Did the terrorist Soleimani deserve to die?

Did the terrorist Soleimani deserve to die?

  • Yes

    Votes: 21 95.5%
  • No

    Votes: 1 4.5%

  • Total voters
This hero of the left is responsible for these and other acts:

  • Roadside IEDs that killed over 600 American soldiers in Iraq
  • Helped Assad use chemical weapons against civilians
  • Facilitated arming Hezbollah
  • Facilitated arming Hamas
  • Killed thousands of Iraqis protesting Iranian intervention
  • Organized Shia militias who attacked the US Embassy in Iraq over Christmas.

These are just a few of his dirty deeds. He had UN sanctions against him the prohibited him from leaving Iran, which he has violated for years. Trump lit him up in Iraq while he planned even more American deaths.

This is the guy our resident Dimwingers are mourning.
He's a "terrorist" because the dimwit president and his cronies at faux media says he was. He was the Iranian in charge of destroying ISIS AND was in Iraq on invitation from the Iraqi PM to try and get a peace deal done with Saudi Arabia and Yemen...people would know this if they listened to more than just Amurican Zionist propaganda funnily called "news"
Or maybe you're the retard who voted for your hero.
He isn't my hero I didn't know who he was until the war criminal Trump murdered him and you are damn right I voted for him.
  • Roadside IEDs that killed over 600 American soldiers in Iraq
  • Helped Assad use chemical weapons against civilians
  • Facilitated arming Hezbollah
  • Facilitated arming Hamas
  • Killed thousands of Iraqis protesting Iranian intervention
  • Organized Shia militias who attacked the US Embassy in Iraq over Christmas.
Yeah, hell of a guy.
A Dimwinger hero.

Quite disgusting.
This hero of the left is responsible for these and other acts:

  • Roadside IEDs that killed over 600 American soldiers in Iraq
  • Helped Assad use chemical weapons against civilians
  • Facilitated arming Hezbollah
  • Facilitated arming Hamas
  • Killed thousands of Iraqis protesting Iranian intervention
  • Organized Shia militias who attacked the US Embassy in Iraq over Christmas.

These are just a few of his dirty deeds. He had UN sanctions against him the prohibited him from leaving Iran, which he has violated for years. Trump lit him up in Iraq while he planned even more American deaths.

This is the guy our resident Dimwingers are mourning.
He's a "terrorist" because the dimwit president and his cronies at faux media says he was. He was the Iranian in charge of destroying ISIS AND was in Iraq on invitation from the Iraqi PM to try and get a peace deal done with Saudi Arabia and Yemen...people would know this if they listened to more than just Amurican Zionist propaganda funnily called "news"
Or maybe you're the retard who voted for your hero.
He isn't my hero I didn't know who he was until the war criminal Trump murdered him and you are damn right I voted for him.
  • Roadside IEDs that killed over 600 American soldiers in Iraq
  • Helped Assad use chemical weapons against civilians
  • Facilitated arming Hezbollah
  • Facilitated arming Hamas
  • Killed thousands of Iraqis protesting Iranian intervention
  • Organized Shia militias who attacked the US Embassy in Iraq over Christmas.
Yeah, hell of a guy.
There Is Zero Actual Evidence Iran Is Responsible for Killing Hundreds of Americans

Again with the zionist media propaganda...you dolts should try reading ACTUAL news not puff pieces that reinforce your WRONG assumptions.
This hero of the left is responsible for these and other acts:

  • Roadside IEDs that killed over 600 American soldiers in Iraq
  • Helped Assad use chemical weapons against civilians
  • Facilitated arming Hezbollah
  • Facilitated arming Hamas
  • Killed thousands of Iraqis protesting Iranian intervention
  • Organized Shia militias who attacked the US Embassy in Iraq over Christmas.

These are just a few of his dirty deeds. He had UN sanctions against him the prohibited him from leaving Iran, which he has violated for years. Trump lit him up in Iraq while he planned even more American deaths.

This is the guy our resident Dimwingers are mourning.
He's a "terrorist" because the dimwit president and his cronies at faux media says he was. He was the Iranian in charge of destroying ISIS AND was in Iraq on invitation from the Iraqi PM to try and get a peace deal done with Saudi Arabia and Yemen...people would know this if they listened to more than just Amurican Zionist propaganda funnily called "news"
Or maybe you're the retard who voted for your hero.
He isn't my hero I didn't know who he was until the war criminal Trump murdered him and you are damn right I voted for him.
  • Roadside IEDs that killed over 600 American soldiers in Iraq
  • Helped Assad use chemical weapons against civilians
  • Facilitated arming Hezbollah
  • Facilitated arming Hamas
  • Killed thousands of Iraqis protesting Iranian intervention
  • Organized Shia militias who attacked the US Embassy in Iraq over Christmas.
Yeah, hell of a guy.
There Is Zero Actual Evidence Iran Is Responsible for Killing Hundreds of Americans

Again with the zionist media propaganda...you dolts should try reading ACTUAL news not puff pieces that reinforce your WRONG assumptions.
Little tip for ya, Slappy:

The Jew didn't fuck up your life. YOU did.
This hero of the left is responsible for these and other acts:

  • Roadside IEDs that killed over 600 American soldiers in Iraq
  • Helped Assad use chemical weapons against civilians
  • Facilitated arming Hezbollah
  • Facilitated arming Hamas
  • Killed thousands of Iraqis protesting Iranian intervention
  • Organized Shia militias who attacked the US Embassy in Iraq over Christmas.

These are just a few of his dirty deeds. He had UN sanctions against him the prohibited him from leaving Iran, which he has violated for years. Trump lit him up in Iraq while he planned even more American deaths.

This is the guy our resident Dimwingers are mourning.
He's a "terrorist" because the dimwit president and his cronies at faux media says he was. He was the Iranian in charge of destroying ISIS AND was in Iraq on invitation from the Iraqi PM to try and get a peace deal done with Saudi Arabia and Yemen...people would know this if they listened to more than just Amurican Zionist propaganda funnily called "news"
Or maybe you're the retard who voted for your hero.
He isn't my hero I didn't know who he was until the war criminal Trump murdered him and you are damn right I voted for him.
  • Roadside IEDs that killed over 600 American soldiers in Iraq
  • Helped Assad use chemical weapons against civilians
  • Facilitated arming Hezbollah
  • Facilitated arming Hamas
  • Killed thousands of Iraqis protesting Iranian intervention
  • Organized Shia militias who attacked the US Embassy in Iraq over Christmas.
Yeah, hell of a guy.
There Is Zero Actual Evidence Iran Is Responsible for Killing Hundreds of Americans

Again with the zionist media propaganda...you dolts should try reading ACTUAL news not puff pieces that reinforce your WRONG assumptions.
Your source:

He is known internationally as a leading critic of United States policy in the Middle East, particularly under the George W. Bush Administration, and an analyst of nonviolent civil insurrections against autocratic regimes.
This hero of the left is responsible for these and other acts:

  • Roadside IEDs that killed over 600 American soldiers in Iraq
  • Helped Assad use chemical weapons against civilians
  • Facilitated arming Hezbollah
  • Facilitated arming Hamas
  • Killed thousands of Iraqis protesting Iranian intervention
  • Organized Shia militias who attacked the US Embassy in Iraq over Christmas.

These are just a few of his dirty deeds. He had UN sanctions against him the prohibited him from leaving Iran, which he has violated for years. Trump lit him up in Iraq while he planned even more American deaths.

This is the guy our resident Dimwingers are mourning.

222 years at war, 243 years in existence as a nation state. Military occupational forces in 70% of the world's nations. Supports 73% of the planet's military dictatorships. Repeatedly guilty of war crimes. Engages in torture. Last legal constitutional war ended in May of 1945. Never invaded, always the aggressor and the invader. No possible defensive rationale by any stretch of the imagination since WWII. Guilty of rogue nation state assassinations. Loves the Radical Islamist public square beheading, journalist liquefying Saudis, who are apparently not bad guys at all, who we also partner with in genocide in Yemen.

Anyone recall we toppled Iran's duly democratically elected leader in 1953 to prop up a dictator of our choosing?

How long have we been fucking with Iran? Iraq?

America is at war with peace, fweedumb.

Foreign interventions by the United States - Wikipedia
Foreign interventions by the United States - Wikipedia
Pre-Cold war U.S. interventions include: Repeated U.S. interventions in Chile, starting in 1811, the year after its independence from Spain. 1846 to 1848: Mexican-American War over Texas, California and what today is the American Southwest but was then part of Mexico. During this war, U.S. troops ...

U.S. Interventions - 1945 to the Present William Blum
For 11 years, two of the oldest democracies in the world, Great Britain and the United States, went to great lengths to prevent a democratically elected leader from occupying his office. Cheddi Jagan was another Third World leader who tried to remain neutral and independent. He was elected three times.

A Chronology Of U.s. Military Interventions | Give War A ...
A Chronology Of U.s. Military Interventions | Give War A Chance | FRONTLINE | PBS
The raid was also part of a larger struggle with Libya throughout the 1980s over its support for international terrorism and its claims over the Gulf of Sidra. ... the United States sent ...

A Century of U.S. Intervention Created the Immigration Crisis
A Century of U.S. Intervention Created the Immigration Crisis
Jun 21, 2018This history of intervention is inextricable from the contemporary Central American crisis of internal and international displacement and migration.

U.S. MILITARY INTERVENTIONS SINCE 1890 By Dr. Zoltan Grossman. The following is a partial list of U.S. military interventions from 1890 to 2019, also available as a printable list. Below the list is a Briefing on the History of U.S. Military Interventions (2001). The list and briefing are also available as a powerpoint presentation.

Humanitarian Intervention: The American Experience from ...
The Spanish-American War as Humanitarian Intervention. As the proverbial ugly stepchild of American diplomatic history, the Spanish-American War occupies complicated territory. Because foreign policy specialists realize the war's imperialist results, many are reluctant to identify it as a humanitarian intervention.

History of U.S. Interventions in Latin America
History of U.S. Interventions in Latin America
Background Information on the Use of United States Armed Forces in Foreign Countries. Washington, D.C.: 91st Congress, 2nd Session, 1970. Zinn, Howard. A People's History of the United States. New York: Perennial Library, Harper & Row, 1980. Also see Zoltan Grossman, From Wounded Knee to Iraq (A Chronology of U.S. Imperialism)

Timeline of American Involvement in Wars
American Involvement in Wars from Colonial Times to the Present
The most recent war, America's engagement in Afghanistan and Iraq following the 2001 attack on the World Trade Center, is the most protracted war in American history and shows no sign of ending. Wars over the years have changed dramatically, and American involvement has varied.

Timeline of United States military operations - Wikipedia
Timeline of United States military operations - Wikipedia
Meanwhile, the United States was fighting a covert military operation using CIA paramilitary forces, known as The Secret War. 1964: Congo (Zaïre): The United States sent four transport planes to provide airlift for Congolese troops during a rebellion and to transport Belgian paratroopers to rescue foreigners.

So you're grieving poor General Salami, how very sick of you.
He's a "terrorist" because the dimwit president and his cronies at faux media says he was. He was the Iranian in charge of destroying ISIS AND was in Iraq on invitation from the Iraqi PM to try and get a peace deal done with Saudi Arabia and Yemen...people would know this if they listened to more than just Amurican Zionist propaganda funnily called "news"
Or maybe you're the retard who voted for your hero.
He isn't my hero I didn't know who he was until the war criminal Trump murdered him and you are damn right I voted for him.
  • Roadside IEDs that killed over 600 American soldiers in Iraq
  • Helped Assad use chemical weapons against civilians
  • Facilitated arming Hezbollah
  • Facilitated arming Hamas
  • Killed thousands of Iraqis protesting Iranian intervention
  • Organized Shia militias who attacked the US Embassy in Iraq over Christmas.
Yeah, hell of a guy.
There Is Zero Actual Evidence Iran Is Responsible for Killing Hundreds of Americans

Again with the zionist media propaganda...you dolts should try reading ACTUAL news not puff pieces that reinforce your WRONG assumptions.
Little tip for ya, Slappy:

The Jew didn't fuck up your life. YOU did.
My life isn't fucked up lol. I am in college and plan to get a job with a company with offices in Europe so I can permanently leave this shithole country.
He's a "terrorist" because the dimwit president and his cronies at faux media says he was. He was the Iranian in charge of destroying ISIS AND was in Iraq on invitation from the Iraqi PM to try and get a peace deal done with Saudi Arabia and Yemen...people would know this if they listened to more than just Amurican Zionist propaganda funnily called "news"
Or maybe you're the retard who voted for your hero.
He isn't my hero I didn't know who he was until the war criminal Trump murdered him and you are damn right I voted for him.
  • Roadside IEDs that killed over 600 American soldiers in Iraq
  • Helped Assad use chemical weapons against civilians
  • Facilitated arming Hezbollah
  • Facilitated arming Hamas
  • Killed thousands of Iraqis protesting Iranian intervention
  • Organized Shia militias who attacked the US Embassy in Iraq over Christmas.
Yeah, hell of a guy.
There Is Zero Actual Evidence Iran Is Responsible for Killing Hundreds of Americans

Again with the zionist media propaganda...you dolts should try reading ACTUAL news not puff pieces that reinforce your WRONG assumptions.
Your source:

He is known internationally as a leading critic of United States policy in the Middle East, particularly under the George W. Bush Administration, and an analyst of nonviolent civil insurrections against autocratic regimes.
Bush ain't president. Try again.
Or maybe you're the retard who voted for your hero.
He isn't my hero I didn't know who he was until the war criminal Trump murdered him and you are damn right I voted for him.
  • Roadside IEDs that killed over 600 American soldiers in Iraq
  • Helped Assad use chemical weapons against civilians
  • Facilitated arming Hezbollah
  • Facilitated arming Hamas
  • Killed thousands of Iraqis protesting Iranian intervention
  • Organized Shia militias who attacked the US Embassy in Iraq over Christmas.
Yeah, hell of a guy.
There Is Zero Actual Evidence Iran Is Responsible for Killing Hundreds of Americans

Again with the zionist media propaganda...you dolts should try reading ACTUAL news not puff pieces that reinforce your WRONG assumptions.
Little tip for ya, Slappy:

The Jew didn't fuck up your life. YOU did.
My life isn't fucked up lol. I am in college and plan to get a job with a company with offices in Europe so I can permanently leave this shithole country.
Or maybe you're the retard who voted for your hero.
He isn't my hero I didn't know who he was until the war criminal Trump murdered him and you are damn right I voted for him.
  • Roadside IEDs that killed over 600 American soldiers in Iraq
  • Helped Assad use chemical weapons against civilians
  • Facilitated arming Hezbollah
  • Facilitated arming Hamas
  • Killed thousands of Iraqis protesting Iranian intervention
  • Organized Shia militias who attacked the US Embassy in Iraq over Christmas.
Yeah, hell of a guy.
There Is Zero Actual Evidence Iran Is Responsible for Killing Hundreds of Americans

Again with the zionist media propaganda...you dolts should try reading ACTUAL news not puff pieces that reinforce your WRONG assumptions.
Your source:

He is known internationally as a leading critic of United States policy in the Middle East, particularly under the George W. Bush Administration, and an analyst of nonviolent civil insurrections against autocratic regimes.
Bush ain't president. Try again.
Your source has been an anti-American fucktard since Bush. And you whine about "actual' news.

What an idiot.:21:
Or maybe you're the retard who voted for your hero.
He isn't my hero I didn't know who he was until the war criminal Trump murdered him and you are damn right I voted for him.
  • Roadside IEDs that killed over 600 American soldiers in Iraq
  • Helped Assad use chemical weapons against civilians
  • Facilitated arming Hezbollah
  • Facilitated arming Hamas
  • Killed thousands of Iraqis protesting Iranian intervention
  • Organized Shia militias who attacked the US Embassy in Iraq over Christmas.
Yeah, hell of a guy.
There Is Zero Actual Evidence Iran Is Responsible for Killing Hundreds of Americans

Again with the zionist media propaganda...you dolts should try reading ACTUAL news not puff pieces that reinforce your WRONG assumptions.
Little tip for ya, Slappy:

The Jew didn't fuck up your life. YOU did.
My life isn't fucked up lol. I am in college and plan to get a job with a company with offices in Europe so I can permanently leave this shithole country.
Or maybe you're the retard who voted for your hero.
He isn't my hero I didn't know who he was until the war criminal Trump murdered him and you are damn right I voted for him.
  • Roadside IEDs that killed over 600 American soldiers in Iraq
  • Helped Assad use chemical weapons against civilians
  • Facilitated arming Hezbollah
  • Facilitated arming Hamas
  • Killed thousands of Iraqis protesting Iranian intervention
  • Organized Shia militias who attacked the US Embassy in Iraq over Christmas.
Yeah, hell of a guy.
There Is Zero Actual Evidence Iran Is Responsible for Killing Hundreds of Americans

Again with the zionist media propaganda...you dolts should try reading ACTUAL news not puff pieces that reinforce your WRONG assumptions.
Your source:

He is known internationally as a leading critic of United States policy in the Middle East, particularly under the George W. Bush Administration, and an analyst of nonviolent civil insurrections against autocratic regimes.
Bush ain't president. Try again.

I hear the Ukraine pays crackhead, low IQ dimwits tons of money. You should try there.
My life isn't fucked up lol. I am in college and plan to get a job with a company with offices in Europe so I can permanently leave this shithole country.
well bye.gif
He isn't my hero I didn't know who he was until the war criminal Trump murdered him and you are damn right I voted for him.
  • Roadside IEDs that killed over 600 American soldiers in Iraq
  • Helped Assad use chemical weapons against civilians
  • Facilitated arming Hezbollah
  • Facilitated arming Hamas
  • Killed thousands of Iraqis protesting Iranian intervention
  • Organized Shia militias who attacked the US Embassy in Iraq over Christmas.
Yeah, hell of a guy.
There Is Zero Actual Evidence Iran Is Responsible for Killing Hundreds of Americans

Again with the zionist media propaganda...you dolts should try reading ACTUAL news not puff pieces that reinforce your WRONG assumptions.
Little tip for ya, Slappy:

The Jew didn't fuck up your life. YOU did.
My life isn't fucked up lol. I am in college and plan to get a job with a company with offices in Europe so I can permanently leave this shithole country.
He isn't my hero I didn't know who he was until the war criminal Trump murdered him and you are damn right I voted for him.
  • Roadside IEDs that killed over 600 American soldiers in Iraq
  • Helped Assad use chemical weapons against civilians
  • Facilitated arming Hezbollah
  • Facilitated arming Hamas
  • Killed thousands of Iraqis protesting Iranian intervention
  • Organized Shia militias who attacked the US Embassy in Iraq over Christmas.
Yeah, hell of a guy.
There Is Zero Actual Evidence Iran Is Responsible for Killing Hundreds of Americans

Again with the zionist media propaganda...you dolts should try reading ACTUAL news not puff pieces that reinforce your WRONG assumptions.
Your source:

He is known internationally as a leading critic of United States policy in the Middle East, particularly under the George W. Bush Administration, and an analyst of nonviolent civil insurrections against autocratic regimes.
Bush ain't president. Try again.
Your source has been an anti-American fucktard since Bush. And you whine about "actual' news.

What an idiot.:21:
Ah so you are a neo con ass kisser who thinks anyone who despises that clown Bush is anti american...fucking hilarious. Go back to playing with your legos kid.
  • Roadside IEDs that killed over 600 American soldiers in Iraq
  • Helped Assad use chemical weapons against civilians
  • Facilitated arming Hezbollah
  • Facilitated arming Hamas
  • Killed thousands of Iraqis protesting Iranian intervention
  • Organized Shia militias who attacked the US Embassy in Iraq over Christmas.
Yeah, hell of a guy.
There Is Zero Actual Evidence Iran Is Responsible for Killing Hundreds of Americans

Again with the zionist media propaganda...you dolts should try reading ACTUAL news not puff pieces that reinforce your WRONG assumptions.
Little tip for ya, Slappy:

The Jew didn't fuck up your life. YOU did.
My life isn't fucked up lol. I am in college and plan to get a job with a company with offices in Europe so I can permanently leave this shithole country.
  • Roadside IEDs that killed over 600 American soldiers in Iraq
  • Helped Assad use chemical weapons against civilians
  • Facilitated arming Hezbollah
  • Facilitated arming Hamas
  • Killed thousands of Iraqis protesting Iranian intervention
  • Organized Shia militias who attacked the US Embassy in Iraq over Christmas.
Yeah, hell of a guy.
There Is Zero Actual Evidence Iran Is Responsible for Killing Hundreds of Americans

Again with the zionist media propaganda...you dolts should try reading ACTUAL news not puff pieces that reinforce your WRONG assumptions.
Your source:

He is known internationally as a leading critic of United States policy in the Middle East, particularly under the George W. Bush Administration, and an analyst of nonviolent civil insurrections against autocratic regimes.
Bush ain't president. Try again.
Your source has been an anti-American fucktard since Bush. And you whine about "actual' news.

What an idiot.:21:
Ah so you are a neo con ass kisser who thinks anyone who despises that clown Bush is anti american...fucking hilarious. Go back to playing with your legos kid.
I said no such thing, Sybil.

He has been proudly anti-American for a long time. Perfect source for you, Clown.

The very minute he contrived for the death of his first American or Allied soldier.

I would have liked it better had Obumble pulled the trigger but having Drumpf do it works just as well, I suppose.

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