Dim claims about the memo repeated like a broken record


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
The Democrats, who claim there's nothing incriminating in the memo, say the following.
  1. It's McCarthyism.
  2. Republicans are attacking our law enforcement agencies
  3. They Cherry picked the data.
  4. It reveals sources and methods.
  5. Nunez made material changes to the memo after showing it to Trump
  6. It Endangs our country
These are all lies. If there's nothing to the memo, then why are theses douchebags spending so much energy to attack it?

What will Dims be saying about the memo after it's released? Post your predictions here.
They'll claim the Republicans manipulated it to look like it's saying something it really isn't. But they'll be unable to point to anything specific, only to say it's "classified".
The Democrats, who claim there's nothing incriminating in the memo, say the following.
  1. It's McCarthyism.
  2. Republicans are attacking our law enforcement agencies
  3. They Cherry picked the data.
  4. It reveals sources and methods.
  5. Nunez made material changes to the memo after showing it to Trump
  6. It Endangs our country
These are all lies. If there's nothing to the memo, then why are theses douchebags spending so much energy to attack it?

What will Dims be saying about the memo after it's released? Post your predictions here.

It's going to be a blast.

The butthurt among some on this forum will be almost fatal.
They'll claim the Republicans manipulated it to look like it's saying something it really isn't. But they'll be unable to point to anything specific, only to say it's "classified".
we don't need to claim that, both the Republican justice department and the FBI director hand picked by Trump claimed the memo is not accurate due to intentional omissions of facts....
And if it is none of those things, Nunnes could very well end up before a judge on obstruction of justice charges.
We can always count on you to post the ultimate snowflake delusion.
They'll claim the Republicans manipulated it to look like it's saying something it really isn't. But they'll be unable to point to anything specific, only to say it's "classified".
we don't need to claim that, both the Republican justice department and the FBI director hand picked by Trump claimed the memo is not accurate due to intentional omissions of facts....

By "the Justice Dept," you mean Rod Rosenstein. That's hardly surprising since he is named in the memo.

I can think of a lot of reasons why Wray would be against it. The memo will instigate a huge scandal, investigation and mass firings in the FBI. Why would any depearment head want that? The bottom line is that the minute he read the memo, he canned McCabe. That indicates he believes memo is credible and damning.
The Democrats, who claim there's nothing incriminating in the memo, say the following.
  1. It's McCarthyism.
  2. Republicans are attacking our law enforcement agencies
  3. They Cherry picked the data.
  4. It reveals sources and methods.
  5. Nunez made material changes to the memo after showing it to Trump
  6. It Endangs our country
These are all lies. If there's nothing to the memo, then why are theses douchebags spending so much energy to attack it?

What will Dims be saying about the memo after it's released? Post your predictions here.

Indeed, they are now performing the Decapitated Chicken Ballet. Truly a wonder to behold. They are acting out precisely as guilty people do when confronted.

After release, they will leak their own "memo" and parade around with it under the full power of their media.

Interesting that Comey brought up McCarthy, when McCarthy was correct. Just look at the Democrats.
How many times are we going to have to hear this knee slapping punch line?

The Democrats use phony opposition research in a political campaign to spy on Trump and when they get busted they rail the release of the proof of their corruption is purely a political stunt.

These sycophants are screaming the memo is full of half truths and doesn't reveal the underlying material which will lead to unsubstantiated conclusions.

HELLO, the entire dossier they based their illegal FISA warrant on was nothing but phony garbage paid for by Hillaryous and Comey stated it was a boat load of crap.

Libtarded logic; corrupt use of our national security apparatus for political gain is not political but revealing the corruption is a political stunt.

Just more swamp gas, libtardos.
It's past time to put all this BS aside and get down to putting that energy into the problems this nation faces.

If anyone broke the law they need to face the music but the noise needs to stop.
How many times are we going to have to hear this knee slapping punch line?

The Democrats use phony opposition research in a political campaign to spy on Trump and when they get busted they rail the release of the proof of their corruption is purely a political stunt.

These sycophants are screaming the memo is full of half truths and doesn't reveal the underlying material which will lead to unsubstantiated conclusions.

HELLO, the entire dossier they based their illegal FISA warrant on was nothing but phony garbage paid for by Hillaryous and Comey stated it was a boat load of crap.

Libtarded logic; corrupt use of our national security apparatus for political gain is not political but revealing the corruption is a political stunt.

Just more swamp gas, libtardos.

These GOP have Ricky all hyped up.. he will be so disappointed when the week long drama is just for suckas like him.
How many times are we going to have to hear this knee slapping punch line?

The Democrats use phony opposition research in a political campaign to spy on Trump and when they get busted they rail the release of the proof of their corruption is purely a political stunt.

These sycophants are screaming the memo is full of half truths and doesn't reveal the underlying material which will lead to unsubstantiated conclusions.

HELLO, the entire dossier they based their illegal FISA warrant on was nothing but phony garbage paid for by Hillaryous and Comey stated it was a boat load of crap.

Libtarded logic; corrupt use of our national security apparatus for political gain is not political but revealing the corruption is a political stunt.

Just more swamp gas, libtardos.

These GOP have Ricky all hyped up.. he will be so disappointed when the week long drama is just for suckas like him.


The problem
How many times are we going to have to hear this knee slapping punch line?

The Democrats use phony opposition research in a political campaign to spy on Trump and when they get busted they rail the release of the proof of their corruption is purely a political stunt.

These sycophants are screaming the memo is full of half truths and doesn't reveal the underlying material which will lead to unsubstantiated conclusions.

HELLO, the entire dossier they based their illegal FISA warrant on was nothing but phony garbage paid for by Hillaryous and Comey stated it was a boat load of crap.

Libtarded logic; corrupt use of our national security apparatus for political gain is not political but revealing the corruption is a political stunt.

Just more swamp gas, libtardos.

These GOP have Ricky all hyped up.. he will be so disappointed when the week long drama is just for suckas like him.


The problem

True...we all know that this week long hype is just to clog up the news and social media.. at this point just release the damn memo..but I have a feeling that they are going to keep it going over the weekend.

Nunes career is over in Fresno..he is a con man who can not be trusted..this is the 2nd time he has gone rogue .

How many times are we going to have to hear this knee slapping punch line?

The Democrats use phony opposition research in a political campaign to spy on Trump and when they get busted they rail the release of the proof of their corruption is purely a political stunt.

These sycophants are screaming the memo is full of half truths and doesn't reveal the underlying material which will lead to unsubstantiated conclusions.

HELLO, the entire dossier they based their illegal FISA warrant on was nothing but phony garbage paid for by Hillaryous and Comey stated it was a boat load of crap.

Libtarded logic; corrupt use of our national security apparatus for political gain is not political but revealing the corruption is a political stunt.

Just more swamp gas, libtardos.

These GOP have Ricky all hyped up.. he will be so disappointed when the week long drama is just for suckas like him.


The problem

True...we all know that this week long hype is just to clog up the news and social media.. at this just release the damn memo..but I have a feeling that they are going to keep it going over the weekend.

Nunes career is over in Fresno..he is a con man who can not be trusted..this is the 2nd time he has gone rogue .


It's all noise...if the memo reveals laws were broken then proceed with charges...if not shut up and govern like they were elected to do. If they can't? Resign and let someone willing to govern do it

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