Did Obama Wiretap Trump? Voters React

Do I believe that Obama tapped Trump? Oh hell yes. As corrupt and dishonest that he is? Absolutely.

Note: To all you brain dead lefties, note that I said "believe".

Its obvious now that the Democrats did order 'investigations' of Trump Campaign officials. It's unprecedented and incredibly dirty. It's an abuse of power. I have no doubt there is something to what Trump said about Surveillance. It likely happened. This whole thing stinks of Watergate. But it's so much worse.

We are talking about Obama here. Aside from Hillary, he's the most corrupt politician in US history. Hell, what he did to his opponent when he ran for Senator tells you all you need to know.

Comey only denied directly 'Wiretapping' Donald Trump. He fully admitted they were 'investigating' the Trump Campaign. And obviously that included some sort of surveillance.

The Democrats have set a very dangerous precedent with this. It's a blatant attack on our Democratic Process. Surveilling the opposition's Candidate for President, amounts to Watergate ten-fold. All who ordered this farce should be held accountable.
I, HEREBY, DECLARE-------anyone, so inclined, can tap my phone

1 Like they need your permission.

2 They already are.

No doubt yours is.

Hmmm. . . .

So you're completely unaware of the Patriot Act and the NDAA huh?

Everyone's is doofus. If you believe that the content can't be called up you don't know anything about digital technology or the cloud.

Momentum Builds Against N.S.A. Surveillance

I do know about it but I also know what I say on the phone is of no interest to anyone. You tend to lean toward conspiracy and no doubt have some interesting conversations.
Comey's cred is not damaged in the slightest. PredFan and dschrute are exactly why we need someone like Comey at the feeb. He will not put up with their conspiracy nonsense, will not let it interfere in the slightest as Comey roots out the deep state of the Alt Right infiltrators.
The 50-50 nation marches on. Republicans and Trump supporters in general strongly suspect that the Obama administration was wiretapping the Trump campaign last year; Democrats and Trump opponents strongly disagree. While the director of the FBI has reportedly disputed President Trump’s wiretapping claim, a lot of voters are wondering about the FBI’s impartiality.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 44% of all Likely U.S. Voters consider it likely the Obama administration tapped telephones in Trump Tower during last year’s presidential campaign, with 26% who say it’s Very Likely. Fifty-three percent (53%) view that claim as unlikely, including 40% who say it’s Not At All Likely. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Did Obama Wiretap Trump? Voters React - Rasmussen Reports™

It is interesting that Comey's denial of the wiretap followed by his refusal to answer questions about it has damaged his own credibility.

Of course they do. 52% of republicans still believe Obama is a Kenyan. Once a RWNJ is told something by Hannity or Alex Jones, they will believe it forever, no matter what the facts are.

Obama told his publisher that he was "Born in Kenya raised in Hawaii and Indonesia"

Oh God.......That shit again? Another example of right wingers refusing to accept facts no matter how many times they are presented. Once something is burned into a RWNJ brain, it's there forever.

Like my dog.
Do I believe that Obama tapped Trump? Oh hell yes. As corrupt and dishonest that he is? Absolutely.

Note: To all you brain dead lefties, note that I said "believe".

Its obvious now that the Democrats did order 'investigations' of Trump Campaign officials. It's unprecedented and incredibly dirty. It's an abuse of power. I have no doubt there is something to what Trump said about Surveillance. It likely happened. This whole thing stinks of Watergate. But it's so much worse.

We are talking about Obama here. Aside from Hillary, he's the most corrupt politician in US history. Hell, what he did to his opponent when he ran for Senator tells you all you need to know.

Comey only denied directly 'Wiretapping' Donald Trump. He fully admitted they were 'investigating' the Trump Campaign. And obviously that included some sort of surveillance.

The Democrats have set a very dangerous precedent with this. It's a blatant attack on our Democratic Process. Surveilling the opposition's Candidate for President, amounts to Watergate ten-fold. All who ordered this farce should be held accountable.
^^^^^DING, DING, DING^^^^^^^

Comey's cred is not damaged in the slightest. PredFan and dschrute are exactly why we need someone like Comey at the feeb. He will not put up with their conspiracy nonsense, will not let it interfere in the slightest as Comey roots out the deep state of the Alt Right infiltrators.
so can you explain why comey is investigating trump?
The 50-50 nation marches on. Republicans and Trump supporters in general strongly suspect that the Obama administration was wiretapping the Trump campaign last year; Democrats and Trump opponents strongly disagree. While the director of the FBI has reportedly disputed President Trump’s wiretapping claim, a lot of voters are wondering about the FBI’s impartiality.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 44% of all Likely U.S. Voters consider it likely the Obama administration tapped telephones in Trump Tower during last year’s presidential campaign, with 26% who say it’s Very Likely. Fifty-three percent (53%) view that claim as unlikely, including 40% who say it’s Not At All Likely. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Did Obama Wiretap Trump? Voters React - Rasmussen Reports™

It is interesting that Comey's denial of the wiretap followed by his refusal to answer questions about it has damaged his own credibility.

Not surprising that the Trump voters instinctively believe Trump rather than the evidence.
Comey's cred is not damaged in the slightest. PredFan and dschrute are exactly why we need someone like Comey at the feeb. He will not put up with their conspiracy nonsense, will not let it interfere in the slightest as Comey roots out the deep state of the Alt Right infiltrators.
so can you explain why comey is investigating trump?

If you haven't figured that out by now, you're too stupid to know.
Keep in mind, Comey only denied 'Wiretapping' Donald Trump. He openly admitted they've been 'investigating' the Trump Campaign for awhile. And obviously, some sort of surveillance was conducted. However, Trump may have been off on him being 'Wiretapped' directly.

But there seems to be no doubt the Democrats did order some sort of surveillance on his Campaign. And if so, that constitutes an unprecedented egregious attack on our Democratic Process. Ordering surveillance on the opposition's Candidate for President, goes well beyond being dirty. It's a brazen attack on our Democracy.
The 50-50 nation marches on. Republicans and Trump supporters in general strongly suspect that the Obama administration was wiretapping the Trump campaign last year; Democrats and Trump opponents strongly disagree. While the director of the FBI has reportedly disputed President Trump’s wiretapping claim, a lot of voters are wondering about the FBI’s impartiality.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 44% of all Likely U.S. Voters consider it likely the Obama administration tapped telephones in Trump Tower during last year’s presidential campaign, with 26% who say it’s Very Likely. Fifty-three percent (53%) view that claim as unlikely, including 40% who say it’s Not At All Likely. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Did Obama Wiretap Trump? Voters React - Rasmussen Reports™

It is interesting that Comey's denial of the wiretap followed by his refusal to answer questions about it has damaged his own credibility.

Not surprising that the Trump voters instinctively believe Trump rather than the evidence.
what evidence? anytime sweetie, post some of that stuff you got. you've been using again?
Comey's cred is not damaged in the slightest. PredFan and dschrute are exactly why we need someone like Comey at the feeb. He will not put up with their conspiracy nonsense, will not let it interfere in the slightest as Comey roots out the deep state of the Alt Right infiltrators.
so can you explain why comey is investigating trump?

If you haven't figured that out by now, you're too stupid to know.
well I'm sorry, it's never been posted. please do.
Comey on Monday publicly confirmed for the first time that his agency is investigating possible collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign and whether any crimes may have been committed during last year's election campaign as part of a wider probe into the hacking of Democratic servers and the Clinton campaign.

"That includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia's efforts," Comey said in his opening statement to the committee.

The hearing, which also featured testimony from National Security Agency Director Mike Rogers saw Democrats highlight publicly available information about links between Trump associates and Russia. Republicans tried to turn the hearing into leaks that led to the resignation of former national security adviser Michael Flynn. Comey testified that US intelligence agencies agreed that Russia's aim evolved into an effort during the election to aid Trump over Clinton.

"They wanted to hurt our democracy, hurt her, help him. I think all three we were confident in at least as early as December," Comey said.

FBI Director James Comey: Trump campaign, Russia ties investigated, no wiretap evidence - CNNPolitics.com
Keep in mind, Comey only denied 'Wiretapping' Donald Trump. He openly admitted they've been 'investigating' the Trump Campaign for awhile. And obviously, some sort of surveillance was conducted. However, Trump may have been off on him being 'Wiretapped' directly.

But there seems to be no doubt the Democrats did order some sort of surveillance on his Campaign. And if so, that constitutes an unprecedented egregious attack on our Democratic Process. Ordering surveillance on the opposition's Candidate for President, goes well beyond being dirty. It's a brazen attack on our Democracy.

Pretty much depends on the purpose of the investigation. If it was for political purposes, why didn't any of the large amount of direct connections to Russia come out during the election?
"The Putin regime has a long history of aggressive actions against other countries, including the outright invasion of two of its neighbors in recent years, as well as its brutal military action in Syria to defend the Assad regime. But it's hostile acts take many forms, aside from direct military assaults.

For example, the Kremlin is waging an international disinformation campaign through the RT propaganda network which traffics in anti-American conspiracy theories that rivaled the extravagant untruths of Soviet era Pravda (ph). Russia also has a long history of meddling in other countries, election systems and launching cyber attacks on a wide range of countries and industries.

The Baltic's and other Russian neighbors have long decried these attacks. But their warnings went unheeded in far too many nations' capitals, including our own. The fact that the Russia — that Russia hacked U.S. election-related databases comes as no shock to this committee. We have been closely monitoring Russia's aggression for years."

Full transcript: FBI Director James Comey testifies on Russian interference in 2016 election
Comey on Monday publicly confirmed for the first time that his agency is investigating possible collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign and whether any crimes may have been committed during last year's election campaign as part of a wider probe into the hacking of Democratic servers and the Clinton campaign.

"That includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia's efforts," Comey said in his opening statement to the committee.

The hearing, which also featured testimony from National Security Agency Director Mike Rogers saw Democrats highlight publicly available information about links between Trump associates and Russia. Republicans tried to turn the hearing into leaks that led to the resignation of former national security adviser Michael Flynn. Comey testified that US intelligence agencies agreed that Russia's aim evolved into an effort during the election to aid Trump over Clinton.

"They wanted to hurt our democracy, hurt her, help him. I think all three we were confident in at least as early as December," Comey said.

FBI Director James Comey: Trump campaign, Russia ties investigated, no wiretap evidence - CNNPolitics.com
but congress didn't learn anything new. So nothing new, except that publicly Comey has indeed confirmed surveillance of trump. Which confirms Trumps tweet. So there you go. game set match baby!!!!
Keep in mind, Comey only denied 'Wiretapping' Donald Trump. He openly admitted they've been 'investigating' the Trump Campaign for awhile. And obviously, some sort of surveillance was conducted. However, Trump may have been off on him being 'Wiretapped' directly.

But there seems to be no doubt the Democrats did order some sort of surveillance on his Campaign. And if so, that constitutes an unprecedented egregious attack on our Democratic Process. Ordering surveillance on the opposition's Candidate for President, goes well beyond being dirty. It's a brazen attack on our Democracy.

Pretty much depends on the purpose of the investigation. If it was for political purposes, why didn't any of the large amount of direct connections to Russia come out during the election?
exactly what is the investigation? how is it you know?
Keep in mind, Comey only denied 'Wiretapping' Donald Trump. He openly admitted they've been 'investigating' the Trump Campaign for awhile. And obviously, some sort of surveillance was conducted. However, Trump may have been off on him being 'Wiretapped' directly.

But there seems to be no doubt the Democrats did order some sort of surveillance on his Campaign. And if so, that constitutes an unprecedented egregious attack on our Democratic Process. Ordering surveillance on the opposition's Candidate for President, goes well beyond being dirty. It's a brazen attack on our Democracy.
Comey said that the entire DOJ had no evidence of anyone tapping Trump.

Comey said the FBI was investigating the Trump campaign and stuff connections with the Russians.

Trump and his people are attacking American Democracy.
Keep in mind, Comey only denied 'Wiretapping' Donald Trump. He openly admitted they've been 'investigating' the Trump Campaign for awhile. And obviously, some sort of surveillance was conducted. However, Trump may have been off on him being 'Wiretapped' directly.

But there seems to be no doubt the Democrats did order some sort of surveillance on his Campaign. And if so, that constitutes an unprecedented egregious attack on our Democratic Process. Ordering surveillance on the opposition's Candidate for President, goes well beyond being dirty. It's a brazen attack on our Democracy.

Pretty much depends on the purpose of the investigation. If it was for political purposes, why didn't any of the large amount of direct connections to Russia come out during the election?

It was only political. Putin despising Clinton and not wanting her to win, doesn't justify ordering 'Investigations' of the Trump Campaign. This amounts to Watergate ten-fold. A vicious brazen attack on our Democratic Process. We can't tolerate it. Those who ordered it, should be held accountable.
I, HEREBY, DECLARE-------anyone, so inclined, can tap my phone

1 Like they need your permission.

2 They already are.

No doubt yours is.

Hmmm. . . .

So you're completely unaware of the Patriot Act and the NDAA huh?

Everyone's is doofus. If you believe that the content can't be called up you don't know anything about digital technology or the cloud.

Momentum Builds Against N.S.A. Surveillance

I do know about it but I also know what I say on the phone is of no interest to anyone. You tend to lean toward conspiracy and no doubt have some interesting conversations.
. . . and yet you are in denial that everything the presidential candidates said and/or communicated with everyone on the outside was gone over with a fine tooth comb by the intelligence apparatus. Interesting.

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