Didn't Republicans tell us Jeb Bush was the "smart one"?

Could Jeb possibly be dumber than Dubya? Dumb and Dumber?


And both are smarter than you as well as the rest of the far left drones, now how sad is that?
Well? Is he?

Knowing what we know now, would you still have invaded Iraq?


Sorry, I mis heard the comment.

Sorry, I mis interpreted the comment.

The answer is no.

Iraq is better today.

Those were his answers over 4 days. Didn't he think he would ever be asked that question?


Obama is the smart one. He is a professor which is why everything is going so well right now. We have the smartest man in the universe running the country right now. Einstein has got to be jealous!
The question should not be that of who is smarter rather whom posses the common sense and innate ability to evaluate information and make a well informed decision coupled with resolve to stand behind the decision once it is made. The measure of a great leader is not defined by ones IQ or institution attended, it is defined by action and comprehension.
The question should not be that of who is smarter rather whom posses the common sense and innate ability to evaluate information and make a well informed decision coupled with resolve to stand behind the decision once it is made. The measure of a great leader is not defined by ones IQ or institution attended, it is defined by action and comprehension.

The Bushes would still trump the far left drones, now how sad is that?
The question should not be that of who is smarter rather whom posses the common sense and innate ability to evaluate information and make a well informed decision coupled with resolve to stand behind the decision once it is made. The measure of a great leader is not defined by ones IQ or institution attended, it is defined by action and comprehension.

The Bushes would still trump the far left drones, now how sad is that?

Pretty sad, however, that doesn't say much considering how lame the progressive compassionate wing of the GOP is.
Jeb Bush in a tangle over his family s Iraq legacy - Telegraph

Asked on Fox News if he would have backed the war – knowing what is known now about the non-existence of weapons of mass destruction – Mr Bush appeared to reply in the affirmative.

“I would have, and so would have Hillary Clinton, just to remind everybody,” Mr Bush said. “And so would have almost everybody that was confronted with the intelligence they got.”

The remark caused anger on the Right – which is increasingly isolationist and concerned about the enormous debts racked up by President George W Bush in prosecuting the war – causing the younger Mr Bush to try and clarify his remarks.

On the Iraq war Jeb Bush had a terrible horrible no good very bad week US news The Guardian

The contretemps was further aggravated on Wednesday evening when Bush was questioned on cameraby Ivy Zietrich, a 19-year-old college student and Democratic activist. She accused Bush of “spouting nationalist rhetoric to get us into more wars” and claimed that George W Bush “created Isis”. The result was an awkward encounter broadcast repeatedly on cable news.


Jeb looked totally confused when she brought up the cream of the Iraqi military George disbanded joining Isis. What a dumb ass. Even a few Republicans know that. The rest are simply too ignorant and too brainwashed.
Well? Is he?

Knowing what we know now, would you still have invaded Iraq?


Sorry, I mis heard the comment.

Sorry, I mis interpreted the comment.

The answer is no.

Iraq is better today.

Those were his answers over 4 days. Didn't he think he would ever be asked that question?


Rubio has also flip flopped in the last few days so now amongst the GOP candidates,

Bush, Cruz, Rubio, and Paul are all in the 'Iraq was a mistake' camp.

Those of us who knew that BEFORE the war welcome them...lol

Hillary voted for the Iraq war resolution, numskull.

So? She now says Iraq was a mistake, and so do the Republican candidates. They've all scrambled to AGREE with her.

...how funny is that??? lol

So what's your point? How is this a winning issue for the Hilldebeast?

That's not the point. It's a losing issue for shrub's brother.
Well? Is he?

Knowing what we know now, would you still have invaded Iraq?


Sorry, I mis heard the comment.

Sorry, I mis interpreted the comment.

The answer is no.

Iraq is better today.

Those were his answers over 4 days. Didn't he think he would ever be asked that question?


Rubio has also flip flopped in the last few days so now amongst the GOP candidates,

Bush, Cruz, Rubio, and Paul are all in the 'Iraq was a mistake' camp.

Those of us who knew that BEFORE the war welcome them...lol

Hillary voted for the Iraq war resolution, numskull.

So? She now says Iraq was a mistake, and so do the Republican candidates. They've all scrambled to AGREE with her.

...how funny is that??? lol

So what's your point? How is this a winning issue for the Hilldebeast?

That's not the point. It's a losing issue for shrub's brother.

Good. The only thing worse than a Bush presidency would be a Hillary presidency.
I'm voting for Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, the Unburnt, Queen of Meereen, Queen of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains, and Mother of Dragons.
Well? Is he?

Knowing what we know now, would you still have invaded Iraq?


Sorry, I mis heard the comment.

Sorry, I mis interpreted the comment.

The answer is no.

Iraq is better today.

Those were his answers over 4 days. Didn't he think he would ever be asked that question?


Iraq has WMD's/We attack/We kill innocents/Innocents hate us/Innocents become Terrorists

Sucks to be the people blamed for having WMD's and the Soldiers that went into unfriendly territory only to find NO WMD's at all.

But Halliburton is rebuilding the cities and we are controlling the oil fields for a bit so Bush and Cheney are right where they wanted to be. (Bush is oil, Cheney is VP of Halliburton).
You almost gotta laugh. Did anyone ever ask Truman if his executive order to send Troops to Korea was the smart move? Of course not because the liberal media used to control information. Did anyone ever ask Hillary's husband why the hell he had to go to an obscure NATO commandant to get permission to bomb freaking Yugoslavia when he was in trouble for abusing a federal intern? Nobody asks Hillary the tough questions because Hillary has become a recluse.
Abusing a federal intern? Oh, you mean consensual sex with another adult that was no one else's business. Got it.

So the president abusing his authority to get sex with interns isn't our business?

Heaven forbid we expect the president to be a decent human being.
I'm not easily surprised by politicians at this point, but the way Jeb has "handled" this so far is just inexplicable.

In all this time, over all these years, he hasn't been able to prepare a clear, focused position on this?

Was he somehow surprised or caught off-guard by the question?


I am beginning to think that he doesn't really want the nomination.

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I'm not easily surprised by politicians at this point, but the way Jeb has "handled" this so far is just inexplicable.

In all this time, over all these years, he hasn't been able to prepare a clear, focused position on this?

Was he somehow surprised or caught off-guard by the question?


I am beginning to think that he doesn't really want the nomination.

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I wonder if that's consciously or sub-consciously.


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