Did you Support War in Iraq??

Did you support the War in Iraq?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 32.5%
  • No

    Votes: 56 67.5%

  • Total voters
One more batch of irrelevant opinion signifying nothing.

What, you don’t have a poll? At least I can cite all kinds of polls from 2003 prior to the start of the Iraq War.

You got caught lying again. You have nothing to back up your claim that most Americans supported W’s preemptive war of aggression on Iraq that he launched mid-March 2003.

Your only argument is that polling from the lead up to invasion is not relevant. That is so precious.
Your claims are grossly untrue because they are lies which you cannot prove or support.
Are you trying to claim Operation Desert Storm, Operation Desert Fox and the intermittent engagements in the no-fly zone were NOT warfare?

Sure it was warfare. When Operation Desert Storm ended with a ceasefire It was what’s called limited warfare until March 19 2003.

What we are talking about here is W’s decision to invade and put American boots on the ground. I had absolutely no problem with limited strikes to protect Kurds and Shiites. Or strikes to hit Military targets if a real threat exist.,

The thing is when W Started the ground war to find WMD it is a historical fact that SH was not shooting or threatening anybody. And even W was saying all along that SH could stay in power if he was peacefully disarmed. Iraq was being peacefully disarmed when W started the Iraq War. The full scale war with Americans on the ground shooting and being shot. Why cant reality penetrate your thick warmongering skull. It’s sad really.
Are you trying to claim only Christians killed Iraqis when that is clearly untrue?

No, you are an idiot for asking that. W Disbanded the army and police and did not have much in place to replace them. Chaos and sectarian violence flared up within an insurgency against the Christian invaders. So half a million Iraqis died because W Invaded Iraq for no good reason.
Are you trying to claim that the goal of the first invasion was NOT a response to the Iraqi invasion and occupation of Kuwait

Why would I claim that? Thats exactly the mission of The Persian Gulf War. W’s good father gathered a huge coalition under UN authority and drove SH out.
What, you don’t have a poll? At least I can cite all kinds of polls from 2003 prior to the start of the Iraq War.

You got caught lying again. You have nothing to back up your claim that most Americans supported W’s preemptive war of aggression on Iraq that he launched mid-March 2003.

Your only argument is that polling from the lead up to invasion is not relevant. That is so precious.
What, you don’t have a poll? At least I can cite all kinds of polls from 2003 prior to the start of the Iraq War.

You got caught lying again. You have nothing to back up your claim that most Americans supported W’s preemptive war of aggression on Iraq that he launched mid-March 2003.

Your only argument is that polling from the lead up to invasion is not relevant. That is so precious.
Relevance matters. Unrelated poles don't. What possible difference do the views of some Christians as opposed to the views of anyone else matter as pertains to the war?
The conclusion you try to jump to is simply idiotic unsupported and unproven. You have already admitted that the war started with the invasion of Kuwait and continued through the second invasion. "Limited war" is still war. Saddam might have disarmed and maybe he was also ready to allow acceptable inspections to take place but after 10 years of obstruction and lies no one was willing to believe him. The UN did in fact give him an ultimatum and date by which he was to allow inspections that he ignored until we set plans in motion to remove him which was when he started one more con that this time he was actually going to be a good boy and honor the promises he made a decade before. Far too little far too late. Iraqis should be grateful we came and freed them from a tyrant.
Muslim on Muslim insurgency was going in Iraq long before we ever got involved. Saddam himself was a terrorist who slaughtered Iraqis that he thought might oppose him. which is exactly how he became dictator.
The adoption of Resolution 1441 and Iraq’s subsequent decision to admit UN inspectors provided an opportunity to resolve reasonable concerns about Iraq’s suspected WMD programs. It now is known that Hussein ordered his military to comply with the inspections.
Looking Back: Iraq: Disarmament Without Resolution | Arms ...
Far too little far too late.
No, you are an idiot for asking that. W Disbanded the army and police and did not have much in place to replace them. Chaos and sectarian violence flared up within an insurgency against the Christian invaders. So half a million Iraqis died because W Invaded Iraq for no good reason.
So you think America was somehow responsible for the violence and chaos caused by local Muslims? Of course the military and police were disbanded. They were in fact the enemy that had just been shooting at us. We should instead have been giving them big ole sloppy kisses? Did the Saddam government allow the Kuwait military and police remain during their occupation? Had it been my call far less of the Iraqi military would have been allowed to survive Desert Storm. I predicted at the time we were going to have to go back later and fight them again. And it was so. The military under Saddam were serious assholes who deserved what they got and they won't be getting any sympathy from me. If we had killed more of them there would have been less problem with the chaotic violent insurgencies and we possibly could have saved more Iraqi civilian lives from their alleged Muslim brothers. Hint: it wasn't Mormons, Catholics, or Jews blowing themselves (and everybody else)up in crowded market places.
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Are you trying to claim that the

purpose of the second invasion was NOT to remove Saddam from power?

The purpose of the peace loving world community prior to the Invasion into Iraq in March 2003 was to enforce unspecified consequences in UNSC Resolution 1441 only if SH didn’t cooperate in order to bring about the resumption of inspections.

The fact is however that SH was cooperating and inspections were ongoing. So using military force to bring a regime change was not necessary or wise..

And so the tragedy is, that W decided to end the peaceful process of inspections by invading Iraq, like Hitler invaded Poland in 1939. W invaded Iraq (presumably to disarm it) in order to take control of the country and the black gold lying under the surface based on a supposed hunch that SH was hiding WMD from the inspectors. That hunch turned out to be wrong and was therefore a lie. A lie that even DJT came to recognize.

So yes the “purpose” of the war was to remove the dictatorship from power in Iraq based on a lie. The purpose was clear but the reason was wrong and the actual intent of why W started a war that caused half a million Muslim deaths is still under investigation. Seizing control of Iraq’s oil supply is one of the top ‘real’ purposes of the war because to do that Sh Had to be removed. He could not be disarmed peaceably in MARCH 2003 because if he was disarmed but not removed the UK and US oil industries were on the sidelines watching as the Russians and French already had OIL contracts with SH for when the sanctions on IRAQ were lifted.

They were in fact the enemy that had just been shooting at us.
There was not one single Iraqi shooting at us during the above mentioned peaceful process of inspections to disarm IRAQ of WMD from November 2002 Through March 19 2003. You are a liar like your fellow twenty year warmonger Correll who said SH was poking the bear during peaceful inspections. The both of you just can’t quit lying about Iraq cant you?
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Relevance matters. Unrelated poles don't.

What basis do you have to support your bold declaration :

The vast majority of Americans were in favor of the war

How did you arrive at such a bold conclusion if not through relevant public opinion polling?

Please explain this one: political scientists would surely have an interest in your scientific methods or unique mystical mind reading powers.
9thIDdoc is unhinged from reality. This thread is about whether or not you support the 2003 Iraq War that was started by W on March 19 2003 with the first and only ground invasion by the US military.

So you think America was somehow responsible for the violence and chaos caused by local Muslims? Of course the military and police were disbanded. They were in fact the enemy that had just been shooting at us. We should instead have been giving them big ole sloppy kisses? Did the Saddam government allow the Kuwait military and police remain during their occupation? Had it been my call far less of the Iraqi military would have been allowed to survive Desert Storm. I predicted at the time we were going to have to go back later and fight them again. And it was so. The military under Saddam were serious assholes who deserved what they got and they won't be getting any sympathy from me. If we had killed more of them there would have been less problem with the chaotic violent insurgencies and we possibly could have saved more Iraqi civilian lives from their alleged Muslim brothers. Hint: it wasn't Mormons, Catholics, or Jews blowing themselves (and everybody else)up in crowded market places.

I fully supported the UNITED NATIONS broad Coalition put together by HW and the full scale war to liberate Kuwait.

That full scale war ended successfully in 1991 and Iraq never invaded another country again.

So can you 9thIDdoc join the discussion why you support Little Dubby’s unprepared and unprovoked ground invasion of IRAQ In MARCH 2003?
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Far too little far too late.

So you think America was somehow responsible for the violence and chaos caused by local Muslims? Of course the military and police were disbanded. They were in fact the enemy that had just been shooting at us. We should instead have been giving them big ole sloppy kisses? Did the Saddam government allow the Kuwait military and police remain during their occupation? Had it been my call far less of the Iraqi military would have been allowed to survive Desert Storm. I predicted at the time we were going to have to go back later and fight them again. And it was so. The military under Saddam were serious assholes who deserved what they got and they won't be getting any sympathy from me. If we had killed more of them there would have been less problem with the chaotic violent insurgencies and we possibly could have saved more Iraqi civilian lives from their alleged Muslim brothers. Hint: it wasn't Mormons, Catholics, or Jews blowing themselves (and everybody else)up in crowded market places.

You're quite the keyboard warrior with your 8th grade education on the Middle East and Iraq.
So you think America was somehow responsible for the violence and chaos caused by local Muslims?

AFTER MARCH 19 2003 W is responsible for keeping the same level of peace in all of IRAQ that was in Iraq on March 17 2003.

It was explained to W before he broke Iraq.

*** Colin Powell popularized this doctrine in the foreign policy context. The then-secretary of state warned George W. Bush about the consequences of invading Iraq: "You are going to be the proud owner of 25 million people. You will own all their hopes, aspirations, and problems. You'll own it all."

As Bob Woodward recounted in a 2004 book, “Privately, Powell and Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage called this the Pottery Barn rule: You break it, you own it.”***
Saddam might have disarmed and maybe he was also ready to allow acceptable inspections to take place but after 10 years of obstruction and lies no one was willing to believe him.

It was not a matter of believing SH would allow acceptable inspections to take place - he did it. That was a very clear objective reality that anyone who was not blind could see in the first few months of 2003.
. I predicted at the time we were going to have to go back later and fight them again.

We never had to go back later and fight then. Iraq was being disarmed peacefully. It was a stupid decision to go back in when inspectors required a few more months to finish. They would have found that Iraq was not hiding WMD without actually killing anybody.
What, you don’t have a poll? At least I can cite all kinds of polls from 2003 prior to the start of the Iraq War.

You got caught lying again. You have nothing to back up your claim that most Americans supported W’s preemptive war of aggression on Iraq that he launched mid-March 2003.

Your only argument is that polling from the lead up to invasion is not relevant. That is so precious.
The title of the thread is:

Did you Support War in Iraq??

My answer is/was Yes! And I have repeated that answer several times already. The question doesn't ask for my opinion about anyone else's opinion and my statement was truth and you have no cause to claim otherwise. The question does not ask about any particular part of the war in Iraq and the claim that it started in mid-March 2003 or that it was a war of aggression or that it was conducted by any one particular President over any one particular issue is simply untrue. As I have plainly also stated several times. You don't listen well if at all. If you don't want an honest answer don't ask a question.
The purpose of the peace loving world community prior to the Invasion into Iraq in March 2003 was to enforce unspecified consequences in UNSC Resolution 1441 only if SH didn’t cooperate in order to bring about the resumption of inspections.

The fact is however that SH was cooperating and inspections were ongoing. So using military force to bring a regime change was not necessary or wise..

And so the tragedy is, that W decided to end the peaceful process of inspections by invading Iraq, like Hitler invaded Poland in 1939. W invaded Iraq (presumably to disarm it) in order to take control of the country and the black gold lying under the surface based on a supposed hunch that SH was hiding WMD from the inspectors. That hunch turned out to be wrong and was therefore a lie. A lie that even DJT came to recognize.

So yes the “purpose” of the war was to remove the dictatorship from power in Iraq based on a lie. The purpose was clear but the reason was wrong and the actual intent of why W started a war that caused half a million Muslim deaths is still under investigation. Seizing control of Iraq’s oil supply is one of the top ‘real’ purposes of the war because to do that Sh Had to be removed. He could not be disarmed peaceably in MARCH 2003 because if he was disarmed but not removed the UK and US oil industries were on the sidelines watching as the Russians and French already had OIL contracts with SH for when the sanctions on IRAQ were lifted.

There was not one single Iraqi shooting at us during the above mentioned peaceful process of inspections to disarm IRAQ of WMD from November 2002 Through March 19 2003. You are a liar like your fellow twenty year warmonger Correll who said SH was poking the bear during peaceful inspections. The both of you just can’t quit lying about Iraq cant you?
The purpose of the peace loving world community prior to the Invasion into Iraq in March 2003 was to enforce unspecified consequences in UNSC Resolution 1441 only if SH didn’t cooperate in order to bring about the resumption of inspections.
Untrue. The original purpose of invading Iraq was to free Kuwait from Iraqi occupation and the coalition was formed and led by the US; not the UN.
The US led (not UN) coalition invasion of Iraq in 2003 was for the express purpose of removing Saddam from power because of his repeated failure to abide by cease fires.

And so the tragedy is, that W decided to end the peaceful process of inspections by invading Iraq, like Hitler invaded Poland in 1939.
The actual tragedy was caused by Saddam's invading Kuwait like Hitler invaded Poland in 1939.

So yes the “purpose” of the war was to remove the dictatorship from power in Iraq based on a lie.
Your statement is the lie. History is clear on the matter. All you do is spew anti-American propaganda without proof or support.

There was not one single Iraqi shooting at us during the above mentioned peaceful process of inspections to disarm IRAQ of WMD from November 2002 Through March 19 2003.
Even if that were true (and I neither know or care) it was a very small portion of the time we were involved in war with Saddam's Iraqi regime and during most of it the decision to remove Saddam had been made and plans to implement that were underway. It takes time to prepare for such a campaign.
Who is "us"? Do you claim to be an American?
. The question does not ask about any particular part of the war in Iraq and the claim that it started in mid-March 2003 or that it was a war of aggression or that it was conducted by any one particular President over any one particular issue is simply untrue.

You are a liar or incredibly stupid. The following is referenced in the original posts

***The wording of the question was unambiguous: "Do you think going to war with Iraq in 2003 was the right thing for the United States to do or the wrong thing?"

Most Americans answered one way; most Republicans answered another.***

So which is it? stupid or lying?

This is in post #1
Even a few years ago these people wouldn't admit that the war was a huge failure.

The purpose of the peace loving world community prior to the Invasion into Iraq in March 2003 was to enforce unspecified consequences in UNSC Resolution 1441 only if SH didn’t cooperate in order to bring about the resumption of inspections.
Untrue. The original purpose of invading Iraq was to free Kuwait from Iraqi occupation and the coalition was formed and led by the US; not the UN.
The US led (not UN) coalition invasion of Iraq in 2003 was for the express purpose of removing Saddam from power because of his repeated failure to abide by cease fires.

And so the tragedy is, that W decided to end the peaceful process of inspections by invading Iraq, like Hitler invaded Poland in 1939.
The actual tragedy was caused by Saddam's invading Kuwait like Hitler invaded Poland in 1939.

So yes the “purpose” of the war was to remove the dictatorship from power in Iraq based on a lie.
Your statement is the lie. History is clear on the matter. All you do is spew anti-American propaganda without proof or support.

There was not one single Iraqi shooting at us during the above mentioned peaceful process of inspections to disarm IRAQ of WMD from November 2002 Through March 19 2003.
Even if that were true (and I neither know or care) it was a very small portion of the time we were involved in war with Saddam's Iraqi regime and during most of it the decision to remove Saddam had been made and plans to implement that were underway. It takes time to prepare for such a campaign.
Who is "us"? Do you claim to be an American?

Papa Bush didn't invade Iraq.. He shooed Iraqi troops out of Kuwait and it wasn't much of a fight. Saddam's teenaged soldiers dropped their weapons and ran.

You have never been to the Middle East, have you?
You're quite the keyboard warrior with your 8th grade education on the Middle East and Iraq.
I was a warrior in fact with boots on the ground in Vietnam. And remained in the active USAR and was advised that orders were being cut for my participation in Operation Desert Shield. So I was definitely paying attention to world affairs during that time period. How about you? And I'll match my education my education with yours any day.
I was a warrior in fact with boots on the ground in Vietnam. And remained in the active USAR and was advised that orders were being cut for my participation in Operation Desert Shield. So I was definitely paying attention to world affairs during that time period. How about you? And I'll match my education my education with yours any day.

Did you know the point man for Desert Shield? Mike and I grew up together.

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