to expel him...he was obviously not doing well enough to make that decision.

Florida school shooting suspect refused mental health services at 18, superintendent says
It was explained to me that once he hit 18, as an adult, the school's hands were tied....he refused mental health aid.

Point is, he wasn't given the treatment he needed because no one bothered to take him before a judge to prove he was incompetent to make that decision.
Who would have done that after he turned 18? Parents were dead.

Guardians. Sheriff. Social Worker. Educators. Someone should have stepped up.
Lie, lie, lie...very predictable.
This seems to concern you somehow....and yet you are afraid to address the every evidence I reply to in each of my posts.
Lie, lie, lie...very predictable.
This seems to concern you somehow....and yet you are afraid to address the every evidence I reply to in each of my posts.

I haven't seen any evidence, comrade. Just your repeated false assertion that the NRA makes money on mass shootings.
You haven't seen the posts by posters here saying they were joining/renewing their NRA membership? Well, I suppose ignorance can be bliss to some............

brekhnya! That is happening not because of the mass shooting but because of the hysterical Left and people like you creating an atmosphere where the 2nd Amendment must be protected.

Hysteria is noted in the outrage by those who believe the 2nd A. is under attack. Of course that is what they've been told by the NRA and those who benefit from the NRA's largess (Trump and many of the Congressional Republicans).

Cold and callous disregard from the victims of gun violence is loud and clear when this meme is echoed by fools, easily led by those whose job comes before We the People.

Friends don't let friends vote Republican.

Hysteria is noted in the denials because the actions of the governments of California and Connecticut show how justified the defenders of the 2nd A are.

Friends don't let friends listen to gun grabber lies.
This seems to concern you somehow....and yet you are afraid to address the every evidence I reply to in each of my posts.
This seems to concern you somehow....and yet you are afraid to address the every evidence I reply to in each of my posts.

I haven't seen any evidence, comrade. Just your repeated false assertion that the NRA makes money on mass shootings.
You haven't seen the posts by posters here saying they were joining/renewing their NRA membership? Well, I suppose ignorance can be bliss to some............

brekhnya! That is happening not because of the mass shooting but because of the hysterical Left and people like you creating an atmosphere where the 2nd Amendment must be protected.

Hysteria is noted in the outrage by those who believe the 2nd A. is under attack. Of course that is what they've been told by the NRA and those who benefit from the NRA's largess (Trump and many of the Congressional Republicans).

Cold and callous disregard from the victims of gun violence is loud and clear when this meme is echoed by fools, easily led by those whose job comes before We the People.

Friends don't let friends vote Republican.

Hysteria is noted in the denials because the actions of the governments of California and Connecticut show how justified the defenders of the 2nd A are.

Friends don't let friends listen to gun grabber lies.
And what is the actions of the governments of California and Connecticut that have you clutching your gun-pearls?
Probably already been mentioned, but Dick's themselves stopped selling assault guns after Sandy Hook.
It's their subsidary Field and Stream that was selling them.
So, this is a bit of self-advertisement and grandstanding.
I haven't seen any evidence, comrade. Just your repeated false assertion that the NRA makes money on mass shootings.
You haven't seen the posts by posters here saying they were joining/renewing their NRA membership? Well, I suppose ignorance can be bliss to some............

brekhnya! That is happening not because of the mass shooting but because of the hysterical Left and people like you creating an atmosphere where the 2nd Amendment must be protected.

Hysteria is noted in the outrage by those who believe the 2nd A. is under attack. Of course that is what they've been told by the NRA and those who benefit from the NRA's largess (Trump and many of the Congressional Republicans).

Cold and callous disregard from the victims of gun violence is loud and clear when this meme is echoed by fools, easily led by those whose job comes before We the People.

Friends don't let friends vote Republican.

Hysteria is noted in the denials because the actions of the governments of California and Connecticut show how justified the defenders of the 2nd A are.

Friends don't let friends listen to gun grabber lies.
And what is the actions of the governments of California and Connecticut that have you clutching your gun-pearls?

Grow up and educate yourself. It may not have been big news in Minsk, but the bans those states imposed are public knowledge in the USA, as well as the SKS confiscations.
So, some pundit said on the TV that virtually ALL guns are semi automatic. Is that true?
You sure? My son (who I don't think would lie to me) told me that most guns, including handguns, are now semi-automatic in that a bullet moves into the firing chamber as soon as the trigger is pulled, readying it to immediately be fired again. He said that is what semi-automatic means. A bullet is ready as quickly as you can pull the trigger.
That is why I have been careful not to use the term "ban semi-automatics."
So, some pundit said on the TV that virtually ALL guns are semi automatic. Is that true?
You sure? My son (who I don't think would lie to me) told me that most guns, including handguns, are now semi-automatic in that a bullet moves into the firing chamber as soon as the trigger is pulled, readying it to immediately be fired again. He said that is what semi-automatic means. A bullet is ready as quickly as you can pull the trigger.
That is why I have been careful not to use the term "ban semi-automatics."

both of you are correct. Some pistols are revolvers and some are semi-automatic. Some rifles are lever action and some are semi-automatic.

Automatic weapons are not commonly available to the general public. It takes special tax stamps to get an automatic.
You sure? My son (who I don't think would lie to me) told me that most guns, including handguns, are now semi-automatic in that a bullet moves into the firing chamber as soon as the trigger is pulled, readying it to immediately be fired again. He said that is what semi-automatic means. A bullet is ready as quickly as you can pull the trigger.
That is why I have been careful not to use the term "ban semi-automatics."
I understand the terms. Perhaps in the US 'most' guns are semi automatic as you have a lot of pistols. But that is not 'virtually all' guns, as there are many bolt action rifles, pump action rifles, lever action rifles, break action and pump action shotguns, revolving handguns.

Personally I hate semis for various safety and practical hunting reasons and won't hunt with anyone who uses one. Perhaps they're ok off the back of a ute or out of a helicopter when control shooting.
So, some pundit said on the TV that virtually ALL guns are semi automatic. Is that true?
You sure? My son (who I don't think would lie to me) told me that most guns, including handguns, are now semi-automatic in that a bullet moves into the firing chamber as soon as the trigger is pulled, readying it to immediately be fired again. He said that is what semi-automatic means. A bullet is ready as quickly as you can pull the trigger.
That is why I have been careful not to use the term "ban semi-automatics."

both of you are correct. Some pistols are revolvers and some are semi-automatic. Some rifles are lever action and some are semi-automatic.

Automatic weapons are not commonly available to the general public. It takes special tax stamps to get an automatic.
Do we know the percentage of semi's as opposed to not?

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