Zone1 Did Jesus Light Hanukkah Candles?

Nice story. Just not convinced it happened. You would think that an event so unprecedented would have been recorded by someone at the time. Not just written about a century later. The Romans were meticulous chroniclers.
That wasn't the first recorded manuscript. I think that was like 25 years after. But it is exactly what I would have expected given the times and the complexity of what they were having to work through. It took time for them to realize it. But it seems to me the apostles were thoroughly convinced as most I believe gave up their lives for him.

But I'm not trying to convince you. I'm defending my faith from you. This all started with you. You are the aggressor in this conversation. I don't belittle your beliefs or belittle you for your beliefs. I'm defending mine. A little common courtesy would be nice. After all... even foreigners are human beings. Or do Jews see that differently?
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Can a fictional character light candles?
I don’t think Jesus was a fictional character. He was a Jewish guy who lived 2000 years ago. The fiction is….well… know what.
I'm sure some of my fellow Christians won't like me saying this, but frankly, Hanukkah is more biblical than Christmas. I would like to start celebrating Hanukkah. :) To celebrate the arrival of the Light of the World.
I have been celebrating Hanukkah along with Christmas for several years. Advent. Hanukkah. Christmas. All go well together.
I don’t think Jesus was a fictional character. He was a Jewish guy who lived 2000 years ago. The fiction is….well… know what.

I think if you check out the San Francisco phone book for 1930, you will find one or more listings for "Sam Spade".

The fact that someone by that name actually existed in that place or time doesn't prove he found "The Maltese Falcon".

Daschiell Hammett wrote fiction, not history.
Probably yes.
Did they light candles back then for Hanukkah?
This question inspired me to do an internet search. Considering the History of Hanukkah which predates the birth of Jesus by a couple of hundred years, I would think that Jesus did light Hanukkah candles.

Enjoy. No is the answer. The lighting of candles started during Roman Empire times in the 2nd Century CE with the Pagan rituals of the Romans using candles. It was further developed from a single night and candle to the eight days and candles in the 3rd and 4th centuries.
In the spirit of the evening, Christmas Eve and the 7th Night of Hanukkah, I ask….

Did Jesus light the Hanukkah candles? Did Mary and Joseph do so when he was a little boy, and he continued as an adult (as I have)?

I am just curious what everyone thinks. I’m thinking….probably yes.
Jesus was born a Jew, grew up as a Jew, celebrated as a Jew, and died a Jew having lived entirely under the Law and the Prophets (the Law of Moses) without SIN (Heb. 4:15). Did Jesus celebrate Hanukka? Of course, as a Jew He celebrated the winter holiday also known as the the Festival of Lights, or the Feast of Dedication. (John 10:22).

But one must remember........Jewish Law was never intended to be observed by any Gentile Nation, the Law was delivered expressly to and for ONE NATION..........Biblical Israel. "And what nation is there so great, that has statues (Laws) and judgments so righteous as this law, which I (Moses) set before you this day?" -- Deut. 4:8

"And Moses called all Israel, and said unto them, Hear, O Israel, the statues and judgments which I speak in your ears today, that ye may learn them, and keep, and do them. The Lord our God made a covenant with us in Horeb (mountain range in the Sinai.......when the 10 commandments were first delivered). The Lord made not this covenant with out fathers (ancestors), but with us (Israel) who are all here and alive this day." -- Deut. 5:1-4

The Law of Moses was only temporary........the Law was the guradian of ritghteous faith until the Seed of Abrham came (Christ Jesus) -- Gal. 3:24-29 Today the Law does not exist to be obeyed in following commandments written on stone, there is a new covenant just as Jeremiah declared in prophecy (Jer. 31:31-34), the Law is written on the heart......Biblical Isarel has not existed since the 1st century A.D., their nation was taken from them.

Jesus fulfilled the requirements of the Old Law by living a sinfree life becoming the perfect sacrifical lamb of God, Jesus came to earth to fulfill/Complete the law (Matthew 5:17)........He did not destroy the law, He fulfilled it. When Jesus stated "It is finished........" -- John 19:30.............THE LAW was nailed to His cross (Gal 2:14)...........thus, no one is to be judged by what Sabaths/Holidays they observe or do not observe (Gal. 2:16)

The Old Law was a wall that separted the Jew from the Gentile (Eph. 2:14-18).
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Did they light candles back then for Hanukkah?

Enjoy. No is the answer. The lighting of candles started during Roman Empire times in the 2nd Century CE with the Pagan rituals of the Romans using candles. It was further developed from a single night and candle to the eight days and candles in the 3rd and 4th centuries.

They probably burned oil.
In the spirit of the evening, Christmas Eve and the 7th Night of Hanukkah, I ask….

Did Jesus light the Hanukkah candles? Did Mary and Joseph do so when he was a little boy, and he continued as an adult (as I have)?

I am just curious what everyone thinks. I’m thinking….probably yes.
No, Jesus had a Christmas tree.

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