Debate Now Did Trump Really Violate The Law?

They didn’t wait until an election year. Much of this unfolded shortly before and after the 2016 election. Once elected Trump was immune during his time in office. It takes time to build a case. So how could they have done anything “years ago”? How is it election interference given the time line?

Why not hit Trump with it as soon as he left the white house though?

The financial crimes were under New Yorks jurisdiction.


Projection at it’s best.

No it's true. Everybody wants power. Even the Republicans want power. How do you find that to be projection?
What about what eagle1462010 said?

Nope just common knowledge.

Then that leaves you out. :auiqs.jpg:

So you admit that this could be bullshit or are you and Spazzy going to start calling his innocence a conspiracy theory too and start moving all topics into the conspiracy theory forum just like you do with election fraud even though there is clear evidence that it happened? Sorry if you want me to edit my post if this is considered a rule violation I will, but I just couldn't resist asking.
What about what eagle1462010 said?
Perhaps you glossed over this point of New York State law, that can take a charge that is sometime considered a midmeanor, and make it a felony based on other crimes or criminal activity in the eyes of the court and jury.
I posted this in this thread earlier.
It is true, by New York State laws, the other underlying crime or crimes do not even have to be charged or proven in court for the defendant to be found guilty on the charges before the court, and New York is where the triail was held, under New York state law.
Perhaps you glossed over this point of New York State law, that can take a charge that is sometime considered a midmeanor, and make it a felony based on other crimes or criminal activity in the eyes of the court and jury.

I like you and everything so please don't take this personally but that has to be:

Why not hit Trump with it as soon as he left the white house though?
It takes time to build a case and then put it before a grand jury. The grand jury indicted him in March 2023, so not an election year.

They occurred there.

No it's true. Everybody wants power. Even the Republicans want power. How do you find that to be projection?
Because the statement wasn’t about everyone.
I take it you have lived there?

not as bad as I implied.
Biden “won” Manhattan 84.5-14.5

Considering 2020 Election Fraud….almost meaningless numbers reported. NYC is clearly D historically, before mail-in corruption.

Just doing whatever necessary to get her off my case. I make it a habit to be nice, until others are not nice. After that, all bets are off, and they get what they deserve and should stay on the kiddy playground if they can't take it. Not a mean person, by nature, but just not suited to personal attacks and will respond with whatever level necessary to make them break off attack and go hunt easier prey.

As for the Thread Topic you called me to, YES. Donald J Trump broke the law. He had a fair trial and was found guilty by a jury of his peers after charges put forth by a Grand Jury of his peers, trial conducted in front of a judge in good standing in the state in which defendant lived and did business at time of offenses, supposedly operating under the laws and regulations of that state. Both sides had competent legal representation, or representation they picked. The jury was question extensively to weed out prejudice against the defendant, and both sides allowed to question and exclude jurors (10 each) as well as ones the judge rejected for prejudice or self admitting, they could not be fair in the matter before the court, based solely on the evidence and presentation of the two sides. As one who supports jury trial, I have every reason to believe they looked at the trial closely and fairly, coming to their verdict. At this time, I have every reason to believe Donald Trump will be treated fairly in sentencing, though he certainly did himself no service accusations against the judge, the judges' family, or the trial itself. I am expecting the sentence to be probation and fines, as it is unusual for these particular felonies to get jail time on a first conviction, all related to the same event, with a convicted dependent with no prior criminal convictions.

You got personal; I did not. Let's get that right straight off the bat. NOTHING I said to you was personal. I was arguing from your POV, that's all. If you don't like that, consider that you're holding conflicting opinions.
Biden is violating immigration law which is an impeachable offense but, Democrats won't go after Biden. Democrats are implicit in every crime an illegal alien commits. I don't see how anyone can call themselves a Democrat.
You got personal; I did not. Let's get that right straight off the bat. NOTHING I said to you was personal. I was arguing from your POV, that's all. If you don't like that, consider that you're holding conflicting opinions.
I do not take kindly to being called a filthy dem as if your were the be all to end all, and were some entitle 21st century "Karen Bitch on YouTube". You wouldn't call me that in person, so you can shove up your wide ass, after you get the pad out of the way.

So, we have different opinion of whether Trump violated the law. Big deal. Mine is based in the fact he was found guilty, so it is a mute point. He violated the law and was found guilty by a jury of his peers. I trust juries, having been on juries, my wife having been on a capital punishment jury. Juries take trials seriously. If they think somebody is being railroaded, they balk, get hung or simply rebel and render a "Not Guilty". You don't believe in juries or think the former president should be above them. I don't know which. The only reason you think you that is the way to go is you just weren't raised worth a shit, never learning anything at home or in school, or you got by being a spoiled little girl. So, take two more Midol and call me in the morning when you feel better.
The cover up is not a crime either. The FEC didn't even take the case.
No. It was the falsifying of the business records specific. New York law says they do not have to be specific on the underlying crime, even if it was not previously prosecuted. I did not make the laws there, but Donald trump did business while living their many years, and was responsible for acting with their laws. He failed to do so.
I do not take kindly to being called a filthy dem as if your were the be all to end all, and were some entitle 21st century "Karen Bitch on YouTube". You wouldn't call me that in person, so you can shove up your wide ass, after you get the pad out of the way.

So, we have different opinion of whether Trump violated the law. Big deal. Mine is based in the fact he was found guilty, so it is a mute point. He violated the law and was found guilty by a jury of his peers. I trust juries, having been on juries, my wife having been on a capital punishment jury. Juries take trials seriously. If they think somebody is being railroaded, they balk, get hung or simply rebel and render a "Not Guilty". You don't believe in juries or think the former president should be above them. I don't know which. The only reason you think you that is the way to go is you just weren't raised worth a shit, never learning anything at home or in school, or you got by being a spoiled little girl. So, take two more Midol and call me in the morning when you feel better.

I don't think I have ever typed the words "filthy Dem" here. Do you have me mixed up with someone else?

Also what is THIS?!?! Are you okay or are you having a mental breakdown or what is going on?

You don't believe in juries or think the former president should be above them. I don't know which. The only reason you think you that is the way to go is you just weren't raised worth a shit, never learning anything at home or in school, or you got by being a spoiled little girl. So, take two more Midol and call me in the morning when you feel better.
No. It was the falsifying of the business records specific. New York law says they do not have to be specific on the underlying crime, even if it was not previously prosecuted. I did not make the laws there, but Donald trump did business while living their many years, and was responsible for acting with their laws. He failed to do so.

Do you want to live by the precept "failed to live with their laws"?

Do we want to live by the letter of the law or with justice?
I do not take kindly to being called a filthy dem as if your were the be all to end all, and were some entitle 21st century "Karen Bitch on YouTube". You wouldn't call me that in person, so you can shove up your wide ass, after you get the pad out of the way.

So, we have different opinion of whether Trump violated the law. Big deal. Mine is based in the fact he was found guilty, so it is a mute point. He violated the law and was found guilty by a jury of his peers. I trust juries, having been on juries, my wife having been on a capital punishment jury. Juries take trials seriously. If they think somebody is being railroaded, they balk, get hung or simply rebel and render a "Not Guilty". You don't believe in juries or think the former president should be above them. I don't know which. The only reason you think you that is the way to go is you just weren't raised worth a shit, never learning anything at home or in school, or you got by being a spoiled little girl. So, take two more Midol and call me in the morning when you feel better.

Dude you're a mod and you said this to me in the structured debate forum. You okay lol
So what was the money for then and where did it go?

Okay NOW we're getting somewhere here. So let me see if I get this straight? Trump was given money for his campaign twice, is that what you're saying? Also, I am unaware that there are campaign fund rules, do you think that you can enlighten me with the details because I haven't gotten this far with anybody else as like I said before, many different leftists can not answer questions to save their very lives. Maybe conservatives are like that too, but I've only seen it from liberals on here so far.
Here is some information on the campaign finance laws that Cohen pled guilty to relating to Trumps recent trial.

Here is some information on the campaign finance laws that Cohen pled guilty to relating to Trumps recent trial.

Red State AGs are gonna go after Mayorkas soon. Don't cry about it
What does that have to do with anything?

You all love the New America, where we live by the Stalinist maxim "Give me the man and I"ll find you the crime". You are of such low imagination you don't believe it will ever be turned on you.

27 Republican AG.

You opened the Pandora's Box.

Remember that.

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