Dick’s, Major Gun Retailer, Will Stop Selling Assault-Style Rifles

So the old law did not go far enough....Gotcha!
First off, NO. EVERY FUCKING ONE of the past laws WENT TOO FAR!!!

You wanna play this way? Bring it on. We will repeal every cocksucking gun law on the goddamn books.

But, if you are really interested in a reasonable discussion....

You cannot ban AR platform arms and expect any significant change in outcome. They are but ONE type of firearm. If you start banning specific attributes of the AR platform, you start banning about 75% of all other guns, including hunting rifles and hand guns.

Perhaps that is not your goal, but my observation has been that gun control advocates trying to ban the AR platform are either ignorant as fuck on the topic of guns or they know exactly what the fuck they are doing, and it is a move toward total ban and confiscation. It is the only explanation for an "assault weapons" ban. It attempts to look innocuous, but has a sweeping affect.

We are NOT giving up semi-auto weapons.

We are NOT giving up high-capacity magazines. It does nothing to make mass shootings less deadly (see video).

Banning the AR platform will not have the desired effect, because other weapons are much more effective in mass shootings. Namely, shotguns.

Are you gonna ban shotguns?

It gets extremely frustrating when we can plainly see how this all will play out. You will ban ARs and the shooting will continue. You will ban the next boogeyweapon, and the shootings will continue.

THEN, as you JUST DID, you communists will throw up your hands in fake indignation and frustration, and say, "Fuck it. Just ban and confiscate."

Am I wrong?

cnm manages without semiauto. Maybe he/she is in Australia. Seems to have no trouble shooting and killing shit using pump or lever action.
Are you just throwing a tantie?

Those of us who can really shoot don't need the big magazines....just saying...
Never heard of ‘em.

Dick’s, Major Gun Retailer, Will Stop Selling Assault-Style Rifles

One of the nation’s largest sports retailers, Dick’s Sporting Goods, said Wednesday morning it was immediately ending sales of all assault-style rifles in its stores.

The retailer also said that it would no longer sell high-capacity magazines and that it would not sell any gun to anyone under 21 years of age, regardless of local laws.

The announcement, made two weeks after the school shooting in Parkland, Fla., that killed 17 students and staff members, is one of the strongest stances taken by corporate America in the national gun debate. It also carries symbolic weight, coming from a prominent national gunseller.

I quite like Mr. Stack.

Fucking pussies. Sell them all or sell none at all.

This is like a store saying they will no longer sell cigarettes, but they'll continue selling loose tobacco and Zig Zags...
Or those who say they will no longer sell hard liquor but sell beer and wine.
Someone should inform them that they didn't sell 'assault type' rifles before.

So, they would say they are operating as 'business as usual'.

Dick's also owns Field and Stream stores.

I hope Bass Pro steps up.

Dick's pulled them off the racks back in 2012, I believe. This move pulls them off of the Field and Stream racks.
I understand the arguments, Bootney. I do believe, though, if I had an item that I enjoyed for recreation and it was deemed to be dangerous because some people were abusing it, I would understand giving it up. Especially if there were many alternatives I could choose from to continue enjoying my recreational pursuits.
Oh, I'm sure I would grump and grouse about it for a bit, but the safety of society trumps me having fun. That's what I was taught. With rights come responsibilities.
But, what if banning it does NOTHING, like I am CERTAIN it will. Would I be unreasonable for grumping and grousing then?





Why? Because the tool is not the problem. No matter how much gun control you get, sick people will still try to commit mass murder.

We didn't have this problem in the 1930s, when machine guns were legal. We didn't have this problem 20 years ago.

The guns don't seem to be the real problem. Why don't we start looking at what changed that has caused all these school/church/workplace shootings?

Remember Columbine?

The Assault Weapons Ban was in place when that happened.
LOL it's all coming to an end for the nra and their rank and file loons

Dick's Sporting Goods, the nation's largest sporting goods retailer, will stop selling assault-style weapons like the one used in the Parkland, Florida, high school shooting.
The company said it will also raise the minimum age for all gun sales to 21. Dick's (DKS) will not sell high-capacity magazines that allow shooters to fire far more rounds than traditional weapons without reloading, as well as other accessories used with weapons similar to the AR-15.

Dick's Sporting Goods will stop selling assault-style rifles
lol... Nobody buys from that overpriced seller anyway.

And my NRA rank and file is growing by the day

Which goes to prove that no one profits MORE from mass shootings than the NRA and gun stores.

No. They profit from the rhetoric of the gun grabbers threatening out Constitutional rights under the 2nd Amendment.
Never heard of ‘em.

Dick’s, Major Gun Retailer, Will Stop Selling Assault-Style Rifles

One of the nation’s largest sports retailers, Dick’s Sporting Goods, said Wednesday morning it was immediately ending sales of all assault-style rifles in its stores.

The retailer also said that it would no longer sell high-capacity magazines and that it would not sell any gun to anyone under 21 years of age, regardless of local laws.

The announcement, made two weeks after the school shooting in Parkland, Fla., that killed 17 students and staff members, is one of the strongest stances taken by corporate America in the national gun debate. It also carries symbolic weight, coming from a prominent national gunseller.

I quite like Mr. Stack.

Wow, principals and respect for human life outweigh profit. These ppl have souls and should be commended!
Got my first deer at the tender age of 13, with my Dad. 20 gauge Remington 870 pump with a slug. Pow right in the throat
Did it have a big kick? I have a modified shot gun, but I use it for home security. I've shot seven deer since I started hunting, the last three I even field dressed myself. I harvest the meat. Big venison eating family.

Oh, deer!
When weak semantics is all you got... you ain't got much.
It is semantics, but it illustrates a very important point. Most gun control advocates are ignorant about how guns operate, what is already banned, and on how effective some bans will be. They just do not understand guns. But, they are more than willing to kill our rights without knowing all the facts.
Reasonable people don't want machine guns. That's the only thing.
Well, then leave well enough alone. Quit while you are ahead. I'm telling you, this is a huge issue for a lot of people. IF push comes to shove, we will start pushing for total repeal.
No. I'm telling you, this is a huge issue for people who want those damned guns GONE. 63% by USA Today poll a couple days ago. Hearing folks hollering for machine guns is not going to soften their resolve. Yeegads.
It would take more than this to repeal a Constitutional amendment.

Plus Hillary blew it for the DNC.

The GOP runs the Federal government now, including the SCOTUS.
The SCOTUS has only heard one case on gun control, and in their decision they said you can't take away a person's right to protect themselves IN THEIR HOME.
No one wants to repeal the 2nd amendment and AR's can be banned or extremely limited, same as machine guns are.
cnm manages without semiauto. Maybe he/she is in Australia. Seems to have no trouble shooting and killing shit using pump or lever action.
Are you just throwing a tantie?
It's not a bill of needs. It's a bill of rights.

I believe that I need it. Why should I not be allowed to chose what works best for me? We're talking about a VERY SMALL percentage of people who get shot with AR-platform guns. Lightening is more common, and were talking about further infringement on a constitutionally protected right.

I understand the arguments, Bootney. I do believe, though, if I had an item that I enjoyed for recreation and it was deemed to be dangerous because some people were abusing it, I would understand giving it up. Especially if there were many alternatives I could choose from to continue enjoying my recreational pursuits.
Oh, I'm sure I would grump and grouse about it for a bit, but the safety of society trumps me having fun. That's what I was taught. With rights come responsibilities.
ARs are just sporting rifles

You don't think they're pretty good for self defense in the home? Anyway, the real discussion ought to be about a restriction or limitation on a Constitutional Right that really doesn't solve the problem of mass shootings. To wit:

A 2013 study of the 1994 law for the National Institute of Justice said, "We cannot clearly credit the ban with any of the nation's recent drop in gun violence." It also said, "Should it be renewed, the ban's effects on gun violence are likely to be small at best and perhaps too small for reliable measurement."

Even if the law had any positive effect then, it would be far less likely to help today, because there are far more of these guns now. In 1994, Americans owned about 1.5 million "assault weapons." The number is now around 8 million.

Some say that number of 8 million is way too low, could be double that or more.
A 2013 study of the 1994 law for the National Institute of Justice said, "We cannot clearly credit the ban with any of the nation's recent drop in gun violence." It also said, "Should it be renewed, the ban's effects on gun violence are likely to be small at best and perhaps too small for reliable measurement."

Even if the law had any positive effect then, it would be far less likely to help today, because there are far more of these guns now. In 1994, Americans owned about 1.5 million "assault weapons." The number is now around 8 million.
Columbine....happened under the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban.

Just sayin'
Got my first deer at the tender age of 13, with my Dad. 20 gauge Remington 870 pump with a slug. Pow right in the throat
Did it have a big kick? I have a modified shot gun, but I use it for home security. I've shot seven deer since I started hunting, the last three I even field dressed myself. I harvest the meat. Big venison eating family.

Not really, I had a coat on so that probably absorbed any shock. I was so excited I wouldn't have felt it anyway. My husband has my great grandfather's double barrel 10 gauge. They call it a goose gun. I've only seen one person fire both barrels at the same time, it spun him completely around and sat him on his ass. I'm not even sure you can buy shells for it anymore. He has some but I'm not shooting that cannon
You educate yourself on the subject before you speak.... you sound like clueless pants shitter...
You can't answer my questions either, huh? If I were in your shoes, I'd jump at the chance to give some good information to someone on "the other side." As some of the posters here have tried to do. So typical Rustic noise. Did you just get home from school?

I'll take a shot at your questions, although I have to admit there are many posters around here who are more knowledgable than me.

What is it about the AR platform that makes it the weapon of choice for mass shooters? Number one, it looks cool, that's the weapon you see in the movies and video games. Number two, it fires a shitload of bullets even without modifications.

If it is no different than any other rifle on the market, why do they choose it and why are people so bent out of shape about the possibility of needing to buy one of these "equal" rifles. It looks cool. I really think that's at least one answer to both of these questions.

I got one answer, saying the AR is built to take any number of add ons, adapting it to any need. So what specific need do mass shooters have and what add on do they use that makes it the weapon of choice for them? What "adaptations" are they talking about? Don't know enough to talk about the adaptations other than the bump stocks we already covered. But I do think there's something about emulating the 'Rambo' persona that appeals to many people.

I wouldn't say that AR-15s are the weapons of choice. For some, they had access to an AR-15, even where allowed to buy one like the Florida shooter did or there was one available in the house already. Otherwise these people started their rampage without some other weapon, which I think they would do even if we banned AR-15s and the like. And I would also say this, an AR-15 is a pretty good choice for self defense at home, especially for a woman cuz there's little recoil and you wouldn't have to reload it. Just point it and pull the trigger/
Number two, it fires a shitload of bullets even without modifications.
Do you mean it takes a higher capacity magazine or that it fires faster?
Little recoil makes sense, too. Easy to handle.
I appreciate your answers!

If I'm not mistaken the AR-15 fires 30 bullets per magazine before you have to reload. I could be wrong, but most other semi-auto weapons fire more like 15-20. Don't know if you can buy a magazine that has more bullets in it, I don't own one myself.
Magazines usually are 5, 10, 25, 30, 50 and 100 for ARs

Dang, really? I can't see going higher than 30, and even 30 is a stretch for me.
Dang, really? I can't see going higher than 30, and even 30 is a stretch for me.
It doesn't matter that much at all in reducing the body count in a mass shooting.

I have posted this video many times. It is ignored because it shuts this whole argument down.

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Meanwhile at other gun shops; my husband is seriously considering buying this one for later lolz - Axelson Tactical Tribute Series Centerfire Rifles : Cabela's

Proving once again that these school shootings are good for gun business.

Actually my husband, and I'd say most folks who want a variety of guns for different purposes, don't buy because of "school shootings" they merely change their plans to buy whatever gun the idiots decide are "scary" and start talking about banning.

The gun we got last month is a short stock rifle/shotgun combo, before that was a rifle for Caribou hunting, before that was "my" new tiny handgun. Next was supposed to be some pistol that shoots shotgun shells, but now it's probably going to be an AR-15 because the city folk and children are pissing their pants about that one and calling to have it banned. This one in particular is pretty motivating for a lot of folks because the AR-15 is supposedly one of the most versatile rifles in existence and has long been called "The Swiss army knife of rifles" - thus its huge popularity.

You would be better off with a Ruger Mini than an AR.

Rugers jam less and the jams are faster and easier to clear.

The AR is a freak weapon system that should never have seen the light of day.

My husband likes Rugers, does the mini come in a short stock? He's 5'3" and has short arms so he's constantly fretting about finding shit that's comfortable for him to shoot.

Though, in this particular case, he's wanted an AR-15 for probably a decade just hasn't gotten around to it yet. It's the calls to ban it that are motivating him to buy one now so it doesn't particularly matter what /you/ in particular believe is better for his "needs" - and I'll note that's his decision not yours.

Which is probably one of the biggest hmmm roadblocks against specific gun bans/causes of the whole gun debate in the first place frankly. Who the hell are you/others to decide what any one has the "right" to defend oneself with, hunt with, or own for whatever reason? And when people who know nothing about guns, start yapping about how others don't "need" X gun, yea people like me (with constitutional libertarian leanings) don't buy it - and especially when the gun grabber nuts are going almost entirely off of looks rather than reality (aka the AK-15 is not the best legal choice if one actually wants to kill large numbers of people.) Gun control debates are the dumbest shit ever (and especially when it breds from the group who say abortion is just fine - and note, I'm pro-choice here) Shit like that is why we ultimately end up with the left saying "everyone who believes in the 2nd is a murderer!!" (or some variation there of, this time it's NRA supporters are evil) and the folks who actually believe in American rights laughing at them for their unreasonable over-reactions. ~shrug~

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