Did He go too far today?

It is certainly not authoritarian to recognize the murder of babies or the trafficking of children.
Politicians being empowered to seize control of wombs is, obviously.

I personally approve of murdering babies.
Then, we differ
Like Lalapalooza Butler I too support murdering black babies before they get welfare. You do know she champions abortion. Good for her. I don’t think abortion goes far enough. While in process, a snip snip. No more abortions. Just because I recognize murder when I see it doesn't mean I don't approve.
Your fanatical distortion of the beliefs of most decent folks is noted.
In New York, getting Donald Trump has been on the agenda for DECADES. Every State AG get slagged for letting him get away with all the shit he bragss about.
Respecting the law and the rules of evidence upsets some cultists, obviously.

The Loser's lies, suppression of evidence, and attempts to gag all the Republicans who have testified against him have failed.

The desperate Loser's now lashing out hysterically against officers of the court and their families is a tawdry spectacle.
Liberals are nothing but hate. They hate him. The prosecuter ran on getting Trump.
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Respecting the law and the rules of evidence upsets some cultists, obviously.

The Loser's lies, suppression of evidence, and attempts to gag all the Republicans who have testified against him have failed.

The desperate Loser's now lashing out hysterically against officers of the court and their families is a tawdry spectacle.

None of which the legal system is applying to Trump.

You fucking clods have so corrupted the system that no one pays it any attention any longer.

Time to tear it down and start over.
None of which the legal system is applying to Trump.

You fucking clods have so corrupted the system that no one pays it any attention any longer.

Time to tear it down and start over.
Grand juries of ordinary Americans have recommended multiple indictments in various venues, holding Trump to the same legal standards as everyone else.

You may not like it, but documented evidence and the sworn testimony of dozens of Republicans will now determine his fate, no matter how much gas he blows, just as the certified votes of millions of Americans deloused the White House in January, 2021 - despite Trump's goons attacking outnumbered police defending democracy.
Grand juries of ordinary Americans have recommended multiple indictments in various venues, holding Trump to the same legal standards as everyone else.

You may not like it, but documented evidence and the sworn testimony of dozens of Republicans will now determine his fate, no matter how much gas he blows, just as the certified votes of millions of Americans deloused the White House in January, 2021 - despite Trump's goons attacking outnumbered police defending democracy.

Perjured testimony is amusing to leftist scum like you. Normal folks, like me, ignore it.
President Trump has a very good memory. When he gets back in office, you can bet everyone who has had a hand in the persecution of him and election interference is going to go to jail for a very long time, which is why you see the desperation of the Marxists in trying to bring him down.
A REVENGE PRESIDENT, maybe not a great idea for the country. Hate is always a looser.
Perjured testimony is amusing to leftist scum like you. Normal folks, like me, ignore it.
Perjury, dishonest politicians playing judge, show trials for the use of persecuting political opponents, all very useful to the leftist scum communist wanting to take power keep power. There is no limit to the violence depravity and dishonesty of the leftist Democrat. Black women Prosecuting white men they have hated for years for the enjoyment of corrupt Joe Biden and his minions. Watch the show go on


A REVENGE PRESIDENT, maybe not a great idea for the country. Hate is always a looser.
The Marxists/Demofascists caused an insurrection against President Trump. Nothing was done about it. Jan 6th Nancy Piglosi allowed the FIB to stir up the peaceful crowd, while the Capitol Police opened the doors to have the appearance of an insurrection against the Marxists government and many innocent people went to jail. We are at war, with the Marxists, and if we dont bring violence to meet or beat their violence, we are going to lose.
I have no respect for Trump, his business ethics are totally repulsive to me. What I haven't reached a conclusion upon is the sincerity of Attorney General Letitia James' stated motive. His statement from October 2nd:

For years, Donald Trump falsely inflated his net worth to enrich himself and cheat the system. We won the foundation of our case last week and proved that his purported net worth has long been rooted in incredible fraud. In this country, there are consequences for this type of persistent fraud, and we look forward to demonstrating the full extent of his fraud and illegality during trial.

No matter how rich or powerful you are, there are not two sets of laws for people in this country. The rule of law must apply equally to everyone, and it is my responsibility to make sure that it does.

Guilty (probably) or not, I've yet to buy into the notion that this is all about justice. My instinct tells me it's politically motivated. I'm willing to wait and see if something comes up that eases my concern about those motives.
Ever since the magaturd movement darkened the doorstep of USA, everything has been politically motivated. :rolleyes:
I imagine if Trump shot someone on Fifth Avenue, the MAGA tards would be whining, "Murders happen every day! This prosecution of Trump for murder is politically motivated." :crybaby:

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