Did anyone watch the McMichaels trial today?

He was in a very vulnerable position
Travis is a fucking HillBilly idiot, and EVEN with a loaded shotgun, and threatening his victim, Travis couldn't stay out of harms way. (Your Words, In a very vulnerable position).

Because Aubrey had every RIGHT to defend himself and try to disarm Travis, but LOW IQ Travis was put "in a vulnerable position" (Your words) because of his LOW IQ.

How did Travis get in this "vulnerable position"
Because he was breaking into houses.

No he wasn't. As far as the McMichael's knew, he was simply running through their neighborhood...

Also "following" is more accurate, since they never tried to actually grab him.

Oh, please. If all they were doing was following Arberry then Travis McMichael would never have gotten out of his truck...
I played safety and Arbery did none of what you claim.
The video proves conclusively that Arbery performed the exact moves that I mentioned.

And he performed them very well for a guy who had previously suffered an anterior cruciate ligament injury. ACL injuries can be a bitch. But since Arbery's ACL tear was in his left knee, that partially explains why he chose to attack Travis by blitzing around the right side of the truck that Travis was taking cover behind. That way when he makes the cut to the left to attack Travis, his good knee is the one that takes all that stress from performing such a sharp cut.
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No he wasn't. As far as the McMichael's knew, he was simply running through their neighborhood...

Oh, please. If all they were doing was following Arberry then Travis McMichael would never have gotten out of his truck...
All of this and more has been gone over countless times.....I think it best now to watch the trial and see if any new info comes out.

At least that is what I am going to do.

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The video proves conclusively that Arbery performed the exact moves that I mentioned.

And he performed them very well for a guy who had previously suffered an anterior cruciate ligament injury. ACL injuries can be a bitch. But since Arbery's ACL tear was in his left knee, that partially explains why he chose to attack Travis by blitzing around the right side of the truck that Travis was taking cover behind. That way when he makes the cut to the left to attack Travis, his good knee is the one that takes all that stress from performing such a sharp cut.

I think you're going to be disappointed when the verdicts are read in this case...
Oh, please. If all they were doing was following Arberry then Travis McMichael would never have gotten out of his truck...
The video proves conclusively that Arbery was running towards Travis, it was never the other way around. Travis is morbidly obese and therefore probably not capable of running anywhere.

Why do you anti-civil rights zealots always live in oppositeland rather than realityland?
All of this and more has been gone over countless times.....I think it best now to watch the trial and see if any new info comes out.

At least that is what I am going to do.

Since you didn’t comment on the Prosecution’s opening statement we can assume you couldn’t watch it. Or wouldn’t watch it.
Arbery was running towards Travis, not the other way around. Travis is morbidly obese and therefore probably not capable of running anywhere.

You're dodging my question.

If all Travis McMichael wanted to do was follow Arberry, and if he had to use his truck to do it because he's a fat fucking slob, why did he ever get out of his truck?

Is it your position that they were in front of him the entire time? Because it's pretty well established that Travis pulled ahead of Arberry and then got out of his truck.

Why would he get out of the truck if all he wanted to do was follow him?

Why do you anti-civil rights zealots always live in oppositeland rather than realityland?
I'm not ant-civil rights at all.

You should visit that area of Georgia. It's only about 90 minutes north of me, and I've been there several times.

Racism is alive and well in Brunswick, Georgia, I assure you, and I have little doubt that it played a role in this case.

Again, I believe Travis McMichael will be lucky to avoid a death sentence...
Irrelevant. Platitudes for racists to sooth themselves. In reality, the fat hillbillies threatened Arbery's life for no reason other than jogging while black coupled with fat hillbilly racist assumptions that were incorrect. And now they are charged with murder. And all of your speculation and racist assumptions will not help them.
They didn't threaten him....Arbery attacked them. If Arbery felt their gun was a threat...he would have ran the other way not toward it. Racist assumptions? You are an ass like IM2 And superbro--when you lose an argument, you toss up the race card like it is supposed to shut me up. It won't. It only makes me LOUDER. Color has nothing to do with it---white criminal attacking would get the same comments from me---he deserved to be shot and it is a good thing that he is no longer with us. The world is a much better place without him. I am consistent---bad guys need to be shot.

You on the otherhand, if the hillbillies were black, you wouldn't be bitching that they shot any criminal of any color under the same circumstances.
How did Travis get in this "vulnerable position"
Are you really that fucking stupid, or just trolling? :dunno:

Travis was standing between the perp and the door of his truck. That's a very vulnerable position.

Watch the fucking video.

He could not step to his left because the body of the truck was in the way, he could not step back because the truck door was in his way and if he stepped forward he would be going towards the suspect.

That's an extremely vulnerable position to be in. And he couldn't just jump into the truck and drive off because there was a senior citizen standing on the bed of the parked truck.

His best option was to position himself so that the truck was between himself and the suspect. And that is exactly what he did. It's on video.
Gunman = Attacker.
Gun being pointed at you = Under Attack.
Self Defense = Defending yourself against an Attacker.

Why is this difficult for you to understand.

Rubbish. If they were going to shoot him they wouldn't have bothered to track him, dumbass. He was just another moron who got caught at a crime and win a Darwin Award. That is obviously difficult for racists like yourself to understand.
So when Travis came at him with a shotgun Arbery should have done what? Trapped between two cars like a rat according to Greg. And with Greg assuring him that no harm was intended by shouting stop or I’ll blow your fucking head off.
He should have said "what can i do for you?", instead of the ridiculous move of trying to disarm a man of his shotgun.
No he wasn't. As far as the McMichael's knew, he was simply running through their neighborhood...

Oh, please. If all they were doing was following Arberry then Travis McMichael would never have gotten out of his truck...
If they didnt know he was breaking into houses, then why were they following him?
Travis is an Idiot, Low IQ, Southern Confederate Flag Waver.......Yea......That guy.
Hunted Down a Suspected Criminal, I get that.
They (McMicheals) pre determined that Aubrey was a criminal.

Which to that, I contend that might be true.
That DOES NOT give them the right to 'hunt him down' which you will claim they didn't do.

That is possibly the major point.
NONE us us can read the minds of these individuals, and their STATEMENTS may or may NOT be true.

But the FACT that the third person, not a McMichael, was FILMING the events as they proceeded, is damaging to their cause.

The FACT that he was filming pretty much determines that this was Pre-Meditated.
Because they're racist rednecks, that's why.

They had no first hand knowledge of any crime being committed by the man running past them. They had no cause to chase him...
You arent a mind reader. Your declaration that they did this because of racism is childish.
He should have said "what can i do for you?", instead of the ridiculous move of trying to disarm a man of his shotgun.

Ok. A man threatens to blow your fucking head off. And you expect us to believe that is how you would respond?

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