Debate Now Did Trump Really Violate The Law?

So what was the money for then and where did it go?

Okay NOW we're getting somewhere here. So let me see if I get this straight? Trump was given money for his campaign twice, is that what you're saying? Also, I am unaware that there are campaign fund rules, do you think that you can enlighten me with the details because I haven't gotten this far with anybody else as like I said before, many different leftists can not answer questions to save their very lives. Maybe conservatives are like that too, but I've only seen it from liberals on here so far.
To pay off his fixer, reimbursement for money paid to Stormy for keeping her mouth shut until after the election. The payment to her, not sufficiently laundered, simply by having his fixer pay it, then reimbursing. I think it pissed his fixer off, having to go to jail for 4 years, while unindicted co-conspirator #1, remained unnamed (though we all knew) and Donny did not pardon or even commute the jail sentence, much less prevent his license to practice law and means of making a living being removed.
To pay off his fixer, reimbursement for money paid to Stormy for keeping her mouth shut until after the election. The payment to her, not sufficiently laundered, simply by having his fixer pay it, then reimbursing.

It still does not tell me why that is a crime. It just doesn't make any bit of sense to me.

1. Stay on topic. (This means no deflection in changing the subject. Even if you can't answer a question.)

2. No lying and saying that a poster said something that they didn't and take their words out of context.

That's pretty much all I can think of actually. So, anyways, how did Trump violate the law by having sex with a porn star? Also, how does this even have anything to do with falsifying business records?
With all respect, this is a bit of a silly question. He was convicted beyond a reasonable doubt on 34 counts.
Good God
To pay off his fixer, reimbursement for money paid to Stormy for keeping her mouth shut until after the election. The payment to her, not sufficiently laundered, simply by having his fixer pay it, then reimbursing. I think it pissed his fixer off, having to go to jail for 4 years, while unindicted co-conspirator #1, remained unnamed (though we all knew) and Donny did not pardon or even commute the jail sentence, much less prevent his license to practice law and means of making a living being removed.
NDA perfectly legal.

Cohen mainly got nailed for tax evasion.

Neither women Proved he actually scewed them. Nor the supposed finger in a store BS.

It was 10 years after the so called incident when Stormy came forward wanting to make money off it. A slut extorting money.

She got paid with a LEGAL NDA of 170000. Same dang thing Congress does with their slush pay off fund.

So now its election interference felony because they didnt get to use the dirt.
It still does not tell me why that is a crime. It just doesn't make any bit of sense to me.
Sorry then. Can't help you on this one.
Just because he was convicted though doesn't mean he actually did it. Innocent people are sent to prison all the time or are you just not aware of it?
That is true, are you only just now noticing this?

Either way, he is now factually, a convicted felon.

Not unlike the Central Park Five, now exonerated … who spurred him to run full page ads calling for the death penalty. A bit ironic.
Name the felony law for each Book Keeping Entry????

The entries ARE ONLY FELONIES if Trying to hide another crime????

This was gone over in court. It would have benefited you to read the transcript if you are interested in the detail.
The entry was AFTER the 2016 Election was completed. Again, how else do you classify lawyers bill to pay off Extortionists hitting you up for money? Legal payment. Yet to affect an election that was completed?
On misdemeanor charges past the statute of limitations
This was gone over in court. It would have benefited you to read the transcript if you are interested in the detail.
Ive read it

Doesnt specify each count to a specific OTHER CHARGE.

Judge said if you think any one of the 3 fits hes guilty.

Oh yeah and can somebody please answer me this? Why has Trump received multiple charges for the same "crime?" In any other criminal case the charges are all grouped together for the same crime and I watch a lot of this legal stuff so I should know.
Hogwash. A CEO does not “enter payment info” into books. What else do you call a payment to your regular Lawyer? A Legal expense. Case closed//
He was never accused of physically entering it into the books.
NDA perfectly legal.

Cohen mainly got nailed for tax evasion.

Neither women Proved he actually scewed them. Nor the supposed finger in a store BS.

It was 10 years after the so called incident when Stormy came forward wanting to make money off it. A slut extorting money.

She got paid with a LEGAL NDA of 170000. Same dang thing Congress does with their slush pay off fund.

So now its election interference felony because they didnt get to use the dirt.
Send an Amicus Brief to New York. I am pretty sure, if what you say actually made a difference in the laws of New York, it would have been successfully argued by the defense. It may not have been their strategy. Are you starting to wonder about Republican lawyers yet. Donny's usually don't win, even in front of Trump appointed judges. The conservative ruled Supremes with 3 appointed by Trump himself, had no problem blowing off the arguments of Texas AG attempt to challenge the election. Republican lawyers are all show and no go. Great on the courthouse steps or on FOX NEWS, but not so much when it counts in a courtroom.
That's because one the people have spoken, and two it's election interference!! They could have done all of this years ago but they waited until an election year. Why is that?
They didn’t wait until an election year. Much of this unfolded shortly before and after the 2016 election. Once elected Trump was immune during his time in office. It takes time to build a case. So how could they have done anything “years ago”? How is it election interference given the time line?

Yes, the people spoke decisively in 2020 when they elected Joe Biden.

I don't care what it was about. None of it happened in New York, correct?

The financial crimes were under New Yorks jurisdiction.

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