Zone1 Did any of the haters actually LISTEN to what Scott Adams said in his podcast?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
As usual, the Race hustlers and "cancelists" picked a couple phrases out Adams' minutes long discussion about a Rasmussen poll on the loaded question "Is it OK to be White?" and went to work. Apparently almost half of the Black respondents said No or Not Sure. Adams proceeds to voice his angst about the POLL RESULT. The Woke Mob immediately went on a cancel campaign and for all intents and purposes Scott Adams is done.

I listened to the entire discussion. Do I agree with what he said? Some of it yes, some of it no. Does he deserve to have his career and reputation ruined like others before him? Of course not. But that doesn't matter anymore. Say one thing that triggers the cancelists, and you are done. Welcome to the New Woke Order. You will comply or you will be ruined.
As usual, the Race hustlers and "cancelists" picked a couple phrases out Adams' minutes long discussion about a Rasmussen poll on the loaded question "Is it OK to be White?" and went to work. Apparently almost half of the Black respondents said No or Not Sure. Adams proceeds to voice his angst about the POLL RESULT. The Woke Mob immediately went on a cancel campaign and for all intents and purposes Scott Adams is done.

I listened to the entire discussion. Do I agree with what he said? Some of it yes, some of it no. Does he deserve to have his career and reputation ruined like others before him? Of course not. But that doesn't matter anymore. Say one thing that triggers the cancelists, and you are done. Welcome to the New Woke Order. You will comply or you will be ruined.
The “haters” are people who say black people are a hate group. Which is what Scott Adams said.

It’s ok. We know racism runs deep among white Christian supremacists
As usual, the Race hustlers and "cancelists" picked a couple phrases out Adams' minutes long discussion about a Rasmussen poll on the loaded question "Is it OK to be White?" and went to work. Apparently almost half of the Black respondents said No or Not Sure. Adams proceeds to voice his angst about the POLL RESULT. The Woke Mob immediately went on a cancel campaign and for all intents and purposes Scott Adams is done.

I listened to the entire discussion. Do I agree with what he said? Some of it yes, some of it no. Does he deserve to have his career and reputation ruined like others before him? Of course not. But that doesn't matter anymore. Say one thing that triggers the cancelists, and you are done. Welcome to the New Woke Order. You will comply or you will be ruined.

He also said that blacks were a hate group because a mere 26% of blacks disagreed with the statement "It's okay to be white". (Adams got confused, because 53% agreed that it was okay to say that, and 21% said they didn't know, but he conflated that to 47% of black people hating whites.

Not to mention it was a Rasmussen Poll, which are almost always garbage.

He then went ahead and said white people should separate themselves from blacks like he has already done.

I kind of feel bad for the guy, because he's been falling down the crazy rabbit hole of Trumpworld for the last 8 years. I guess he finally found the bottom.

I'll miss his comic strip, which was often very funny. (Although I haven't read it in years).
The “haters” are people who say black people are a hate group. Which is what Scott Adams said.

It’s ok. We know racism runs deep among white Christian supremacists
Actually, what’s alarming is that only about half the blacks said it was OK to be white. This is a result of the barrage of anti-white racism sweeping the country.

When I walk into the bookstore, I am immediately hit with a round table of books bemoaning today’s poor, oppressed blacks and the white racism at the root of it all. The U.S. history section has at least a third of all books devoted to black history. A surprising number of books on the best-sellers bookshelves are on the topic of blacks, with most about their problems at the hands of white people. On all other shelves, there is a disproportionate focus on blacks, and how whites in one fashion or another have done them wrong.

Is it any wonder that half of blacks think whites are inferior?
The “haters” are people who say black people are a hate group. Which is what Scott Adams said.

It’s ok. We know racism runs deep among white Christian supremacists

The haters are the ones who deny there is hate among all groups and races.
He also said that blacks were a hate group because a mere 26% of blacks disagreed with the statement "It's okay to be white". (Adams got confused, because 53% agreed that it was okay to say that, and 21% said they didn't know, but he conflated that to 47% of black people hating whites.

Not to mention it was a Rasmussen Poll, which are almost always garbage.

He then went ahead and said white people should separate themselves from blacks like he has already done.

I kind of feel bad for the guy, because he's been falling down the crazy rabbit hole of Trumpworld for the last 8 years. I guess he finally found the bottom.

I'll miss his comic strip, which was often very funny. (Although I haven't read it in years).
Well, at least you listened to what he said. I don't know what his motivation was to poke the wasp nest with this obviously dangerous subject.
Actually, what’s alarming is that only about half the blacks said it was OK to be white. This is a result of the barrage of anti-white racism sweeping the country.

Um, no. You see, "It's okay to be white" is one of those reddit internet memes, which is why about half the black surveyed said either it wasn't okay or they weren't sure.

When I walk into the bookstore, I am immediately hit with a round table of books bemoaning today’s poor, oppressed blacks and the white racism at the root of it all. The U.S. history section has at least a third of all books devoted to black history. A surprising number of books on the best-sellers bookshelves are on the topic of blacks, with most about their problems at the hands of white people. On all other shelves, there is a disproportionate focus on blacks, and how whites in one fashion or another have done them wrong.

Um, it's black history month, this would be the time to sell those kinds of books. Now the bookstores are discriminating against you.

Is it any wonder that half of blacks think whites are inferior?
Which isn't what that was about, really.
Well, at least you listened to what he said. I don't know what his motivation was to poke the wasp nest with this obviously dangerous subject.

I think he's another guy who just got full of himself.
Again, he used to be funny, but recently, he's been going down the rabbit hole.
I think he's another guy who just got full of himself.
Again, he used to be funny, but recently, he's been going down the rabbit hole.
I'm not buying the 'Trump made him crazy' angle, but it seems strange for Adams to go off on a Rasmussen poll result.
Well, now his distributor cut ties with him, so I don't think he's going to be around much longer.
Actually, what’s alarming is that only about half the blacks said it was OK to be white. This is a result of the barrage of anti-white racism sweeping the country.

When I walk into the bookstore, I am immediately hit with a round table of books bemoaning today’s poor, oppressed blacks and the white racism at the root of it all. The U.S. history section has at least a third of all books devoted to black history. A surprising number of books on the best-sellers bookshelves are on the topic of blacks, with most about their problems at the hands of white people. On all other shelves, there is a disproportionate focus on blacks, and how whites in one fashion or another have done them wrong.

Is it any wonder that half of blacks think whites are inferior?
You are missing the point snooks.
if you avoid discrimination, you are discriminating? is that true? i'm confused!

the woke mob went through Scott Adams' old tweets and didn't find ANYTHING racist!
As usual, the Race hustlers and "cancelists" picked a couple phrases out Adams' minutes long discussion about a Rasmussen poll on the loaded question "Is it OK to be White?" and went to work. Apparently almost half of the Black respondents said No or Not Sure. Adams proceeds to voice his angst about the POLL RESULT. The Woke Mob immediately went on a cancel campaign and for all intents and purposes Scott Adams is done.

I listened to the entire discussion. Do I agree with what he said? Some of it yes, some of it no. Does he deserve to have his career and reputation ruined like others before him? Of course not. But that doesn't matter anymore. Say one thing that triggers the cancelists, and you are done. Welcome to the New Woke Order. You will comply or you will be ruined.
Scott Adams knew what he was doing. Why did he even discuss the Rasmussen poll? He knows you can't say everything you think. Bye, bye Scott. Take it easy. :bye1:
Black activist openly trashing white people and basically saying they are all bad - is perfectly acceptable, if not deserving applause, and head down shame from any white people present.
White man openly trashing black people... OMG!! Horrible!! Evil!! Racist!!
It is called "Selective Outrage".
In the spirit of what MarathonMike said... if you are going to poke holes in a wasp nest, better to not do it with a short stick in a bathing suit.
What the man did wrong is he thought he could talk like a black activist. It is, as previously stated, perfectly acceptable and righteous for a black activist to say all manner of shit against white people... but a white MAN... can not get away with that.
Black activist openly trashing white people and basically saying they are all bad - is perfectly acceptable, if not deserving applause, and head down shame from any white people present.
White man openly trashing black people... OMG!! Horrible!! Evil!! Racist!!
It is called "Selective Outrage".
In the spirit of what MarathonMike said... if you are going to poke holes in a wasp nest, better to not do it with a short stick in a bathing suit.
What the man did wrong is he thought he could talk like a black activist. It is, as previously stated, perfectly acceptable and righteous for a black activist to say all manner of shit against white people... but a white MAN... can not get away with that.

Major difference. Black people actually have legitimate things TO be angry about.

Scott Adams is a wealthy white man whose biggest problem in life is that his comic strip isn't as popular as it was in the 1990's. So rather than just rest on his laurels and continue to enjoy perpetual revenues from when it was funny, he decided to burn his brand name in a quest for attention.

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