Did Obama Watch While They Fought for their Lives?

Congratulations you have made up your mind and nothing is going to change it.

If you care to answer the question do you think air support should have been sent in?

Air support wouldn't do much good in a situation like this. If you don't have laser guided bombs (as well as someone on the ground to paint the target) you run the risk of either (a) missing the target and taking out innocent civilians, or (b) you hit the target, but the bomb ends up killing not only the bad guys, but also the people you want to save.

The only way that those people could have been rescued is with helicopters and strike teams, which incidentally, take a bit of time to mobilize.

I 'splained it to you once sailor, but we Air Force types know that a target can be 'painted' by my airborne wingman. One near miss would have had these assholes running for their lives. Two F-16's from Sigonella would have stopped this massacre.

I seriously doubt it.
Congratulations you have made up your mind and nothing is going to change it.

If you care to answer the question do you think air support should have been sent in?

Air support wouldn't do much good in a situation like this. If you don't have laser guided bombs (as well as someone on the ground to paint the target) you run the risk of either (a) missing the target and taking out innocent civilians, or (b) you hit the target, but the bomb ends up killing not only the bad guys, but also the people you want to save.

The only way that those people could have been rescued is with helicopters and strike teams, which incidentally, take a bit of time to mobilize.

I 'splained it to you once sailor, but we Air Force types know that a target can be 'painted' by my airborne wingman. One near miss would have had these assholes running for their lives. Two F-16's from Sigonella would have stopped this massacre.

You have to pound it into their little brain like they do on msnbc, over and over again...:D

Clinton's Benghazi testimony set for next week in Senate


(CNN) – Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will testify on last year's U.S Consulate attack in Libya before the Senate Foreign Relations committee on January 23, the same day she'll appear before the House Foreign Affairs Committee, the Senate committee announced Thursday.

Presided by Sen. Robert Menendez, D-New Jersey, the hearing will start at 9 a.m. ET.

Clinton?s Benghazi testimony set for next week in Senate ? CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs
Debacle in Benghazi

It’s worse than an injustice; it’s a humiliation.

Jan 28, 2013

Yet four months later, Clinton’s promise is notable precisely because it has gone unfulfilled. No one has been “brought to justice”—a fact that seems unlikely to change anytime soon. “We’re not even close,” says one U.S. official involved in the investigation.

And jihadists in the region, no doubt emboldened by the lack of U.S. response to the attacks, have taken to taunting the American investigators and celebrating U.S. feebleness. Washington has very little to show for its investigation of the Ben-ghazi attacks. One leading suspect is in custody—Egyptian custody—and we’re being denied access to him. Another sipped a strawberry frappe in the lobby of a luxury hotel in Benghazi as he told a New York Times reporter that he felt no need to hide from the United States. And when a third suspect was freed from a Tunisian prison earlier this month, the U.S. government was given no warning, but extremists belonging to an al Qaeda-linked group apparently had advance notice.


Debacle in Ben*ghazi | The Weekly Standard
Debacle in Benghazi

It’s worse than an injustice; it’s a humiliation.

Jan 28, 2013

Yet four months later, Clinton’s promise is notable precisely because it has gone unfulfilled. No one has been “brought to justice”—a fact that seems unlikely to change anytime soon. “We’re not even close,” says one U.S. official involved in the investigation.

And jihadists in the region, no doubt emboldened by the lack of U.S. response to the attacks, have taken to taunting the American investigators and celebrating U.S. feebleness. Washington has very little to show for its investigation of the Ben-ghazi attacks. One leading suspect is in custody—Egyptian custody—and we’re being denied access to him. Another sipped a strawberry frappe in the lobby of a luxury hotel in Benghazi as he told a New York Times reporter that he felt no need to hide from the United States. And when a third suspect was freed from a Tunisian prison earlier this month, the U.S. government was given no warning, but extremists belonging to an al Qaeda-linked group apparently had advance notice.


Debacle in Ben*ghazi | The Weekly Standard

Do you mean that spending more on military than the next ten countries combined, and having enough firepower to level any country in the world doesn't buy you respect?

Paul Wolfowitz: Hillary and 'Leading From Behind'


Why did Mrs. Clinton outsource to Qatar the arming of the opposition in Libya and Syria?.

Four months after terrorists in Benghazi, Libya, killed four Americans—including the popular and effective Ambassador Chris Stevens—Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will finally testify before Congress on Wednesday. The testimony should be an occasion to examine how the disaster was part of a larger failure in Libya and a still larger one in Syria that will haunt U.S. interests in the Middle East for decades.

Lawmakers will ask Mrs. Clinton why security in Benghazi was so lax on the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, and why the Obama administration claimed falsely that the terrorist attack was a response to an obscure and distasteful anti-Islamic video when available evidence made clear that the attack was a well-planned operation with likely connections to al Qaeda. For months, the danger in Benghazi had been growing. The evidence included attacks on the British ambassador, the United Nations special envoy to Libya, the International Committee of the Red Cross, and the U.S. Consulate itself. Even in Tripoli, Libya's capital, Islamist militias had—in broad daylight and with bulldozers—demolished a mosque that they considered heretical.


Paul Wolfowitz: Hillary and 'Leading From Behind' - WSJ.com

Hillary Clinton on Benghazi: "I do feel responsible"
Hillary Clinton on Benghazi: "I do feel responsible" - CBS News

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Things Only a Democrat Could Get Away With

February 4, 2013
By Daniel Greenfield

On Friday, Hillary Rodham Clinton left the Harry S. Truman Building of the State Department after doing a grand media tour of every media outlet with a camera and a microphone. Meanwhile in Benghazi, where it was twenty degrees warmer, foreign organizations were fleeing the city while the killers who stayed behind still walked the streets.


And yet, despite all that, the media threw her a farewell party in preparation for the 2016 election. Four Americans died in Benghazi and in four years, Hillary Rodham Clinton expects to take the White House.


When Obama turned his back on Iraq, discarding the sacrifices of the Surge, like he did the lives of the four men murdered in Benghazi, the terror didn’t stop. Al Qaeda bombs have kept going off as Iraq melted down into a conflict between its Iranian-backed Shiite government, the Kurds and Sunni Islamists. And Al Qaeda found new wars. Like a persistent suitor, it followed BHO and HRC to Benghazi.


But again no one was held responsible. It’s a long way from Benghazi to Waco, but the Clintons retain their talent for walking over corpses to reach their ambition. And their critics, who notice the bodies, are accused of harboring personal vendettas and of not living in an “evidence-based world.”


Things Only a Democrat Could Get Away With
The Democratic Disgrace

February 12, 2013
By Daniel Greenfield

Every job has a minimum requirement. The absolute very least that anyone can do without being considered a complete and utter failure.

The minimum requirement for a Commander-in-Chief is to stick around when an American diplomatic mission is under fire. Obama flunked even this minimal requirement by going to sleep and then flying off for a fundraiser in Vegas.

The minimum requirement for a Secretary of State is to at least pretend to care why such an attack took place. Hillary Clinton failed that minimum requirement by declaring that it didn’t matter why the attack happened.


Hillary Clinton’s question at the Benghazi hearing gets right to the root of the problem with the Democratic Party. For her, what happened at Benghazi made no difference because she knew that she could not and would not be held accountable for it. That arrogant attitude has been the public face of the Obama Administration in response to every scandal.

The threats of Congressional investigations have become impotent in the face of a Government-Media complex blocking reporting on the latest scandal and leaving the Democratic Party free to be as corrupt as it wants to be.

The Democratic Disgrace
Things Only a Democrat Could Get Away With

February 4, 2013
By Daniel Greenfield

On Friday, Hillary Rodham Clinton left the Harry S. Truman Building of the State Department after doing a grand media tour of every media outlet with a camera and a microphone. Meanwhile in Benghazi, where it was twenty degrees warmer, foreign organizations were fleeing the city while the killers who stayed behind still walked the streets.


And yet, despite all that, the media threw her a farewell party in preparation for the 2016 election. Four Americans died in Benghazi and in four years, Hillary Rodham Clinton expects to take the White House.


When Obama turned his back on Iraq, discarding the sacrifices of the Surge, like he did the lives of the four men murdered in Benghazi, the terror didn’t stop. Al Qaeda bombs have kept going off as Iraq melted down into a conflict between its Iranian-backed Shiite government, the Kurds and Sunni Islamists. And Al Qaeda found new wars. Like a persistent suitor, it followed BHO and HRC to Benghazi.


But again no one was held responsible. It’s a long way from Benghazi to Waco, but the Clintons retain their talent for walking over corpses to reach their ambition. And their critics, who notice the bodies, are accused of harboring personal vendettas and of not living in an “evidence-based world.”


Things Only a Democrat Could Get Away With

Very true....
majority of Americans do not care much about this 'issue'

The ones who care about this country do care....

You do not speak for all or even most of those that care about our country. The OP has an agenda. It is not better security for our foreign service.

There are hundreds of places on the planet that are dangerous for Westerners. We cannot predict with acurracy when and where trouble will take place. We do not know ..even the state department does not know EVERYTHING that goes on. The CIA and the military and even private enterprise are players all over the globe. This fact complicates stability and safety and even can backfire and cause severe resentment in localities where we have no direct influence or friends.

The OP is a fraud. He knows damned well that Benghazi was more complicated an event than can or should be explained in public.

Believe it or not we still have the need for secrecy in foreign relations.

Piss on the OP and piss on Issa and any elected official that does not have the true best interests of the U S in thier hearts.
majority of Americans do not care much about this 'issue'

The ones who care about this country do care....

You do not speak for all or even most of those that care about our country. The OP has an agenda. It is not better security for our foreign service.

There are hundreds of places on the planet that are dangerous for Westerners. We cannot predict with acurracy when and where trouble will take place. We do not know ..even the state department does not know EVERYTHING that goes on. The CIA and the military and even private enterprise are players all over the globe. This fact complicates stability and safety and even can backfire and cause severe resentment in localities where we have no direct influence or friends.

The OP is a fraud. He knows damned well that Benghazi was more complicated an event than can or should be explained in public.

Believe it or not we still have the need for secrecy in foreign relations.

Piss on the OP and piss on Issa and any elected official that does not have the true best interests of the U S in thier hearts.

Actually, Benghazi isn't that complicated at all. Our people were under attack, our idiot president refused to provide assistance, and now 4 Americans are dead. There were military personnel available to provide assistance during that several hour window when something could have been done, but instead NOTHING was done......and that is obama's calll, not anyone elses. And his administration is just as incompetent as he is, and all of this incompetence is tolerated not only by people such as yourself, but the media and liberals in general. What is a complicating factor is that obama helped to rid the country of a leader that has been willing to work with the US and, instead, put into power a radical islamist who is nothing but a dictator who is going around killing his own people. THAT is a complicating factor, and one your king not only allowed to happen, but actively participated in making it happen. obama refused to engage himself in Benghazi because he basically doesn't give a shit about Americans in general. Anyone who trots off to a fundraiser while 4 Americans are under vicious attack and in danger of being killed does not represent American interests. You are either only fooling yourself or you are deliberately trying to paint obama to be someone that he's not. All of those pretty lies he speaks when he is on camera is all for show.....if you take a step back from your extreme ideology and examine what he has actually accomplished, you wil notice that he has done absolutey nothing positive for the US interests...unless you are from Egypt or Iran or China or Iraq or Afghanistan, in which case he's done some good things for you. I would agree with you that there are some things that are...and should aways remain....classified information. Regardless of what the ACLU or anyone else says, the State dept, WH, and DoD should keep some things secret from everyone......to put everything out there only jepordizes American interests.....but to blindly assume that everything obama says and does is truthful simply because he's the prez and has more details than all the rest of us is not only naive, but a dangerous mentality. Those of us who have knowledge of the military can easily recognize Benghazi for what it is......and for what it isn't. For obama it was a political inconvenience during the election so he allowed people to be killed rather that act like a president should and take charge of a dangerous situation, even if it made his foreign policy look bad. That would have been the right thing to do. Instead, he chose to be the selfish coward that he is and ran away to a fundraiser while pretending he knew nothing about it. Had it not been for the fawning liberal media, his run for prez would have been over in 2 days.

As far as me representing everyone who cares about the US....you must be something of a megalomaniac, because I never said anything about representing "everyone". But the fact is that most people who are Americans DO care how obama represents us and, for the last 4 years, he's done a shitty job of it. As for the OP "having an agenda", I think you speak loud and clear for your agenda......yours is to protect and defend obama no matter what he says or does, even if his actions undermine US interests. That would make you a non-US citizen or someone who lives here but hates the US or a jihadist sympathizer. Either way, there will always be those of us who can see things for what they are and will call obama out on his bullshit......I don't care if that makes you mad or hurts your feelings.

Rice: Investigation into Lies About Benghazi Worse Than Murder of Four Americans

February 20, 2013
By Daniel Greenfield


The bigger tragedy is apparently not the crime or the coverup, but the investigation of the coverup. Note also how Rice uses the passive voice and ambiguous language. Rather than discussing a murder or a terrorist attack, she talks about a tragedy in which Americans were killed by person or persons unknown.

Just think. This woman could have been Secretary of State.

Rice: Investigation into Lies About Benghazi Worse Than Murder of Four Americans
So...has the question been answered yet?
Did he watch while they fought for their lives?

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