Did Obama Watch While They Fought for their Lives?

Just read an interesting book on Benghazi. Its called Benghazi: The Definitive Report.

This one was written by Jack Murphy and Brandon Webb. Both are ex-Spec Ops guys. They reached out and touched some of those who were there.

Interesting reading. Loads of info on the Ambassador and how Woods and Doherty got to Benghazi.

Also interesting reading on Brennan. Not a nice man.

They also had a bit on General Hamm.

Got it through Amazon and it was worth the read. I tend to believe these guys as opposed to the BS coming out of the administration.
Where Are the Benghazi Survivors?

March 18, 2013
By Arnold Ahlert


Where are the survivors? The unseemly efforts undertaken by the Obama administration, Democratic collaborators and a calculatingly uninterested mainstream media to avoid answering one of the fundamental questions of the Benghazi debacle will no longer suffice. Republicans in both the House and the Senate have made it clear they have run out of patience with the administration’s effort to keep the survivors isolated. If they are successful, this scandal may finally get the kind of national attention it so richly deserves.

The effort to keep the Benghazi survivors under wraps is nothing new. On December 12, 2012, Breitbart News revealed that Congressman Jason Chaffetz (R- UT) had been “thwarted” by the State Department from seeing any of these Americans, some of whom had been badly injured. “My understanding is that we still have some people in the hospital,” Chaffetz said at the time. ”I’d like to visit with them and wish them nothing but the best but the State Department has seen it unfit for me to know who those people are–or even how many there are. I don’t know who they are. I don’t know where they live. I don’t know what state they’re from. I don’t even know how many there are. It doesn’t seem right to me.”


Two day later, Sen. Graham thrust the survivor issue front and center. In an interview with Fox News last Friday, he alleged that the survivors of the terrorist attack, who have been kept under wraps for over six months, have been pressured to remain silent. ”The bottom line is they feel that they can’t come forth, they’ve been told to be quiet,” Graham insisted. Those allegations were quickly denied by the White House. ”I’m sure that the White House is not preventing anyone from speaking,” White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said.

Graham wasn’t buying it. “The best evidence of what happened in Benghazi is not a bunch of politicians in Washington trying to cover their political ass,” he said. “This is the people who lived through the debacle, and I’m going to do all I can to get them before the Congress and American people. We cannot let this administration or any other administration get away with hiding from the American people and Congress, people who were there in real time to tell the story,” he added.


In short, nothing about Benghazi accrues to the interest of this president or his administration. It remains to be seen if Republicans have the spine to pursue the truth wherever it goes, despite the pushback they will inevitably face from the Obama administration and their media cheerleaders. Getting to the truth cannot be “beyond what this country is all about.”

Where Are the Benghazi Survivors?
If this whole affair is "no big deal" as the Left claims, then where's the harm in bringing forward the survivors of the incident?

Maybe they too have been ordered to "stand down".
OP- of course not, dupes. Only you fools would believe this had nothing to do with the idiot RW video that caused 20 embassy attacks/protests earler THAT DAY, was if not spontaneaous, damn close, or that Issa is anything but a HUGE LIAR. Functional MORONS. LOL Change the gd channel fer chrissake.
OP- of course not, dupes. Only you fools would believe this had nothing to do with the idiot RW video that caused 20 embassy attacks/protests earler THAT DAY, was if not spontaneaous, damn close, or that Issa is anything but a HUGE LIAR. Functional MORONS. LOL Change the gd channel fer chrissake.

We've been "changing the channel" for the last 4 years. There's no escaping Obama's bullshit. It's everywhere. He's a spook motherscratcher, and you fucking morons invited him back for another 4 years. Congrats.
OP- of course not, dupes. Only you fools would believe this had nothing to do with the idiot RW video that caused 20 embassy attacks/protests earler THAT DAY, was if not spontaneaous, damn close, or that Issa is anything but a HUGE LIAR. Functional MORONS. LOL Change the gd channel fer chrissake.

Wow, even obama has moved on from that excuse. Sounds like someone has been kicked off the Lefty Talking Points Email List!
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OP- of course not, dupes. Only you fools would believe this had nothing to do with the idiot RW video that caused 20 embassy attacks/protests earler THAT DAY, was if not spontaneaous, damn close, or that Issa is anything but a HUGE LIAR. Functional MORONS. LOL Change the gd channel fer chrissake.

Originally, an attack on the U.S. Embassy in Benghazi, Libya, was believed to have been a reaction to the video. It was later proven to be a separate event: In Benghazi, heavily armed men used rocket-propelled grenades, hand grenades, assault rifles, 14.5 mm anti-aircraft machine guns, diesel canisters, gun trucks, and mortars to attack the U.S. consulate and set a fire that killed the visiting United States Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens, Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith, American private security employee Glen Doherty,[17] former U.S. Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods,[18] and ten Libyan policemen; and injured two others.

Reactions to Innocence of Muslims - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Shot down again...

What Did the Sid Blumenthal Hillary Clinton Hack Expose About the Benghazi Narrative?

March 20, 2013
By Daniel Greenfield


Based on this screenshot and some of the leaked materials published by RT, Sid Blumenthal was sending supposed highly confidential reports to Hillary Clinton.

Furthermore Blumenthal was feeding her material from his infamous son Max Blumenthal, who is not only radically anti-Israel, but has been trying to sell the idea that the “Innocence of Muslims” trailer led to the murder of the Benghazi four.

While it’s not clear whether Hillary Clinton made use of them, it’s doubtful that a pro like Sidney Blumenthal would have been sending large amounts of unsolicited material to Clinton over a long period of time. Not when his likely angle would have been getting a top spot with HRC 2016. Nor was Blumenthal really known for being a big foreign policy expert.

It doesn’t make much sense that Blumenthal would have been forwarding intelligence on Libya, Algeria or Morsi to the Secretary of State. Unless Clinton had been completely shut out of the loop, there were plenty of people in the State Department who could do that for her. As an adviser, albeit still unofficial, Blumenthal would not have been there to feed practical intelligence, just any information that fit into the narrative.

Accordingly we find a memo in which the Libyan President blames the “Innocence of Muslims”, even though most stories quoted him as having provided forewarning of a planned attack well before the video. It’s a version of the story that fits into the familiar Obama Inc. narrative about a spontaneous reaction against Islamophobia, rather than the factual events that took place.


Was Blumenthal trying to remind Hillary that he could be useful? There were better ways of doing that than giving her the kind of material that she could have had access to anyway. But it raises the question to what extent HRC trusted Blumenthal and relied on what he was sending her, either in interpreting events in Libya or in deciding what story was best suited to tell the public about Benghazi before launching her political career.

What Did the Sid Blumenthal Hillary Clinton Hack Expose About the Benghazi Narrative?

What Did the Sid Blumenthal Hillary Clinton Hack Expose About the Benghazi Narrative?

March 20, 2013
By Daniel Greenfield


Based on this screenshot and some of the leaked materials published by RT, Sid Blumenthal was sending supposed highly confidential reports to Hillary Clinton.

Furthermore Blumenthal was feeding her material from his infamous son Max Blumenthal, who is not only radically anti-Israel, but has been trying to sell the idea that the “Innocence of Muslims” trailer led to the murder of the Benghazi four.

While it’s not clear whether Hillary Clinton made use of them, it’s doubtful that a pro like Sidney Blumenthal would have been sending large amounts of unsolicited material to Clinton over a long period of time. Not when his likely angle would have been getting a top spot with HRC 2016. Nor was Blumenthal really known for being a big foreign policy expert.

It doesn’t make much sense that Blumenthal would have been forwarding intelligence on Libya, Algeria or Morsi to the Secretary of State. Unless Clinton had been completely shut out of the loop, there were plenty of people in the State Department who could do that for her. As an adviser, albeit still unofficial, Blumenthal would not have been there to feed practical intelligence, just any information that fit into the narrative.

Accordingly we find a memo in which the Libyan President blames the “Innocence of Muslims”, even though most stories quoted him as having provided forewarning of a planned attack well before the video. It’s a version of the story that fits into the familiar Obama Inc. narrative about a spontaneous reaction against Islamophobia, rather than the factual events that took place.


Was Blumenthal trying to remind Hillary that he could be useful? There were better ways of doing that than giving her the kind of material that she could have had access to anyway. But it raises the question to what extent HRC trusted Blumenthal and relied on what he was sending her, either in interpreting events in Libya or in deciding what story was best suited to tell the public about Benghazi before launching her political career.

What Did the Sid Blumenthal Hillary Clinton Hack Expose About the Benghazi Narrative?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=3t0CD4iTcSQ]Benghazi SURVIVORS Hidden By State Dept.! Even From Congress! Want to Know Why? - YouTube[/ame]​
By Kerry Picket

The emails were copied and pasted into a new document so header information on the emails are unavailable for examination. It is unclear which time zone the email above is referencing, Libyan or eastern standard time. The Blumenthal e-mail describes the interim Libyan president’s September 11 “afternoon” discussion with his advisors, which places it before the actual attacks in Benghazi.


Either there is a discrepancy in the timeline or the dates were transcribed incorrectly by the hacker Guccifer, or Blumenthal typed in the incorrect time reference. Assuming the official Pentagon timeline of the Benghazi attack is correct, the actual assault happened on September 11, 2012 9:42 PM (Benghazi time) or 3:42 PM(EST).



If the information contained in the Blumenthal e-mail is referencing the time in Benghazi, it would be implausible for the interim Libyan president, el Magariaf, to be discussing the Benghazi attack hours before it happened.


On the other hand, if the “afternoon” time zone referenced is EST, then el Magariaf would have had a short window to gather “his senior advisors including the members of the Libyan Muslim Brotherhood, to discuss the attacks by demonstrators on U.S. missions in Tripoli and Benghazi.”


Read more:
'Hacked' Benghazi E-Mails Pose Questions About Attack Timeline
Benghazi the Definitive Report is on Amazon.

Its written by to ex-Spec Ops guys. Jack Murphy and Branden Webb. Webb was a close personal friend and teammate of Doherty. You can bet these two reached out and touched some of the survivors.

Its up to you whether you believe the report. Me? I tend to believe these guys over the bs coming out of the WH.
Benghazi the Definitive Report is on Amazon.

Its written by to ex-Spec Ops guys. Jack Murphy and Branden Webb. Webb was a close personal friend and teammate of Doherty. You can bet these two reached out and touched some of the survivors.

Its up to you whether you believe the report. Me? I tend to believe these guys over the bs coming out of the WH.

There are 100 reviews. Worth reading themselves.
Benghazi the Definitive Report is on Amazon.

Its written by to ex-Spec Ops guys. Jack Murphy and Branden Webb. Webb was a close personal friend and teammate of Doherty. You can bet these two reached out and touched some of the survivors.

Its up to you whether you believe the report. Me? I tend to believe these guys over the bs coming out of the WH.

There are 100 reviews. Worth reading themselves.

I know. I wrote one of em. Good read with a lot of info on the area and the history before and after Qadaffi. Just a good read with loads of info.

Loads of info on the Ambassador as well. God. That man was a gem and the right man for the area.

Woods orchestrated a great defense and he and his crew killed loads of insurgents. Good story on the lengths Woods and Doherty took to get there as well. They were both killed by mortor fire on the roof.

That fuck in the WH, Hillary Clinton and the entire State Department aren't worth the sweat of the balls of any of the dead at Benghazi.

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