Didn't Republicans tell us Jeb Bush was the "smart one"?

I'm not easily surprised by politicians at this point, but the way Jeb has "handled" this so far is just inexplicable.

In all this time, over all these years, he hasn't been able to prepare a clear, focused position on this?

Was he somehow surprised or caught off-guard by the question?


I am beginning to think that he doesn't really want the nomination.

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I wonder if that's consciously or sub-consciously.

It's like a QB who deliberately fumbles the most important play.

I think that this week's big winner among Republicans was Scott Walker.

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Well? Is he?

Knowing what we know now, would you still have invaded Iraq?


Sorry, I mis heard the comment.

Sorry, I mis interpreted the comment.

The answer is no.

Iraq is better today.

Those were his answers over 4 days. Didn't he think he would ever be asked that question?


You just cant stop rderp from being stupid.
Seriously derp,just how many Republicans around here support Jeb?
1% Maybe?
What answer would Hillary give?
Oh yeah....She's not available for that question or any other it seems.... lol
easy; she could say she was willing to follow in her husband's footsteps and continue making massive federal budget surpluses, even without an Ivy League MBA.
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I would never vote for Jeb because he is too Liberal for me.

However, he was a competent Governor of Florida. Thank goodness he was in charge in 2004 when the four hurricanes hit Florida or else we would have been in serious trouble like Louisiana was with its Democrat leadership when Katrina hit.

He would be a much better President than Obama has been and much better than any Democrat like The Hildabeast.
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I would never vote for Jeb because he is too Liberal for me.

However, he was a competent Governor of Florida. Thank goodness he was in charge in 2004 when the four hurricanes hit Florida or else we would have been in serious trouble like Louisiana was with it Democrat leadership when Katrina hit.

He would be a much better President than Obama has been and much better than any Democrat like The Hildabeast.

A chimp with developmental problems would be better than obammy or the hildebeast.

A chimp with developmental problems would be better than obammy or the hildebeast.

The chimp would certainly be more honest than Obama or the leadership of the Clinton Crime Syndicate has been to the American people.
Well? Is he?

Knowing what we know now, would you still have invaded Iraq?


Sorry, I mis heard the comment.

Sorry, I mis interpreted the comment.

The answer is no.

Iraq is better today.

Those were his answers over 4 days. Didn't he think he would ever be asked that question?


Jeb is only running to try to siphon off support from other R candidates so that Hillary will win.

Not a conspiracy theory. GW's daughters have been completely up front and personal about this in interviews that they believe Aunt Hillary has the right to become President.

Hell's bells when girls actually refer to Uncle Bill being like their daddy's brother........

Well you figure it out. To me the reasoning for Jeb's run is written in crayon.
For those that haven't seen the "Bush/Clinton" family love fest let me introduce you to them. This should scare the shit out of any R thinking of running with Jeb.

Jeb is only running to take away any support from conservative candidates to ensure a win by Hillary.


'I'm not sure if you know this, but Secretary Clinton and I are actually related,' Jenna announced.

'Yes, she's married to by uncle Bill. Uncle Bill has become so close with my grandparents and my father...that my dad calls him a brother from another mother.'

Later in the evening, Secretary Clinton took the stage and spoke of the 'special feeling of kinship' she had with Jenna. "

Jenna Bush and Hillary Clinton are related through marriage to her uncle Bill - George W Bush s brother from another mother Daily Mail Online
Well? Is he?

Knowing what we know now, would you still have invaded Iraq?


Sorry, I mis heard the comment.

Sorry, I mis interpreted the comment.

The answer is no.

Iraq is better today.

Those were his answers over 4 days. Didn't he think he would ever be asked that question?


You just cant stop rderp from being stupid.
Seriously derp,just how many Republicans around here support Jeb?
1% Maybe?

I bet you voted for his dumbass brother, not once, but twice.

eb is only running to try to siphon off support from other R candidates so that Hillary will win.

Not a conspiracy theory. GW's daughters have been completely up front and personal about this in interviews that they believe Aunt Hillary has the right to become President.

Hell's bells when girls actually refer to Uncle Bill being like their daddy's brother........

Well you figure it out. To me the reasoning for Jeb's run is written in crayon.

I love the internet. Where else can you get this much entertainment for free?
Well? Is he?

Knowing what we know now, would you still have invaded Iraq?


Sorry, I mis heard the comment.

Sorry, I mis interpreted the comment.

The answer is no.

Iraq is better today.

Those were his answers over 4 days. Didn't he think he would ever be asked that question?


You just cant stop rderp from being stupid.
Seriously derp,just how many Republicans around here support Jeb?
1% Maybe?

I bet you voted for his dumbass brother, not once, but twice.

Given the choices? Yep. I mean seriously,Igore or John Fucken Kerry? Although either would probably better than obama.

eb is only running to try to siphon off support from other R candidates so that Hillary will win.

Not a conspiracy theory. GW's daughters have been completely up front and personal about this in interviews that they believe Aunt Hillary has the right to become President.

Hell's bells when girls actually refer to Uncle Bill being like their daddy's brother........

Well you figure it out. To me the reasoning for Jeb's run is written in crayon.

I love the internet. Where else can you get this much entertainment for free?

I learn something every day. :)

Jenna Bush: Hillary Clinton and I are 'related' through 'Uncle' Bill - George W Bush's 'brother from another mother'
  • Former first-daughter Jenna Bush-Hager joked about her Clinton family ties at a charity gala earlier this week
  • When former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton took the stage, she spoke about the 'special feeling of kinship' she had for Jenna
Jenna Bush and Hillary Clinton are related through marriage to her uncle Bill - George W Bush s brother from another mother Daily Mail Online
Well? Is he?

Knowing what we know now, would you still have invaded Iraq?


Sorry, I mis heard the comment.

Sorry, I mis interpreted the comment.

The answer is no.

Iraq is better today.

Those were his answers over 4 days. Didn't he think he would ever be asked that question?


Iraq has WMD's/We attack/We kill innocents/Innocents hate us/Innocents become Terrorists

Sucks to be the people blamed for having WMD's and the Soldiers that went into unfriendly territory only to find NO WMD's at all.

But Halliburton is rebuilding the cities and we are controlling the oil fields for a bit so Bush and Cheney are right where they wanted to be. (Bush is oil, Cheney is VP of Halliburton).

You forgot the right wingnut part.

Iraq has WMD's/We attack/We kill innocents/Innocents hate us/Innocents become Terrorists\it's all Obama's fault.
You almost gotta laugh. Did anyone ever ask Truman if his executive order to send Troops to Korea was the smart move? Of course not because the liberal media used to control information. Did anyone ever ask Hillary's husband why the hell he had to go to an obscure NATO commandant to get permission to bomb freaking Yugoslavia when he was in trouble for abusing a federal intern? Nobody asks Hillary the tough questions because Hillary has become a recluse.
Abusing a federal intern? Oh, you mean consensual sex with another adult that was no one else's business. Got it.

So the president abusing his authority to get sex with interns isn't our business?

Heaven forbid we expect the president to be a decent human being.

You might want to check back and see who the right's biggest cheerleader at the time (Nuttie) was humping. It wasn't his sick wife.
Bush senior is the smart one. His two sons I think were dropped and shaken a lot as infants. :)

WTF? He's the RINO of all RINO's of the family. Pity Bush GW decided to embrace Clinton as his brother.

But that was after GW almost bought the farm with lyme's disease in the middle of his second term and passed his presidency over to his dad and Bill.

Not conspiracy. Real deal. They took over the WH and didn't pass it to Cheney.
Bush senior is the smart one. His two sons I think were dropped and shaken a lot as infants. :)

WTF? He's the RINO of all RINO's of the family. Pity Bush GW decided to embrace Clinton as his brother.

But that was after GW almost bought the farm with lyme's disease in the middle of his second term and passed his presidency over to his dad and Bill.

Not conspiracy. Real deal. They took over the WH and didn't pass it to Cheney.
Bush Jr. wiped his hands on Clinton after Georgie touched a black guy. You can watch it on Youtube.
Those familiar with Jeb! aren't the least bit surprised; he's as much an inconsistent dullard as his father and brother, if not more so.

To be so completely unprepared and fumble a question everyone knew would be asked – except for Bush, it would seem – is true amateurism.
He is no more disingenuous than Hillary. And it you can't see that, your partisanship is blocking your view.

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