Did Biden damage the world economy?

The Trumpsters think that the entire global economy exploded in inflation the day Biden took office.

Their arrogant ignorance is astonishing.
we dont think that at all, we saw inflation rise dramatically while Obama was president, than it looked like there was great hope with Trump, things got cheaper, but sadly people like you love to pay high dollar for everything hence we got a Democrat in office.
A president inherits his predecessor’s economy.
A government interferes with growth. Puts roadblocks on the highway smooth ride. Joe inherited an open smooth highway at least in red states. The corrupted fascists in the Prog states ran themselves into the gutter. Trillions and trillions of dollars in legislation had to be printed up to pay off the scum states run y commies in waiting. And wallah. Inflation took off. Covid was released on purpose to affect our economy and was an act of war. A run around from the traditional ways we have.
Just a question on the thread title - why are you using the past tense?
A man who poops his plants is not a man who changes the world economy.

Those who ARE working to change the world economy meet in Davos, Switzerland once a year to plot how to do so.
China's economy has been crap for a while and its demographics don't bode well for the future.

They've also been over-reporting their GDP for a long time. How shocking.

Biden has nothing to do with that. Sorry.

And inflation in other key countries is higher than it is here. Go figure.

LOL! like you know anything about China? you big dumb OX. Oooooh.....let's go to badmac and find out what the Chinese Communists are really doing...says no one ever.
The stuttering imbecile implemented executive orders and signed off on policy that did nothing to help normal Americans.
More jobs have been created on Biden's watch than the last three Republican president's combined.

Trump LOST jobs.

We have the lowest unemployment since 1969.

And none of this has fuck-all to do with what is going on in China.

Sandbag *Joe created a million jobs one month after the Covid restrictions ceased. It’s true! It really really is!
Trump had a good wuflu response

It was the states that were unprepared

And the blue states were the most unprepared
Yea, and Saddam had WMD's and was involved with 9-11

I look forward to the fairy tales you folks continue to have to tell yourselves to rewrite the history of the Trump era....just like yall had to do with the Bush era.....until you decided to pretend Bush was really a Democrat...because of how thoroughly he fucked up....
It's fun to see Trumpers fail to produce a single piece of data to support any of the bullshit they pull out their ass.....

Remember when you dic suckers were so interested in black unemployment rates? What happened?

Do you not care that black unemployment (and employment across the board) is lower than at any time during the Trump admin??

Do you not care that black unemployment (and employment across the board) is lower than at any time during the Trump admin??
Tell me more about how you liberal Democrats think Lincoln was one of our greatest presidents.

---Lincoln sought to deport freed slaves---

Tell me more about how you liberal Democrats think Lincoln was one of our greatest presidents.

---Lincoln sought to deport freed slaves---

Yes, Lincoln only freed the slaves to keep the union together.......which lends credence to the fact that this country has been for a very very very long time a systemically racist country, you know, the shit you dic suckers whine and yell CRT about when mentioned...thanks for confirming you are full of shit....

And despite this country being systemically racist; my forefathers still believed in this country more than dic suckers like you -- and died defending this country based on that belief......dic suckers like you know ZERO about patriotism....

Here are some more people that "liberal Democrats" praise and pay homage to.....

Cassius Clay - No not the boxer, the abolitionist...
William Lloyd Garrison...
David Walker...
Will Wilberforce...

And if you ask who these people are or why we pay homage to them, you would have made my point....funny how you folks can praise the folks who were on the wrong side of history, even whine like bitches when their statues are taken down....but have no idea about the people who were actually on the right side of history.....so shut yo goofy ass up

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