Did anyone watch the McMichaels trial today?


I am just a brick in the wall.

I do not count.

This country (like all countries) is run by the big boys (and girls).
hehheh Me O My 0 --you back down easily....afraid the FBI is monitoring this board?

You would be correct.
But you support fucksticks, like the one's in this case that do!
It's only a matter of time.
No....it is very appropriate to defend your life....if someone is trying to take your weapon away from you.....that is the most appropriate time of all....because if you refuse to use it and or let him take it away from you....you will be deader than a doorknell.

Better to be judged by l2 than to be carried by 6

You must be one dumb s.o.b. I hope you are not white....I would hate to think someone of that persuasion could be so stoooopid.
Multiple people were seen on video walking entering the English home, including white folks. Why was Arbery the only one chased down and killed?
Honest answer? Trophy hunting.

Because these two good ol' boys think young black men are superhumanly strong and bestial. They saw him as quarry. As a catch to be proud of. Hog tie him, throw him in the back, show him off. Why hunt easy prey, when you have shotguns and a truck? Note that they didn't walk up to him and ask questions. They chased him down in a truck with shotguns, like they would a wild boar. Kids and white people aren't quarry. Not even on their radar. Hunters don't mount rabbits on their walls. They mount boar and moose and bears on their walls.

In a nutshell.
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What problem do you have with the Macs?
How much time do you have?

I have a problem with any law, policy, procedure, etc. that grants alleged "permissions" to do things that under normal circumstances you'd have to be trained, educated and certified to carry out. Remember "see something say something"?
The Planned Legal Defense in a Nutshell

Last Friday the defense counsel for Greg McMichael—the husband and wife legal team of Frank & Laura Hogue—sat for an interview with Court TV in which they laid out the legal defense they intend to present to the jury in this trial—and we can presume this will be the legal defense for all the defendants.

Specifically, Frank Hogue described the legal defense as a predictable combination of lawful citizen’s arrest followed by lawful self-defense. That is, that the parties’ initial actions—their pursuit of Ahmaud Arbery—were done in lawful citizen’s arrest based upon a reasonable suspicion that Arbery was a felony burglar in flight, and that the actual shooting of Arbery was done in lawful self-defense following Arbery’s attack upon Travis McMichael.

The initial actions by the McMichaels we will put under the rubric of the citizen’s arrest law. They had reasonable and probable grounds, which is the language from the statute, to believe that Ahmaud Arbery was fleeing from the commission of a felony, not necessarily having committed one that very day. It's not required that he has just committed one and there's no evidence that he had committed one that day.

But that they reasonably suspected that he was the guy they had seen on four previous video occasions and one in person occasion in that house at night. After the owner of the house had said on one of those visits, he noticed that he was missing about $2,500 worth of electronics equipment from the house. McMichaels knew that and it was in their minds the day Greg saw Ahmaud run past at a pretty good clip from the direction of the house.

So at that point, that's when Greg decided we need to detain him, so the police can come here and investigate, and see who is this guy, what's he doing in our neighborhood, and what has he been doing going in the house on these prior occasions.

And it looked to Greg like he was fleeing from someone or something that very day. It didn't look to him like he was out for a Sunday jog, as he said on the body cams, contemporaneous with the event that very day. He thought that he was, as he put it, hooked up and hauling ass, that he wasn't out for a Sunday run.

And then when they got in the truck to chase him to stop him to let the police come and investigate the matter, the neighbor down the street Matt Albenzie , who had been on the phone with the police reporting that Ahmaud was back in the house, Ahmaud saw him, and this is on video, and then he took off running right after he saw Albenzie on the phone.

When Travis and Greg come back out of the house to get in the truck to drive after Ahmaud, Matt Albenzie was down the street in front of the English house, making a hand motion with his arm, which conveyed to the McMichaels, “There he goes. That's the guy.”

And of course, Greg recognized him having seen him on the four previous videos, Travis saw him in person on February the 11th, just 12 days prior at night at that house. And so he recognized him as well.

And so at that point, they were conducting a lawful citizen's arrest under the statute as it existed, then, it's since been amended. And it was an attempted citizen's arrest up until the very end, when Ahmaud turned sharp left at the front right corner of the pickup truck. And within a couple of steps he was on top of Travis, who had a loaded shotgun. And it was apparent to Travis that Ahmaud was trying to take the gun from him. And so Travis shot him in self-defense.

So it starts out as a citizen's arrest case, it ends up as a self-defense case. And we'll be arguing both of those sets of laws in our defense.

And there you have the legal defense to be presented in this case, right from the horse’s mouth.

Until next time:

you carry a gun so you’re hard to kill.
Know the law so you’re hard to convict.
Stay safe!

Beware of Blacks ....especially young black males....most especially if you live in a big city where young black males are acclimated into a culture of violence.

If I have to go to a big city ......I always have protection....pepper spray, knife, pistol and a shotgun....you never know what you might encounter in a big city in America....especialy if you are not familiar with the city and might by accident wind up driving through a ghetto area or some other place where violent blacks congregate.

The reality of America today is that most if not all of our big cities are potential War Zones.....you never know when the savages might get stirred up....be prepared.

I am not saying all blacks are bad but there is no doubt a large percentage of young black males in our big cities are a threat ....to women, old folks, asians and Jews --aka anyone they perceive as not apt to be able to defend themselves.

If big city governments had any sense they would require everyone in their city to purchase a firearm which they could legally carry concealed.

People would be much more polite then.
Let's say while a minor fender bender that you were involved in WOULD have netted you nothing more than a citation for a violation of the traffic code, the fact that you fled the scene means you are now guilty and wanted for a felony hit and run.

I was walking by and saw you hit the other vehicle, pause for a moment and then take off. I also saw on the evening news a story about the hit and run with the news station asking people to call in if you know the location of the vehicle after giving it's description, license plate and a slightly blurry photo from a cell phone.

Can anyone who knows where the the driver of that vehicle is hunt him down and place him under citizen's arrest? Why or why not?
Multiple people were seen on video walking entering the English home, including white folks. Why was Arbery the only one chased down and killed?
False premise.

Arbery wasn't chased down and killed.

He earned his Darwin award by attacking Travis and attempting to steal his shotgun.

Why do LWNJ moronic moonbats think they can just steal a shotgun out of somebody's hands without getting shot? :cuckoo:
How much time do you have?

I have a problem with any law, policy, procedure, etc. that grants alleged "permissions" to do things that under normal circumstances you'd have to be trained, educated and certified to carry out. Remember "see something say something"?

Let's say while a minor fender bender that you were involved in WOULD have netted you nothing more than a citation for a violation of the traffic code, the fact that you fled the scene means you are now guilty and wanted for a felony hit and run.

I was walking by and saw you hit the other vehicle, pause for a moment and then take off. I also saw on the evening news a story about the hit and run with the news station asking people to call in if you know the location of the vehicle after giving it's description, license plate and a slightly blurry photo from a cell phone.

Can anyone who knows where the the driver of that vehicle is hunt him down and place him under citizen's arrest? Why or why not?

How is either or those things good? Are you intimidated by women who are educated and can think for themselves or does that interfer with some unknown agenda somewhere?
My concern about the women on the jury is women are very emotional and let that interfere with good judgement.

That is why the prosecutor showed the video of ahhmaud covered with blood....taken by a off duty cop with a body cam that had no audio recorder....so for 15 ,mins at least-- might have even been longer --this video with no sound runs and all the while you see the body lying there covered with blood and the cop that took the video is on the witness stand and to cover for there being no video....the prosecutor asks the cop to identify the various personnel that come in and go out of the picture frame of the body cam.....none of which has any relevance....she does that to keep the judge from ending this ridiculous stunt of trying to horrify the women jurors since all they have to focus on is the bloody body....some women jurors covered their faces to avoid having to keep looking at the body.

The defense objected to it but the biased judge denied the objection....it was just sheer sensationalism trying to shock the jurors needlessly.

My main concern about all the jurors being college graduates is that schools these days do such a thorough job of indoctrinating students into political correctness etc. instead of teaching them how to think properly in a logical manner.

Thus they have little ability to think for themselves with good analytical skills.

I do not know how many women are on this jury...one source said it is a all woman jury but I do not know if that is credible...I kinda find that hard to believe....another source said it was mostly women???

By not allowing the jurors to be seen they are trying to protect their identity.

Thus in my estimation this jury is un-predictable.

BTW if you had watched the defense attorney's opening statement you would know that both Macs were well trained in investigative and arrest procedures.....Travis in the coast guard who became an instructor in regards to investigation and arrest and of course his father with law enforcement for 30 yrs.
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My main concern about all the jurors being college graduates is that schools these days do such a thorough job of indoctrinating students into political correctness etc. instead of teaching them how to think properly in a logical manner.

Thus they have little ability to think for themselves with good analytical skills.
You don't see any flaws with these statement?
People get tired of being broken into and robbed...same as they get tired of being locked down and manipulated for a political elites power grab.
Arbery wasn't chased down and killed.

"On direct examination, Minshew said Bryan told him that he had "blocked" Arbery with his truck five times."

So one of the three hillbilly.posse members said he chased him and blocked his path. Under oath. Today. But you go ahead and keep lying and saying that didn't happen.

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