Dick’s, Major Gun Retailer, Will Stop Selling Assault-Style Rifles

You can't answer my questions either, huh? If I were in your shoes, I'd jump at the chance to give some good information to someone on "the other side." As some of the posters here have tried to do. So typical Rustic noise. Did you just get home from school?

I'll take a shot at your questions, although I have to admit there are many posters around here who are more knowledgable than me.

What is it about the AR platform that makes it the weapon of choice for mass shooters? Number one, it looks cool, that's the weapon you see in the movies and video games. Number two, it fires a shitload of bullets even without modifications.

If it is no different than any other rifle on the market, why do they choose it and why are people so bent out of shape about the possibility of needing to buy one of these "equal" rifles. It looks cool. I really think that's at least one answer to both of these questions.

I got one answer, saying the AR is built to take any number of add ons, adapting it to any need. So what specific need do mass shooters have and what add on do they use that makes it the weapon of choice for them? What "adaptations" are they talking about? Don't know enough to talk about the adaptations other than the bump stocks we already covered. But I do think there's something about emulating the 'Rambo' persona that appeals to many people.

I wouldn't say that AR-15s are the weapons of choice. For some, they had access to an AR-15, even where allowed to buy one like the Florida shooter did or there was one available in the house already. Otherwise these people started their rampage without some other weapon, which I think they would do even if we banned AR-15s and the like. And I would also say this, an AR-15 is a pretty good choice for self defense at home, especially for a woman cuz there's little recoil and you wouldn't have to reload it. Just point it and pull the trigger/
Number two, it fires a shitload of bullets even without modifications.
Do you mean it takes a higher capacity magazine or that it fires faster?
Little recoil makes sense, too. Easy to handle.
I appreciate your answers!

If I'm not mistaken the AR-15 fires 30 bullets per magazine before you have to reload. I could be wrong, but most other semi-auto weapons fire more like 15-20. Don't know if you can buy a magazine that has more bullets in it, I don't own one myself.
Magazines usually are 5, 10, 25, 30, 50 and 100 for ARs

Dang, really? I can't see going higher than 30, and even 30 is a stretch for me.

Okay, when's the last time you shot 30 rounds in succession?
Stupid leftists are doubling down on gun-banning vs. addressing the real problem (which they created) ; An amoral society with no discipline and no Mental Health hospitals. Leftists fostered this, and 2 people out of millions shoot innocent people with a gun and they want to take millions of people's guns away?

Good luck with that! I figure they'll be scratching their heads in December, wondering what happened.
I understand the arguments, Bootney. I do believe, though, if I had an item that I enjoyed for recreation and it was deemed to be dangerous because some people were abusing it, I would understand giving it up. Especially if there were many alternatives I could choose from to continue enjoying my recreational pursuits.
Oh, I'm sure I would grump and grouse about it for a bit, but the safety of society trumps me having fun. That's what I was taught. With rights come responsibilities.
But, what if banning it does NOTHING, like I am CERTAIN it will. Would I be unreasonable for grumping and grousing then?





Why? Because the tool is not the problem. No matter how much gun control you get, sick people will still try to commit mass murder.

We didn't have this problem in the 1930s, when machine guns were legal. We didn't have this problem 20 years ago.

The guns don't seem to be the real problem. Why don't we start looking at what changed that has caused all these school/church/workplace shootings?

Remember Columbine?

The Assault Weapons Ban was in place when that happened.

Why are u so anxious to see more mass shootings?
I'll take a shot at your questions, although I have to admit there are many posters around here who are more knowledgable than me.

What is it about the AR platform that makes it the weapon of choice for mass shooters? Number one, it looks cool, that's the weapon you see in the movies and video games. Number two, it fires a shitload of bullets even without modifications.

If it is no different than any other rifle on the market, why do they choose it and why are people so bent out of shape about the possibility of needing to buy one of these "equal" rifles. It looks cool. I really think that's at least one answer to both of these questions.

I got one answer, saying the AR is built to take any number of add ons, adapting it to any need. So what specific need do mass shooters have and what add on do they use that makes it the weapon of choice for them? What "adaptations" are they talking about? Don't know enough to talk about the adaptations other than the bump stocks we already covered. But I do think there's something about emulating the 'Rambo' persona that appeals to many people.

I wouldn't say that AR-15s are the weapons of choice. For some, they had access to an AR-15, even where allowed to buy one like the Florida shooter did or there was one available in the house already. Otherwise these people started their rampage without some other weapon, which I think they would do even if we banned AR-15s and the like. And I would also say this, an AR-15 is a pretty good choice for self defense at home, especially for a woman cuz there's little recoil and you wouldn't have to reload it. Just point it and pull the trigger/
Number two, it fires a shitload of bullets even without modifications.
Do you mean it takes a higher capacity magazine or that it fires faster?
Little recoil makes sense, too. Easy to handle.
I appreciate your answers!

If I'm not mistaken the AR-15 fires 30 bullets per magazine before you have to reload. I could be wrong, but most other semi-auto weapons fire more like 15-20. Don't know if you can buy a magazine that has more bullets in it, I don't own one myself.
Magazines usually are 5, 10, 25, 30, 50 and 100 for ARs

Dang, really? I can't see going higher than 30, and even 30 is a stretch for me.

Okay, when's the last time you shot 30 rounds in succession?

That would be never, what was your point? Not being a dick, I'm just a little dense.
Number two, it fires a shitload of bullets even without modifications.
Do you mean it takes a higher capacity magazine or that it fires faster?
Little recoil makes sense, too. Easy to handle.
I appreciate your answers!

If I'm not mistaken the AR-15 fires 30 bullets per magazine before you have to reload. I could be wrong, but most other semi-auto weapons fire more like 15-20. Don't know if you can buy a magazine that has more bullets in it, I don't own one myself.
Magazines usually are 5, 10, 25, 30, 50 and 100 for ARs

Dang, really? I can't see going higher than 30, and even 30 is a stretch for me.

Okay, when's the last time you shot 30 rounds in succession?

That would be never, what was your point? Not being a dick, I'm just a little dense.

I concur. Why is it your business what other people do with their property?
I understand the arguments, Bootney. I do believe, though, if I had an item that I enjoyed for recreation and it was deemed to be dangerous because some people were abusing it, I would understand giving it up. Especially if there were many alternatives I could choose from to continue enjoying my recreational pursuits.
Oh, I'm sure I would grump and grouse about it for a bit, but the safety of society trumps me having fun. That's what I was taught. With rights come responsibilities.
But, what if banning it does NOTHING, like I am CERTAIN it will. Would I be unreasonable for grumping and grousing then?





Why? Because the tool is not the problem. No matter how much gun control you get, sick people will still try to commit mass murder.

We didn't have this problem in the 1930s, when machine guns were legal. We didn't have this problem 20 years ago.

The guns don't seem to be the real problem. Why don't we start looking at what changed that has caused all these school/church/workplace shootings?

Remember Columbine?

The Assault Weapons Ban was in place when that happened.

Why are u so anxious to see more mass shootings?

Why are you? The assault weapons ban won't stop mass shootings.
To Marion's point in post #562:

Ain't that the truth. I mean here they are crying about needing more "gun control" and "regulation" and yet we have a /perfect/ example of all the gov regulation shit they constantly harp for /failing/ to work - because the government sucks balls at everything they do. The gov screwed up, they didn't report shit like they should have, they didn't do their job and go into the school to try to save them kids, they didn't fucking deal with this kid even when he was fucking /calling them/ to stop him from shooting up the school.

The reality is that, as with practically everything the lefts "great thinkers" imagine up, is that they don't think about the consequences of their actions, they just go with whatever "sounds good" at the time. Oh background checks -- shit don't work when you don't fucking report the mentally ill, when you don't report domestic violence, when you don't report that someone is a danger to themselves and others. THEN they fucking lie to the public; Oh we didn't have cause to get him off the street, to get him help. Bull fucking shit this kid made specific terrorist threats to shoot up the school, he made individual threats to kill other students - they ignored all of it. The right said this would happen, they talked about it with other shooters, that the gov hadn't reported the shit and thus the shooter "slipped through the cracks" - guess what it happened again with this kid, and guess what, it /will/ happen again, probably with the next school shooter even. Because the left doesn't actually think about the consequences of their actions, their laws, regulations, bans, and everything - none of it actually does what they "think" it "might" do.

Exactly right, the lefts drive to "not offend" the mentally ill has caused all these mentally ill to be free on the streets and untouchable by their own PC beliefs. It deflates not only our attempts to stop mass shootings, but also our ability to decrease crime, fight gangs, fight drugs, etc. But the left doesn't care, they just want the knee-jerk feel good at the moment so they can "forget about it" and feel better (at least until it happens again, then rinse repeat the same stupidity from em.) Then they wonder why so many "hate kids" or "don't care if kids die" when the balls honest truth is that it is /they/ who don't actually care, not enough to do the "mean" shit that /actually/ works, they never truly have, and they never truly will. So I say fuck em.
If I'm not mistaken the AR-15 fires 30 bullets per magazine before you have to reload. I could be wrong, but most other semi-auto weapons fire more like 15-20. Don't know if you can buy a magazine that has more bullets in it, I don't own one myself.
Magazines usually are 5, 10, 25, 30, 50 and 100 for ARs

Dang, really? I can't see going higher than 30, and even 30 is a stretch for me.

Okay, when's the last time you shot 30 rounds in succession?

That would be never, what was your point? Not being a dick, I'm just a little dense.

I concur. Why is it your business what other people do with their property?

Safety and security should be everybody's business. I'm not supporting any bans, not until other possibilities have been tried.
Magazines usually are 5, 10, 25, 30, 50 and 100 for ARs

Dang, really? I can't see going higher than 30, and even 30 is a stretch for me.

Okay, when's the last time you shot 30 rounds in succession?

That would be never, what was your point? Not being a dick, I'm just a little dense.

I concur. Why is it your business what other people do with their property?

Safety and security should be everybody's business. I'm not supporting any bans, not until other possibilities have been tried.

Actually "tried" and worked or just put on the books to make you and others "feel" better?

This is my "big problem" with the gun control debate. To expand the "principle" here; I hate my entry way so I'm looking to remodel it, years and years ago (probably 2005 or so) I'd ripped the stupid railings off the damned thing, told the kids "Hey dumbasses don't fuck around by the stairs up there or you'll fall down em and end up in the hospital." That /worked/ just fine, none of the kids fell down the stairs and it wasn't a problem. Here it is 2018 and I can't get a contractor to come in and rip out the fucking stairs for replacement unless I buy a stupidass railing because it's "unsafe" - dumb fucking shit regulation that actually doesn't do shit but cause people like me to jump through hoops (ironically in this case just so I can fix the rise which is way to high to be comfortable, aka it isn't safe for /my/ bad knees.)

Every single gun control "idea" I've read is along the same line; dumb fucking shit regulations/bans that don't actually do anything but cause law abiding gun owners to jump through hoops.
I understand the arguments, Bootney. I do believe, though, if I had an item that I enjoyed for recreation and it was deemed to be dangerous because some people were abusing it, I would understand giving it up. Especially if there were many alternatives I could choose from to continue enjoying my recreational pursuits.
Oh, I'm sure I would grump and grouse about it for a bit, but the safety of society trumps me having fun. That's what I was taught. With rights come responsibilities.
But, what if banning it does NOTHING, like I am CERTAIN it will. Would I be unreasonable for grumping and grousing then?





Why? Because the tool is not the problem. No matter how much gun control you get, sick people will still try to commit mass murder.

We didn't have this problem in the 1930s, when machine guns were legal. We didn't have this problem 20 years ago.

The guns don't seem to be the real problem. Why don't we start looking at what changed that has caused all these school/church/workplace shootings?

Remember Columbine?

The Assault Weapons Ban was in place when that happened.

Why are u so anxious to see more mass shootings?

Why are you? The assault weapons ban won't stop mass shootings.

These things take time, step by step. The shootings won't stop due one measure. It is going to take years to check gun violence. But we need to start some where....

Please stop wishing for failure....
Never heard of ‘em.

Dick’s, Major Gun Retailer, Will Stop Selling Assault-Style Rifles

One of the nation’s largest sports retailers, Dick’s Sporting Goods, said Wednesday morning it was immediately ending sales of all assault-style rifles in its stores.

The retailer also said that it would no longer sell high-capacity magazines and that it would not sell any gun to anyone under 21 years of age, regardless of local laws.

The announcement, made two weeks after the school shooting in Parkland, Fla., that killed 17 students and staff members, is one of the strongest stances taken by corporate America in the national gun debate. It also carries symbolic weight, coming from a prominent national gunseller.

I quite like Mr. Stack.

Sears Kmart should take up the slack......Cater to all those NRA members...they might save those stores
Marty, I have been asking this same simple question for days and no one has answered me. Including you.
Can you answer it, please?
The mechanism is exactly the same for almost all semi-automatic rifles.
Then why are so many people screeching about possibly needing to buy one of these "exact same" other rifles?
Why are we "screeching" about the need to buy these other rifles?

Because they are also great for home defense and very effective.

I don't understand the question.
If the AR's are no different than other rifles on the market, I would think people could just buy another "equal" rifle.

Do you know what a rail system is?
Are you going to say something rude again?

No. I was answering your question. The AR-15 has a rail system for attaching various accessories. I have a reddot scope, laser sight and forward grip on mine. Hard to add that without a rail system.
Never heard of ‘em.

Dick’s, Major Gun Retailer, Will Stop Selling Assault-Style Rifles

One of the nation’s largest sports retailers, Dick’s Sporting Goods, said Wednesday morning it was immediately ending sales of all assault-style rifles in its stores.

The retailer also said that it would no longer sell high-capacity magazines and that it would not sell any gun to anyone under 21 years of age, regardless of local laws.

The announcement, made two weeks after the school shooting in Parkland, Fla., that killed 17 students and staff members, is one of the strongest stances taken by corporate America in the national gun debate. It also carries symbolic weight, coming from a prominent national gunseller.

I quite like Mr. Stack.

Wow, principals and respect for human life outweigh profit. These ppl have souls and should be commended!

No, "principles" is the word you are looking for. A "principal" runs a school.

You are now officially wrong on everything in your post.
Number two, it fires a shitload of bullets even without modifications.
Do you mean it takes a higher capacity magazine or that it fires faster?
Little recoil makes sense, too. Easy to handle.
I appreciate your answers!

If I'm not mistaken the AR-15 fires 30 bullets per magazine before you have to reload. I could be wrong, but most other semi-auto weapons fire more like 15-20. Don't know if you can buy a magazine that has more bullets in it, I don't own one myself.
Magazines usually are 5, 10, 25, 30, 50 and 100 for ARs

Dang, really? I can't see going higher than 30, and even 30 is a stretch for me.

Okay, when's the last time you shot 30 rounds in succession?

That would be never, what was your point? Not being a dick, I'm just a little dense.

Your avatar choice told us that!
Why are u so anxious to see more mass shootings?
How does my pointing out that Columbine occurred while we were under an assault weapons ban indicate that I want more mass shootings? If anything, it proves the exact reverse, and you are the one who wants more mass shootings.
These things take time, step by step. The shootings won't stop due one measure. It is going to take years to check gun violence. But we need to start some where....
When you say "step by step" all I can think of is this:

No. I was answering your question. The AR-15 has a rail system for attaching various accessories. I have a reddot scope, laser sight and forward grip on mine. Hard to add that without a rail system.
flashlight attachment.

That pretty much sells the AR platform as a home defense weapon. You don't have to turn on all the lights in the home to find the intruder. Nor do you have to go routing around in the dark looking for a flash light. It's attached to your gun, and can be easily turned on or off without taking your eyes of the target. VERY home-defense friendly.

They just don't have those set up for shot guns, and I hate those on hand guns.

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