Did Obama Watch While They Fought for their Lives?

Special Ops vets demand answers on deadly Benghazi attack

Massive petition calls for end of 'cover-up'



Special Ops vets demand answers on deadly Benghazi attack | Fox News Video

Hell. Benghazi was a terrorist attack that the Obama administration tried to palm off as a demonstration about a video. They lied about it for weeks.

Perhaps Barry, Hillary and the State Department should be the ones signing those NDA agreements. They would have more to hide than the survivors of Benghazi.

Congressman: Benghazi Survivors Forced to Sign Non-Disclosure Agreements

Jul 18, 2013 • By DANIEL HALPER

"On Tuesday I raised the question of why none of the Benghazi survivors, whether State Department, CIA, or private security contract employees have testified publicly before Congress," said Wolf.

"According to trusted sources that have contacted my office, many if not all of the survivors of the Benghazi attacks along with others at the Department of Defense, the CIA have been asked or directed to sign additional non-disclosure agreements about their involvement in the Benghazi attacks. Some of these new NDAs, as they call them, I have been told were signed as recently as this summer."

Wolf continued: "It is worth noting that the Marine Corps Times yesterday reported that the Marine colonel whose task force was responsible for special operations in northern and western Africa at the time of the attack is still on active duty despite claims that he retired. And therefore could not be forced to testify before Congress.


Wolf added, "I do not expect the Obama administration to be forthcoming with answers, but if this Congress, if this Congress does not ask for the information and compel its delivery, the American people will never learn the truth. Any federal employer employee or contractor who has been coerced and is silenced through a non-disclosure agreement should expect that Congress [will] ask to speak out on their behalf and compel their voice to be heard. That's why I, along with 159 of my colleagues, support a Select Committee to hold public hearings to learn the truth about what happened that night in Benghazi."

Congressman: Benghazi Survivors Forced to Sign Non-Disclosure Agreements | The Weekly Standard
"Ben" "Gah" "Zeeeee......!!"
Benghazigate: CIA Whistleblowers Warned, “You Don’t Jeopardize Yourself, You Jeopardize Your Family as Well”

August 1, 2013 By Daniel Greenfield


Can someone remind me again what the difference between Barack Obama and Whitey Bulger is? This is the Chicago Way and the Chicago Way blends politics and organized crime into one souffle of corruption, fanatical left-wing politics and cheap thuggery.


This is a big story and there’s lots more at the link. It’s amazing that this is coming out of CNN. But Jake Tapper at CNN and Sharyl Attkisson at CBS are probably the last best hope for mainstream media journalism.

Benghazigate: CIA Whistleblowers Warned, ?You Don?t Jeopardize Yourself, You Jeopardize Your Family as Well? | FrontPage Magazine
OMG, WTF is going on, CNN reporting on Benghazi one of the phony scandals...
Did FOX NEWS scoop all the others by 11 months, oh my...

Dozens of CIA operatives on the ground during Benghazi attack

August 1st, 2013

CNN has uncovered exclusive new information about what is allegedly happening at the CIA, in the wake of the deadly Benghazi terror attack.

Four Americans, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens, were killed in the assault by armed militants last September 11 in eastern Libya.

Programming note: Was there a political cover up surrounding the Benghazi attack that killed four Americans? Watch a CNN special investigation — The Truth About Benghazi, Tuesday at 10 p.m. ET.

Sources now tell CNN dozens of people working for the CIA were on the ground that night, and that the agency is going to great lengths to make sure whatever it was doing, remains a secret.

CNN has learned the CIA is involved in what one source calls an unprecedented attempt to keep the spy agency's Benghazi secrets from ever leaking out.


It is clear that two U.S. agencies were operating in Benghazi, one was the State Department, and the other was the CIA.

The State Department told CNN in an e-mail that it was only helping the new Libyan government destroy weapons deemed "damaged, aged or too unsafe retain," and that it was not involved in any transfer of weapons to other countries.

But the State Department also clearly told CNN, they "can't speak for any other agencies."

The CIA would not comment on whether it was involved in the transfer of any weapons.

Exclusive: Dozens of CIA operatives on the ground during Benghazi attack ? The Lead with Jake Tapper - CNN.com Blogs
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Benghazi and the Al Qaeda Resurgence

August 5, 2013 By Arnold Ahlert


According to sources talking to CNN, “including those with deep inside knowledge of the agency’s workings,” 35 CIA agents were on the ground in Benghazi the night ambassador Christopher Stevens, Navy SEALs Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, and diplomat Sean Smith, were killed in a terrorist attack. As a result, the agency is making an “unprecedented attempt” to keep what they were doing there a secret. ”You have no idea the amount of pressure being brought to bear on anyone with knowledge of this operation,” revealed one of those sources.

That pressure apparently includes subjecting agents who were on the ground to “frequent, even monthly” polygraph tests to see if they’ve been talking to either Congress or the media. Former CIA operative and CNN analyst Robert Baer puts the number of tests in perspective. “Agency employees typically are polygraphed every three to four years. Never more than that,” he said. ”If somebody is being polygraphed every month, or every two months it’s called an issue polygraph, and that means that the polygraph division suspects something, or they’re looking for something, or they’re on a fishing expedition. But it’s absolutely not routine at all to be polygraphed monthly, or bi-monthly,” he added.


Interpol has issued a global security alert to nine nations as a result. That warning followed an announcement by the Obama administration that American embassies located in the Middle East and North Africa would be closed yesterday, due to “a potential threat occurring in, or emanating from, the Arabian Peninsula.” It is based on “specific credible information,” and the team tasked with carrying it out is “already in place.” Furthermore, the Department of Homeland Security is boosting domestic security efforts as well.

All this in response to a decimated, on-the-run terrorist organization? A comprehensive, Watergate-style investigation of what occurred in Benghazi on September 11, 2012 can’t happen soon enough.

Benghazi and the Al Qaeda Resurgence | FrontPage Magazine
Why would these polygraphs need to take place unless the government was seeking to cover-up something? And that picture of Obama in the situation room is a funny contrast to this. We were supposed to believe how he was so on top of the major battlefield developments; yet he has given no account for his whereabouts during Benghazi. Why is that btw? Seems like a simple thing? F'ing press are lemmings.

Links between Benghazi attackers and Algerian gas plant terrorists?

Rick Moran
August 10, 2013

How blind is the Obama administration to the global threat of Islamic terrorism? The recent terror alert, which was precipitated by a conference call between 20 different al-Qaeda offshoots, along with the rise of jihadism in North Africa shows just how extensive these terrorist networks have become despite all the effort we've made to attack and cripple them.

Authorities sifting through the rubble of the Algerian gas plant attack from last year have made some troubling connections between those North African terrorists and those who attacked our diplomats in Benghazi.


Apparently, we've been nearly asleep at the wheel while these sophisticated networks have been developing in a strategically important part of the world. And the bottom line is that they seem to be growing stronger while we become relatively weaker.

Not a recipe for success or even progress.

Read more: Blog: Links between Benghazi attackers and Algerian gas plant terrorists?

Ex-Egypt Intel Officer Claims Benghazi Terrorist in Egypt with Muslim Brotherhood Leaders

August 13, 2013 By Daniel Greenfield


Ahmed Moussa, a prominent Egyptian television personality on the Tahrir TV channel as well as a former officer in Egyptian State Security Intelligence (SSI), went public on July 30 with a remarkable piece of information.

Moussa said, addressing U.S. ambassador Anne Patterson (in absentia) on his show:

Ambassador Stevens was killed in Benghazi, and you know who killed him, the U.S. administration knows who killed him, and you know how he was killed and it was a major strike against the U.S. administration, and all of you.

The assassin is now present at Rabia Al-Adawiya [mosque protest] His name is, do you know it or you would like me to inform you? He’s affiliated with Al Qaeda in Libya, his name is Mohsen Al-Azazi, his passport was found in the house of Khairat El-Shater.

That killer is in Rabia Al-Adawiya now, with Safwat Hegazy and Mohammed El-Beltagy, whom you and your administration support and aid. Your administration aids terrorism.

It’s an interesting claim. Certainly an Islamist from Libya could have easily headed over to Egypt to help the Brotherhood out in its time of need. It wouldn’t surprise me if a lot of them have.


Ex-Egypt Intel Officer Claims Benghazi Terrorist in Egypt with Muslim Brotherhood Leaders | FrontPage Magazine
Apparantly there is a lot more to Benghazi than the deaths of an ambassador and the men who tried to save him.

Barry had no problem jetting off to his Vegas fundraiser. That was more important than an attack on his consulate in Libya.

Should show everyone eveything they need to know about that man.
Well, we know what he did during the Bin Laden raid

Reports are he was playing spades in another room. Which explains why he had to take a corner seat, instead of one more commensurate of his position



On the day Navy SEALs were raiding Osama bin Laden’s compound in Pakistan and killing the 9/11 mastermind, President Obama didn’t spend every moment in the White House situation room. Instead, the commander in chief played cards in a private dining room that day, too — about 15 games of spades, in fact, his former personal assistant Reggie Love recently told a UCLA forum.

“Most people were like down in the Situation Room and [Obama] was like, ‘I’m not going to be down there, I can’t watch this entire thing,’” Love recalled during a Q&A at an Artists & Athletes Alliance event.

Instead, Love said he, Obama, White House photographer Pete Souza, and staffer Marvin Nicholson got together in a nearby private dining room and “must have played 15 games of spades” (and were interrupted by a steady stream of dispatches, according to UCLA Today).
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Apparantly there is a lot more to Benghazi than the deaths of an ambassador and the men who tried to save him.

Barry had no problem jetting off to his Vegas fundraiser. That was more important than an attack on his consulate in Libya.

Should show everyone eveything they need to know about that man.

Was that before or after his famous Rose Garden speech where he said

"No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for. Today we mourn four more Americans who represent the very best of the United States of America. We will not waver in our commitment to see that justice is done for this terrible act"

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton pounds on her table while testifying on the September attack on U.S. diplomatic sites in Benghazi, Libya during a hearing held by the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington on January 23, 2013. (Jason Reed/Reuters, via Landov)

Kerry Reinstates Benghazi Officials Clinton Punished

by Josh Rogin Aug 19, 2013

Secretary of State John Kerry has determined that the four State Department officials placed on administrative leave by Hillary Clinton after the terrorist attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi do not deserve any formal disciplinary action and has asked them to come back to work at the State Department starting Tuesday.

Last December, Clinton’s staff told four mid-level officials to clean out their desks and hand in their badges after the release of the report of its own internal investigation into the Benghazi attack, compiled by the Administrative Review Board led by former State Department official Tom Pickering and former Joint Chiefs Chairman Ret. Adm. Mike Mullen. Those four officials have been in legal and professional limbo, not fired but unable to return to their jobs, for eight months… until today.

Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Raymond Maxwell, the only official from the State Department’s Near Eastern Affairs bureau to lose his job over the Benghazi attack, told The Daily Beast Monday he received a memo from the State Department’s human resources department informing him his administrative leave status has been lifted and he should report for duty Tuesday morning.

“No explanation, no briefing, just come back to work. So I will go in tomorrow,” Maxwell said.


Kerry Clears Benghazi Officials Clinton Punished - The Daily Beast

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