Did Donald Trump Wear His Pants Backwards?

Hey Joe, your are supposed to shit when get out of bed, not before.
"People are saying," Tramp put his pants on backwards to hide the fact that he peed his pants and it showed.
How about you Ed would you like to try and answer this since C Clayton and Dana ran away like a little pussies....?
The border....the economy?... unemployment?...gas prices?...peace in the middle east?...which one of these things are better today than when Trump was in office?....
All of them!
so you favor a failing economy, higher gas prices, high unemployment and wars in the middle east,,,

at least youre honest,,
The economy failed under Tramp, who LOST over 2 MILLION jobs in 4 years, whereas Biden has created more jobs in his first 4 months than have ever been created in the first four months of any presidency in modern history. Unemployment has fallen from the 6.3% Tramp left with to 5.8% under Biden. Tramp was creating 63,000 jobs a month, on average, his last 3 disastrous months in office, which the Right claim was great, whereas Biden has averaged over 400,000 new jobs per month over his first 4 months, which the Right say is terrible by comparison to Tramp. :cuckoo:

At least you are consistently DISHONEST.
you arent considering the covid effect,, so whos being dishonest here??

I did notice you ignored all the rest of it??
You mean the Tramp effect on the economy by screwing up the response to covid.
what do you have to compare it to to prove he screwed it up??

and lets not forget fauci was lying to him the whole time,,,
The rest of the world.

And Fauci told the truth, Tramp lied, as he ALWAYS does.
we arent the rest of the world,, and our response was better than theirs anyway,,,
You can't get more obviously, desperately fake than this. The fear of 2022 is upon the Democrats.

Did Donald Trump Wear His Pants Backwards? Kris Kross Memes Have Already Begun
oh yea, such fear..

Hey Joe, your are supposed to shit when get out of bed, not before.
"People are saying," Tramp put his pants on backwards to hide the fact that he peed his pants and it showed.
How about you Ed would you like to try and answer this since C Clayton and Dana ran away like a little pussies....?
The border....the economy?... unemployment?...gas prices?...peace in the middle east?...which one of these things are better today than when Trump was in office?....
All of them!
so you favor a failing economy, higher gas prices, high unemployment and wars in the middle east,,,

at least youre honest,,
The economy failed under Tramp, who LOST over 2 MILLION jobs in 4 years, whereas Biden has created more jobs in his first 4 months than have ever been created in the first four months of any presidency in modern history. Unemployment has fallen from the 6.3% Tramp left with to 5.8% under Biden. Tramp was creating 63,000 jobs a month, on average, his last 3 disastrous months in office, which the Right claim was great, whereas Biden has averaged over 400,000 new jobs per month over his first 4 months, which the Right say is terrible by comparison to Tramp. :cuckoo:

At least you are consistently DISHONEST.
ed do you think those jobs had to do with all those companies opening up again?...even if you were president and that happened,even you would look good....
9 pages on Trump's pants...while the border is wide open drugs and gangs are flowing in....the economy is inflationary and no end in sight...a stock market crash is being predicted....new cold war tensions with Russia....a president that goes home every weekend for three days...totally out of touch with reality....unemployment stuck at over 5%....thousands of good paying jobs wiped out with the swipe of a pen....our leaders and media spurring on a race war...white women being beaten in the streets....
And you libtards want to troll about pants....no wonder the nation is so off track.....
It’s IMPOSSIBLE to have you pants on backwards! These people are EVIL LOONS!
Tramp repeatedly claims he can do the impossible! Are you now admitting he is a LIAR?

See above poster!
Its from US spy agencies, not from white liberals:

Hey Donnie!

Zipper in the FRONT

If Trump wants to wear Sissy Pants it is none of my business.
Most of us have too much junk in the front to get away with it....But if it works for Trump...good for him
And Fauci told the truth, Tramp lied, as he ALWAYS does.
Biden shut down an inquiry into the Wuhan virology lab began by Trump.
How do you like that?

But you're too stupid/drunk/angry (pick one) to come into the present
as the world consensus now is that the Chinese developed the covid virus
in their own labs and Fauci lied his ass off for a couple of years while the
rest of the world was ravaged by a pandemic the Chinese failed to contain.

You're one of the dumbest of the dumb. Congratulations!

If Trump wants to wear Sissy Pants it is none of my business.
Most of us have too much junk in the front to get away with it....But if it works for Trump...good for him
One of your own outstanding posters claims the backward pants thing was a photoshopped
hoax. Well, duh!
Enjoy your stupidity and the disgust it brings to others. You earn it every day.
Hey Donnie!

Zipper in the FRONT

If Trump wants to wear Sissy Pants it is none of my business.
Most of us have too much junk in the front to get away with it....But if it works for Trump...good for him
So you're too lazy to click a link and learn the truth.

Running with a lie is easier for a leftie
Hey Donnie!

Zipper in the FRONT

If Trump wants to wear Sissy Pants it is none of my business.
Most of us have too much junk in the front to get away with it....But if it works for Trump...good for him
So you're too lazy to click a link and learn the truth.

Running with a lie is easier for a leftie

If Trump wants to look like a Girly Man, he can do it
He obviously lacks the package up front to make a difference anyway
If Trump wants to look like a Girly Man, he can do it
He obviously lacks the package up front to make a difference anyway
I'd say you are the ball-less loser. You enjoy spreading a lie even when you know better and
have been told the truth of the matter.

You seem to have no shame, therefore no conscience and sense of right and wrong as a
compulsive liar.
If Trump wants to look like a Girly Man, he can do it
He obviously lacks the package up front to make a difference anyway
I'd say you are the ball-less loser. You enjoy spreading a lie even when you know better and
have been told the truth of the matter.

You seem to have no shame, therefore no conscience and sense of right and wrong as a
compulsive liar.
Does Trump wear Melania’s panties under his Sissy Pants?

Looks that way
oh yea, such fear..
What else explains the gutless lies you morons still attack Trump with?
This photo shopped attack was a doozie!
You live in fear Trump will somehow make a comeback as you loose control of your bladder
once again, as this lame backwards pants b.s. proves.
Pathetic! Cowardly!

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