Didn't they first claim he died in a shootout?

Now our cowardly troops kill an unarmed man in cold blood? Is our bloodlust so much that we didn't care if he might possess intel we could get through interrogation that could prevent the next attack?

Osama bin Laden was unarmed when U.S. special forces shot him dead, the White House said

So much for being heroes...

Actually, Obama said he died after a firefight, not during. Conflicting reports have him doing everything from hiding behind his wife to being shot a few minutes after he was captured.

Regardless, if you think a coward could storm a terrorist compound without knowing how many people were inside, you have a different definition of coward than I do. If you have a problem with what they did take it up with the guy who ordered them to shoot to kill.
Good marksmanship? How good a marksman do you have to be to shoot an unarmed man in the same room?
the oft-maligned personnel of the CIA

'oft-maligned'? They kidnapped children and force-fed them LSD (MK-ULTRA). They kidnapped adults, put them into chemically-induced sleep for months and brainwashed them (psychic driving), they subjugated an entire nation (Guatemala) for capitalist profit (United Fruit Company, now Chiquita) through forced labour, they encouraged the wanton and random killing of villagers as a campaign of terror that turned the population against us (the Phoenix Program), they slipped drugs to American soldiers and civilians without their knowledge to see what would happen (Project ARTICHOKE), then there was Operation MOCKINGBIRD, placing the Shah in power in Iran, inciting the Hungarians to revolt while promising them American aid then abandoning them, I can't count the coups they helped stage in laos, the Bay of Pigs, the assassination of Trujillo (who was our guy), the murder of Lumumba and the chaos that followed, installing a junta in the Dominican Republic, removing Surkarno for remaining neutral in the cold war, the Reign of the Colonels in Greece, removing Sahounek in Cambodia (ultimate leading to the reign of the Khmer Rouge), the CIA/CREEP connections to Watergate, operation CHAOS, arming the guys we're now fighting in Afghanistan, Iran/CONTRA, keeping Noriga on the payroll, strengthening Hussein as a puppet against Iran...

This is just the stuff they tell us about!
Now our cowardly troops kill an unarmed man in cold blood? Is our bloodlust so much that we didn't care if he might possess intel we could get through interrogation that could prevent the next attack?

Osama bin Laden was unarmed when U.S. special forces shot him dead, the White House said

So much for being heroes...

I think calling the folks who did that operation "cowardly" is a bit much.

After a firefight that lasted an hour (before they even got to Osama) there wasn't any COLD BLOOD in that room.

I'm glad they killed him.

Had I been giving the orders I'd have ordered him killed, not captured.

Not out of revenge, but to avoid the shitstorm of terror acts that would follow if he'd been captured and tried.

Personally I think that this OP was a complete success.

And giving Osama a burial at sea was exactly the right thing to do, too.

The entire raid last 38 minutes, 8 minutes longer than scheduled because one of the helicopters went down. How does that mesh with the firefight lasting an hour?
Osama bin Laden was no ordinary fugitive. He was the most relevant figure in the entire Islamic terrorist network.

Also, there is a highly suspicious connection between the Saudi Royal Family and the Bush dynasty and bin Laden is a member of the Saudi Royal Family. I believe he knew things that could be damaging to the Bush family, which is why he was silenced rather than taken alive.

It would have been just as easy, if not easier, to extract a live and mobile human than to lug a corpse, which strongly suggests that bin Laden was executed on orders. The question of why will never be answered. Nor will the question of why Obama has diligently acted to protect the Bush crime family from being investigated for any of their serious malfeasances ever be answered.

Ah. the resident loon speaks. Just a bit obsessed with Bush, aren't you? I seriously wonder, if there is any defense of this country involving violence you would approve of? Sorry you feel so badly about our forces killing a mass murderer. Tough shit! Cry me a river!

And the reason for that occurs in the form of so many Americans who are content with the fact that Obama is dead, therefore at peace. Life is good for those who are healthy and wealthy. For despised prisoners, life is hell. So I question the common sense of those who celebrate the fact that Obama has been released from all worldly concerns.

Oh believe me, I seriously doubt he's getting to enjoy those 72 virgins he thought Allah promised him. His case has now been referred to a Higher Court, and whether you believe in that or not, I am confident he has been judged and found wanting. In any case, he will not contaminate any of our prisons with his sorry presence (even felons deserve better company), none of his associates will try to pull a terrorist operation to procure his release, and last but not least, HE will NEVER plan another act of terror again! Seems like a proper result to me. Now, want a tissue, crybaby?

Its not 72 Virgins it actually says 72 Virginians.



Obama could be in deep shit for ordering an assasinaton.

But it may not matter. If OBL was standing next to people that were shooting, he may have been killed as a possible target.


First off..you don't send in SEALS to capture people.

Second..Osama Bin Laden was a fugitive.

Third..fuck him.

Actually, when you want to capture, you do send the SEALS

Just not SEAL team 6

If the intent had been to capture him they would have sent in a larger force to control the situation. I am sure the orders included capturing him if possible, but the clear intent was to eliminate him as a threat.
What part of Wanted: DEAD or alive do you not understand?
Osama bin Laden was no ordinary fugitive. He was the most relevant figure in the entire Islamic terrorist network.

Also, there is a highly suspicious connection between the Saudi Royal Family and the Bush dynasty and bin Laden is a member of the Saudi Royal Family. I believe he knew things that could be damaging to the Bush family, which is why he was silenced rather than taken alive.

It would have been just as easy, if not easier, to extract a live and mobile human than to lug a corpse, which strongly suggests that bin Laden was executed on orders. The question of why will never be answered. Nor will the question of why Obama has diligently acted to protect the Bush crime family from being investigated for any of their serious malfeasances ever be answered.

And the reason for that occurs in the form of so many Americans who are content with the fact that Obama is dead, therefore at peace. Life is good for those who are healthy and wealthy. For despised prisoners, life is hell. So I question the common sense of those who celebrate the fact that Obama has been released from all worldly concerns.

He was 10 years ago, last week he was a figurehead.

By the way, anyone that thinks it is just as easy to transport a live prisoner as it is to carry a dead body has never done either. Bodies don't fight back.
I don't know about everybody but I really don't care what you think about our combat troops when you are sitting in front of your computer, in a home they are protecting. It take a big man to blast our troops
With all due respect - FUCK YOU.

Agreed..and I hope the people who thanked you, showed your dislike to the OP. I did. :lol:

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By the way, anyone that thinks it is just as easy to transport a live prisoner as it is to carry a dead body has never done either. Bodies don't fight back.
You obviously have never seen (or heard of) someone who was tasered or shot up with a massive dose of thorazine right to the neck (chemical blackjack). Instant live corpse. But evidently the SEALs had other orders, which they carried out with typical efficiency.

Bin Laden dead is good for popular vindictive satisfaction. Bin Laden silenced is good for other, much less popular reasons. Bin Laden in custody could be an extremely valuable asset. I personally would like to hear what that man had to say.

Killing him was merciful compared to confining him in a brightly lighted, stark white cell 24 hours a day with zero human contact. Plain oatmeal through a slot once a day -- every day. No other sounds except for the toilet flushing and nothing to see but the walls. Day after day. Week after week. Month after month. Much better than waterboarding. Just takes a while. Think about it.

Instead, what was done has spared him the need to pray for death and we will never know why.
By the way, anyone that thinks it is just as easy to transport a live prisoner as it is to carry a dead body has never done either. Bodies don't fight back.
You obviously have never seen (or heard of) someone who was tasered or shot up with a massive dose of thorazine right to the neck (chemical blackjack). Instant live corpse. But evidently the SEALs had other orders, which they carried out with typical efficiency.

Bin Laden dead is good for popular vindictive satisfaction. Bin Laden silenced is good for other, much less popular reasons. Bin Laden in custody could be an extremely valuable asset. I personally would like to hear what that man had to say.

Killing him was merciful compared to confining him in a brightly lighted, stark white cell 24 hours a day with zero human contact. Plain oatmeal through a slot once a day -- every day. No other sounds except for the toilet flushing and nothing to see but the walls. Day after day. Week after week. Month after month. Much better than waterboarding. Just takes a while. Think about it.

Instead, what was done has spared him the need to pray for death and we will never know why.

Navy SEALS are trained to kill, not to arrest. You've been reading too many Mitch Rapp novels.

As for your ridiculous theory that Bin Laden was killed rather than taken alive because people didn't want him talking about the relationship between the Bush's and the Saudi royal family, do you realize that in 1989 Bin Laden was barred from leaving Saudi Arabia and when he left a death warrant was issued against him by the Saudi royal family? He had no ties to the royal family that were worth anything.
It was a shootout. There were two levels and there was shooting on the first floor (shots exchanged) and then on the second as well. Osama's wife attacked the Seals and they shot. Who knows what else was going on at the time...
Now our cowardly troops kill an unarmed man in cold blood? Is our bloodlust so much that we didn't care if he might possess intel we could get through interrogation that could prevent the next attack?

Osama bin Laden was unarmed when U.S. special forces shot him dead, the White House said

So much for being heroes...

Didn't they first report George Washington cut down a cherry tree with his axe? Now it appears he and the tree were in cahoots with this lie!!
(Where is Georgie boy now that I need him to cut down my cowardly cherry tree that keeps dumping it's load all over my lawn???!!! Damn terrorist trees!!)
This is terrible.

Instead, they should have made him fuck a goat, take a picture and THEN killed the bastard.

Why punish a goat that way? Plus my understanding is that Bin Laden would have enjoyed that.
With all due respect - FUCK YOU.

So... fuck me because executing an unarmed man is heroic and stopping the next terrorist attack by interrogating OBL for intel would be a bad thing? :eusa_eh:

No....for not understanding that what you just called our Troops was totally uncalled for and wrong, JB. WTH . OBL was not your friend. He and others like him has been advocating the death of unarmed innocent people for years.

And he would have advocated for yours as well.

How about you stop trying so hard to be; what you consider being equal and fair? You are blinded by your zeal. Trying too hard to be above all the unfairness of life.

I can guarantee you, that a Marine or a Soldier would come to your aid if it came to it..Would Usama? :eusa_eh:

Of all people, our Troops are NOT cowards.

But the OBL's of the world are the definition of cowardly, hiding behind women and children and other nuts that are brainwashed enough to fly planes into a building full of innocent people :evil:
Good marksmanship? How good a marksman do you have to be to shoot an unarmed man in the same room?
the oft-maligned personnel of the CIA

'oft-maligned'? They kidnapped children and force-fed them LSD (MK-ULTRA). They kidnapped adults, put them into chemically-induced sleep for months and brainwashed them (psychic driving), they subjugated an entire nation (Guatemala) for capitalist profit (United Fruit Company, now Chiquita) through forced labour, they encouraged the wanton and random killing of villagers as a campaign of terror that turned the population against us (the Phoenix Program), they slipped drugs to American soldiers and civilians without their knowledge to see what would happen (Project ARTICHOKE), then there was Operation MOCKINGBIRD, placing the Shah in power in Iran, inciting the Hungarians to revolt while promising them American aid then abandoning them, I can't count the coups they helped stage in laos, the Bay of Pigs, the assassination of Trujillo (who was our guy), the murder of Lumumba and the chaos that followed, installing a junta in the Dominican Republic, removing Surkarno for remaining neutral in the cold war, the Reign of the Colonels in Greece, removing Sahounek in Cambodia (ultimate leading to the reign of the Khmer Rouge), the CIA/CREEP connections to Watergate, operation CHAOS, arming the guys we're now fighting in Afghanistan, Iran/CONTRA, keeping Noriga on the payroll, strengthening Hussein as a puppet against Iran...

This is just the stuff they tell us about!
You're probably the biggest loser on this board which is quite a feat. You're not worthy to shine the boots of a soldier much less comment on the umbrella of freedom they provide for your sorry yellow ass. You're the fuckin coward who stayed home and allowed the very people you malign, to die in your place. I'd love to see you call a Marine, Sailor, Airman, or Soldier a coward to their face.. you'd be picking your fucking teeth up off of the ground. People like you make me sick..
. He and others like him has been advocating the death of unarmed innocent people for years.

So they're kinda like the CIA? Or the Jews?
How about you stop trying so hard to be; what you consider being equal and fair? You are blinded by your zeal. Trying too hard to be above all the unfairness of life.

Who said anything about fairness? I just said that he probably had good intel in his head.

You wanna torture people for national security? I can see that argument- just don't pretend we're better than anyone else who does the same.
I can guarantee you, that a Marine or a Soldier would come to your aid if it came to it..

Maybe. Maybe not. Depends on their orders and whether or not I believe in liberty. Operation Urban Warrior gets them ready for something, Pix.
Good marksmanship? How good a marksman do you have to be to shoot an unarmed man in the same room?
the oft-maligned personnel of the CIA

'oft-maligned'? They kidnapped children and force-fed them LSD (MK-ULTRA). They kidnapped adults, put them into chemically-induced sleep for months and brainwashed them (psychic driving), they subjugated an entire nation (Guatemala) for capitalist profit (United Fruit Company, now Chiquita) through forced labour, they encouraged the wanton and random killing of villagers as a campaign of terror that turned the population against us (the Phoenix Program), they slipped drugs to American soldiers and civilians without their knowledge to see what would happen (Project ARTICHOKE), then there was Operation MOCKINGBIRD, placing the Shah in power in Iran, inciting the Hungarians to revolt while promising them American aid then abandoning them, I can't count the coups they helped stage in laos, the Bay of Pigs, the assassination of Trujillo (who was our guy), the murder of Lumumba and the chaos that followed, installing a junta in the Dominican Republic, removing Surkarno for remaining neutral in the cold war, the Reign of the Colonels in Greece, removing Sahounek in Cambodia (ultimate leading to the reign of the Khmer Rouge), the CIA/CREEP connections to Watergate, operation CHAOS, arming the guys we're now fighting in Afghanistan, Iran/CONTRA, keeping Noriga on the payroll, strengthening Hussein as a puppet against Iran...

This is just the stuff they tell us about!
You're probably the biggest loser on this board which is quite a feat. You're not worthy to shine the boots of a soldier much less comment on the umbrella of freedom they provide for your sorry yellow ass. You're the fuckin coward who stayed home and allowed the very people you malign, to die in your place. I'd love to see you call a Marine, Sailor, Airman, or Soldier a coward to their face.. you'd be picking your fucking teeth up off of the ground. People like you make me sick..
Agreed, but you are wrong in the next-to-last sentence. The truth is, that just like the people who spat on soldiers returning from Vietnam, he'd walk away unhurt-because American soldiers are too disciplined to kick his sorry civilian arse. Then again, he might want to avoid trying that with me, because now that I am out of uniform, a lot less patient, a lot more irritable and a lot less disciplined than I was forty years ago, I just might react differently today.:evil:

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