Did a historical Jesus exist?

Since everything was created by our invisible Creator, all magicians and Christ came from Him.
Yeah, cuz all the faithful Catholics the world has ever known are either deranged adorers or cowering retards.

You betcha. Run with that. You're smarter and wiser than them all....

Thank you.

One thing that you might want to consider is that if scripture is true you died in the very same day you first got down on your knees in worship before a lifeless cracker made by human hands and immediately descended into the netherworld where you remain tormented day and night by the confusion of beliefs in things that never happened, perverted perceptions about what is actually taking place, and irrational expectations for things that will never occur.

I'd wager more than a few shekels that the many wonderful things that your religion has done for you has something to do with your many charms and pleasant disposition.

I have the invisible knowledge of God within my mind ( mind of God ) to speak for our Creator. This means I'm taught the past, present and future by our invisible Creator, not from man's historical perspectives.

This doesn't mean that God doesn't direct me to certain historical documents for Him to read through my flesh so He can help me understand what happened during the times His other saints were on this earth and testifying to His hidden knowledge. They were all killed by the Roman government for speaking out against their false gods ( buildings and religious ideas from the beast ).

I can write all day long about the Romans and Jews who killed the true prophets and saints and added their religious beliefs and laws to their Bible to control their people and make great wealth. Most of the new testament was written by religious Romans after the saints were killed.

They used the writings of the saints to get Christ-like ideas to add to their religious ideas and then destroyed these writings so no one could read them. However, a few writings by the saints were not found by the Roman guards who arrested the saints so they were in circulation amongst believers and antichrists.

Antichrists used these writings to start their own selfish Christ-like churches to make money with and these churches were finally combined into the Roman Catholic Church once Rome finished killing the true saints and formed the official governing body called the Vatican to make new laws for their Christians to be deceived by.

Not one Christian was taught the Truth after the saints were killed because they had to listen to the lies that came from the Vatican instead. Whoever objected to these lies were tortured to get them to obey their laws or they were put to death. Millions of people were killed by the laws of the Vatican who gave authority to the european kingdoms to go out and steal land and minerals in the Americas and other lands to build their false gods and make them great wealth. The Vatican and Rome became the wealthiest entity known to man for over a thousand years while they dominated the world with their materialistic ideas and buildings that are called "false gods" in the prophecies.

I have the invisible knowledge of God within my mind ( mind of God ) to speak for our Creator. This means I'm taught the past, present and future by our invisible Creator, not from man's historical perspectives.

This doesn't mean that God doesn't direct me to certain historical documents for Him to read through my flesh so He can help me understand what happened during the times His other saints were on this earth and testifying to His hidden knowledge. They were all killed by the Roman government for speaking out against their false gods ( buildings and religious ideas from the beast ).

I can write all day long about the Romans and Jews who killed the true prophets and saints and added their religious beliefs and laws to their Bible to control their people and make great wealth. Most of the new testament was written by religious Romans after the saints were killed.

They used the writings of the saints to get Christ-like ideas to add to their religious ideas and then destroyed these writings so no one could read them. However, a few writings by the saints were not found by the Roman guards who arrested the saints so they were in circulation amongst believers and antichrists.

Antichrists used these writings to start their own selfish Christ-like churches to make money with and these churches were finally combined into the Roman Catholic Church once Rome finished killing the true saints and formed the official governing body called the Vatican to make new laws for their Christians to be deceived by.

Not one Christian was taught the Truth after the saints were killed because they had to listen to the lies that came from the Vatican instead. Whoever objected to these lies were tortured to get them to obey their laws or they were put to death. Millions of people were killed by the laws of the Vatican who gave authority to the european kingdoms to go out and steal land and minerals in the Americas and other lands to build their false gods and make them great wealth. The Vatican and Rome became the wealthiest entity known to man for over a thousand years while they dominated the world with their materialistic ideas and buildings that are called "false gods" in the prophecies.

For god's sake, I was asking for a link to the cup thingy.

I have the invisible knowledge of God within my mind ( mind of God ) to speak for our Creator. This means I'm taught the past, present and future by our invisible Creator, not from man's historical perspectives.

This doesn't mean that God doesn't direct me to certain historical documents for Him to read through my flesh so He can help me understand what happened during the times His other saints were on this earth and testifying to His hidden knowledge. They were all killed by the Roman government for speaking out against their false gods ( buildings and religious ideas from the beast ).

I can write all day long about the Romans and Jews who killed the true prophets and saints and added their religious beliefs and laws to their Bible to control their people and make great wealth. Most of the new testament was written by religious Romans after the saints were killed.

They used the writings of the saints to get Christ-like ideas to add to their religious ideas and then destroyed these writings so no one could read them. However, a few writings by the saints were not found by the Roman guards who arrested the saints so they were in circulation amongst believers and antichrists.

Antichrists used these writings to start their own selfish Christ-like churches to make money with and these churches were finally combined into the Roman Catholic Church once Rome finished killing the true saints and formed the official governing body called the Vatican to make new laws for their Christians to be deceived by.

Not one Christian was taught the Truth after the saints were killed because they had to listen to the lies that came from the Vatican instead. Whoever objected to these lies were tortured to get them to obey their laws or they were put to death. Millions of people were killed by the laws of the Vatican who gave authority to the european kingdoms to go out and steal land and minerals in the Americas and other lands to build their false gods and make them great wealth. The Vatican and Rome became the wealthiest entity known to man for over a thousand years while they dominated the world with their materialistic ideas and buildings that are called "false gods" in the prophecies.

For god's sake, I was asking for a link to the cup thingy.

Instead, our Creator spoke to you through this testament. Did you listen to Him or do you reject His voice?
I have the invisible knowledge of God within my mind ( mind of God ) to speak for our Creator. This means I'm taught the past, present and future by our invisible Creator, not from man's historical perspectives.

This doesn't mean that God doesn't direct me to certain historical documents for Him to read through my flesh so He can help me understand what happened during the times His other saints were on this earth and testifying to His hidden knowledge. They were all killed by the Roman government for speaking out against their false gods ( buildings and religious ideas from the beast ).

I can write all day long about the Romans and Jews who killed the true prophets and saints and added their religious beliefs and laws to their Bible to control their people and make great wealth. Most of the new testament was written by religious Romans after the saints were killed.

They used the writings of the saints to get Christ-like ideas to add to their religious ideas and then destroyed these writings so no one could read them. However, a few writings by the saints were not found by the Roman guards who arrested the saints so they were in circulation amongst believers and antichrists.

Antichrists used these writings to start their own selfish Christ-like churches to make money with and these churches were finally combined into the Roman Catholic Church once Rome finished killing the true saints and formed the official governing body called the Vatican to make new laws for their Christians to be deceived by.

Not one Christian was taught the Truth after the saints were killed because they had to listen to the lies that came from the Vatican instead. Whoever objected to these lies were tortured to get them to obey their laws or they were put to death. Millions of people were killed by the laws of the Vatican who gave authority to the european kingdoms to go out and steal land and minerals in the Americas and other lands to build their false gods and make them great wealth. The Vatican and Rome became the wealthiest entity known to man for over a thousand years while they dominated the world with their materialistic ideas and buildings that are called "false gods" in the prophecies.

For god's sake, I was asking for a link to the cup thingy.

Instead, our Creator spoke to you through this testament. Did you listen to Him or do you reject His voice?

No, I reject your voice, which is obnoxious and hypocritical.
Josephus also referred to Christ as a sorcerer who performed miracles.

Which rather supports not only the existence of Christ (really, nobody debates he existed anymore) but his renown as a miracle worker.
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Josephus also referred to Christ as a sorcerer who performed miracles.

Which rather supports not only the existence of Christ (really, nobody debates he existed anymore) but his renown as a miracle worker.

Uhhh no, he didn't. Not only did Josephus NOT claim was a 'sorcerer' but religious historians are pretty united on that the paragraph where J mentions Jesus was added later by christian partisans.
In Rome, in the year 93, Josephus published his lengthy history of the Jews. While discussing the period in which the Jews of Judaea were governed by the Roman procurator Pontius Pilate, Josephus included the following account:

About this time there lived Jesus, a wise man, if indeed one ought to call him a man. For he was one who performed surprising deeds and was a teacher of such people as accept the truth gladly. He won over many Jews and many of the Greeks. He was the Messiah. And when, upon the accusation of the principal men among us, Pilate had condemned him to a cross, those who had first come to love him did not cease. He appeared to them spending a third day restored to life, for the prophets of God had foretold these things and a thousand other marvels about him. And the tribe of the Christians, so called after him, has still to this day not disappeared.

- Jewish Antiquities, 18.3.3 §63
(Based on the translation of Louis H. Feldman, The Loeb Classical Library.)

Yet this account has been embroiled in controversy since the 17th century. It could not have been written by a Jewish man, say the critics, because it sounds too Christian: it even claims that Jesus was the Messiah (ho christos, the Christ)!

The critics say: this paragraph is not authentic. It was inserted into Josephus' book by a later Christian copyist, probably in the Third or Fourth Century.

The opinion was controversial. A vast literature was produced over the centuries debating the authenticity of the "Testimonium Flavianum", the Testimony of Flavius Josephus.

A view that has been prominent among American scholars was summarized in John Meier's 1991 book, A Marginal Jew.

This opinion held that the paragraph was formed by a mixture of writers. It parsed the text into two categories: nything that seemed too Christian was added by a later Christian writer, while anything else was originally written by Josephus.

Josephus' Account of Jesus: The Testimonium Flavianum

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