Did President Obama separate families at the border? No!

Over Memorial Day weekend, President Trump tweeted that people should "put pressure on the Democrats to end the horrible law that separates children from there parents once they cross the Border into the U.S."

The president implied that children were being separated from their parents at the border because of a law enacted by Democrats.

Actually, the policy in question was enacted by his own administration.

On May 7, Attorney General Jeff Sessions said in a speech that "If you're smuggling a child, then we're going to prosecute you, and that child will be separated from you, probably, as required by law. If you don't want your child separated, then don't bring them across the border illegally. It's not our fault that somebody does that."

Sessions announced the policy in Scottsdale, Ariz.

Under U.S. law, entering the country illegally is a crime. The Trump administration has decreed that such attempts will be prosecuted, meaning the adults are detained, and any children who accompany them are separated.

In an interview with NPR's Morning Edition host Steve Inskeep Tuesday, former President Barack Obama's domestic policy director, Cecilia Muñoz, stated unequivocally that separating children from their parents was not a policy the Obama administration followed.

"The Obama administration did not do that, no. We did not separate children from their parents," Muñoz said. "This is a new decision, a policy decision put in place by the attorney general," which Muñoz said "puts us in league with the most brutal regimes in the world's history."

More: FACT CHECK: Are Democrats Responsible For DHS Separating Children From Their Parents?

Trump keeps trying to blame Democrats for a policy that he enacted. Trump owns it.
Well we did separate some families, but the critical distinctions are 2.

1. If a child is separated he/she may only be held - absent a good reason - a max of 20 days, until he is placed with a family member or foster care organization. Foster care slots are an issue. Trump appears determined to violate the Flores consent decree.

2. Trump has increased the number of adults being criminally prosecuted, and that mandates separation. Criminal proceedings require separation because - supposedly - kids can't be kept in cages. Although Trump is effectively imprisoning children without any due process.

It will get worse the closer Mueller gets to the end.

Separating Kids at Border: The Truth | National Review

'Pro-Life,' Pro-Family Groups Are MIA On Family Separations At The Border

We should all be ashamed. Very ashamed.
Republican scum don't know what ashamed is They'll lie and blame others for the shit that they do
Actually most republican favor putting the kids in cages. it's true: two polls.

What the posters here are lying about is that. They don't want to advertise they think this, so the dishonestly compare Trump's actions to Obamas, and even W's.
I saw it reported on MSNBC today that some children will never see their parents again. Think about that.
I saw it reported on MSNBC today that some children will never see their parents again. Think about that.
I am in shock that you would see such a thing on MSLED.
Hollywood stars 'embarrassed' to work for Fox after Fox News coverage of immigration

Jun 19th 2018 2:47PM
  • Fox-associated creators have spoken out against Fox News and its parent company over Fox News' coverage of President Trump's "zero-tolerance" immigration policy that separates children from their families who are crossing the border.
  • Judd Apatow and Steve Levitan quickly followed Seth MacFarlane in condemning Fox.
  • On Tuesday, Ben Wexler and Paul Feig joined in, as well.
It started with a Seth MacFarlane tweet condemning 20th Century Fox and Fox News.

But more people who are currently or formerly associated with Fox are joining the sharp rebuke of the conservative news network and its parent company for the network's defense of the Trump administration and its immigration policies. They include Judd Apatow; "Modern Family" co-creator Steve Levitan; Ben Wexler, who has produced multiple Fox TV shows; and "The Heat" and "Spy" director Paul Feig.

MacFarlane, the creator of Fox broadcast network's "Family Guy," tweeted on Saturday that he was "embarrassed to work" for Fox. The comment was in response to CNN's Brian Stelter, who tweeted that Fox News host Tucker Carlson told his viewers not to believe other news outlets.
Trump Zero-Tolerance Policy

Accordingly, I direct each United States Attorney's Office along the Southwest Border to the extent practicable, and in consultation with DHS- to adopt immediately a zero-tolerance policy for all offenses referred for prosecution under section 1325(a). This zero-tolerance policy shall supersede any existing policies. If adopting such a policy requires additional resources, each office shall identify and request such additional resources.

More: https://www.justice.gov/opa/press-release/file/1049751/download

President Obama never issued such a draconian policy to separate families at the border.
Seems you should be critical of Mexicos failure to protect refugees and illegal minors. Human Rights Watch seems to think so.
Mexico is detaining and deporting at the same levels as the U.S.

Children held in prison like conditions.
Waits to 6 months to hear of refugee status with no legal representation.
Lack of access to Healthcare.
Lack of proper screening to determine refugee status.

Closed Doors | Mexico’s Failure to Protect Central American Refugee and Migrant Children
HRW also states that Mexico has a right to enforce its border including unaccompanied children.

So does the United States.

Imagine how they must feel.
Imagine how the Guatemalans must feel being treated as subhuman by their racist Mexican hosts.
Detained in what they describe as " concentration camps " in the state of Chiapas. Off limits to outsiders, and locals who help them are in danger. In Mexico they are considered the new wetbacks. Living in camps described as subhuman.
Guatemalan Refugees in Mexico
Mexico should be providing help for refugees, yet abuse, slavery and rape welcomes them in Mexico. Reports of xenophobic behavior in Mexico.
Where is the outrage?
Mexico: Still Not Safe for Refugees and Migrants

Yet you jump with glee when Mexico has the gall to criticize America.

The outrage you express or opinions you copy/paste ring hallow.

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