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Did Obama Watch While They Fought for their Lives?

There's an ongoing investigation. You Republicans can call until you're blue in the face which you already seem to be. There are things we know and things people like you makie up. You're not pushing anyone into anything in your attempt to politicize this tragedy.

Carry on though, it seems to give you hope for a Republican win here.

Yeah... We got it. The new definition of cover-up is called "an ongoing investigation". Perhaps Obama might have actually chosen to do an investigation before lying to the American people by claiming the attacks were caused by a video... It's hard to get that Kool-Aid stain off of your forked tongue isn't it?

Seems Sandy has taken hold of the narrative. That doesn't mean this will go away, it won't. If for no other reason than the vets are on it.

Whether or not Obama wins by a whisker, the truth will come out. If it's as bad as it looks and he wins, he'll be impeached. If not, we'll see how bad it hits.

If Romney wins, we'll see House/Senate investigations, but no charges. Ford pardoned Nixon, cost him his own term, but save the country a lot of angst.

Now let's not get hasty here! Comparing what Nixon did and what Obama has done is comparing apples to a pine cone. I do not believe there will be a pardon.
Before the invasion of Iraq, Christian population was around 1.4 million of the total population and the community had enjoyed all kinds of support and patronage during Saddam’s regime which dwindled to around one hundred forty thousand at the time of the withdrawal of the Allied forces. Did they just vanish? Its a million dollar question.

Legacy of US Iraq

Republicans are such a disgrace using American deaths to try to "score points" against the president. And look at the blood on the hands of American Republicans. Did Bush watch? Did Republicans "enjoy" what they did? Was it as good for them as it was for the Iraqi radical Muslims? BUSH JUST STOOD BY AND FUCKING WATCHED!

SO you, like others here, have no way to defend the Obama administration so the best you can do is to try to deflect and say that someone else did something worse. Well guess what, no matter what the situation, two wrongs still don't make a right and the fact that the Obama administration has screwed this up so royally means he shouldn't get a chance to cause a bigger screw up.
Before the invasion of Iraq, Christian population was around 1.4 million of the total population and the community had enjoyed all kinds of support and patronage during Saddam’s regime which dwindled to around one hundred forty thousand at the time of the withdrawal of the Allied forces. Did they just vanish? Its a million dollar question.

Legacy of US Iraq

Republicans are such a disgrace using American deaths to try to "score points" against the president. And look at the blood on the hands of American Republicans. Did Bush watch? Did Republicans "enjoy" what they did? Was it as good for them as it was for the Iraqi radical Muslims? BUSH JUST STOOD BY AND FUCKING WATCHED!

The Iraq war was exactly that. A war. A war sanctioned by both parties at the time, until Democrats thought they would score points against President Bush in the 2004 election.

And the Democrats never let up trying to score points against Bush over the Iraq war.

So don't lecture any Republicans.

Now to the Embassy deaths, Panetta has admitted he left them to die because to try to rescue them was "too risky".

Not a war. Just Americans under attack and an Administration who did nothing to save them.

Obama's Administration let them die.

10-31-2012 9:04 am
IBD Editorial - Investors.com

After all, according to Richard Miniter's book "Leading From Behind: The Reluctant President and the Advisors Who Decide for Him," it was at the urging of White House adviser Valerie Jarrett that President Obama canceled the operation to kill Osama bin Laden three times before finally approving the May 2, 2011, Navy SEAL mission. Her concern: the political harm to Obama if the mission failed.

As we've written, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta has falsely said we didn't have real-time intelligence of the terrorist attack on our consulate in Benghazi. The administration has also suggested it was the CIA that put the brakes on any attempt at relief or rescue.

ABC's Jake Tapper reports that a CIA spokesman, presumably at the direction of CIA Director David Petraeus, has put out a statement saying, "No one at any level in the CIA told anybody not to help those in need; claims to the contrary are simply inaccurate."

Someone did, and the question is who?

We know that the mortars firing at the roof of the CIA annex, where former Navy SEALs Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty were still fighting six hours into the attack, were "painted" with a laser targeting device as the two repeatedly requested backup support from an AC-130 Specter gunship. AC-130s are commonly used by U.S. Special Operations forces to support Special Operations teams involved in intense firefights. They are deadly accurate, with little risk of harm to civilians.

Amazing. What a bunch of sick and twisted liars you people are. Is this all because you know President Obama will win the election?? Are you all behaving like mean, petulant children because you're not going to get your way?? Seems as though you are all old enough to know that we don't always get what we want. Grow up!!
The most visible and forthcoming Administration in history??

RELEASE THE VIDEO'S NOW.. Why is this President does everything he can to hide shit constantly from his own college records, Fast-N-Furious documents, and the Benghazi tapes??? If you have nothing to hide Obama, why all the secrecy..

YOU'RE LYING and COVERING up the truth and well all know it.. even your Zombie herd who would thrown their own mother off of a bridge if it meant re-electing you. Your time is running out.. reports have it that some copies of those video's have been leaked.. :) Happy Halloween libruls!

What makes you think there are videos of Benghazi? You DO realize it was an outpost of the main embassy, right? I doubt that almost ANY embassy that we have has direct video feeds of the whole complex that goes to the White House.

Try again Slutty Cum Slinger.


US ‘too slow’ to act as drone’s cam captured Libya horror

Last Updated: 6:30 AM, October 21, 2012
Posted: 12:37 AM, October 21, 2012

The United States had an unmanned Predator drone over its consulate in Benghazi during the attack that slaughtered four Americans — which should have led to a quicker military response, it was revealed yesterday.

“They stood, and they watched, and our people died,” former CIA commander Gary Berntsen told CBS News.

The network reported that the drone and other reconnaissance aircraft observed the final hours of the hours-long siege on Sept. 11 — obtaining information that should have spurred swift action.

But as Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three colleagues were killed by terrorists armed with AK-47s and rocket-propelled grenade launchers, Defense Department officials were too slow to send in the troops, Berntsen said

US had drones flying over Benghazi as the consulate was being attacked - NYPOST.com

Hey TD, are you the sock puppet for Slutty Cum Slinger (LadyGunSlinger)? The reason I ask is that because you've responded to 2 posts that I'd asked her, but you made it sound like you were pissed as well.

You DO realize that drones are just telling people what is going on (unless of course, they're Predator drones and have guns) and you also realize that IT TAKES TIME TO GET ASSETS TO THE TARGET??? Have you ever been in Benghazi? Do you realize where it is in relation to where American assets were? And do you also realize that it takes time to get those assets that can save them from where they are to where they're needed?

But then again.................civilian retards such as yourself who have never served think that the military is able to respond instantly. Remember...............it takes time to get from point A to point B.

Oh yeah.................you have yet to provide a video that shows the attack being seen by the White House in real time. All you posted was a FAUX Nooze video (with Sean Hannity) telling us why Obama fucked up.

Still waiting for the video link you meat lipped twat with a sperm burping vagina.

Zombies Go Hungry In The Fox News Brain Room | Blog | Media Matters for America
The most visible and forthcoming Administration in history??

RELEASE THE VIDEO'S NOW.. Why is this President does everything he can to hide shit constantly from his own college records, Fast-N-Furious documents, and the Benghazi tapes??? If you have nothing to hide Obama, why all the secrecy..

YOU'RE LYING and COVERING up the truth and well all know it.. even your Zombie herd who would thrown their own mother off of a bridge if it meant re-electing you. Your time is running out.. reports have it that some copies of those video's have been leaked.. :) Happy Halloween libruls!

What makes you think there are videos of Benghazi? You DO realize it was an outpost of the main embassy, right? I doubt that almost ANY embassy that we have has direct video feeds of the whole complex that goes to the White House.

Try again Slutty Cum Slinger.

Here you go. There's video.

Human Events Blog
Leading from behind: Benghazi attack suspect in custody but off-limits to American investigators

By: John Hayward Follow @@Doc_0
10/31/2012 08:47 AM

Fox News reports that two suspected participants in the September 11 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya have been taken into custody. One of them, a Tunisian named Ali Ani al Harzi, has been identified based on video recorded during the attack.

Unfortunately, al Harzi is in Tunisian custody after being detained at a Turkish airport, and “U.S. interrogators so far have not had access to him, much to the frustration of American authorities.”

Leading from behind: Benghazi attack suspect in custody but off-limits to American investigators | Conservative News, Views & Books
Again we see how the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood weaves their web of deceit with half truths and whole lies. A video RECORDING that was not found by the FBI until 20 days after the attack is passed off as being watched LIVE in the White House the day of the attack. The Right know the recording was not found until October 1, but are such shameless liars they spew their hateful lies anyway in hopes that others are not well informed.
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Interesting that Obama and his people just got some popcorn and sodas and watched it happen. I guess they were too busy enjoying their live movie to consider the flaws in their video/mob BS.
Amazing. What a bunch of sick and twisted liars you people are. Is this all because you know President Obama will win the election?? Are you all behaving like mean, petulant children because you're not going to get your way?? Seems as though you are all old enough to know that we don't always get what we want. Grow up!!
You are brainwashed and blind. Our president knew there was a terror attack under way, he did nothing about it, then he and his administration went on national TV and lied over and over blaming it on an irrelevant "video", and apologizing to Islamic animals for American values. Can it get any worse than this? Aren't you worried that this jackass liar Obama is still our commander in chief? Any real American should be. This is beyond politics.
Amazing. What a bunch of sick and twisted liars you people are. Is this all because you know President Obama will win the election?? Are you all behaving like mean, petulant children because you're not going to get your way?? Seems as though you are all old enough to know that we don't always get what we want. Grow up!!
You are brainwashed and blind. Our president knew there was a terror attack under way, he did nothing about it, then he and his administration went on national TV and lied over and over blaming it on an irrelevant "video", and apologizing to Islamic animals for American values. Can it get any worse than this? Aren't you worried that this jackass liar Obama is still our commander in chief? Any real American should be. This is beyond politics.

If you were not filled with hate you would realize that the president would never do such a thing. But you have been brainwashed by Fox News and RL to hate the president beyond reason. People like you cannot think for yourselves. Thank God you are in the minority. I wish you would all just go up in smoke so that we could rid ourselves of your toxic poison. You don't even realize what an embarrassment you are to REAL conservatives.
Let's ask him when he finishes taking care of the Americans in the hurricane.

Nobody believes your bullshit but carry on..

So, he's finally doing the job we pay him for. That's mighty big of him.... I fail to see why we're supposed to high five him for that though.

And... just so you know... making statements like 'nobody believes xxxx' makes you look silly. You don't decide what other people believe or don't believe, G. Not rocket science.
Amazing. What a bunch of sick and twisted liars you people are. Is this all because you know President Obama will win the election?? Are you all behaving like mean, petulant children because you're not going to get your way?? Seems as though you are all old enough to know that we don't always get what we want. Grow up!!
You are brainwashed and blind. Our president knew there was a terror attack under way, he did nothing about it, then he and his administration went on national TV and lied over and over blaming it on an irrelevant "video", and apologizing to Islamic animals for American values. Can it get any worse than this? Aren't you worried that this jackass liar Obama is still our commander in chief? Any real American should be. This is beyond politics.

If you were not filled with hate you would realize that the president would never do such a thing. But you have been brainwashed by Fox News and RL to hate the president beyond reason. People like you cannot think for yourselves. Thank God you are in the minority. I wish you would all just go up in smoke so that we could rid ourselves of your toxic poison. You don't even realize what an embarrassment you are to REAL conservatives.

Aren't you bothered by the fact that the story out of the WH has changed numerous times, that the president refuses to answer direct questions about Benghazi, of the silence of the MSM on all of this? You whine about Fox and yet Fox is the only station reporting on this. You think this is all some made up shit to thwart the election? :cuckoo: Take your blinders off ... the ones trying to thwart the election are the ones who are remaining silent on it.
Bravo. :thup:

I chair our local historic preservation commission. Lincoln/Douglas debate was held here etc.
Have you gotten local/state/fed landmark status for any structures?

Hi Mr. H: Bravo and applause for you for being a hero for historic preservation!! Yes, the entire district is a federal landmark under the National Registry for Historic Places. But we are at risk of losing the last 10 houses that characterize the district, because a prominent private developer is pressuring the owners and City to sell to them to remove the houses.
We have lost too many historic structures within the district that way, because of private developers having dominance in such a conservative city and state as Houston, Texas, where this Freed Slave district happens to be located.

We could register these 10 houses if we could buy them first, and the owners have waited several extra years, paying taxes and fines, trying to give the churches and nonprofits every chance to raise the money to buy them. But the City keeps bullying us instead.

Can you please help me? I tried to contact Preserve America and also the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, but both groups will not intervene with private owners and will not overstep what the City, County and State preservation commissions are allowing to go on. So if those groups don't back up preservation, the federal groups are not going to impose.

I have written a letter pleading for help from people and communities across the nation, even appealing to the President and White House to accept and apply the $5 million dollar offer from Trump to help the nonprofit coalition of churches to buy the houses for Vets.

May I send this to you by email? Can you please help me circulate it before the houses
are removed? The City is bullying the owners again, by threatening them with fines for the boarded up houses this family has been trying to save, and is giving the community more time to raise the money to buy the land if they City doesn't bully or bulldoze them over first.

I think you will like the letter. It needs some editing if you can please advise me!

Thank you SO MUCH
I will never take for granted again what enormous work that historians and preservationists like you do for the country, given that the trends and pressures are so great to demolish history and build over it. (The construction crews working on a Grand Parkway near West Houston were planning to build over a site of PREHISTORIC remains, already identified as qualifying for the national registry, but doing the very minimum of asking Native Americans for permission to REMOVE the burials instead. This is Texas!)

I learned the hard way what an uphill battle it is, so thank you for your service
to the history of your state and our nation. I hope I can do something with this project
that will honor the work and sacrifices of our heroes and historians too often uncredited.

Yours truly,
Emily Nghiem
Historic Commission member
who hasn't done anything yet but wants to, please help!
emilynghiem at hotmail.com

I can post a new thread if you want to see the letter that way, but it needs editing...
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What makes you think there are videos of Benghazi? You DO realize it was an outpost of the main embassy, right? I doubt that almost ANY embassy that we have has direct video feeds of the whole complex that goes to the White House.

Try again Slutty Cum Slinger.


US ‘too slow’ to act as drone’s cam captured Libya horror

Last Updated: 6:30 AM, October 21, 2012
Posted: 12:37 AM, October 21, 2012

The United States had an unmanned Predator drone over its consulate in Benghazi during the attack that slaughtered four Americans — which should have led to a quicker military response, it was revealed yesterday.

“They stood, and they watched, and our people died,” former CIA commander Gary Berntsen told CBS News.

The network reported that the drone and other reconnaissance aircraft observed the final hours of the hours-long siege on Sept. 11 — obtaining information that should have spurred swift action.

But as Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three colleagues were killed by terrorists armed with AK-47s and rocket-propelled grenade launchers, Defense Department officials were too slow to send in the troops, Berntsen said

US had drones flying over Benghazi as the consulate was being attacked - NYPOST.com

Hey TD, are you the sock puppet for Slutty Cum Slinger (LadyGunSlinger)? The reason I ask is that because you've responded to 2 posts that I'd asked her, but you made it sound like you were pissed as well.

You DO realize that drones are just telling people what is going on (unless of course, they're Predator drones and have guns) and you also realize that IT TAKES TIME TO GET ASSETS TO THE TARGET??? Have you ever been in Benghazi? Do you realize where it is in relation to where American assets were? And do you also realize that it takes time to get those assets that can save them from where they are to where they're needed?

But then again.................civilian retards such as yourself who have never served think that the military is able to respond instantly. Remember...............it takes time to get from point A to point B.

Oh yeah.................you have yet to provide a video that shows the attack being seen by the White House in real time. All you posted was a FAUX Nooze video (with Sean Hannity) telling us why Obama fucked up.

Still waiting for the video link you meat lipped twat with a sperm burping vagina.

Exactly what was sent from point "A" to point "B" (Benghazi) in the way of help?

Seven hours the attack went on and no help was sent. NONE.

Who would have given the order to send help?

Was an order for help even given?

? ? ? ? ?????

Obama and the MSM's 'mums the word' silence on it all speaks volumes.
I agree.

If the POTUS gave the word to send aid that aid would have been sent. He is POTUS after all and CIC.

No aid was sent and three very brave men are dead.

Unfucking believable.
Before the invasion of Iraq, Christian population was around 1.4 million of the total population and the community had enjoyed all kinds of support and patronage during Saddam’s regime which dwindled to around one hundred forty thousand at the time of the withdrawal of the Allied forces. Did they just vanish? Its a million dollar question.

Legacy of US Iraq

Republicans are such a disgrace using American deaths to try to "score points" against the president. And look at the blood on the hands of American Republicans. Did Bush watch? Did Republicans "enjoy" what they did? Was it as good for them as it was for the Iraqi radical Muslims?

this post has to do with what?

I think RDean is saying that compared with the number of lives lost under Bush while he watched, jumping on Obama for sacrificing 4 Americans to prevent risk of escalation into larger scale war for political reasons is very minimal and is clearly for political points also.
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Amazing. What a bunch of sick and twisted liars you people are. Is this all because you know President Obama will win the election?? Are you all behaving like mean, petulant children because you're not going to get your way?? Seems as though you are all old enough to know that we don't always get what we want. Grow up!!

Fuck you, you sickening BITCH!

We KNOW the White House had LIVE video of the attacks.

We KNOW there were SEVERAL orders to 'Stand down'.

We KNOW that 4 Americans are DEAD!

And we KNOW that for you and those moronic asshats LIKE you that none of what we KNOW matters, your ONLY concern is the further destruction of this once great nation through the re-election of the most chickenshit, traitorous BASTARD that has ever occupied the White House.

To repeat...

Fuck you, you sickening BITCH!

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