Did you vote for trump because of wikileaks?

Did you vote for trump due to wikileaks?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 2.2%
  • No

    Votes: 45 97.8%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
I'm hearing a lot about Russia interfering in the election though wikileaks. I think it had minimal impact. After all, we knew she was corrupt before the leaks.

It didn't influence my vote. Did it influence yours? Did you vote for trump because of wikileaks?
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Why would the Russians need to meddle in US elections.
1. Obama stated he would have more flexibility after the election
2. Set the reset button
3. Made uranium deals that benefited the clinton foundation
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I'm hearing a lot about Russia interfering in the election though wikileaks. I think it had minimal impact. After all, we knew she was corrupt before the leaks.

It didn't influence my vote. Did it influence yours? Did you vote for trump because of wikileaks?

I wish I had thought of running this poll.
I'm hearing a lot about Russia interfering in the election though wikileaks. I think it had minimal impact. After all, we knew she was corrupt before the leaks.

It didn't influence my vote. Did it influence yours? Did you vote for trump because of wikileaks?
No doubt the fucking Russians hacked both the DNC and RNC. As usual, they're doing their best to fuck with the United States. Let's hope Trumps appointment of several retired generals sticks since all of them don't like the fucking Russians any more than I do.

As for the revelations of Russian hacking and Wikileaks postings, most people knew the Clintons were sleazy. Hillary's popularity ratings were in the toilet loooong before the hackings.
I'm hearing a lot about Russia interfering in the election though wikileaks. I think it had minimal impact. After all, we knew she was corrupt before the leaks.

It didn't influence my vote. Did it influence yours? Did you vote for trump because of wikileaks?

No one did, Wikileaks had nothing to do with the perception of anyone ever. That's why they exist.:rolleyes:
Why would the Russians need to medal in US elections.
1. Obama stated he would have more flexibility after the election
2. Set the reset button
3. Made uranium deals that benefited the clinton foundation
Because the Russians, like the Chinese and North Koreans, seek to undermine those opposed to them.
one thing Russia didn't do was increase the IQ level of dumbass RW morons, and Trumpbots.
No. I listened to the candidates at the debates and in interviews, and I read their websites. It's the only way to find out what's going on. Everything else is just noise.
No doubt the fucking Russians hacked both the DNC and RNC. As usual, they're doing their best to fuck with the United States. Let's hope Trumps appointment of several retired generals sticks since all of them don't like the fucking Russians any more than I do.

As for the revelations of Russian hacking and Wikileaks postings, most people knew the Clintons were sleazy. Hillary's popularity ratings were in the toilet loooong before the hackings.

I doubt the Russians did anything the chinks and carpet pilots haven't done. It they release information to the world based on espionage, too fuckin bad. It just sucks for you bed wetters hitlary and the DNC were exposed for the shady mother fuckers they are, and in the end even Bernie sold out like a chump for less than a million bucks.

one thing Russia didn't do was increase the IQ level of dumbass RW morons, and Trumpbots.
True. Of course the same applies to dumb ass LW morons and Hillarybots. Partisan assholes, regardless of flavor, are still partisan assholes.
I doubt the Russians did anything the chinks and carpet pilots haven't done. It they release information to the world based on espionage, too fuckin bad. It just sucks for you bed wetters hitlary and the DNC were exposed for the shady mother fuckers they are, and in the end even Bernie sold out like a chump for less than a million bucks
$25 says the RWNJ opinion of the fucking Russians will change by a year from now when they release their RNC hackings.

Yes, I'm hedging my bet since I truly believe it will happen by Spring, but 31DEC17 is insurance. Bet?

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