Did He go too far today?

Your hysterical "murdering babies" is not rampant in advanced nations, despite your authoritarian fanaticism.
It is certainly not authoritarian to recognize the murder of babies or the trafficking of children. I personally approve of murdering babies. Like Lalapalooza Butler I too support murdering black babies before they get welfare. You do know she champions abortion. Good for her. I don’t think abortion goes far enough. While in process, a snip snip. No more abortions. Just because I recognize murder when I see it doesn't mean I don't approve.
The American electorate rejecting the Cry Baby Loser by over seven million votes attests to the relentless disgust that persisted throughout his four years, his cult's adoration notwithstanding.
A baby murderer's opinion is not a valid one. The Democrat cult is strong in you. Not valid
Whenever someone starts a sentence off with "While I would never vote for Trump, but....." -- it's about to be followed by some dumb shit only Trump voters would say....

I have no respect for Trump, his business ethics are totally repulsive to me. What I haven't reached a conclusion upon is the sincerity of Attorney General Letitia James' stated motive. His statement from October 2nd:

For years, Donald Trump falsely inflated his net worth to enrich himself and cheat the system. We won the foundation of our case last week and proved that his purported net worth has long been rooted in incredible fraud. In this country, there are consequences for this type of persistent fraud, and we look forward to demonstrating the full extent of his fraud and illegality during trial.

No matter how rich or powerful you are, there are not two sets of laws for people in this country. The rule of law must apply equally to everyone, and it is my responsibility to make sure that it does.

Guilty (probably) or not, I've yet to buy into the notion that this is all about justice. My instinct tells me it's politically motivated. I'm willing to wait and see if something comes up that eases my concern about those motives.
The next time Trump appeals to his base, I want him to suggest that they make an effort to confront, in public, the corrupt judges, prosecutors and any juries who convict him. To pull a Schumer or Maxine Waters and put the fear of God into those bastards. Not hurt or attack them but to let them know they're not welcome and that they are going to reap the whirlwind.
Not sure as to the legality of that.
Ignorant leftists who applaud the degradation and Corruption of our justice system along with our government for what reason? Empty headed fools who persecute their political opponents for what end? What will you think when our country no longer values freedom? Either you are stupid or you are part of the totalitarian takeover. Which is it
It's the former. Clueless idiots.
Those creeps need to be intimidated. Not threatened but provoked. Nothing illegal about that.
But the court case and gag order..I don't think it's a good idea for him to suggest it.

Now if someone unrelated to the case suggests it. :dunno:
The traitor is in office right now.

View attachment 838376

Inflation, high gas prices, supply chain shortages are all global problems, which Biden has handled very successfully.

As for the lowest test scores in K - Grade 12, Biden has literally NOTHING to do with the public school system other than funding some programs. It's the STATES who run the schools, and they've been in the hands of Republicans for generations.

You can't count time outside the White House when Biden is working as "vacation time". Biden has taken less time off work than either Trump or W.

Your 7.2 million illegal border crossings is a fallacy. Only 3.8 million migrants have been admitted to the USA. And that's according to the New York Post.

Record credit card debt shows that consumers are confident in the future and continue to spend.

Have you looked at the people indicating Trump? They all hate him.

No they don't. Normal people don't "hate" anyone. It violates every tenent of Christianity. Hate destroys the hater, not those they perceive as their enemies.

Mature, emotionally healthy individuals can disagree with someone without casting them as their "enemy" and wanting to destroy them.

The citizens of New York have been very critical of New York prosecutors who haven't pursued Donald Trump legally. Like everything else, Trump was bragging about who he had bribed, and how much money he made off his latest bankruptcy.

Trump is not loved in New York because New Yorkers know he's lying piece of low life scum. They saw him stiffing his subtrades, and screwing over anyone who trusted him with their money. Notice when Trump met with "auto workers", it was the bosses he met with, not the union guys.

Anybody who has ever invested in a Trump project, has lost everything, while Trump skated away with millions from the bankruptcy.

I used to read about all of the shit he was pulling in Atlantic City, and tax avoidance schemes for the upstate New York property and wonder how he was getting away with all of this. It was because it's a private, closely held corporation, and it was impossible for prosecutors to get access to the records. Once Michael Cohen was indicted and started talking to prosecutors, and they were able to get some of the financial records from Mary Trump and her brother, they were able to build a case.
President Trump has a very good memory. When he gets back in office, you can bet everyone who has had a hand in the persecution of him and election interference is going to go to jail for a very long time, which is why you see the desperation of the Marxists in trying to bring him down.
Yes, the Marxist made him do it.
Inflation, high gas prices, supply chain shortages are all global problems, which Biden has handled very successfully.

As for the lowest test scores in K - Grade 12, Biden has literally NOTHING to do with the public school system other than funding some programs. It's the STATES who run the schools, and they've been in the hands of Republicans for generations.

You can't count time outside the White House when Biden is working as "vacation time". Biden has taken less time off work than either Trump or W.

Your 7.2 million illegal border crossings is a fallacy. Only 3.8 million migrants have been admitted to the USA. And that's according to the New York Post.

Record credit card debt shows that consumers are confident in the future and continue to spend.

No they don't. Normal people don't "hate" anyone. It violates every tenent of Christianity. Hate destroys the hater, not those they perceive as their enemies.

Mature, emotionally healthy individuals can disagree with someone without casting them as their "enemy" and wanting to destroy them.

The citizens of New York have been very critical of New York prosecutors who haven't pursued Donald Trump legally. Like everything else, Trump was bragging about who he had bribed, and how much money he made off his latest bankruptcy.

Trump is not loved in New York because New Yorkers know he's lying piece of low life scum. They saw him stiffing his subtrades, and screwing over anyone who trusted him with their money. Notice when Trump met with "auto workers", it was the bosses he met with, not the union guys.

Anybody who has ever invested in a Trump project, has lost everything, while Trump skated away with millions from the bankruptcy.

I used to read about all of the shit he was pulling in Atlantic City, and tax avoidance schemes for the upstate New York property and wonder how he was getting away with all of this. It was because it's a private, closely held corporation, and it was impossible for prosecutors to get access to the records. Once Michael Cohen was indicted and started talking to prosecutors, and they were able to get some of the financial records from Mary Trump and her brother, they were able to build a case.
You are a liar
Come on kid, you can barely spell it much less use it properly in a sentence.
Kiddo you're to stupid to comprehend and understand that your opponent (me) knows about your failed tactic of projection. What you accuse others of doing you are doing that very thing.
I think it's great. He always goes too far. Keep talking, orange bag O' shit. :auiqs.jpg: Keep talking.
Inflation, high gas prices, supply chain shortages are all global problems, which Biden has handled very successfully.

As for the lowest test scores in K - Grade 12, Biden has literally NOTHING to do with the public school system other than funding some programs. It's the STATES who run the schools, and they've been in the hands of Republicans for generations.

You can't count time outside the White House when Biden is working as "vacation time". Biden has taken less time off work than either Trump or W.

Your 7.2 million illegal border crossings is a fallacy. Only 3.8 million migrants have been admitted to the USA. And that's according to the New York Post.

Record credit card debt shows that consumers are confident in the future and continue to spend.

No they don't. Normal people don't "hate" anyone. It violates every tenent of Christianity. Hate destroys the hater, not those they perceive as their enemies.

Mature, emotionally healthy individuals can disagree with someone without casting them as their "enemy" and wanting to destroy them.

The citizens of New York have been very critical of New York prosecutors who haven't pursued Donald Trump legally. Like everything else, Trump was bragging about who he had bribed, and how much money he made off his latest bankruptcy.

Trump is not loved in New York because New Yorkers know he's lying piece of low life scum. They saw him stiffing his subtrades, and screwing over anyone who trusted him with their money. Notice when Trump met with "auto workers", it was the bosses he met with, not the union guys.

Anybody who has ever invested in a Trump project, has lost everything, while Trump skated away with millions from the bankruptcy.

I used to read about all of the shit he was pulling in Atlantic City, and tax avoidance schemes for the upstate New York property and wonder how he was getting away with all of this. It was because it's a private, closely held corporation, and it was impossible for prosecutors to get access to the records. Once Michael Cohen was indicted and started talking to prosecutors, and they were able to get some of the financial records from Mary Trump and her brother, they were able to build a case.
Liberals are nothing but hate. They hate him. The prosecuter ran on getting Trump.

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