Did Jeb actually say his brother kept us safe?

His brother had an intelligence report about Bin Laden planning an attack on U.S. soil one month before this happened:



Are you fucking kidding me?

That happened on W.'s watch.

Clinton had obl on a silver platter and refused to take him. Had he taken him, 3000 americans wouldnt have died.
What a shame rightards are ineducable.

In late 1995,when Bin Ladin was still in Sudan, the State Department and the CIA learned that Sudanese officials were discussing with the Saudi government the possibility of expelling Bin Ladin. U.S.Ambassador Timothy Carney encouraged the Sudanese to pursue this course. The Saudis, however, did not want Bin Ladin, giving as their reason their revocation of his citizenship.

Sudan’s minister of defense, Fatih Erwa, has claimed that Sudan offered to hand Bin Ladin over to the United States. The Commission has found no credible evidence that this was so. Ambassador Carney had instructions only to push the Sudanese to expel Bin Ladin. Ambassador Carney had no legal basis to ask for more from the Sudanese since, at the time, there was no indictment outstanding.

9/11 Commission Report, chapter 4, pg 109-110

Jeb Bush is full of shit, just like his dad and half retarded brother , who ALLOWED 9-11 TO HAPPEN, The asshole was too busy sleeping off hangovers at his ranch..

Bush kept us safe:rofl:..

Gee funny how we haven't been hit on us soil with The so called "community organizer" in office:fu:
His brother had an intelligence report about Bin Laden planning an attack on U.S. soil one month before this happened:



Are you fucking kidding me?

That happened on W.'s watch.

The August PDB?


You should read it sometime.

And then read it's father...

the PDB Clinton got in December 1998.

Which had most of the information Bush got in August.

You can't imagine how amusing I find it when someone brings up that PDB.
If Bush's 2001 PDB had "most of the information" as Clinton's 1998 PDB, why was Clinton able to thwart the attack but Bush couldn't?
It's hard to believe that the outspoken Trump didn't hammer Jeb on his stupid statement that his brother "kept us safe"!

1. His brother ignored pre-9/11 warnings.
2. Then came 9/11.
3. Then his brother invaded Iraq which had nothing to do with 9/11.
4. His brother destabilized the entire Middle East which created ISIS.
5. His brother cost America around $3 trillion so far.

Jeb Bush: My Brother 'Kept Us Safe'

Planning for 9/11/01 on Clinton's Presidency.

As 9/11 commission pointed out, even if they had focused on / perceived the threat of hijacking, the standard procedure at the time for airlines was to do whatever the hijacker wanted because NO ONE ever considered anyone would use a 747 as a weapon - NO ONE!

Bush destabilized the Middle East?
- He should never gone into Iraq. Once he did, as he left office he handed Obama an Iraq that had been liberated, Iraqis that had been and were still being trained, and a situation that just had to be 'managed', and a plan to bring our troops home that all Obama had to do was to follow (yet he took credit for it). Obama even declared the war was over, he was bringing troops home, the war on terrorism was over, and Al Qaeida was on the run.

Of course that was before he took the nation to war on his own to help Al Qaeida (Yeah, 9/11/01 Al Qaeida and the group that had been hiring jihadists for decades to go from Libya to Afghanistan and Iraq to kill Americans) take over Libya...

Of course that was before he began running guns to Syrian 'rebels' who became ISIS, who he called a 'JV Team', and allowed them to flood into Iraq un-opposed and take over much of the nation that had already been liberated at great sacrifice by our military. He too ignored the warning signs called them a JV Team, and watched the whole thing blow up in his face and go up in flames.

Ignored the warning signs?
- The Obama administration knew there was a Middle East-wide call for attacks on US Embassies for 9/11/12, the anniversary of 9/11/01
- The Leader of Libya declared HE had warned the Obama administration of a call to kill Ambassador Stevens on that day in retaliation for a Benghazi-born Al Qaeida leader having been killed months earlier in a drone strike
- Stevens compound had been attacked TWICE in the weeks leading up to 9/11/12, the last attack left a 4-foot hole in the wall...Stevens warned if there was a 3rd coordinated attack and he did not have more security he would DIE (HIS LETTER)
- Obama / Hillary hired an Al Qaeida-associated militia to 'protect' Stevens. After the 1st two attacks on the compound they resigned/quit. No ADDITIONAL security was provided...

IN FACT, after 2 previous attacks on the compound and the loss of the extremely helpful support from the Al Qaeida-associated militia they had hired, AND knowing all about the warnings the Obama administration REDUCED the number of US Security detail members. They later blamed the Republicans for a lack of money to hire more...... 1) What about the money they had been paying the Al Qaeida-associated militia with... 2) You couldn't add a couple thousand dollars to the $6+ trillion Obama had already added so you could adequately protect Americans...& 3) if you could not afford more security and knew about the warning, WHY NOT JUST FLY HIM OUT AND GET HIM OUT OF HARM'S WAY?!

Instead, despite all the warnings, On 9/11/12, 20 US Embassies were attacked, 4 overrun, and 4 Americans to include the 1st US Ambassador in over 30 years were murdered!

Disregarding Warning Signs? Putin and Russia warned Obama about the Boston Marathon Bombers WELL in advance to be able to do something. Instead, Obama did NOTHING and ALLOWED the bombings to be carried out. Afterwards he plastered their pictures all over the TV and asked people to help identify them...EVEN THOUGH THEY ALREADY KNEW WHO THEY WERE (and were trying to cover up the fact that they LET this terrorist attack happen)!
The Planning for 9/11/01 occurred during the Clinton Years.

9/11/01 occurred several months into the Bush administration.

Part of the reason several agencies were not allowed to share information, which did not help in preventing 9/11 from happening was that during the Clinton administration Janet Reno made a rule that the CIA and FBI could not share info. This came about in order to protect Bill Clinton who, despite there being a law prohibiting missile technology from being given to China, 'helped out' an old Arkansas buddy in selling missile technology to the Chinese. (The Chinese missile program went from rockets exploding shortly after take-off to successful flights within a year of the sale. Before anyone doubts this, remember, Clinton is the guy responsible for North Korea having Nukes.)

After the 9/11/01 attack and the invasion into Afghanistan until the election of Barak Obama there were NO - ZERO - terrorist attacks on US soil.

Since taking office, the number of terrorist attacks on U.S. soil under Barack Obama, from 2008 - 2010 ALONE = FIVE

  • June 2009 – Little Rock, Arkansas – Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, an American Muslim opened fire on a U.S. military recruiting office. Private William Long was killed and Private Quinton Ezeagwula was wounded.
  • September 2009 – New York, New York – Attempt to detonate bombs in NYC subway system by member of al-Qaeda
  • November 2009 – Fort Hood, Texas – Nadal Malik Hassan conducts mass shooting at Fort Hood killing 13 and wounding 30 others.
  • December 2009 – Detroit, Michigan – Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab attempts to detonate an explosive on an aircraft enroute from Amsterdam to Detroit.
  • May 2010 – New York City, New York – New York’s Times Square was evacuated after the discovery of a car bomb.
These do not include the Boston Marathon attack Obama ALLOWED to happen or the murder of 4 military members on July 16, 2015 in Tennessee! These do not include:

Feb. 7, 2013 – Yusuf Ibrahim, 28, shot two Coptic Christians to death and beheaded them in Buena Vista, New Jersey.

March 31, 2013 – Reshad Riddle walked into an Ashtabula, Ohio, church and fatally shot his father after an Easter service, claiming it was the 'will of Allah'.

Aug. 4, 2013 – A Muslim convert, Daymond Agnew, 34, went to an Ace Hardware store on a “mission from Allah to help people” before he fatally stabbed employee Daniel Joseph Stone 17 times.

April 27, 2014 – A 30-year-old Muslim man, Ali Muhammad Brown, is accused of shooting to death two men in Seattle and a man in New Jersey as part of 'Allah's Vengeance'.

Sept. 25, 2014 – Alton Nolen is accused of beheading a woman in Moore, Oklahoma because she would not convert to Islam.

May 3, 2015 – In Garland, Texas, Pamela Geller, along with her group the American Freedom Defense Initiative, hosted a “Draw Muhammad” event. Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi of Phoenix responded to a call to “avenge the prophet” and traveled to Garland, where they were shot and killed by a security guard after opening fire in an apparent attempt to get into the building. The guard was wounded in the attack.

...and these aren't even all of them....

And if you really want to expand, we can talk about the 20 simultaneous terrorist attacks on US Embassies throughout the Middle East on 9/11/12, 20 being overrun, and 4 Americans murdered - to include the 1st US Ambassador in over 30 years.

If we're talking about keeping people safe at home, then we should probably bring up how Obama armed Mexican Drug Cartels and how as a result of this a US BPA and a US military member is dead, both killed by guns connected to Obama's Fast and Furious Scandal. Now let's add the murder of all these cops because Obama started a race war / 'War on Cops'!

By comparison to Obama, according to the statistics, YEAH, Bush has kept us much safer - especially at home - than Obama has.
Too funny. 8 months is now just a "few" months. :cuckoo:

Exactly how many more months did Duhbya need to be in office to have tried to prevent such an attack?
Too funny. 8 months is now just a "few" months. :cuckoo:

Exactly how many more months did Duhbya need to be in office to have tried to prevent such an attack?

How many more months did Obama need to better prepare for the 20 Simultaneous terrorist attacks on 20 US Embassies throughout the Middle East on 9/11/12 that resulted in 4 being overrun and the deaths of 4 Americans...even though he KNEW about the call for the murder of Stevens AFTER 2 previous terrorist attacks on the compound, what we call 'probing expeditions' in prep for the real attack on 9/11/12. Why is it that Obama could find nearly $1 trillion for a spending bill that contained over 7,000 pieces of DNC-Only pork but he couldn't find any to provide any more security for Stevens, instead choosing to REDUCE his security detail....after the 2 terrorist attacks and right before 9/11/12?

Bush may have been privy to tidbits of information had the FBI and CIA put them together in time, BUT PUTIN / RUSSIA PROVIDED OBAMA WITH THE IDENTITIES OF THE BOSTON MARATHON BOMBINGS WELL IN ADVANCE TO BE ABLE TO STOP IT?

How is it that liberals expected Bush to piece together the Intel to stop 9/11/01 but find no fault in Obama's being so INCOMPETENT (or complicit) that he did not lift a finger to stop the Boston Marathon Bombing when he already KNEW who they were months in advance?

Bush did not know the 9/11/01 attackers or that such a plan existed. Obama KNEW who the Boston Marathon attackers were, KNEW that had been radicalized and were a threat, and he STILL allowed the attack to happen! I would say Obama's 'failure' (REFUSAL to act) is much more un-forgivable than Bush's!
Too funny. 8 months is now just a "few" months. :cuckoo:

Exactly how many more months did Duhbya need to be in office to have tried to prevent such an attack?

How many more months did Obama need to better prepare for the 20 Simultaneous terrorist attacks on 20 US Embassies throughout the Middle East on 9/11/12 that resulted in 4 being overrun and the deaths of 4 Americans...even though he KNEW about the call for the murder of Stevens AFTER 2 previous terrorist attacks on the compound, what we call 'probing expeditions' in prep for the real attack on 9/11/12. Why is it that Obama could find nearly $1 trillion for a spending bill that contained over 7,000 pieces of DNC-Only pork but he couldn't find any to provide any more security for Stevens, instead choosing to REDUCE his security detail....after the 2 terrorist attacks and right before 9/11/12?

Bush may have been privy to tidbits of information had the FBI and CIA put them together in time, BUT PUTIN / RUSSIA PROVIDED OBAMA WITH THE IDENTITIES OF THE BOSTON MARATHON BOMBINGS WELL IN ADVANCE TO BE ABLE TO STOP IT?

How is it that liberals expected Bush to piece together the Intel to stop 9/11/01 but find no fault in Obama's being so INCOMPETENT (or complicit) that he did not lift a finger to stop the Boston Marathon Bombing when he already KNEW who they were months in advance?

Bush did not know the 9/11/01 attackers or that such a plan existed. Obama KNEW who the Boston Marathon attackers were, KNEW that had been radicalized and were a threat, and he STILL allowed the attack to happen! I would say Obama's 'failure' (REFUSAL to act) is much more un-forgivable than Bush's!
I see you don't want to answer. You tried to trivialize how long Bush was in office until 9.11 as though that was an excuse for his failure to protect us. So I'm just trying to get you to offer up how much longer you think he needed to take action against a pending threat.
His brother had an intelligence report about Bin Laden planning an attack on U.S. soil one month before this happened:



Are you fucking kidding me?

That happened on W.'s watch.

Clinton had obl on a silver platter and refused to take him. Had he taken him, 3000 americans wouldnt have died.
What a shame rightards are ineducable.

In late 1995,when Bin Ladin was still in Sudan, the State Department and the CIA learned that Sudanese officials were discussing with the Saudi government the possibility of expelling Bin Ladin. U.S.Ambassador Timothy Carney encouraged the Sudanese to pursue this course. The Saudis, however, did not want Bin Ladin, giving as their reason their revocation of his citizenship.

Sudan’s minister of defense, Fatih Erwa, has claimed that Sudan offered to hand Bin Ladin over to the United States. The Commission has found no credible evidence that this was so. Ambassador Carney had instructions only to push the Sudanese to expel Bin Ladin. Ambassador Carney had no legal basis to ask for more from the Sudanese since, at the time, there was no indictment outstanding.

9/11 Commission Report, chapter 4, pg 109-110


President Clinton himself said he should have killed Bin Ladin

So he wanted to save 300 innocent lives and got 3,000 innocent American lives killed instead.
Seems that the left are ineducable.
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"Russian authorities contacted the US government with concerns about Tamerlan Tsarnaev not once but “multiple’’ times // Russia alerted the United States about Tsarnaev in “multiple contacts,” including at least once since October 2011."

"An FBI alert on Tamerlan Tsarnaev, one of the two brothers suspected in the Boston Marathon bombings, had expired before he returned from a visit to Russia last year, and he was not flagged for additional screening // The alert on Tsarnaev was more than a year old and had expired by the time he returned from six months in Dagestan in mid-2012, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano. "By the time he returned, all investigations had been — the matter had been closed, she said."
-- The FBI and Homeland Security KNEW about the older brother...and DROPPED THE BALL, allowing him to re-enter the country after training at a terrorist training camp for 6 months.

The Obama administration 1st claimed Russia had NOT warned them THEN claimed the warnings were 'vague'. Russia's Putin responded quickly and harshly by insisting they had given very detailed information on the brothers and the threat.'

...'Nothing to see here...move along.... (BOOM!) WTF was that? Oh, just a case of 'workplace violence'!'
His brother had an intelligence report about Bin Laden planning an attack on U.S. soil one month before this happened:



Are you fucking kidding me?

That happened on W.'s watch.

Clinton had obl on a silver platter and refused to take him. Had he taken him, 3000 americans wouldnt have died.
What a shame rightards are ineducable.

In late 1995,when Bin Ladin was still in Sudan, the State Department and the CIA learned that Sudanese officials were discussing with the Saudi government the possibility of expelling Bin Ladin. U.S.Ambassador Timothy Carney encouraged the Sudanese to pursue this course. The Saudis, however, did not want Bin Ladin, giving as their reason their revocation of his citizenship.

Sudan’s minister of defense, Fatih Erwa, has claimed that Sudan offered to hand Bin Ladin over to the United States. The Commission has found no credible evidence that this was so. Ambassador Carney had instructions only to push the Sudanese to expel Bin Ladin. Ambassador Carney had no legal basis to ask for more from the Sudanese since, at the time, there was no indictment outstanding.

9/11 Commission Report, chapter 4, pg 109-110


President Clinton himself said he should have killed Bin Ladin

Thanks for demonstrating once again just how crazy a rightarded brain really is. You watch that video and your deformed brain translate Clinton's actual words into, "President Clinton himself said he should have killed Bin Ladin"

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Jeb Bush is full of shit, just like his dad and half retarded brother , who ALLOWED 9-11 TO HAPPEN, The asshole was too busy sleeping off hangovers at his ranch..

Bush kept us safe:rofl:..

Gee funny how we haven't been hit on us soil with The so called "community organizer" in office:fu:

You need to go to post #15 (easyt65), then come back here and claim that again....and explain to us why all those attacks were merely workplace violence. There were NO terrorist attacks after 9/11 while Bush was in office. So yes, he put things in place to keep us safe. How many Americans have been killed by terrorists since 2008? You're community organizer is a POS.
I see you don't want to answer. You tried to trivialize how long Bush was in office until 9.11 as though that was an excuse for his failure to protect us. So I'm just trying to get you to offer up how much longer you think he needed to take action against a pending threat.

I did NOT try to trivialize it.

Why didn't Bill Clinton stop it in it's planning stages before Bush ever came into office? The planning for this was done on his watch....

I already posted that part of the problem was that Janet Reno put in that stupid rule that the FBI and CIA could not share info in order to protect Clinton from another scandal, contributing to the success of the 9/11/01 attack.

What I DID do, though was pointed out that, by comparison, Bush knew NOTHING of the specific threat ,who the attackers were, and was thus extremely 'behind the power curve' in having the ability stop this in comparison to Obama who KNEW who the Boston Marathon terrorists were well in advance for him to stop the attack...but he arguably chose not to. His administration dropped the ball..
Jeb Bush is full of shit, just like his dad and half retarded brother , who ALLOWED 9-11 TO HAPPEN, The asshole was too busy sleeping off hangovers at his ranch..

Yeah, how DARE Bush NOT magically know the identity of the 9/11/01 terrorists - like Obama knew the names of the Boston Marathon terrorist well before the attack?!

How DARE Bush LET the Clinton administration overlook the fact that several Middle Easter men enrolled in commercial airline flight training, learn to fly, yet never showed up to learn how to LAND the planes.

How dare Bush allow Neplolitano (Clinton's AG) enforce a ruling that prevented the CIA and FBI from sharing information (to protect Slick Willey from another scandal)?!

How dare Bush not know that these hijackings would be the 1st-ever occasion when hijackers used the planes as weapons?! How dare him to allow the airlines to make it standard operating procedures in a hijacking to comply with whatever the hijackers want?!

...how about How dare Obama do nothing to prevent the Boston Marathon Bombing when he already knew their identities well in advance of the attack...and how dare him put their faces on TV afterwards and ask the public to help ID them when he already knew who they were...in an attempt to hide from the American people the fact that he allowed this attack to happen when it cold have been prevented?!
His brother had an intelligence report about Bin Laden planning an attack on U.S. soil one month before this happened:



Are you fucking kidding me?

That happened on W.'s watch.

Clinton had obl on a silver platter and refused to take him. Had he taken him, 3000 americans wouldnt have died.
What a shame rightards are ineducable.

In late 1995,when Bin Ladin was still in Sudan, the State Department and the CIA learned that Sudanese officials were discussing with the Saudi government the possibility of expelling Bin Ladin. U.S.Ambassador Timothy Carney encouraged the Sudanese to pursue this course. The Saudis, however, did not want Bin Ladin, giving as their reason their revocation of his citizenship.

Sudan’s minister of defense, Fatih Erwa, has claimed that Sudan offered to hand Bin Ladin over to the United States. The Commission has found no credible evidence that this was so. Ambassador Carney had instructions only to push the Sudanese to expel Bin Ladin. Ambassador Carney had no legal basis to ask for more from the Sudanese since, at the time, there was no indictment outstanding.

9/11 Commission Report, chapter 4, pg 109-110


President Clinton himself said he should have killed Bin Ladin

Thanks for demonstrating once again just how crazy a rightarded brain really is. You watch that video and your deformed brain translate Clinton's actual words into, "President Clinton himself said he should have killed Bin Ladin"


Here we go again with semantics of should or could.
So he said he could have killed him and then says but I didn't.
The point is he did not do it and got 3,000 Americans Killed.
I see you don't want to answer. You tried to trivialize how long Bush was in office until 9.11 as though that was an excuse for his failure to protect us. So I'm just trying to get you to offer up how much longer you think he needed to take action against a pending threat.

I did NOT try to trivialize it.

Why didn't Bill Clinton stop it in it's planning stages before Bush ever came into office? The planning for this was done on his watch....

I already posted that part of the problem was that Janet Reno put in that stupid rule that the FBI and CIA could not share info in order to protect Clinton from another scandal, contributing to the success of the 9/11/01 attack.

What I DID do, though was pointed out that, by comparison, Bush knew NOTHING of the specific threat ,who the attackers were, and was thus extremely 'behind the power curve' in having the ability stop this in comparison to Obama who KNEW who the Boston Marathon terrorists were well in advance for him to stop the attack...but he arguably chose not to. His administration dropped the ball..
Describing 8 months as just a few months is most certainly trivializing it. Don't lie. Still, the attack occurred while Bush was president and the attack had an enormously high percentage of success given the Bush administration did nothing to prevent it, despite being handed a PDB that bin Laden was planning to strike inside the U.S.

As far as your claim that Obama knew who the Boston Marathon bombers were -- I see no evidence of that. All you have shown is that their identity was made known to the FBI in 2011.
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Gee funny how we haven't been hit on us soil with The so called "community organizer" in office:fu:

Are you intentionally lying or are you really that ignorant?

After the 9/11/01 attack and the invasion into Afghanistan until the election of Barak Obama there were NO - ZERO - terrorist attacks on US soil.

Since taking office, the number of terrorist attacks on U.S. soil under Barack Obama, from 2008 - 2010 ALONE = FIVE

  • June 2009 – Little Rock, Arkansas – Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, an American Muslim opened fire on a U.S. military recruiting office. Private William Long was killed and Private Quinton Ezeagwula was wounded.
  • September 2009 – New York, New York – Attempt to detonate bombs in NYC subway system by member of al-Qaeda
  • November 2009 – Fort Hood, Texas – Nadal Malik Hassan conducts mass shooting at Fort Hood killing 13 and wounding 30 others.
  • December 2009 – Detroit, Michigan – Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab attempts to detonate an explosive on an aircraft enroute from Amsterdam to Detroit.
  • May 2010 – New York City, New York – New York’s Times Square was evacuated after the discovery of a car bomb.
These do not include the Boston Marathon attack Obama ALLOWED to happen or the murder of 4 military members on July 16, 2015 in Tennessee! These do not include:

Feb. 7, 2013 – Yusuf Ibrahim, 28, shot two Coptic Christians to death and beheaded them in Buena Vista, New Jersey.

March 31, 2013 – Reshad Riddle walked into an Ashtabula, Ohio, church and fatally shot his father after an Easter service, claiming it was the 'will of Allah'.

Aug. 4, 2013 – A Muslim convert, Daymond Agnew, 34, went to an Ace Hardware store on a “mission from Allah to help people” before he fatally stabbed employee Daniel Joseph Stone 17 times.

April 27, 2014 – A 30-year-old Muslim man, Ali Muhammad Brown, is accused of shooting to death two men in Seattle and a man in New Jersey as part of 'Allah's Vengeance'.

Sept. 25, 2014 – Alton Nolen is accused of beheading a woman in Moore, Oklahoma because she would not convert to Islam.

May 3, 2015 – In Garland, Texas, Pamela Geller, along with her group the American Freedom Defense Initiative, hosted a “Draw Muhammad” event. Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi of Phoenix responded to a call to “avenge the prophet” and traveled to Garland, where they were shot and killed by a security guard after opening fire in an apparent attempt to get into the building. The guard was wounded in the attack.

11 Sept, 2012: 20 simultaneous terrorist attacks on US Embassies throughout the Middle East on 9/11/12, 20 being overrun, and 4 Americans murdered - to include the 1st US Ambassador in over 30 years.

If we're talking about keeping people safe at home, then we should probably bring up how Obama armed Mexican Drug Cartels and how as a result of this a US BPA and a US military member is dead, both killed by guns connected to Obama's Fast and Furious Scandal. Now let's add the murder of all these cops because Obama started a race war / 'War on Cops'!
Gee... that wouldn't have ever happened had pervert Bubba Clinton captured obama bin laden when he was offered to him.

Nitwit, capture OBL for EXACTLY what??? And EXACTLY capture him where?? In the Sudan in a night raid?
Exercise a bit of brains before you spew whatever Fox told you to spew.

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