Did Obama Watch While They Fought for their Lives?

Again we see the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood play dumb when confronted with the truth. Pathological liar that you are you won't believe any link either, but here it is anyway just to show how dishonest you are.

State: Our Benghazi probe 'should be enough' for Congress - The Hill's Global Affairs

Ventrell said the employees who were present during the attack or were otherwise involved have already provided “extensive testimony” to the FBI and the State Department's independent review board, which issued a scathing report last year. He said they're back on duty and at their posts around the world.

"'should be enough' for Congress" But it's not yeah jerkwad...

You stupid criminalcrats are full of
as usual...:cool:
And there you go, moving the goalposts from the witnesses were blocked from testifying by threats to they didn't testify enough to satisfy the insatiable GOP witch hunt.

The fact remains they gave the FBI their testimony unthreatened ages ago and the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood's claims that they were prevented from testifying are lies swallowed only by the stupidest people on Earth.

They don't give a rats ass on what they told the FBI, Congress wants to hear it straight from their mouths and so do I...:eusa_silenced:
Obama dodges serious questions, praises Jason Collins during press conference

May 1, 2013
Glenn Beck


During the press conference, Ed Henry asked Obama about reports that whistleblowers had been blocked from testifying on Benghazi.

“Our job, with respect to Benghazi, has been to find out exactly what happened, to make sure that U.S. embassies – not just in the Middle East but around the world – are safe and secure, and to bring those who carried it out to justice,” Obama said. “But I’ll find out, exactly, what you’re referring to.”

Glenn didn’t believe that Obama didn’t know what those whistleblowers were talking about.


“You said nothing about Chris Kyle. Not one word about a true American hero,” Glenn said. “Didn’t go to the funeral. Didn’t do any of those things. He certainly hasn’t talked about any of the courageous people who have come out about Benghazi.”

Obama dodges serious questions, praises Jason Collins during press conference ? Glenn Beck
Yet more CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood lies! The Benghazi witnesses already spoke to the FBI and investigators working for an independent review for the State Department. Their testimony has already been provided to Congress. This crap about them being threatened is pure bullshit fed to the gullible Misinformation Voter who swallow it whole.

How can they be threatened if they talk, when they have already spoken???

Toady apologist. You've served your 47% well.
IOW, you can't rebut the fact that the witnesses have already testified before the FBI and all the threats in the world cannot undo the already given testimony, so it defies logic to claim they are being threatened now!
Thank you.

Silent testimony. Gosh that's swell.

Put televised publication on the person who uttered the words "stand down".

Broadcast it on ABC/NBC/CBS/NPR.

Un-coached, un-threatened, un-fettered.

Too bad Republicans weren't upset when Bush let Bin Laden go and helped Bin Laden's family get out of the US before they could be questioned by the FBI.

Unfortunately, that is a true story.

Issa: "No question" Clinton's circle involved in Benghazi "cover-up"

By Lindsey Boerma /
CBS News/ May 6, 2013

There's "no question" someone from Hillary Clinton's circle - if not the former secretary of state herself - was involved in the "cover-up" of any missteps by the administration following an attack on a U.S. consulate last Sept. 11 in Benghazi, Libya, House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif., told CBS News on Monday.

"If Hillary Clinton is not responsible for the before, during and after mistakes... it's somebody close," Issa told CBS News correspondent Nancy Cordes on Monday. "There certainly are plenty of people close to the former secretary who knew, and apparently were part of the problem."

Ahead of a hearing on Benghazi in Issa's committee this week, Fox News reported that Mark I. Thompson, the deputy coordinator for operations in the State Department's counterterrorism bureau, will testify that Clinton attempted to cut out the bureau from communications about the attack. Such charges would likely cripple not only Clinton's pristine record as secretary, but also the chance that she'll decide to launch a presidential bid in 2016.

Official: We knew Benghazi was a terrorist attack "from the get-go"

Diplomat: U.S. Special Forces told "you can't go" to Benghazi during attacks


Issa: "No question" Clinton's circle involved in Benghazi "cover-up" - CBS News


Well, there goes 2016...:(

Benghazi Ghosts Haunt White House

By Mona Charen - May 7, 2013


When three career employees of the State Department announced their intention to testify before Congress -- contradicting the Obama administration's carefully constructed storyline about events in Benghazi, Libya -- my phone was silent. News is very much in the eye of the beholder.

One of these whistle-blowers, Gregory N. Hicks, was the deputy chief of mission at the U.S. Embassy in Libya and reportedly the last American to see Ambassador Chris Stevens alive. His testimony about the nature of the Benghazi assault should be illuminating. Mark Thompson, deputy coordinator for the State Department's counterterrorism bureau, will apparently testify that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was keen to obscure the terror links of the attackers in Benghazi and accordingly kept the counterterrorism officers at State out of the loop in planning the response to the attack.

In anticipation of the hearings, which begin Wednesday, a few basic questions ought to be on the minds of members of Congress.


Clinton's demand -- "What difference does it make?" -- deserves a reply. The public deserves to know if the mistakes the administration made -- conceptual, tactical or both -- contributed to the deaths of four Americans. The public also deserves to know whether the president and his agents audaciously and brazenly lied about a national security matter for political gain.

Read more: Benghazi Ghosts Haunt White House | RealClearPolitics
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Special Ops halted from responding to Benghazi attacks, U.S. diplomat says

By Ernesto Londoño

As the weakly protected U.S. diplomatic compound in eastern Libya came under attack the night of Sept. 11, 2012, the deputy head of the embassy in Tripoli 600 miles away sought in vain to get the Pentagon to scramble fighter jets over Benghazi in a show of force that he said might have averted a second attack on a nearby CIA complex.

Hours later, according to excerpts of the account by the U.S. diplomat, Gregory Hicks, American officials in the Libyan capital sought permission to deploy four U.S. Special Operations troops to Benghazi aboard a Libyan military aircraft early the next morning. The troops were told to stand down.


Hicks may have been the last American official to speak with Stevens. After an embassy security official ran into his residence to tell him about the initial attack, Hicks managed to get Stevens on the phone. “Greg, we’re under attack,” Stevens blurted out, according to Hicks. “My response is ‘Okay,’ and I’m about to say something else and the line clicks.”

The administration has said the independent review of the Benghazi assault was exhaustive, and State Department officials have vowed to implement reforms to make U.S. missions abroad safer. Republicans, however, say Hicks’s account suggests the administration has not been entirely truthful.

Special ops halted from responding to Benghazi attacks, U.S. diplomat says - The Washington Post

Blow-by-Blow: How Obama & Hillary Left Americans to Die

May 9, 2013 By Arnold Ahlert


Later, when it became clear that Stevens was missing, the first concern was that he had been taken by terrorists. “We began to hear also that the ambassador’s been taken to a hospital,” said Hicks. “We learn that it is in a hospital which is controlled by Ansar al-Shariah, the group that Twitter feeds had identified as leading the attack on the consulate.” As this information was coming in, a “response team” from Tripoli arrived at the Benghazi airport, one that Hicks thought might become involved in a “hostage rescue” operation, even as officials worried they were being “baited into a trap.”

Hicks then spoke of the mortars that landed on the compound shortly after a group of Americans fleeing the consulate arrived at the annex. The first mortar landed among a group of Libyans who had helped bring the Americans to safety. “The next was short,” he said. “The next three landed on the roof.”

Those were the mortars that killed Doherty and Woods.


In one of the most stunning portions of the hearing, Hicks confirmed the chilling refusal of the Obama administration to send in readily available U.S. assets to stop the consulate slaughter. This order to “stand down” was given not once, but at least twice. Hicks also revealed that an explicit order from the chain of command prevented a four-man special forces rescue team in Tripoli from getting to the Americans trapped at the annex. He noted the order came from ”either AFRICOM or SOCAFRICA” and that the team was “furious” when they were told to stand down. “I will quote Lieutenant Colonel Gibson,” said Hicks, referring to the officer on the receiving end of that command. “He said, ‘This is the first time in my career that a diplomat has more balls than somebody in the military.’” Hicks’ testimony on this point directly contradicts recent statements from the Obama-run Pentagon. “There was never any kind of stand-down order to anybody,” said Maj. Robert Furman, Pentagon spokesman, on Monday.


Blow-by-Blow: How Obama & Hillary Left Americans to Die | FrontPage Magazine
Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey have already testified in congressional hearings that Obama ordered them to do everything possible to render immediate aid, and that they did. And none of today’s witnesses testified in any way that contradicted Panetta and Dempsey’s testimony.

Wow: CBS News President and WH Official Tied to Benghazi Scandal Are Brothers

Guy Benson | May 11, 2013

One of the mainstream media journalists whose pursuit of the truth has been truly tenacious and nonpartisan is CBS News' Sharyl Attkisson. Her tough reporting has made life difficult for everyone from Hillary Clinton to the Bush administration and Congressional Republicans. She's also been relentless on the Obama administration's Fast & Furious gun-running scandal -- and, of course, Benghazi. As we mentioned this week, Attkisson's tough investigative journalism is starting to bother unnamed CBS News executives. Here's Politico's scoop, in case you missed it:

But from where Attkisson is sitting, there are actually two Goliaths, one of which is almost entirely absent from the Post profile. The second Goliath is CBS News, which has grown increasingly frustrated with Attkisson's Benghazi campaign. CBS News executives see Attkisson wading dangerously close to advocacy on the issue, network sources have told POLITICO. Attkisson can't get some of her stories on the air, and is thus left feeling marginalized and underutilized. That, in part, is why Attkisson is in talks to leave CBS ahead of contract, as POLITICO reported in April. Farhi mentions "internal conflicts" in the final paragraph, though he seems to dismiss them. The "internal conflicts" are indeed real -- Attkisson is still eyeing an exit, according to sources -- and provide important context for today's piece.

My analysis of this report was highly critical of CBS News. The network appears to be penalizing one of its best correspondents because she's doing her job too aggressively. Conservatives quickly imputed a political motive to CBS News' internal drama, but the Daily Caller has uncovered a connection that suggests there's a striking personal angle to this controversy, as well:


Wow: CBS News President and WH Official Tied to Benghazi Scandal Are Brothers - Guy Benson
Wow: CBS News President and WH Official Tied to Benghazi Scandal Are Brothers

Guy Benson | May 11, 2013

One of the mainstream media journalists whose pursuit of the truth has been truly tenacious and nonpartisan is CBS News' Sharyl Attkisson. Her tough reporting has made life difficult for everyone from Hillary Clinton to the Bush administration and Congressional Republicans. She's also been relentless on the Obama administration's Fast & Furious gun-running scandal -- and, of course, Benghazi. As we mentioned this week, Attkisson's tough investigative journalism is starting to bother unnamed CBS News executives. Here's Politico's scoop, in case you missed it:

But from where Attkisson is sitting, there are actually two Goliaths, one of which is almost entirely absent from the Post profile. The second Goliath is CBS News, which has grown increasingly frustrated with Attkisson's Benghazi campaign. CBS News executives see Attkisson wading dangerously close to advocacy on the issue, network sources have told POLITICO. Attkisson can't get some of her stories on the air, and is thus left feeling marginalized and underutilized. That, in part, is why Attkisson is in talks to leave CBS ahead of contract, as POLITICO reported in April. Farhi mentions "internal conflicts" in the final paragraph, though he seems to dismiss them. The "internal conflicts" are indeed real -- Attkisson is still eyeing an exit, according to sources -- and provide important context for today's piece.

My analysis of this report was highly critical of CBS News. The network appears to be penalizing one of its best correspondents because she's doing her job too aggressively. Conservatives quickly imputed a political motive to CBS News' internal drama, but the Daily Caller has uncovered a connection that suggests there's a striking personal angle to this controversy, as well:


Wow: CBS News President and WH Official Tied to Benghazi Scandal Are Brothers - Guy Benson

yeah i was listening to something earlier

sounds like a lot of the media is tied up to the white house

surprise surprise

CBS president David Rhodes

ABC president Ben Sherwood

CNN Virginia Mosley
Last edited:
Wow: CBS News President and WH Official Tied to Benghazi Scandal Are Brothers

Guy Benson | May 11, 2013

One of the mainstream media journalists whose pursuit of the truth has been truly tenacious and nonpartisan is CBS News' Sharyl Attkisson. Her tough reporting has made life difficult for everyone from Hillary Clinton to the Bush administration and Congressional Republicans. She's also been relentless on the Obama administration's Fast & Furious gun-running scandal -- and, of course, Benghazi. As we mentioned this week, Attkisson's tough investigative journalism is starting to bother unnamed CBS News executives. Here's Politico's scoop, in case you missed it:

But from where Attkisson is sitting, there are actually two Goliaths, one of which is almost entirely absent from the Post profile. The second Goliath is CBS News, which has grown increasingly frustrated with Attkisson's Benghazi campaign. CBS News executives see Attkisson wading dangerously close to advocacy on the issue, network sources have told POLITICO. Attkisson can't get some of her stories on the air, and is thus left feeling marginalized and underutilized. That, in part, is why Attkisson is in talks to leave CBS ahead of contract, as POLITICO reported in April. Farhi mentions "internal conflicts" in the final paragraph, though he seems to dismiss them. The "internal conflicts" are indeed real -- Attkisson is still eyeing an exit, according to sources -- and provide important context for today's piece.

My analysis of this report was highly critical of CBS News. The network appears to be penalizing one of its best correspondents because she's doing her job too aggressively. Conservatives quickly imputed a political motive to CBS News' internal drama, but the Daily Caller has uncovered a connection that suggests there's a striking personal angle to this controversy, as well:


Wow: CBS News President and WH Official Tied to Benghazi Scandal Are Brothers - Guy Benson

yeah i was listening to something earlier

sounds like a lot of the media is tied up to the white house

surprise surprise

Chris Hayes from MSDNC wife "Kate Shaw" works for the white house...:eusa_angel:
Wow: CBS News President and WH Official Tied to Benghazi Scandal Are Brothers

Guy Benson | May 11, 2013

One of the mainstream media journalists whose pursuit of the truth has been truly tenacious and nonpartisan is CBS News' Sharyl Attkisson. Her tough reporting has made life difficult for everyone from Hillary Clinton to the Bush administration and Congressional Republicans. She's also been relentless on the Obama administration's Fast & Furious gun-running scandal -- and, of course, Benghazi. As we mentioned this week, Attkisson's tough investigative journalism is starting to bother unnamed CBS News executives. Here's Politico's scoop, in case you missed it:

But from where Attkisson is sitting, there are actually two Goliaths, one of which is almost entirely absent from the Post profile. The second Goliath is CBS News, which has grown increasingly frustrated with Attkisson's Benghazi campaign. CBS News executives see Attkisson wading dangerously close to advocacy on the issue, network sources have told POLITICO. Attkisson can't get some of her stories on the air, and is thus left feeling marginalized and underutilized. That, in part, is why Attkisson is in talks to leave CBS ahead of contract, as POLITICO reported in April. Farhi mentions "internal conflicts" in the final paragraph, though he seems to dismiss them. The "internal conflicts" are indeed real -- Attkisson is still eyeing an exit, according to sources -- and provide important context for today's piece.

My analysis of this report was highly critical of CBS News. The network appears to be penalizing one of its best correspondents because she's doing her job too aggressively. Conservatives quickly imputed a political motive to CBS News' internal drama, but the Daily Caller has uncovered a connection that suggests there's a striking personal angle to this controversy, as well:


Wow: CBS News President and WH Official Tied to Benghazi Scandal Are Brothers - Guy Benson

yeah i was listening to something earlier

sounds like a lot of the media is tied up to the white house

surprise surprise

Chris Hayes from MSDNC wife "Kate Shaw" works for the white house...:eusa_angel:

CBS president David Rhodes

ABC president Ben Sherwood

CNN Virginia Mosley

well that makes 4 at least

Did Obama Watch While They Fought for their Lives?

By Karin McQuillan

They fought for their lives for seven hours. 9/11/ 2012. Benghazi. The White House watched. No help was sent and they died.

Four Americans died in the jihadi attack on our consulate in Benghazi. Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, two retired SEALS who were working as civilian security specialists in Benghazi, learned that Ambassador Stevens and nine other people at the consulate were under attack and rushed to their defense. The fourth man was Sean Smith, father of three, an Air Force veteran, working for the State Department in Libya.

The White House, the Pentagon, the State Department, and our military monitored the battle in real time starting with the first phone calls directly from Benghazi.

A small military force from Tripoli was dispatched and was able to rescue some personnel hiding in other buildings. Ambassador Stevens remained missing, as did these three men. The fire-fight raged on.


Read more: Articles: Did Obama Watch While They Fought for their Lives?


"American_Jihad" has engaged in a little creative "deception" of his own - upon closer examination, the above picture was taken during the Bin Laden raid (http://lgbtpov.frontiersla.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Obama-Bin-laden-situation-room.jpg), not the Benghazi attack!

If you click "quote" of this post, this picture makes specific mention of "Obama-Bin-laden-situation-room" in its description.
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