Did Trump lose his security clearance when Biden became president?

This link?

Not the one I looked at, but thanks for making my point.

this one I believe was the one.

Not the one I looked at, but thanks for making my point.

this one I believe was the one.

Did you bother to read your link?

It said your claims are ……Read this slowly

Comey immediately wrote an unclassified memo. The pee/prostitute accusation was never top secret.
The new report from the Justice Department inspector general proves beyond any doubt that fired FBI Director James Comey leaked sensitive law enforcement material in the Trump-Russia investigation. Doing so set a "dangerous example" for the bureau's other employees, Inspector General Michael Horowitz wrote.

Still, Comey's supporters have claimed exoneration on one front: that Comey did not leak classified information. Some reacted angrily when President Trump tweeted that Comey had done so.

But Comey did, in fact, leak classified information. It's right there in the report. It wasn't much classified information, and it was perhaps not terribly important, and Justice Department officials concluded it was not worth prosecuting. But Comey leaked classified material.

The new report from the Justice Department inspector general proves beyond any doubt that fired FBI Director James Comey leaked sensitive law enforcement material in the Trump-Russia investigation. Doing so set a "dangerous example" for the bureau's other employees, Inspector General Michael Horowitz wrote.

Still, Comey's supporters have claimed exoneration on one front: that Comey did not leak classified information. Some reacted angrily when President Trump tweeted that Comey had done so.

But Comey did, in fact, leak classified information. It's right there in the report. It wasn't much classified information, and it was perhaps not terribly important, and Justice Department officials concluded it was not worth prosecuting. But Comey leaked classified material.

He leaked a memo he wrote about Trump trying to strong arm him

He leaked a memo he wrote about Trump trying to strong arm him

So what? It was classified information, and he stole it, and leaked it to the press....Comey in jail? No.
For your information...

For your information...

View attachment 688935
J. Edgar Hoover not only ratted out his coworkers like Reagan, he was a closeted gay, a pedophile, and a
Hoover never joined a political party and claimed he was "not political". In fact, he admitted privately, he was a staunch, lifelong supporter of the Republican party. He secretly aspired to be president and considered running against Franklin D Roosevelt, whom he thought suspiciously left-wing. Hoover publicly expressed support for Senator Joe McCarthy shortly before McCarthy claimed Truman's State Department was harbouring 200 members of the Communist party. His agents slipped file material to the senator for use in his infamous inquisition, while publicly denying doing so.
Not the one I looked at, but thanks for making my point.

this one I believe was the one.

Thanks for proving yourself wrong. :abgg2q.jpg:

CLAIM: Former President Barack Obama took 30 million documents, many of them classified, to Chicago upon leaving the White House.

Lets see proof for this absurd claim. :cuckoo:
What’s absurd about it? Your own article said that they were moved into the former furniture store and that employees from the archives were working through them. NARA released a statement saying they moved Obama’s records to Chicago after Trump left office.

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