Did Trump Make Everything Progressive?

"Instead, his administration’s mix of haplessness and menace was a great gift to progressivism, inspiring an anti-conservative reaction that extended through every walk of elite life, turning centrists into liberals and remaking liberalism into exactly the kind of progressive orthodoxy that conservatives most fear. Republicans got control of the Supreme Court out of the bargain, but in almost every other institution that matters, from Langley to the corporate boardroom, their position got much worse."

Will Trump and (far more importantly, Trumpism) turn out to be a great gift to the progressives? The answer, of course, is "we don't know yet".

But he sure as hell has created a backlash that could be strong enough to do it. Hell, I was concerned about this even before he elected:

August 13, 2016:
I guess it will depend on the fallout from Trump. What these people don't see (because talk radio never mentions this) is that their behavior is making it easier for the Dems to move the country Left. They're so proud of the smoking rubble they can't see the big picture.

May 18, 2017:
My personal nightmare scenario is playing out in real time: Trump is in such trouble so quickly that the Democrat party won't even NEED to go through its badly-needed Reformation. The Regressive Left is now waiting in the wings, licking its chops.

December 18, 2016:
Well, we'll see. For better or worse, it's pretty much on Trump in the short term. If he fucks up, the power in the Dems, the Regressive Left, will be able to grab it all back, every last crumb.

June 17, 2016:
What concerns me is that, in response to him, the country knee-jerks too far.
Progressives created Trump. He wouldnt have been elected without them.

No rightwing nutters created tRump. Ewe know those that believed in pizzagate and the cannibalistic pedophile zombie hoards.

What the fuck are you babbling about? :cuckoo:

Cultists like ewe!!!
Your babbling with weird child like taunts. Its extremely ineffective.

Cannot get down to your level!!!
You still arent saying anything. Im not familiar with you. Is this the kind of useless shit we should expect from all your posts?

Ewe believe in cannibalistic pedophile pizza eating zombie hoards. No more need be said.
This is the weirdest way i have ever seen someone debate. What is wrong with you?

He speaks in sheep talk......ewe. Baa baa. He's a follower of the current installed invalid.

Sez the tRump cultist. I mean you just can't make this shit up!!!

. Ewe do it so well!!!

One side is baaaing, the other side is mooing!!!

"Instead, his administration’s mix of haplessness and menace was a great gift to progressivism, inspiring an anti-conservative reaction that extended through every walk of elite life, turning centrists into liberals and remaking liberalism into exactly the kind of progressive orthodoxy that conservatives most fear. Republicans got control of the Supreme Court out of the bargain, but in almost every other institution that matters, from Langley to the corporate boardroom, their position got much worse."

Will Trump and (far more importantly, Trumpism) turn out to be a great gift to the progressives? The answer, of course, is "we don't know yet".

But he sure as hell has created a backlash that could be strong enough to do it. Hell, I was concerned about this even before he elected:

August 13, 2016:
I guess it will depend on the fallout from Trump. What these people don't see (because talk radio never mentions this) is that their behavior is making it easier for the Dems to move the country Left. They're so proud of the smoking rubble they can't see the big picture.

May 18, 2017:
My personal nightmare scenario is playing out in real time: Trump is in such trouble so quickly that the Democrat party won't even NEED to go through its badly-needed Reformation. The Regressive Left is now waiting in the wings, licking its chops.

December 18, 2016:
Well, we'll see. For better or worse, it's pretty much on Trump in the short term. If he fucks up, the power in the Dems, the Regressive Left, will be able to grab it all back, every last crumb.

June 17, 2016:
What concerns me is that, in response to him, the country knee-jerks too far.
Progressives created Trump. He wouldnt have been elected without them.

No rightwing nutters created tRump. Ewe know those that believed in pizzagate and the cannibalistic pedophile zombie hoards.

What the fuck are you babbling about? :cuckoo:

Cultists like ewe!!!
Your babbling with weird child like taunts. Its extremely ineffective.

Cannot get down to your level!!!
You still arent saying anything. Im not familiar with you. Is this the kind of useless shit we should expect from all your posts?

Ewe believe in cannibalistic pedophile pizza eating zombie hoards. No more need be said.
This is the weirdest way i have ever seen someone debate. What is wrong with you?

He speaks in sheep talk......ewe. Baa baa. He's a follower of the current installed invalid.

Sez the tRump cultist. I mean you just can't make this shit up!!!

. Ewe do it so well!!!

One side is baaaing, the other side is mooing!!!

We all know ewe can do both with equal enthusiasm!!!
While I realize it's not going to thrill everyone, I think that it's mostly a good thing. American conservatism was about to drag us out of the first world
The rightwing of every country on earth and in every time in history has always led to disastrous results.
Well the funny thing about conservatism, imo, is that it's not always "right wing." Nor is liberalism always about people having more choices to act as they wish without hurting others intentionally.

Trump is just a symptom and not a cause, but there's a lack of conservatism in today's gop.

"Instead, his administration’s mix of haplessness and menace was a great gift to progressivism, inspiring an anti-conservative reaction that extended through every walk of elite life, turning centrists into liberals and remaking liberalism into exactly the kind of progressive orthodoxy that conservatives most fear. Republicans got control of the Supreme Court out of the bargain, but in almost every other institution that matters, from Langley to the corporate boardroom, their position got much worse."

Will Trump and (far more importantly, Trumpism) turn out to be a great gift to the progressives? The answer, of course, is "we don't know yet".

But he sure as hell has created a backlash that could be strong enough to do it. Hell, I was concerned about this even before he elected:

August 13, 2016:
I guess it will depend on the fallout from Trump. What these people don't see (because talk radio never mentions this) is that their behavior is making it easier for the Dems to move the country Left. They're so proud of the smoking rubble they can't see the big picture.

May 18, 2017:
My personal nightmare scenario is playing out in real time: Trump is in such trouble so quickly that the Democrat party won't even NEED to go through its badly-needed Reformation. The Regressive Left is now waiting in the wings, licking its chops.

December 18, 2016:
Well, we'll see. For better or worse, it's pretty much on Trump in the short term. If he fucks up, the power in the Dems, the Regressive Left, will be able to grab it all back, every last crumb.

June 17, 2016:
What concerns me is that, in response to him, the country knee-jerks too far.

Trump made progressives, already teetering on the edge of sanity, go completely insane. It’s a big part of why I voted for him twice.

"Instead, his administration’s mix of haplessness and menace was a great gift to progressivism, inspiring an anti-conservative reaction that extended through every walk of elite life, turning centrists into liberals and remaking liberalism into exactly the kind of progressive orthodoxy that conservatives most fear. Republicans got control of the Supreme Court out of the bargain, but in almost every other institution that matters, from Langley to the corporate boardroom, their position got much worse."

Will Trump and (far more importantly, Trumpism) turn out to be a great gift to the progressives? The answer, of course, is "we don't know yet".

But he sure as hell has created a backlash that could be strong enough to do it. Hell, I was concerned about this even before he elected:

August 13, 2016:
I guess it will depend on the fallout from Trump. What these people don't see (because talk radio never mentions this) is that their behavior is making it easier for the Dems to move the country Left. They're so proud of the smoking rubble they can't see the big picture.

May 18, 2017:
My personal nightmare scenario is playing out in real time: Trump is in such trouble so quickly that the Democrat party won't even NEED to go through its badly-needed Reformation. The Regressive Left is now waiting in the wings, licking its chops.

December 18, 2016:
Well, we'll see. For better or worse, it's pretty much on Trump in the short term. If he fucks up, the power in the Dems, the Regressive Left, will be able to grab it all back, every last crumb.

June 17, 2016:
What concerns me is that, in response to him, the country knee-jerks too far.
Progressives created Trump. He wouldnt have been elected without them.

No rightwing nutters created tRump. Ewe know those that believed in pizzagate and the cannibalistic pedophile zombie hoards.

What the fuck are you babbling about? :cuckoo:

Cultists like ewe!!!
Your babbling with weird child like taunts. Its extremely ineffective.

Cannot get down to your level!!!
You still arent saying anything. Im not familiar with you. Is this the kind of useless shit we should expect from all your posts?

Ewe believe in cannibalistic pedophile pizza eating zombie hoards. No more need be said.
This is the weirdest way i have ever seen someone debate. What is wrong with you?

He speaks in sheep talk......ewe. Baa baa. He's a follower of the current installed invalid.

Sez the tRump cultist. I mean you just can't make this shit up!!!

. Ewe do it so well!!!

One side is baaaing, the other side is mooing!!!

We all know ewe can do both with equal enthusiasm!!!

We know you're a good sheep!!!! Baaa.

Trump is just a symptom and not a cause
Yep, and this has always been this case. It's never really been about him.
Yeah. But Trump's an easy target because to him literally everything is personally about him.

I like Douthat because he makes a person think. imo Trump actually is sincere in believing Nato, free markets, Milton Friedman and monatarism ... were all bad for Americans. He also is not fan of laws banning discrimination in hiring and renting. The funny thing about him is that being a "limousine liberal from New York City (!!!!!!!!) he is not really hostile to gay rights.

No doubt Trump helped the dems raise a lot of money, but it didn't to them much good in 2020.

"Instead, his administration’s mix of haplessness and menace was a great gift to progressivism, inspiring an anti-conservative reaction that extended through every walk of elite life, turning centrists into liberals and remaking liberalism into exactly the kind of progressive orthodoxy that conservatives most fear. Republicans got control of the Supreme Court out of the bargain, but in almost every other institution that matters, from Langley to the corporate boardroom, their position got much worse."

Will Trump and (far more importantly, Trumpism) turn out to be a great gift to the progressives? The answer, of course, is "we don't know yet".

But he sure as hell has created a backlash that could be strong enough to do it. Hell, I was concerned about this even before he elected:

August 13, 2016:
I guess it will depend on the fallout from Trump. What these people don't see (because talk radio never mentions this) is that their behavior is making it easier for the Dems to move the country Left. They're so proud of the smoking rubble they can't see the big picture.

May 18, 2017:
My personal nightmare scenario is playing out in real time: Trump is in such trouble so quickly that the Democrat party won't even NEED to go through its badly-needed Reformation. The Regressive Left is now waiting in the wings, licking its chops.

December 18, 2016:
Well, we'll see. For better or worse, it's pretty much on Trump in the short term. If he fucks up, the power in the Dems, the Regressive Left, will be able to grab it all back, every last crumb.

June 17, 2016:
What concerns me is that, in response to him, the country knee-jerks too far.
Progressives created Trump. He wouldnt have been elected without them.

No rightwing nutters created tRump. Ewe know those that believed in pizzagate and the cannibalistic pedophile zombie hoards.

What the fuck are you babbling about? :cuckoo:

Cultists like ewe!!!
Your babbling with weird child like taunts. Its extremely ineffective.

Cannot get down to your level!!!
You still arent saying anything. Im not familiar with you. Is this the kind of useless shit we should expect from all your posts?

Ewe believe in cannibalistic pedophile pizza eating zombie hoards. No more need be said.
This is the weirdest way i have ever seen someone debate. What is wrong with you?

He speaks in sheep talk......ewe. Baa baa. He's a follower of the current installed invalid.

Sez the tRump cultist. I mean you just can't make this shit up!!!

. Ewe do it so well!!!

One side is baaaing, the other side is mooing!!!

We all know ewe can do both with equal enthusiasm!!!

We know you're a good sheep!!!! Baaa.

Ewe are the best sheep shaggy!!!

"Instead, his administration’s mix of haplessness and menace was a great gift to progressivism, inspiring an anti-conservative reaction that extended through every walk of elite life, turning centrists into liberals and remaking liberalism into exactly the kind of progressive orthodoxy that conservatives most fear. Republicans got control of the Supreme Court out of the bargain, but in almost every other institution that matters, from Langley to the corporate boardroom, their position got much worse."

Will Trump and (far more importantly, Trumpism) turn out to be a great gift to the progressives? The answer, of course, is "we don't know yet".

But he sure as hell has created a backlash that could be strong enough to do it. Hell, I was concerned about this even before he elected:

August 13, 2016:
I guess it will depend on the fallout from Trump. What these people don't see (because talk radio never mentions this) is that their behavior is making it easier for the Dems to move the country Left. They're so proud of the smoking rubble they can't see the big picture.

May 18, 2017:
My personal nightmare scenario is playing out in real time: Trump is in such trouble so quickly that the Democrat party won't even NEED to go through its badly-needed Reformation. The Regressive Left is now waiting in the wings, licking its chops.

December 18, 2016:
Well, we'll see. For better or worse, it's pretty much on Trump in the short term. If he fucks up, the power in the Dems, the Regressive Left, will be able to grab it all back, every last crumb.

June 17, 2016:
What concerns me is that, in response to him, the country knee-jerks too far.
Progressives created Trump. He wouldnt have been elected without them.

No rightwing nutters created tRump. Ewe know those that believed in pizzagate and the cannibalistic pedophile zombie hoards.

What the fuck are you babbling about? :cuckoo:

Cultists like ewe!!!
Your babbling with weird child like taunts. Its extremely ineffective.

Cannot get down to your level!!!
You still arent saying anything. Im not familiar with you. Is this the kind of useless shit we should expect from all your posts?

Ewe believe in cannibalistic pedophile pizza eating zombie hoards. No more need be said.
This is the weirdest way i have ever seen someone debate. What is wrong with you?

He speaks in sheep talk......ewe. Baa baa. He's a follower of the current installed invalid.

Sez the tRump cultist. I mean you just can't make this shit up!!!

. Ewe do it so well!!!

One side is baaaing, the other side is mooing!!!

We all know ewe can do both with equal enthusiasm!!!

We know you're a good sheep!!!! Baaa.

Ewe are the best sheep shaggy!!!

Time for you to get your next synthetic shot, moooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Instead, his administration’s mix of haplessness and menace was a great gift to progressivism, inspiring an anti-conservative reaction that extended through every walk of elite life, turning centrists into liberals and remaking liberalism into exactly the kind of progressive orthodoxy that conservatives most fear. Republicans got control of the Supreme Court out of the bargain, but in almost every other institution that matters, from Langley to the corporate boardroom, their position got much worse."

Will Trump and (far more importantly, Trumpism) turn out to be a great gift to the progressives? The answer, of course, is "we don't know yet".

But he sure as hell has created a backlash that could be strong enough to do it. Hell, I was concerned about this even before he elected:

August 13, 2016:
I guess it will depend on the fallout from Trump. What these people don't see (because talk radio never mentions this) is that their behavior is making it easier for the Dems to move the country Left. They're so proud of the smoking rubble they can't see the big picture.

May 18, 2017:
My personal nightmare scenario is playing out in real time: Trump is in such trouble so quickly that the Democrat party won't even NEED to go through its badly-needed Reformation. The Regressive Left is now waiting in the wings, licking its chops.

December 18, 2016:
Well, we'll see. For better or worse, it's pretty much on Trump in the short term. If he fucks up, the power in the Dems, the Regressive Left, will be able to grab it all back, every last crumb.

June 17, 2016:
What concerns me is that, in response to him, the country knee-jerks too far.
Progressives created Trump. He wouldnt have been elected without them.

No rightwing nutters created tRump. Ewe know those that believed in pizzagate and the cannibalistic pedophile zombie hoards.

What the fuck are you babbling about? :cuckoo:

Cultists like ewe!!!
Your babbling with weird child like taunts. Its extremely ineffective.

Cannot get down to your level!!!
You still arent saying anything. Im not familiar with you. Is this the kind of useless shit we should expect from all your posts?

Ewe believe in cannibalistic pedophile pizza eating zombie hoards. No more need be said.
This is the weirdest way i have ever seen someone debate. What is wrong with you?

He speaks in sheep talk......ewe. Baa baa. He's a follower of the current installed invalid.

Sez the tRump cultist. I mean you just can't make this shit up!!!

. Ewe do it so well!!!

One side is baaaing, the other side is mooing!!!

We all know ewe can do both with equal enthusiasm!!!

We know you're a good sheep!!!! Baaa.

Ewe are the best sheep shaggy!!!

Time for you to get your next synthetic shot, moooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh lordtrousertrout, such a cute lil cultist sheep, BAAAAAAAAA!!!

"Instead, his administration’s mix of haplessness and menace was a great gift to progressivism, inspiring an anti-conservative reaction that extended through every walk of elite life, turning centrists into liberals and remaking liberalism into exactly the kind of progressive orthodoxy that conservatives most fear. Republicans got control of the Supreme Court out of the bargain, but in almost every other institution that matters, from Langley to the corporate boardroom, their position got much worse."

Will Trump and (far more importantly, Trumpism) turn out to be a great gift to the progressives? The answer, of course, is "we don't know yet".

But he sure as hell has created a backlash that could be strong enough to do it. Hell, I was concerned about this even before he elected:

August 13, 2016:
I guess it will depend on the fallout from Trump. What these people don't see (because talk radio never mentions this) is that their behavior is making it easier for the Dems to move the country Left. They're so proud of the smoking rubble they can't see the big picture.

May 18, 2017:
My personal nightmare scenario is playing out in real time: Trump is in such trouble so quickly that the Democrat party won't even NEED to go through its badly-needed Reformation. The Regressive Left is now waiting in the wings, licking its chops.

December 18, 2016:
Well, we'll see. For better or worse, it's pretty much on Trump in the short term. If he fucks up, the power in the Dems, the Regressive Left, will be able to grab it all back, every last crumb.

June 17, 2016:
What concerns me is that, in response to him, the country knee-jerks too far.
If the Repub courts acted just like the Prog courts the Repubs would have a lot more successes. They do not. The courts have become lawmakers to Progs.
So, a supporter of permanent one party far left rule?
Why don't you go start a thread extolling all the leftwing policies you like and/or want to see enacted in your life?

While I realize it's not going to thrill everyone, I think that it's mostly a good thing. American conservatism was about to drag us out of the first world
The rightwing of every country on earth and in every time in history has always led to disastrous results.
Well the funny thing about conservatism, imo, is that it's not always "right wing." Nor is liberalism always about people having more choices to act as they wish without hurting others intentionally.

Trump is just a symptom and not a cause, but there's a lack of conservatism in today's gop.
The problem is that the symptoms get progressively worse unless you find a cure.

"Instead, his administration’s mix of haplessness and menace was a great gift to progressivism, inspiring an anti-conservative reaction that extended through every walk of elite life, turning centrists into liberals and remaking liberalism into exactly the kind of progressive orthodoxy that conservatives most fear. Republicans got control of the Supreme Court out of the bargain, but in almost every other institution that matters, from Langley to the corporate boardroom, their position got much worse."

Will Trump and (far more importantly, Trumpism) turn out to be a great gift to the progressives? The answer, of course, is "we don't know yet".

But he sure as hell has created a backlash that could be strong enough to do it. Hell, I was concerned about this even before he elected:

August 13, 2016:
I guess it will depend on the fallout from Trump. What these people don't see (because talk radio never mentions this) is that their behavior is making it easier for the Dems to move the country Left. They're so proud of the smoking rubble they can't see the big picture.

May 18, 2017:
My personal nightmare scenario is playing out in real time: Trump is in such trouble so quickly that the Democrat party won't even NEED to go through its badly-needed Reformation. The Regressive Left is now waiting in the wings, licking its chops.

December 18, 2016:
Well, we'll see. For better or worse, it's pretty much on Trump in the short term. If he fucks up, the power in the Dems, the Regressive Left, will be able to grab it all back, every last crumb.

June 17, 2016:
What concerns me is that, in response to him, the country knee-jerks too far.

"Did Trump Make Everything Progressive?"​

NO...that anti America "change America" Kenyan did....remember?
No Kenyan = No Trump
While I realize it's not going to thrill everyone, I think that it's mostly a good thing. American conservatism was about to drag us out of the first world
The rightwing of every country on earth and in every time in history has always led to disastrous results.
Well the funny thing about conservatism, imo, is that it's not always "right wing." Nor is liberalism always about people having more choices to act as they wish without hurting others intentionally.

Trump is just a symptom and not a cause, but there's a lack of conservatism in today's gop.

Trump is just a symptom and not a cause
Yep, and this has always been this case. It's never really been about him.

The "cause" is the anti America, change America Kenyan.....No Kenyan = No Trump

"Instead, his administration’s mix of haplessness and menace was a great gift to progressivism, inspiring an anti-conservative reaction that extended through every walk of elite life, turning centrists into liberals and remaking liberalism into exactly the kind of progressive orthodoxy that conservatives most fear. Republicans got control of the Supreme Court out of the bargain, but in almost every other institution that matters, from Langley to the corporate boardroom, their position got much worse."

Will Trump and (far more importantly, Trumpism) turn out to be a great gift to the progressives? The answer, of course, is "we don't know yet".

But he sure as hell has created a backlash that could be strong enough to do it. Hell, I was concerned about this even before he elected:

August 13, 2016:
I guess it will depend on the fallout from Trump. What these people don't see (because talk radio never mentions this) is that their behavior is making it easier for the Dems to move the country Left. They're so proud of the smoking rubble they can't see the big picture.

May 18, 2017:
My personal nightmare scenario is playing out in real time: Trump is in such trouble so quickly that the Democrat party won't even NEED to go through its badly-needed Reformation. The Regressive Left is now waiting in the wings, licking its chops.

December 18, 2016:
Well, we'll see. For better or worse, it's pretty much on Trump in the short term. If he fucks up, the power in the Dems, the Regressive Left, will be able to grab it all back, every last crumb.

June 17, 2016:
What concerns me is that, in response to him, the country knee-jerks too far.

This obsession runs deep, and your knee jerk is just as extreme.
While I realize it's not going to thrill everyone, I think that it's mostly a good thing. American conservatism was about to drag us out of the first world
The rightwing of every country on earth and in every time in history has always led to disastrous results.
Well the funny thing about conservatism, imo, is that it's not always "right wing." Nor is liberalism always about people having more choices to act as they wish without hurting others intentionally.

Trump is just a symptom and not a cause, but there's a lack of conservatism in today's gop.

Trump is just a symptom and not a cause
Yep, and this has always been this case. It's never really been about him.

The "cause" is the anti America, change America Kenyan.....No Kenyan = No Trump


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