Did we shut down America with false statistics? YES!


Senior Member
Jan 22, 2021
THE MEDICAL ESTABLISHMENT IS BLIND TO FALSE POSITIVES. We have shut down churches, businesses, sports based on covid CASES, but these "cases" contain FALSE POSITIVES. The covid test is 95% accurate, not 100%.
Say 190 million Americans tested negative. 5% will be wrong, 9.5 million FALSE POSITIVES. So 9.5 million (false) cases will be added to the numbers. Governors made shut down decisions based on FALSE numbers. Depending on total tests and accuracy, COVID CASE NUMBERS SHOULD BE CUT IN HALF! We should have opened up last summer!


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THE MEDICAL ESTABLISHMENT IS BLIND TO FALSE POSITIVES. We have shut down churches, businesses, sports based on covid CASES, but these "cases" contain FALSE POSITIVES. The covid test is 95% accurate, not 100%.
Say 190 million Americans tested negative. 5% will be wrong, 9.5 million FALSE POSITIVES. So 9.5 million (false) cases will be added to the numbers. Governors made shut down decisions based on FALSE numbers. Depending on total tests and accuracy, COVID CASE NUMBERS SHOULD BE CUT IN HALF! We should have opened up last summer!
According to the CDC, only 6% of all covid fatalities are due solely to covid and not serious underlying conditions. Actual recovery numbers are around 98%.
The whole thing was a stupid hoax.
Must be a good one to infect 30,000,000 and kill 500,000+
The amount of reality that has to be avoided and ignored for these guys to believe this stuff is mind-blowing. And they do.

You'd have to actively run from it.
I've never seen anything like it.
I just hope we learn from this period.

That would be a positive takeaway, at least.
The whole thing was a stupid hoax.
Must be a good one to infect 30,000,000 and kill 500,000+
Count the people that died from just covid, it would be a bad flu season. Notice we haven't regular flu death in a year? Open your eyes, the government is testing ways to control you. I have lived my life the same way as always, without a mask. I even road around in a truck half a day, that tested positive a few days later. Never had any symptoms, but I did quarantine myself after that for 2 weeks. I'm not a total asshole.
At least Trump came up with the hydrox cure for it.

Oh yeah. That's the guy who...
  • LIED to the American public about the severity of a deadly global pandemic as it was bearing down on us
  • ATTACKED our best health and science officials when they were just trying to do their damn jobs
  • MOCKED Americans who were just trying to protect themselves and their loved ones with masks and social distancing
  • THANKED supporters who gathered in indoor spaces without masks, creating super-spreader events
  • MAINTAINED an environment of not taking the virus seriously, which obviously spread to the sheep, no doubt spreading the virus further
  • IGNORED health safety protocols at the fucking WHITE HOUSE, turning it into a fucking COVID HOT SPOT that needed to be FUMIGATED
  • LIED AGAIN to the American public by constantly saying "we're turning the corner on the virus", even when they knew goddamn well we were not
That guy, yeah.
The whole thing was a stupid hoax.
Must be a good one to infect 30,000,000 and kill 500,000+
Only 31,000 died from Covid alone.
31,643 total deaths by ONLY Coronavirus in the U.S. – Only 6% of deaths are by people who have no other factors, like gunshot wounds, motorcycle accidents, heart or lung conditions. Fact checks lying about what this means. Seems simple – 94% of deaths ALL have other issues plus Coronavirus.

We have been had, and had, and had, and had.
THE MEDICAL ESTABLISHMENT IS BLIND TO FALSE POSITIVES. We have shut down churches, businesses, sports based on covid CASES, but these "cases" contain FALSE POSITIVES. The covid test is 95% accurate, not 100%.
Say 190 million Americans tested negative. 5% will be wrong, 9.5 million FALSE POSITIVES. So 9.5 million (false) cases will be added to the numbers. Governors made shut down decisions based on FALSE numbers. Depending on total tests and accuracy, COVID CASE NUMBERS SHOULD BE CUT IN HALF! We should have opened up last summer!

If we did that, the Dimm's could not have saved us with their $1.9 trillion bill and drive the point home that Americans must be dependent on big Gov't!
The next Dimm station stop is Totalitarianism!!
95% of nursing home deaths from COVID were people who would have died within a year regardless.

The HOAX was that healthy adults need to live in fear of dying from this flu. It SHOULD have been sold as a terrible disease IF YOU ARE OVER 75 and/or MEDICALLY COMPROMISED. For everyone else, just be careful that you don't negligently spread it to the elderly or compromised.

To paraphrase Dennis Prager, the economic lockdowns were, collectively, the most disastrous government mistake in American history. And shutting down the schools was the worst manifestation, for which America's unionized public school teachers deserve 90% of the blame. The continuation of near-normal activities in private and parochial schools proves the folly of this dastardly power play by the NEA/AFT.

And half the country is STILL convinced that locking down was the appropriate course of action.

The whole thing was a stupid hoax.
Must be a good one to infect 30,000,000 and kill 500,000+

In other news, cancer, murder, heart failure, stroke, car accidents, and AIDS deaths plummeted to ZERO.

You stupid motherfuckers are so goddamn gullible.

This is why our nation is going to shit. Stupid motherfuckers who believe everything they are told.
95% of nursing home deaths from COVID were people who would have died within a year regardless.

The HOAX was that healthy adults need to live in fear of dying from this flu. It SHOULD have been sold as a terrible disease IF YOU ARE OVER 75 and/or MEDICALLY COMPROMISED. For everyone else, just be careful that you don't negligently spread it to the elderly or compromised.

To paraphrase Dennis Prager, the economic lockdowns were, collectively, the most disastrous government mistake in American history. And shutting down the schools was the worst manifestation, for which America's unionized public school teachers deserve 90% of the blame. The continuation of near-normal activities in private and parochial schools proves the folly of this dastardly power play by the NEA/AFT.

And half the country is STILL convinced that locking down was the appropriate course of action.


Only proves that half of American's are lemmings. Maybe more.

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