Did Russia "hack" the election? Four questions.

There are some several key points that the Russians were cheating on the American elections, according to this declassified report from the CIA, the FBI, and lastly, the National Security Agency, and their significant scope is that Russia is the only country creating this blurred line of this unprotected thing, and that is hacking.
Then we can safely dismiss everything they said. That's utter bullshit. China alone has stolen millions worth of intellectual property rights.
Listen MR dog turd ,TEll us again what China has to do with anything. Start a thread if you think it is interesting. but it just looks stupid stuck in this thread.
Look, iceweasel, I am putting China off-topic, okay? Our focus is did Russians hack the election. This topic needs to be stayed. I am not Mr. Dog Turd, or Mr. Crack.

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China wasn't even the point. I used them as ONE example of hacking. Russia is in good company. You think we don't hack foreign systems? We probably do it more than anybody.
Idiot what can I say as you stand here supporting our general enimy's and giving them High fives and patting them on the back for hacking us, so it is OK with you and your party , which is 100% obvious by your traitor responses.
who said any such thing. We merely want someone with the evidence to release it to the public. Even the former CIA director stated the reports aren't evidence. So not sure what you're referring to exactly.
No one has yet been able to prove hacking of any sort.
So are the 17 intelligence agencies who all agree that Russia perpetrated the hacks are all mistaken or are they lying for some reason or is it perhaps you are wrong about it while having no proof of your own at all about their lack of evidence, but just allegiance to a misconception for partisan reasons?
yes!! The supposed hack was in the summer of 2015, why is it now important in 2017?
That's fucking idiot logic, moron! Partisan support is no substitute for critical thinking!
IF we're going to drop sanctions on every country that posts propaganda about American elections and candidates we're going to have to drop them on pretty much every nation on the planet...

(RT News propaganda being the leading "evidence" our government has provided for linking the hacking to Putin.)
No one has yet been able to prove hacking of any sort.
So are the 17 intelligence agencies who all agree that Russia perpetrated the hacks are all mistaken or are they lying for some reason or is it perhaps you are wrong about it while having no proof of your own at all about their lack of evidence, but just allegiance to a misconception for partisan reasons?
"For some reason" is called politics. Look when this "report" is coming out. If they were serious it would be a congressional hearing, not flipping shit to the press.
No one has yet been able to prove hacking of any sort.
So are the 17 intelligence agencies who all agree that Russia perpetrated the hacks are all mistaken or are they lying for some reason or is it perhaps you are wrong about it while having no proof of your own at all about their lack of evidence, but just allegiance to a misconception for partisan reasons?
yes!! The supposed hack was in the summer of 2015, why is it now important in 2017?
That's fucking idiot logic, moron! Partisan support is no substitute for critical thinking!
then you should start critical thinking.

it's called congress and there are repubs and dems in there. And I want those who represent the people to tell us what is what here. not NBC or Washington Post. Thanks.
I don't see what all the fuss is about really. The Russians were not the only ones who did not wish to see Hillary elected. The American people did not want her elected either. It was a win for everyone.
There are some several key points that the Russians were cheating on the American elections, according to this declassified report from the CIA, the FBI, and lastly, the National Security Agency, and their significant scope is that Russia is the only country creating this blurred line of this unprotected thing, and that is hacking.
Then we can safely dismiss everything they said. That's utter bullshit. China alone has stolen millions worth of intellectual property rights.
Listen MR dog turd ,TEll us again what China has to do with anything. Start a thread if you think it is interesting. but it just looks stupid stuck in this thread.
I explained it, Mr. Dog Turd sucker. I responded to the idiotic statement in bold.
You said something about it maybe but you surely didn't explain anything . China has nothing to do with Russia hacking the Dems . Its like arguing against Hillary by Bills sex life. It's stupid nonsense and dog turd that would be all you have.
The bitch, Hillary defended her predator husband by trying to destroy the characters of every woman that came forward saying he'd molested or raped them. This is in direct opposition to her false claim that she thinks all women that claim to have been sexually harassed should be listened to. She was enabling Slick Willy to continue with his perversion. She's just as bad as he was in that regard.

...and YOU are a blithering idiot.
There are those of us who voted Trump that wouldn't be screaming if a foreign entity revealed accurate information about him.
You really don't think that, had Russia done this to the Republicans and Trump lost, that they would be complaining?

I thought the Intel "opinions" were that the RNC had also been hacked. In fact, the FBI tried to warn BOTH nearly simultaneously back in July or August..
RNC had better firewalls. Either that or they got hacked and there was nothing disturbing found to expose.

Well someone needs to sort this out. The RNC denies it. BUT the same "Intelligence Agencies" that are SURE the Russians did both the hacking and release of DNC documents, APPARENTLY said with HIGH CONFIDENCE, that the RNC was hacked.

Intelligence: Russians hacked RNC too, to hurt Clinton, help Trump

By DAVID E. SANGER and Scott Shane
The New York Times
WASHINGTON — U.S. intelligence agencies have concluded with “high confidence” that Russia acted covertly in the latter stages of the presidential campaign to harm Hillary Clinton’s chances and promote Donald Trump, according to senior administration officials.

They based that conclusion, in part, on another finding — which they say was also reached with high confidence — that the Russians hacked the Republican National Committee’s (RNC) computer systems in addition to their attacks on Democratic organizations, but did not release whatever information they gleaned from the Republican networks.

My question is -- if they got this wrong -- how HIGH is the confidence really? :happy-1:

Don't you feel all warm and fuzzy about the safe hands we all are in??

The FBI, the CIA, the NSA and all other so-called apolitical entities are full of PEOPLE. People tend not to forget their political ties when making decisions of any sort, especially when they serve at the behest of a more powerful political figure.
Okay, just for the hell of it, let's try to define what the question "Did Russia Hack the Election?" actually means.

If I have this right, I don't believe anyone is saying that Russia somehow got into voting booths or hacked into voting machines or computers or servers and changed votes from Hillary to Trump. If I'm wrong on that, if you believe that, please say so and provide whatever evidence you have.

I believe that what is being said is that the Russians "hacked" into Podesta's and other DNC people's email accounts via phishing and got oodles of seriously damning shit on the Democrats, spilled the beans, and here we are. They are saying that an unfriendly foreign power found and used a method of influencing opinions on a major party presidential candidate, and it may have made enough of a difference in a close race. That's it, unless I'm missing something.

So, four reasonable questions:
  1. Was Podesta, was the DNC, an easy mark for this activity, did they screw up? Yeah, it appears so.
  2. Did the Russians try to hack the RNC too? Entirely possible, no one can say for sure either way.
  3. Could all the shit that came out from the hacked emails been the final straw against Clinton, particularly in those rust belt states where Trump barely beat her and gained critical electoral votes? Yeah, that seems like a reasonable possibility.
  4. And finally, if Trump had been the one whose party's emails were hacked and Hillary won critical electoral states by a hair, would his supporters be screaming right now? Of course.
So what is YOUR definition of "hacking"?
Assange said it was leaked by someone in the DNC
Yes, Assange and Putin are denying it, while American intelligence agencies and American legislators who have seen the intelligence say there is no doubt Russia did it.

Assange/Putin or Americans. I guess it depends on who you want to believe.
I believe facts. Post them up. And the CIA isn't "the Americans". They have a long track record of misleading us and dragging us into all kinds of shit so no, I don't hold their opinions as Gospel. and it doesn't mean I support Putin. But that's about the speed of your toggle switch on/off brain.

How about the other 16 agencies... Wilfully putting your head in the sand seems to be your only defense...

You are going for if I am dumb enough I don't have to understand....

Trump's Chief of Staff has now admitted it...
There are some several key points that the Russians were cheating on the American elections, according to this declassified report from the CIA, the FBI, and lastly, the National Security Agency, and their significant scope is that Russia is the only country creating this blurred line of this unprotected thing, and that is hacking.
Then we can safely dismiss everything they said. That's utter bullshit. China alone has stolen millions worth of intellectual property rights.
Listen MR dog turd ,TEll us again what China has to do with anything. Start a thread if you think it is interesting. but it just looks stupid stuck in this thread.
I explained it, Mr. Dog Turd sucker. I responded to the idiotic statement in bold.
You said something about it maybe but you surely didn't explain anything . China has nothing to do with Russia hacking the Dems . Its like arguing against Hillary by Bills sex life. It's stupid nonsense and dog turd that would be all you have.
The bitch, Hillary defended her predator husband by trying to destroy the characters of every woman that came forward saying he'd molested or raped them. This is in direct opposition to her false claim that she thinks all women that claim to have been sexually harassed should be listened to. She was enabling Slick Willyto continue with his perversion. She's just as bad as he was in that regard.

...and YOU are a blithering idiot.

Trying to change the topic I see...

Hitler murder 6 million Jews and you are not allowed murder one...
IF we're going to drop sanctions on every country that posts propaganda about American elections and candidates we're going to have to drop them on pretty much every nation on the planet...

(RT News propaganda being the leading "evidence" our government has provided for linking the hacking to Putin.)

They illegally hacked one side...

Sure are alot of Fredo in this bunch...
IF we're going to drop sanctions on every country that posts propaganda about American elections and candidates we're going to have to drop them on pretty much every nation on the planet...

(RT News propaganda being the leading "evidence" our government has provided for linking the hacking to Putin.)

They illegally hacked one side...

Sure are alot of Fredo in this bunch...

You can't talk to her like that, she has over a 200 IQ!
There are those of us who voted Trump that wouldn't be screaming if a foreign entity revealed accurate information about him.
You really don't think that, had Russia done this to the Republicans and Trump lost, that they would be complaining?

I thought the Intel "opinions" were that the RNC had also been hacked. In fact, the FBI tried to warn BOTH nearly simultaneously back in July or August..
RNC had better firewalls. Either that or they got hacked and there was nothing disturbing found to expose.

Well someone needs to sort this out. The RNC denies it. BUT the same "Intelligence Agencies" that are SURE the Russians did both the hacking and release of DNC documents, APPARENTLY said with HIGH CONFIDENCE, that the RNC was hacked.

Intelligence: Russians hacked RNC too, to hurt Clinton, help Trump

By DAVID E. SANGER and Scott Shane
The New York Times
WASHINGTON — U.S. intelligence agencies have concluded with “high confidence” that Russia acted covertly in the latter stages of the presidential campaign to harm Hillary Clinton’s chances and promote Donald Trump, according to senior administration officials.

They based that conclusion, in part, on another finding — which they say was also reached with high confidence — that the Russians hacked the Republican National Committee’s (RNC) computer systems in addition to their attacks on Democratic organizations, but did not release whatever information they gleaned from the Republican networks.

My question is -- if they got this wrong -- how HIGH is the confidence really? :happy-1:

Don't you feel all warm and fuzzy about the safe hands we all are in??

The FBI, the CIA, the NSA and all other so-called apolitical entities are full of PEOPLE. People tend not to forget their political ties when making decisions of any sort, especially when they serve at the behest of a more powerful political figure.

You are the type that would have cheered on the Nazis in WW2.... Sell out...
Okay, just for the hell of it, let's try to define what the question "Did Russia Hack the Election?" actually means.

If I have this right, I don't believe anyone is saying that Russia somehow got into voting booths or hacked into voting machines or computers or servers and changed votes from Hillary to Trump. If I'm wrong on that, if you believe that, please say so and provide whatever evidence you have.

I believe that what is being said is that the Russians "hacked" into Podesta's and other DNC people's email accounts via phishing and got oodles of seriously damning shit on the Democrats, spilled the beans, and here we are. They are saying that an unfriendly foreign power found and used a method of influencing opinions on a major party presidential candidate, and it may have made enough of a difference in a close race. That's it, unless I'm missing something.

So, four reasonable questions:
  1. Was Podesta, was the DNC, an easy mark for this activity, did they screw up? Yeah, it appears so.
  2. Did the Russians try to hack the RNC too? Entirely possible, no one can say for sure either way.
  3. Could all the shit that came out from the hacked emails been the final straw against Clinton, particularly in those rust belt states where Trump barely beat her and gained critical electoral votes? Yeah, that seems like a reasonable possibility.
  4. And finally, if Trump had been the one whose party's emails were hacked and Hillary won critical electoral states by a hair, would his supporters be screaming right now? Of course.
So what is YOUR definition of "hacking"?
Assange said it was leaked by someone in the DNC
Yes, Assange and Putin are denying it, while American intelligence agencies and American legislators who have seen the intelligence say there is no doubt Russia did it.

Assange/Putin or Americans. I guess it depends on who you want to believe.
I believe facts. Post them up. And the CIA isn't "the Americans". They have a long track record of misleading us and dragging us into all kinds of shit so no, I don't hold their opinions as Gospel. and it doesn't mean I support Putin. But that's about the speed of your toggle switch on/off brain.

How about the other 16 agencies... Wilfully putting your head in the sand seems to be your only defense...

You are going for if I am dumb enough I don't have to understand....

Trump's Chief of Staff has now admitted it...
17 agencies looking for the same thing and no solid evidence? That should speak to you.
No one hacked the election...someone hacked Uma's and Podestas email address but no one hacked the election...write the media and straighten them out please.
IF we're going to drop sanctions on every country that posts propaganda about American elections and candidates we're going to have to drop them on pretty much every nation on the planet...

(RT News propaganda being the leading "evidence" our government has provided for linking the hacking to Putin.)

They illegally hacked one side...

Sure are alot of Fredo in this bunch...
Hacking isn't illegal. It's dumb to say illegal hacking. The fact the Republicans weren't stupid enough to fall for the primitive email scam isn't the issue. What is the issue is that liberals are upset that someone made their corruption public. As if we didn't already know.
Agree except for #3.

I don't think it made a difference. Hillary is a disappointing campaigner. Does anyone really remember what the content of any of those e-mails were?

Content didn't even matter much - just the fact that SOMETHING was coming out having to do with Hillary and emails just fueled the constant, unyielding, unrelenting daily angle Trump and Republicans have been hitting on - that Hillary is crooked, sketchy character that cannot be trusted.

Election was decided on just 80,000 votes, 0.5% in PA,MI and WI combined
. That's a sort of margin that is quite conceivable to have been made by Russian hacking.
DUDE I have a really far out password...what is it....password heeehheeehhheeeee
IF we're going to drop sanctions on every country that posts propaganda about American elections and candidates we're going to have to drop them on pretty much every nation on the planet...

(RT News propaganda being the leading "evidence" our government has provided for linking the hacking to Putin.)

They illegally hacked one side...

Sure are alot of Fredo in this bunch...
Hacking isn't illegal. It's dumb to say illegal hacking. The fact the Republicans weren't stupid enough to fall for the primitive email scam isn't the issue. What is the issue is that liberals are upset that someone made their corruption public. As if we didn't already know.


"Hacking isn't illegal."


You understand that he has to say "illegal hacking" because the term hacking is a broad term and that it is the type of hacking that makes it illegal?

Maybe you should go join a hacking forum so you can become a hacking expert.


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