Did Gorsuch and Kavanaugh lie?

Yes, Trump and mcconnell packed the court. Yes, you supported it 100%. But, having no integrity, shame or sense of irony, you are willing to pretend you care about court packing now.

This is a hallmark of your cult.

You are either delusional or playing silly word games.

Either way,

Kavanaugh: "Senator, I said that it is settled as a precedent of the Supreme Court, entitled the respect under principles of stare decisis."

"Stare decisis": the legal principle of determining points in litigation according to precedent. Stare decisis means “to stand by things decided” in Latin.

Yes, he lied. Yes, he deceived the senate and the American public, and quite intentionally so. He was called out for these lies at the time,, as everyone with a brain cell and a modicum of honesty knew and admitted they knew he was lying.Don't give attention or time to these squirming and squealing Trump cult liars.
He outright LIED
When asked specifically if he supports Roe and Casey he acted annoyed and said there was legal precedent for both and he had no intention of overturning it

Then when given Mississippi which limits abortion after 15 weeks he supports overruling all precedence

He did NOT.

Get over it. You can't touch him and now all we can do is hope that they follow through and send this shit show of a law to the garbage heap and return the issue of abortion back to the people.
Kavanaugh: "Senator, I said that it is settled as a precedent of the Supreme Court, entitled the respect under principles of stare decisis."

"Stare decisis": the legal principle of determining points in litigation according to precedent. Stare decisis means “to stand by things decided” in Latin.

Yes, he lied. Yes, he deceived the senate and the American public, and quite intentionally so. He was called out for these lies at the time,, as everyone with a brain cell and a modicum of honesty knew and admitted they knew he was lying.Don't give attention or time to these squirming and squealing Trump cult liars.

It was known by anyone with a functioning brain that he was lying his way into a position to overturn roe v wade, and that this motivation was the one reason such an incompetent and unfit man was nominated and then confirmed.

Sorry Susan collins...you are full of shit. Or embarrassingly incompetent.
That does not say what you claim it says.
Cry it all out.
Why would I? I’m not the one claiming that something which isn’t a lie somehow is a lie. That’s you, boo boo. :cuckoo:

As always, you’re wrong. you can’t be wrong this perpetually without trying to be a liar. And here I always assumed it came naturally for a tool like you. Hm. Go figure.
Why would I? I’m not the one claiming that something which isn’t a lie somehow is a lie. That’s you, boo boo. :cuckoo:

As always, you’re wrong. you can’t be wrong this perpetually without trying to be a liar. And here I always assumed it came naturally for a tool like you. Hm. Go figure.
That's a lot of whiny words to say "nuh uh".

You can pretend to be a lot of things on the internet, but "smart" is not one of them. Sorry dude.
That's a lot of whiny words to say "nuh uh".

You can pretend to be a lot of things on the internet, but "smart" is not one of them. Sorry dude.
You’re so defeated you’re even now using other people’s comments. You wouldn’t recognize sharp if it cut you.

You’re dismissed my little bitch.
Yes, your points are anti intellectual, childish, useless, and they embarrass themselves.

"Others lie too!"


Still waiting for that counterpoint, waiting waiting waiting

Try again and see if your very small brain can address it:

"I never stated support for Kavanaugh or Gorsuch once in the thread I am focusing on the hypocrisy surrounding the elected people (who all lies some a lot) who ask loaded questions of a nominated justice during the confirmation hearings a problem that started when miserable leftists pushed the pre-loaded litmus test questions for Abortions around 40 years ago."

You haven't made a single counterpoint to what I wrote thus you are the dumb ass who screams and screams.

This is you screaming:

It reflects on the legitimacy of the current court

If you have to outright lie to win votes for your confirmation, you are not a legitimate Justice
They lost their credibility when they did nothing about the obviously stolen election. You are a day late and a near worthless dollar short.
Still waiting for that counterpoint, waiting waiting waiting

Try again and see if your very small brain can address it:

"I never stated support for Kavanaugh or Gorsuch once in the thread I am focusing on the hypocrisy surrounding the elected people (who all lies some a lot) who ask loaded questions of a nominated justice during the confirmation hearings a problem that started when miserable leftists pushed the pre-loaded litmus test questions for Abortions around 40 years ago."

You haven't made a single counterpoint to what I wrote thus you are the dumb ass who screams and screams.

This is you screaming:

View attachment 640093
No counterpoint needed. I agree other people lie, too. Your squealing cultism and noncontribution are just useless.

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