Did Obama Watch While They Fought for their Lives?

Virginia Congressman Says Families of Benghazi Victims 'Can't Get Any Information' About Attack

By Elizabeth Flock
April 10, 2013


The families of several Benghazi victims have been left in the dark, says Rep. Frank Wolf, R-Va.​

Standing alongside two former Department of Defense officials, Wolf told reporters family members of two victims of the Benghazi attack have told him they "don't know what's going on." He later told Whispers that a mother of one of the victims said she was in contact with the administration immediately after the attack, but that she "can't get any information" from the administration anymore.

U.S. ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens and three other Americans were killed in the September attack.

"If you were a member of one of these four families, or how about the individuals who have been wounded, and no one has spoken to them... do we not have an obligation to honor them?" Wolf said.


Virginia Congressman Says Families of Benghazi Victims 'Can't Get Any Information' About Attack - Washington Whispers (usnews.com)
Immediate family members should have been briefed immediately.

As for survivors, it's been pointed out in these forums that they have in fact been interviewed.
But why haven't those interviews been made public?

How disgusting that we try and make political points over gross incompetence.

How foolish are we to think that there is anything that could have helped those men, like a predator that was too busy taking out a 16 year old American.

How stupid are we to think that we need to protect those in harms way. In a country we just bombed the crap out of it on a day when terrorism became a house hold word? 9/11, terrorism, no connection.

How ridiculous to think that the POTUS should know what everyone else knew sooner then 2 weeks. Why should we think he shouldn't send Rice out to tell his bogus story. Eat what your are fed and shut the hell up.
until the survivors are allowed to speak expect speculation on what may have happened !!

What do you expect them to say? They all are political animals. They are not going to say anything that threatens their world. Those who do will be writing a book and I always find those people suspect.

Benghazi is why Hillary should fade from the public. She should never have a say ever again in anything of importance. Because IT DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE.

What Obama should be impeached for, if not brought before the Hague, is the killing of a 16 year old American. Benghazi was a tragic error in judgment, in my opinion.
No lies, no conspiracy except for the Pubs pulling the wool over the eyes of the silly dupes. The RW video caused 20+ attacks and protests earlier that day all over the ME, and there was no help within range...end of story.

You just don't like the truth. Even the administration has NOW admitted to what you just posted is pure BS. If anything those protests were cover up considering that there were protests in Australia.
until the survivors are allowed to speak expect speculation on what may have happened !!

What do you expect them to say? They all are political animals. They are not going to say anything that threatens their world. Those who do will be writing a book and I always find those people suspect.

Benghazi is why Hillary should fade from the public. She should never have a say ever again in anything of importance. Because IT DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE.

What Obama should be impeached for, if not brought before the Hague, is the killing of a 16 year old American. Benghazi was a tragic error in judgment, in my opinion.

Hell Yeh 2 weeks before the 2016 election, that would be SWEET...:eusa_angel:
No lies, no conspiracy except for the Pubs pulling the wool over the eyes of the silly dupes. The RW video caused 20+ attacks and protests earlier that day all over the ME, and there was no help within range...end of story.

You just don't like the truth. Even the administration has NOW admitted to what you just posted is pure BS. If anything those protests were cover up considering that there were protests in Australia.

Of course he doesn't like the truth. It showcases the complete incompetence of the Obama State Department.

Those four men would be alive today if the asshats in DC had listened to the warnings and beefed up security.

End of story.
If there was 1# a drone over head and 2# Obama over seeing things. Well, I'd think he was watching.
Did Obama Watch While They Fought for their Lives?

The video was great but when will they come out with the book and the movie????


Republican report says Obama, Clinton blew Benghazi response

By Stephen Dinan

House Republicans have concluded that the Pentagon and U.S. intelligence agencies bear no blame for failing to halt the terrorist assault on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, last year, releasing a report Tuesday that said President Obama and the State Department set up the military for failure.

The report also found that plenty of intelligence presaged the attack, but the White House and State Department — including the secretary at the time, Hillary Rodham Clinton — failed to heed the warnings.

In the most damning conclusion, House Republicans said Mr. Obama’s team lied about the attacks afterward, first by blaming mob violence spawned by an anti-Muslim video, and then wrongly saying it had misled the public because it was trying to protect an FBI investigation.

“This progress report reveals a fundamental lack of understanding at the highest levels of the State Department as to the dangers presented in Benghazi, Libya, as well as a concerted attempt to insulate the Department of State from blame following the terrorist attacks,” the GOP investigation concluded in its 46-page report.


Read more: Republican report says Obama, Clinton blew Benghazi response - Washington Times

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Only the GOP knows the attackers' motives LOL...

OP- NO- and everything you know is Pubcrappe. It WAS the video, to start with...20 other attacks and protests earlier that day certainly were, dupes. The GOP and their propaganda machine are TOTALLY fos.
Only the GOP knows the attackers' motives LOL...

OP- NO- and everything you know is Pubcrappe. It WAS the video, to start with...20 other attacks and protests earlier that day certainly were, dupes. The GOP and their propaganda machine are TOTALLY fos.

Enter the dragon...

all huff and no puff.
Call the bitches to the carpet.
Stop mancuring the bullshit.
Call a spade a spade.
Do we live in a real world or do we live in a Sears world?
I think he could of watched as there was a drone flying above. I just wish he would of killed every fucking terrorist before they killed our men.
I heard this morning that Clinton personally denied a request for more security, and actually stated to keep reducing the security, which they did.

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