Did Jeb actually say his brother kept us safe?


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
His brother had an intelligence report about Bin Laden planning an attack on U.S. soil one month before this happened:



Are you fucking kidding me?

That happened on W.'s watch.
Gee... that wouldn't have ever happened had pervert Bubba Clinton captured obama bin laden when he was offered to him.

Ooops, I mean osama... there's only a little BS difference between the two.
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His brother had an intelligence report about Bin Laden planning an attack on U.S. soil one month before this happened:



Are you fucking kidding me?

That happened on W.'s watch.
Bush is a born again retard
Cut Bush some slack...

Except for one morning....he kept us safe
He also had a strong economy....for the first seven years
Dubya made us safe. We didn't get ablowed up, but he asploded the size of government. Invented the Department of Fatherland Homeland Security and stuff. Sent Nasty Security Letters to librarians. Imprisoned US citizens without habeas corpus. Spied on tens of millions of Merkans. Dusted under our beds for terrorists. Cleaned the Muslims out of our closets. Wore a flag pin jest bout evry day. Waterboarded scary looking Muslims. Tortured an innocent guy to death. Gave tanks and cammies to Sheriffs.

In short, he transformed Merka into a police state.

I think that's worth a round of applause.
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His brother had an intelligence report about Bin Laden planning an attack on U.S. soil one month before this happened:



Are you fucking kidding me?

That happened on W.'s watch.

Clinton had obl on a silver platter and refused to take him. Had he taken him, 3000 americans wouldnt have died.
More than 10K killed on his watch is not what I would call "safe".

Not to mention the many American deaths due to 13 attacks on embassies.

Bush knew more about 9/11 than he has ever admitted but I don't believe he knew when and where. There is also the FACT that he hid the bin Laden family and actually refused to go after Osama.
Cut Bush some slack...

Except for one morning....he kept us safe
He also had a strong economy....for the first seven years
That's not true. The US had a surplus, the 9/11 crisis could have used that surplus but he did what most new presidents do--try to undo their predecessor's deeds--even the good ones. He had intelligence reports that there would be an attack on the US before the attack and did nothing. War was the only way to pull the US out of a fast onset of depression--think Germany after WWI. The problem with wars though, they increase our deficit and we usually suffer great recessions afterwards. Bush did not keep us safe. His motto of "I am the KING!!" just about destroyed this country. Obama furthered the disaster, and if Trump actually makes it into the WH... just...learn to say Putin is king in Russian. Between tiara wearing presidents and greed mongering congresspersons, we are doomed.
bush kept no one safe. the threat of a terrorist attack has always been with us.
We as a nation chose to disregard it.
we got caught with our pants down. no one person or president is to blame.
His brother had an intelligence report about Bin Laden planning an attack on U.S. soil one month before this happened:



Are you fucking kidding me?

That happened on W.'s watch.

The August PDB?


You should read it sometime.

And then read it's father...

the PDB Clinton got in December 1998.

Which had most of the information Bush got in August.

You can't imagine how amusing I find it when someone brings up that PDB.
The worst is, Bush and his dick of a veep used 9/11 to push through the Patriot Act.

No president will ever be able to repeal it. Obama's most recent attempt to take away some of the power to surveil was met by total obstruction by McConnell.
It's hard to believe that the outspoken Trump didn't hammer Jeb on his stupid statement that his brother "kept us safe"!

1. His brother ignored pre-9/11 warnings.
2. Then came 9/11.
3. Then his brother invaded Iraq which had nothing to do with 9/11.
4. His brother destabilized the entire Middle East which created ISIS.
5. His brother cost America around $3 trillion so far.

Jeb Bush: My Brother 'Kept Us Safe'
Jeb Bush's brother did not keep us safe! Both Bush presidents gave us ISIS - especially Bush 43. Not only did Bush 43 lie us into Iraq - his daddy, Bush 41, lied us into the First Gulf War by suckering Saddam into invading Kuwait. The Bushes cost America much prestige, blood and treasure.

Bush 41 suckered Saddam into invading Kuwait by giving him the "green light" via April Glaspie.

It is now more than twenty-five years since that fateful meeting on July 25, 1990 between then-US Ambassador to Iraq April Glaspie and President Saddam Hussein that the Iraqi leader interpreted as a "green light" from Washington for his invasion of Kuwait eight days later.

TRANSCRIPT: Is the US State Department still keeping April Glaspie under wraps?

Bush 43 conjured up lies to invade Iraq a 2nd time. He was planning to invade Iraq before 9/11.

The Planning for 9/11/01 occurred during the Clinton Years.

9/11/01 occurred several months into the Bush administration.

Part of the reason several agencies were not allowed to share information, which did not help in preventing 9/11 from happening was that during the Clinton administration Janet Reno made a rule that the CIA and FBI could not share info. This came about in order to protect Bill Clinton who, despite there being a law prohibiting missile technology from being given to China, 'helped out' an old Arkansas buddy in selling missile technology to the Chinese. (The Chinese missile program went from rockets exploding shortly after take-off to successful flights within a year of the sale. Before anyone doubts this, remember, Clinton is the guy responsible for North Korea having Nukes.)

After the 9/11/01 attack and the invasion into Afghanistan until the election of Barak Obama there were NO - ZERO - terrorist attacks on US soil.

Since taking office, the number of terrorist attacks on U.S. soil under Barack Obama, from 2008 - 2010 ALONE = FIVE

  • June 2009 – Little Rock, Arkansas – Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, an American Muslim opened fire on a U.S. military recruiting office. Private William Long was killed and Private Quinton Ezeagwula was wounded.
  • September 2009 – New York, New York – Attempt to detonate bombs in NYC subway system by member of al-Qaeda
  • November 2009 – Fort Hood, Texas – Nadal Malik Hassan conducts mass shooting at Fort Hood killing 13 and wounding 30 others.
  • December 2009 – Detroit, Michigan – Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab attempts to detonate an explosive on an aircraft enroute from Amsterdam to Detroit.
  • May 2010 – New York City, New York – New York’s Times Square was evacuated after the discovery of a car bomb.
These do not include the Boston Marathon attack Obama ALLOWED to happen or the murder of 4 military members on July 16, 2015 in Tennessee! These do not include:

Feb. 7, 2013 – Yusuf Ibrahim, 28, shot two Coptic Christians to death and beheaded them in Buena Vista, New Jersey.

March 31, 2013 – Reshad Riddle walked into an Ashtabula, Ohio, church and fatally shot his father after an Easter service, claiming it was the 'will of Allah'.

Aug. 4, 2013 – A Muslim convert, Daymond Agnew, 34, went to an Ace Hardware store on a “mission from Allah to help people” before he fatally stabbed employee Daniel Joseph Stone 17 times.

April 27, 2014 – A 30-year-old Muslim man, Ali Muhammad Brown, is accused of shooting to death two men in Seattle and a man in New Jersey as part of 'Allah's Vengeance'.

Sept. 25, 2014 – Alton Nolen is accused of beheading a woman in Moore, Oklahoma because she would not convert to Islam.

May 3, 2015 – In Garland, Texas, Pamela Geller, along with her group the American Freedom Defense Initiative, hosted a “Draw Muhammad” event. Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi of Phoenix responded to a call to “avenge the prophet” and traveled to Garland, where they were shot and killed by a security guard after opening fire in an apparent attempt to get into the building. The guard was wounded in the attack.

...and these aren't even all of them....

And if you really want to expand, we can talk about the 20 simultaneous terrorist attacks on US Embassies throughout the Middle East on 9/11/12, 20 being overrun, and 4 Americans murdered - to include the 1st US Ambassador in over 30 years.

If we're talking about keeping people safe at home, then we should probably bring up how Obama armed Mexican Drug Cartels and how as a result of this a US BPA and a US military member is dead, both killed by guns connected to Obama's Fast and Furious Scandal. Now let's add the murder of all these cops because Obama started a race war / 'War on Cops'!

By comparison to Obama, according to the statistics, YEAH, Bush has kept us much safer - especially at home - than Obama has.
It's hard to believe that the outspoken Trump didn't hammer Jeb on his stupid statement that his brother "kept us safe"!

1. His brother ignored pre-9/11 warnings.
2. Then came 9/11.
3. Then his brother invaded Iraq which had nothing to do with 9/11.
4. His brother destabilized the entire Middle East which created ISIS.
5. His brother cost America around $3 trillion so far.

Jeb Bush: My Brother 'Kept Us Safe'

Agree but ISIL was born of the disastrous Reagan policy of arming and financing so-called rebels and has continued to escalate.

Stupid to blame Obama for that.
The Planning for 9/11/01 occurred during the Clinton Years.

9/11/01 occurred several months into the Bush administration.

Part of the reason several agencies were not allowed to share information, which did not help in preventing 9/11 from happening was that during the Clinton administration Janet Reno made a rule that the CIA and FBI could not share info. This came about in order to protect Bill Clinton who, despite there being a law prohibiting missile technology from being given to China, 'helped out' an old Arkansas buddy in selling missile technology to the Chinese. (The Chinese missile program went from rockets exploding shortly after take-off to successful flights within a year of the sale. Before anyone doubts this, remember, Clinton is the guy responsible for North Korea having Nukes.)

After the 9/11/01 attack and the invasion into Afghanistan until the election of Barak Obama there were NO - ZERO - terrorist attacks on US soil.

Since taking office, the number of terrorist attacks on U.S. soil under Barack Obama, from 2008 - 2010 ALONE = FIVE

  • June 2009 – Little Rock, Arkansas – Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, an American Muslim opened fire on a U.S. military recruiting office. Private William Long was killed and Private Quinton Ezeagwula was wounded.
  • September 2009 – New York, New York – Attempt to detonate bombs in NYC subway system by member of al-Qaeda
  • November 2009 – Fort Hood, Texas – Nadal Malik Hassan conducts mass shooting at Fort Hood killing 13 and wounding 30 others.
  • December 2009 – Detroit, Michigan – Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab attempts to detonate an explosive on an aircraft enroute from Amsterdam to Detroit.
  • May 2010 – New York City, New York – New York’s Times Square was evacuated after the discovery of a car bomb.
These do not include the Boston Marathon attack Obama ALLOWED to happen or the murder of 4 military members on July 16, 2015 in Tennessee! These do not include:

Feb. 7, 2013 – Yusuf Ibrahim, 28, shot two Coptic Christians to death and beheaded them in Buena Vista, New Jersey.

March 31, 2013 – Reshad Riddle walked into an Ashtabula, Ohio, church and fatally shot his father after an Easter service, claiming it was the 'will of Allah'.

Aug. 4, 2013 – A Muslim convert, Daymond Agnew, 34, went to an Ace Hardware store on a “mission from Allah to help people” before he fatally stabbed employee Daniel Joseph Stone 17 times.

April 27, 2014 – A 30-year-old Muslim man, Ali Muhammad Brown, is accused of shooting to death two men in Seattle and a man in New Jersey as part of 'Allah's Vengeance'.

Sept. 25, 2014 – Alton Nolen is accused of beheading a woman in Moore, Oklahoma because she would not convert to Islam.

May 3, 2015 – In Garland, Texas, Pamela Geller, along with her group the American Freedom Defense Initiative, hosted a “Draw Muhammad” event. Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi of Phoenix responded to a call to “avenge the prophet” and traveled to Garland, where they were shot and killed by a security guard after opening fire in an apparent attempt to get into the building. The guard was wounded in the attack.

...and these aren't even all of them....

And if you really want to expand, we can talk about the 20 simultaneous terrorist attacks on US Embassies throughout the Middle East on 9/11/12, 20 being overrun, and 4 Americans murdered - to include the 1st US Ambassador in over 30 years.

If we're talking about keeping people safe at home, then we should probably bring up how Obama armed Mexican Drug Cartels and how as a result of this a US BPA and a US military member is dead, both killed by guns connected to Obama's Fast and Furious Scandal. Now let's add the murder of all these cops because Obama started a race war / 'War on Cops'!

By comparison to Obama, according to the statistics, YEAH, Bush has kept us much safer - especially at home - than Obama has.
Gee... that wouldn't have ever happened had pervert Bubba Clinton captured obama bin laden when he was offered to him.

Ooops, I mean osama... there's only a BS difference between the two.
And if Reagan hadn't continued the proxy war after the Soviets were willing to retreat in Afghanistan Bin Laden would have never achieved the position he held.

Lie by Lie: A Timeline of How We Got Into Iraq

Mushroom clouds, duct tape, Judy Miller, Curveball. Recalling how Americans were sold a bogus case for invasion.

AT A CONGRESSIONAL hearing examining the march to war in Iraq, Republican congressman Walter Jones posed "a very simple question" about the administration's manipulation of intelligence: "How could the professionals see what was happening and nobody speak out?"

Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, Colin Powell's former chief of staff, responded with an equally simple answer: "The vice president."

Much More: Lie by Lie: A Timeline of How We Got Into Iraq

NaziCons continue to desperately whitewash the facts - but the facts speak for themselves.

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