Did Trump lose his security clearance when Biden became president?

No, they don't revoke a former president's security clearance when he leaves office. He might not have the "need to know" in ultra secure issues but it makes no difference. I wonder if anyone panicked or considered searching Clinton's home when he "lost" the nuclear launch codes?
They don't revoke it because the sitting President does not have security clearance. The Ofice does. He gets to see everything because the job requires it. Once he's gone, he has nothing.
They don't revoke it because the sitting President does not have security clearance. The Ofice does. He gets to see everything because the job requires it. Once he's gone, he has nothing.

Should there be a need or desire to “read in” a former President on a security matter it is always pursuant to approval by the sitting President.

Should there be a need or desire to “read in” a former President on a security matter it is always pursuant to approval by the sitting President.

Yes! Exactly right. Trump doesn't count because he's a compulsive blabbermouth.
If so, that makes the classified documents at Mar-a-Lago even more seriously illegal. Does anyone know for sure?

Trump declassified everything he took. Hell the FBI was at his home in Feb. They looked at what was there and Trump told them to take what they wanted, They took nothing and told him to put another lock on the door where the boxes were stored. Kinda funny that 6 months later they raided his home to take what he offered back in Feb. All of a sudden he broke laws??? All the Dems have done is ensure a Trump victory in 2024. If he's elected the 2 million illegals Bidung let into the country will get kicked out and the wall will get finished. Bidung has made one hell of a mess and Trump is the guy who can clean it up.
Trump declassified everything he took. Hell the FBI was at his home in Feb. They looked at what was there and Trump told them to take what they wanted, They took nothing and told him to put another lock on the door where the boxes were stored. Kinda funny that 6 months later they raided his home to take what he offered back in Feb. All of a sudden he broke laws??? All the Dems have done is ensure a Trump victory in 2024. If he's elected the 2 million illegals Bidung let into the country will get kicked out and the wall will get finished. Bidung has made one hell of a mess and Trump is the guy who can clean it up.
None of what is posted above is true.
Trump declassified everything he took. Hell the FBI was at his home in Feb. They looked at what was there and Trump told them to take what they wanted, They took nothing and told him to put another lock on the door where the boxes were stored. Kinda funny that 6 months later they raided his home to take what he offered back in Feb. All of a sudden he broke laws??? All the Dems have done is ensure a Trump victory in 2024. If he's elected the 2 million illegals Bidung let into the country will get kicked out and the wall will get finished. Bidung has made one hell of a mess and Trump is the guy who can clean it up.

Trump hid the other boxes. Trump didn't declassify the documents. He just took them. All the documents belong to the National Archives whether they are declassified or not. Trump is untrustworthy... A compulsive blabbermouth and a liar.

No, he's not. Especially in terms of exposure to classified documents; which he no longer has access to because he's not the president.

There's only one U.S. president at a time.
He has classified knowledge in his head at all times. I think we can trust him with papers.
I was just looking for info on that question myself. I recall Biden ordered that Trump no longer receive intel briefings.

Biden Bars Trump From Receiving Intelligence Briefings, Citing ‘Erratic Behavior’​

I don't think he took his security clearance away but I'm not sure.
Wow , the irony... for the love of god.
He's Former President Trump. We have ONE President, for a four year term, at a time...one President of the nation.

Carter, GWB, Clinton, Obama are ALL Former Presidents.
Yes, hence why i used the words "current president". Thanks for pointing out the obvious. :cuckoo:
He broke the law. All the documents belong to the National Archives.
There was an ongoing legal dispute over them. Obama kept his and used tax payer money to do it. Why anyone would have an issue with Trump is pretty obvious. Youre hypocrites.
That is correct. Like it or not, that is the law. Only the President can declassify documents. He doesn't have to ask anyone. So, live with it.
God. Won't live with it. . They will lie and deny and the manure spreaders ( our msm) will do what they do and keep parroting the same lie over and over . With get this, zero consequences. Because it's impossible to break the rules when attacking Trump. Do you know why? Because there are none.
If so, that makes the classified documents at Mar-a-Lago even more seriously illegal. Does anyone know for sure?

presidents don't have security clearance.
There was an ongoing legal dispute over them. Obama kept his and used tax payer money to do it. Why anyone would have an issue with Trump is pretty obvious. Youre hypocrites.

Nope all Obama's documents are stored at NARA... Just like every other president's papers.

Trump took an oath to uphold the US Constitution and rule the rule of law. Trump is undisciplined and compulsive. He's a egotistical blabbermouth.
Nope all Obama's documents are stored at NARA... Just like every other president's papers.

Trump took an oath to uphold the US Constitution and rule the rule of law. Trump is undisciplined and compulsive. He's a egotistical blabbermouth.
nope again.

That is correct. Like it or not, that is the law. Only the President can declassify documents. He doesn't have to ask anyone. So, live with it.

The president has to follow protocols. Declassifying documents is not whimsical. It's a serious matter. Face it... Trump is dumb as hell, deceitful and has no regard for national security.
nope again.

They are under the control of the NARA and will not be made public for 12 years .

That is how the law is written.

What is your lame point?
They are under the control of the NARA and will not be made public for 12 years .

That is how the law is written.

What is your lame point?
they are not with the NARA. they are in a warehouse in Chicago.

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