Direct Quote, Verbatim Proof that Biden Desired this Border Crisis

Mr. Friscus

Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2020
Democrat Debate on Sept 12th, 2019

"I would, in fact, make sure that there is -we immediately surge to the border, all those people seeking asylum."

He would make sure of it. Yep, sure did.

So, now it's up to Democrats and leftists to either support Biden's desires or not. By the looks of it, what is happening is not good. Lots of suffering going on. Is that good or bad?
Neither party wants to stop it.

Notice how when Trump came to power he has the GOP control Congress for 2 years and did NOTHING to secure the border. Then when the DNC took the House, all of a sudden he was wanting to build the wall.

There are 2 possibilities here

1. Trump knew that he did not have the support of the GOP to build they wall, and did not want to embarrass the party by having his own party stop him from building the wall, and decided to fight the democrats instead of his own party on the issue.

2. Trump did not really want to build the wall. He is a Deep State plant like all the rest.

The choice is yours, but it is either one or the other.

As for talk about what to do now that the system has imploded with no real way to reverse course, I'm not sure people care anymore. They have just accepted it.
Meanwhile Texas law enforcement shoots an illegal dead...after the illegal rapes two girls under 10. THAT is the collateral damage that should put any politician enabling illegals to flood into OUR country in prison!
Democrat Debate on Sept 12th, 2019

"I would, in fact, make sure that there is -we immediately surge to the border, all those people seeking asylum."

He would make sure of it. Yep, sure did.

So, now it's up to Democrats and leftists to either support Biden's desires or not. By the looks of it, what is happening is not good. Lots of suffering going on. Is that good or bad?
Neither party wants to stop it.

Notice how when Trump came to power he has the GOP control Congress for 2 years and did NOTHING to secure the border. Then when the DNC took the House, all of a sudden he was wanting to build the wall.

There are 2 possibilities here

1. Trump knew that he did not have the support of the GOP to build they wall, and did not want to embarrass the party by having his own party stop him from building the wall, and decided to fight the democrats instead of his own party on the issue.

2. Trump did not really want to build the wall. He is a Deep State plant like all the rest.

The choice is yours, but it is either one or the other.

As for talk about what to do now that the system has imploded with no real way to reverse course, I'm not sure people care anymore. They have just accepted it.

Trump did not want a secure border?


It was one of the main planks of his candidacy.
Meanwhile Texas law enforcement shoots an illegal dead...after the illegal rapes two girls under 10. THAT is the collateral damage that should put any politician enabling illegals to flood into OUR country in prison!

But was he wearing a mask?
Biden has now said he wants to fly migrants in to northern states. This completely deranged, demented human being has lost all track of normal thinking. Flying migrants (illegal aliens) around inside the US, is a violation of US Code 8, Section 1324, paragraph 2-5, a federal crime, for which Biden would be subject to arrest and upon conviction, and sentenced to 5 years in a federal prison for each count (each illegal alien).

If there were just 100 illegal aliens, that sentence would be 500 years. If Biden's fly in program resulted in the death of any person, he could be given life imprisonment or the death penalty.

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Democrat Debate on Sept 12th, 2019

"I would, in fact, make sure that there is -we immediately surge to the border, all those people seeking asylum."

He would make sure of it. Yep, sure did.

So, now it's up to Democrats and leftists to either support Biden's desires or not. By the looks of it, what is happening is not good. Lots of suffering going on. Is that good or bad?

Wow. Talk about taking out of context.

RAMOS: Vice President Biden, as a presidential candidate, in 2008, you supported the border wall, saying, “Unlike most Democrats, I voted for 700 miles of fence.” This is what you said.
Then you served as vice president in an administration that deported 3 million people, the most ever in U.S. history. Did you do anything to prevent those deportations? I mean, you’ve been asked this question before and refused to answer, so let me try once again. Are you prepared to say tonight that you and President Obama made a mistake about deportations? Why should Latinos trust you?
BIDEN: What Latinos should look at is comparing this president to the president we have is outrageous, number one. We didn’t lock people up in cages. We didn’t separate families. We didn’t do all of those things, number one.

Number two, number two, by the time, this is a president who came along with the DACA program. No one had ever done that before. This is the president that sent legislation to the desk saying he wants to find a pathway for the 11 million undocumented in the United States of America. This is a president who’s done a great deal. So I’m proud to have served with him.
What I would do as president is several more things, because things have changed. I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediately surge to the border — all those people are seeking asylum, they deserve to be heard. That’s who we are. We’re a nation who says, if you want to flee, and you’re freeing oppression, you should come.
I would change the order that the president just changed, saying women who were being beaten and abused could no longer claim that as a reason for asylum.

And by the way, retrospectively, you know, the 25th anniversary of the Violence Against Women Act is up. The Republican Congress has not reauthorized it. Let’s put pressure on them to pass the Violence Against Women Act now!
RAMOS: Yeah, but you didn’t answer the question.
BIDEN: Well, I did answer the question.
RAMOS: No, did you make a mistake with those deportations?
BIDEN: The president did the best thing that was able to be done at the time.
RAMOS: How about you?
BIDEN: I’m the vice president of the United States.
Democrat Debate on Sept 12th, 2019

"I would, in fact, make sure that there is -we immediately surge to the border, all those people seeking asylum."

He would make sure of it. Yep, sure did.

So, now it's up to Democrats and leftists to either support Biden's desires or not. By the looks of it, what is happening is not good. Lots of suffering going on. Is that good or bad?

Wow. Talk about taking out of context.

RAMOS: Vice President Biden, as a presidential candidate, in 2008, you supported the border wall, saying, “Unlike most Democrats, I voted for 700 miles of fence.” This is what you said.
Then you served as vice president in an administration that deported 3 million people, the most ever in U.S. history. Did you do anything to prevent those deportations? I mean, you’ve been asked this question before and refused to answer, so let me try once again. Are you prepared to say tonight that you and President Obama made a mistake about deportations? Why should Latinos trust you?
BIDEN: What Latinos should look at is comparing this president to the president we have is outrageous, number one. We didn’t lock people up in cages. We didn’t separate families. We didn’t do all of those things, number one.

Number two, number two, by the time, this is a president who came along with the DACA program. No one had ever done that before. This is the president that sent legislation to the desk saying he wants to find a pathway for the 11 million undocumented in the United States of America. This is a president who’s done a great deal. So I’m proud to have served with him.
What I would do as president is several more things, because things have changed. I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediately surge to the border — all those people are seeking asylum, they deserve to be heard. That’s who we are. We’re a nation who says, if you want to flee, and you’re freeing oppression, you should come.
I would change the order that the president just changed, saying women who were being beaten and abused could no longer claim that as a reason for asylum.

And by the way, retrospectively, you know, the 25th anniversary of the Violence Against Women Act is up. The Republican Congress has not reauthorized it. Let’s put pressure on them to pass the Violence Against Women Act now!
RAMOS: Yeah, but you didn’t answer the question.
BIDEN: Well, I did answer the question.
RAMOS: No, did you make a mistake with those deportations?
BIDEN: The president did the best thing that was able to be done at the time.
RAMOS: How about you?
BIDEN: I’m the vice president of the United States.
Your post just confirmed the OP, Dumbass.

Veggie Joe got the surge of illegals he said he would bring.
Democrat Debate on Sept 12th, 2019

"I would, in fact, make sure that there is -we immediately surge to the border, all those people seeking asylum."

He would make sure of it. Yep, sure did.

So, now it's up to Democrats and leftists to either support Biden's desires or not. By the looks of it, what is happening is not good. Lots of suffering going on. Is that good or bad?

Wow. Talk about taking out of context.

RAMOS: Vice President Biden, as a presidential candidate, in 2008, you supported the border wall, saying, “Unlike most Democrats, I voted for 700 miles of fence.” This is what you said.
Then you served as vice president in an administration that deported 3 million people, the most ever in U.S. history. Did you do anything to prevent those deportations? I mean, you’ve been asked this question before and refused to answer, so let me try once again. Are you prepared to say tonight that you and President Obama made a mistake about deportations? Why should Latinos trust you?
BIDEN: What Latinos should look at is comparing this president to the president we have is outrageous, number one. We didn’t lock people up in cages. We didn’t separate families. We didn’t do all of those things, number one.

Number two, number two, by the time, this is a president who came along with the DACA program. No one had ever done that before. This is the president that sent legislation to the desk saying he wants to find a pathway for the 11 million undocumented in the United States of America. This is a president who’s done a great deal. So I’m proud to have served with him.
What I would do as president is several more things, because things have changed. I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediately surge to the border — all those people are seeking asylum, they deserve to be heard. That’s who we are. We’re a nation who says, if you want to flee, and you’re freeing oppression, you should come.
I would change the order that the president just changed, saying women who were being beaten and abused could no longer claim that as a reason for asylum.

And by the way, retrospectively, you know, the 25th anniversary of the Violence Against Women Act is up. The Republican Congress has not reauthorized it. Let’s put pressure on them to pass the Violence Against Women Act now!
RAMOS: Yeah, but you didn’t answer the question.
BIDEN: Well, I did answer the question.
RAMOS: No, did you make a mistake with those deportations?
BIDEN: The president did the best thing that was able to be done at the time.
RAMOS: How about you?
BIDEN: I’m the vice president of the United States.
Your post just confirmed the OP, Dumbass.

Veggie Joe got the surge of illegals he said he would bring.

we immediately surge to the border

Trump created a bottleneck at the border - these aren't all a bunch of new people -these are people bottlenecked due to the policies. "We" is not "they" - you get that right? Bring resources and people (surge) TO the border to address and clear up this mess. Hire more immigration judges (has ANYONE actually done that?) so their cases can be heard as they are supposed to be under US law - and then a decision made to deport or grant asylum. I don't care which way - just do it. Is the current situation unsustainable? Yup. But it's a mess caused by prior policy and current unpreparedness.
Democrat Debate on Sept 12th, 2019

"I would, in fact, make sure that there is -we immediately surge to the border, all those people seeking asylum."

He would make sure of it. Yep, sure did.

So, now it's up to Democrats and leftists to either support Biden's desires or not. By the looks of it, what is happening is not good. Lots of suffering going on. Is that good or bad?
Neither party wants to stop it.

Notice how when Trump came to power he has the GOP control Congress for 2 years and did NOTHING to secure the border. Then when the DNC took the House, all of a sudden he was wanting to build the wall.

There are 2 possibilities here

1. Trump knew that he did not have the support of the GOP to build they wall, and did not want to embarrass the party by having his own party stop him from building the wall, and decided to fight the democrats instead of his own party on the issue.

2. Trump did not really want to build the wall. He is a Deep State plant like all the rest.

The choice is yours, but it is either one or the other.

As for talk about what to do now that the system has imploded with no real way to reverse course, I'm not sure people care anymore. They have just accepted it.

Trump did not want a secure border?


It was one of the main planks of his candidacy.
Talk is cheap.

Votto is right.

Trump was great on rhetoric. . . but he fell short on everything he claimed he was ever going to do.

He called out internationalist organizations, but then got more cozy with them. He called out the Fed, but then brought in private corporations to buy up what is left of the American government.

It was a smoke and mirrors operation. Saying one thing, doing the opposite.

. . . and Biden is doing the same damn thing now, and the left? They are as clueless as Republicans were during Trump's term.

Sorry you don't like facts pal.
Democrat Debate on Sept 12th, 2019

"I would, in fact, make sure that there is -we immediately surge to the border, all those people seeking asylum."

He would make sure of it. Yep, sure did.

So, now it's up to Democrats and leftists to either support Biden's desires or not. By the looks of it, what is happening is not good. Lots of suffering going on. Is that good or bad?
Neither party wants to stop it.

Notice how when Trump came to power he has the GOP control Congress for 2 years and did NOTHING to secure the border. Then when the DNC took the House, all of a sudden he was wanting to build the wall.

There are 2 possibilities here

1. Trump knew that he did not have the support of the GOP to build they wall, and did not want to embarrass the party by having his own party stop him from building the wall, and decided to fight the democrats instead of his own party on the issue.

2. Trump did not really want to build the wall. He is a Deep State plant like all the rest.

The choice is yours, but it is either one or the other.

As for talk about what to do now that the system has imploded with no real way to reverse course, I'm not sure people care anymore. They have just accepted it.

Trump did not want a secure border?


It was one of the main planks of his candidacy.
Talk is cheap.

Votto is right.

Trump was great on rhetoric. . . but he fell short on everything he claimed he was ever going to do.

He called out internationalist organizations, but then got more cozy with them. He called out the Fed, but then brought in private corporations to buy up what is left of the American government.

It was a smoke and mirrors operation. Saying one thing, doing the opposite.

. . . and Biden is doing the same damn thing now, and the left? They are as clueless as Republicans were during Trump's term.

Sorry you don't like facts pal.

He didnt make the border more secure?
Democrat Debate on Sept 12th, 2019

"I would, in fact, make sure that there is -we immediately surge to the border, all those people seeking asylum."

He would make sure of it. Yep, sure did.

So, now it's up to Democrats and leftists to either support Biden's desires or not. By the looks of it, what is happening is not good. Lots of suffering going on. Is that good or bad?
Neither party wants to stop it.

Notice how when Trump came to power he has the GOP control Congress for 2 years and did NOTHING to secure the border. Then when the DNC took the House, all of a sudden he was wanting to build the wall.

There are 2 possibilities here

1. Trump knew that he did not have the support of the GOP to build they wall, and did not want to embarrass the party by having his own party stop him from building the wall, and decided to fight the democrats instead of his own party on the issue.

2. Trump did not really want to build the wall. He is a Deep State plant like all the rest.

The choice is yours, but it is either one or the other.

As for talk about what to do now that the system has imploded with no real way to reverse course, I'm not sure people care anymore. They have just accepted it.

Trump did not want a secure border?


It was one of the main planks of his candidacy.
Talk is cheap.

Votto is right.

Trump was great on rhetoric. . . but he fell short on everything he claimed he was ever going to do.

He called out internationalist organizations, but then got more cozy with them. He called out the Fed, but then brought in private corporations to buy up what is left of the American government.

It was a smoke and mirrors operation. Saying one thing, doing the opposite.

. . . and Biden is doing the same damn thing now, and the left? They are as clueless as Republicans were during Trump's term.

Sorry you don't like facts pal.

You mean like Biden and a $15 minimum wage?
Democrat Debate on Sept 12th, 2019

"I would, in fact, make sure that there is -we immediately surge to the border, all those people seeking asylum."

He would make sure of it. Yep, sure did.

So, now it's up to Democrats and leftists to either support Biden's desires or not. By the looks of it, what is happening is not good. Lots of suffering going on. Is that good or bad?
Neither party wants to stop it.

Notice how when Trump came to power he has the GOP control Congress for 2 years and did NOTHING to secure the border. Then when the DNC took the House, all of a sudden he was wanting to build the wall.

There are 2 possibilities here

1. Trump knew that he did not have the support of the GOP to build they wall, and did not want to embarrass the party by having his own party stop him from building the wall, and decided to fight the democrats instead of his own party on the issue.

2. Trump did not really want to build the wall. He is a Deep State plant like all the rest.

The choice is yours, but it is either one or the other.

As for talk about what to do now that the system has imploded with no real way to reverse course, I'm not sure people care anymore. They have just accepted it.

Trump did not want a secure border?


It was one of the main planks of his candidacy.
He gave us the most secure border in a generation.
Democrat Debate on Sept 12th, 2019

"I would, in fact, make sure that there is -we immediately surge to the border, all those people seeking asylum."

He would make sure of it. Yep, sure did.

So, now it's up to Democrats and leftists to either support Biden's desires or not. By the looks of it, what is happening is not good. Lots of suffering going on. Is that good or bad?

Wow. Talk about taking out of context.

RAMOS: Vice President Biden, as a presidential candidate, in 2008, you supported the border wall, saying, “Unlike most Democrats, I voted for 700 miles of fence.” This is what you said.
Then you served as vice president in an administration that deported 3 million people, the most ever in U.S. history. Did you do anything to prevent those deportations? I mean, you’ve been asked this question before and refused to answer, so let me try once again. Are you prepared to say tonight that you and President Obama made a mistake about deportations? Why should Latinos trust you?
BIDEN: What Latinos should look at is comparing this president to the president we have is outrageous, number one. We didn’t lock people up in cages. We didn’t separate families. We didn’t do all of those things, number one.

Number two, number two, by the time, this is a president who came along with the DACA program. No one had ever done that before. This is the president that sent legislation to the desk saying he wants to find a pathway for the 11 million undocumented in the United States of America. This is a president who’s done a great deal. So I’m proud to have served with him.
What I would do as president is several more things, because things have changed. I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediately surge to the border — all those people are seeking asylum, they deserve to be heard. That’s who we are. We’re a nation who says, if you want to flee, and you’re freeing oppression, you should come.
I would change the order that the president just changed, saying women who were being beaten and abused could no longer claim that as a reason for asylum.

And by the way, retrospectively, you know, the 25th anniversary of the Violence Against Women Act is up. The Republican Congress has not reauthorized it. Let’s put pressure on them to pass the Violence Against Women Act now!
RAMOS: Yeah, but you didn’t answer the question.
BIDEN: Well, I did answer the question.
RAMOS: No, did you make a mistake with those deportations?
BIDEN: The president did the best thing that was able to be done at the time.
RAMOS: How about you?
BIDEN: I’m the vice president of the United States.

Okay, you just supported my position.

“What I would do as president is several more things, because things have changed. I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediately surge to the border – all those people are seeking asylum, they deserve to be heard. That’s who we are. We’re a nation who says, if you want to flee, and you’re fleeing oppression, you should come.”

Obviously, he's referring to "they", and making up a virtuous reason for doing it.
Democrat Debate on Sept 12th, 2019

"I would, in fact, make sure that there is -we immediately surge to the border, all those people seeking asylum."

He would make sure of it. Yep, sure did.

So, now it's up to Democrats and leftists to either support Biden's desires or not. By the looks of it, what is happening is not good. Lots of suffering going on. Is that good or bad?

Wow. Talk about taking out of context.

RAMOS: Vice President Biden, as a presidential candidate, in 2008, you supported the border wall, saying, “Unlike most Democrats, I voted for 700 miles of fence.” This is what you said.
Then you served as vice president in an administration that deported 3 million people, the most ever in U.S. history. Did you do anything to prevent those deportations? I mean, you’ve been asked this question before and refused to answer, so let me try once again. Are you prepared to say tonight that you and President Obama made a mistake about deportations? Why should Latinos trust you?
BIDEN: What Latinos should look at is comparing this president to the president we have is outrageous, number one. We didn’t lock people up in cages. We didn’t separate families. We didn’t do all of those things, number one.

Number two, number two, by the time, this is a president who came along with the DACA program. No one had ever done that before. This is the president that sent legislation to the desk saying he wants to find a pathway for the 11 million undocumented in the United States of America. This is a president who’s done a great deal. So I’m proud to have served with him.
What I would do as president is several more things, because things have changed. I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediately surge to the border — all those people are seeking asylum, they deserve to be heard. That’s who we are. We’re a nation who says, if you want to flee, and you’re freeing oppression, you should come.
I would change the order that the president just changed, saying women who were being beaten and abused could no longer claim that as a reason for asylum.

And by the way, retrospectively, you know, the 25th anniversary of the Violence Against Women Act is up. The Republican Congress has not reauthorized it. Let’s put pressure on them to pass the Violence Against Women Act now!
RAMOS: Yeah, but you didn’t answer the question.
BIDEN: Well, I did answer the question.
RAMOS: No, did you make a mistake with those deportations?
BIDEN: The president did the best thing that was able to be done at the time.
RAMOS: How about you?
BIDEN: I’m the vice president of the United States.
Your post just confirmed the OP, Dumbass.

Veggie Joe got the surge of illegals he said he would bring.

we immediately surge to the border

Trump created a bottleneck at the border - these aren't all a bunch of new people -these are people bottlenecked due to the policies. "We" is not "they" - you get that right? Bring resources and people (surge) TO the border to address and clear up this mess. Hire more immigration judges (has ANYONE actually done that?) so their cases can be heard as they are supposed to be under US law - and then a decision made to deport or grant asylum. I don't care which way - just do it. Is the current situation unsustainable? Yup. But it's a mess caused by prior policy and current unpreparedness.

What Trump did was work out a deal with Mexico to keep them in Mexico while their cases were being looked at. Biden just opened the border and said "Come on in".

None of these people are seeing immigration judges you raving lunatic.

They are being sent out throughout the US and asked to show back up sometime.

You are a moron.
Democrat Debate on Sept 12th, 2019

"I would, in fact, make sure that there is -we immediately surge to the border, all those people seeking asylum."

He would make sure of it. Yep, sure did.

So, now it's up to Democrats and leftists to either support Biden's desires or not. By the looks of it, what is happening is not good. Lots of suffering going on. Is that good or bad?
Neither party wants to stop it.

Notice how when Trump came to power he has the GOP control Congress for 2 years and did NOTHING to secure the border. Then when the DNC took the House, all of a sudden he was wanting to build the wall.

There are 2 possibilities here

1. Trump knew that he did not have the support of the GOP to build they wall, and did not want to embarrass the party by having his own party stop him from building the wall, and decided to fight the democrats instead of his own party on the issue.

2. Trump did not really want to build the wall. He is a Deep State plant like all the rest.

The choice is yours, but it is either one or the other.

As for talk about what to do now that the system has imploded with no real way to reverse course, I'm not sure people care anymore. They have just accepted it.

Trump did not want a secure border?


It was one of the main planks of his candidacy.
He gave us the most secure border in a generation.
Which is one of the reasons Trump had to go.
Democrat Debate on Sept 12th, 2019

"I would, in fact, make sure that there is -we immediately surge to the border, all those people seeking asylum."

He would make sure of it. Yep, sure did.

So, now it's up to Democrats and leftists to either support Biden's desires or not. By the looks of it, what is happening is not good. Lots of suffering going on. Is that good or bad?
Neither party wants to stop it.

Notice how when Trump came to power he has the GOP control Congress for 2 years and did NOTHING to secure the border. Then when the DNC took the House, all of a sudden he was wanting to build the wall.

There are 2 possibilities here

1. Trump knew that he did not have the support of the GOP to build they wall, and did not want to embarrass the party by having his own party stop him from building the wall, and decided to fight the democrats instead of his own party on the issue.

2. Trump did not really want to build the wall. He is a Deep State plant like all the rest.

The choice is yours, but it is either one or the other.

As for talk about what to do now that the system has imploded with no real way to reverse course, I'm not sure people care anymore. They have just accepted it.

Trump did not want a secure border?


It was one of the main planks of his candidacy.
It was one of the main planks of his candidacy. Without it, he probably does not win. So why did he wait 2 years till the Dims could stop him in the House to build the wall?

What say you?.
Democrat Debate on Sept 12th, 2019

"I would, in fact, make sure that there is -we immediately surge to the border, all those people seeking asylum."

He would make sure of it. Yep, sure did.

So, now it's up to Democrats and leftists to either support Biden's desires or not. By the looks of it, what is happening is not good. Lots of suffering going on. Is that good or bad?
Neither party wants to stop it.

Notice how when Trump came to power he has the GOP control Congress for 2 years and did NOTHING to secure the border. Then when the DNC took the House, all of a sudden he was wanting to build the wall.

There are 2 possibilities here

1. Trump knew that he did not have the support of the GOP to build they wall, and did not want to embarrass the party by having his own party stop him from building the wall, and decided to fight the democrats instead of his own party on the issue.

2. Trump did not really want to build the wall. He is a Deep State plant like all the rest.

The choice is yours, but it is either one or the other.

As for talk about what to do now that the system has imploded with no real way to reverse course, I'm not sure people care anymore. They have just accepted it.

Trump did not want a secure border?


It was one of the main planks of his candidacy.
It was one of the main planks of his candidacy. Without it, he probably does not win. So why did he wait 2 years till the Dims could stop him in the House to build the wall?

What say you?.

He could not get funding. He figured it out.

Are you actually saying he did not want a secure border?
Democrat Debate on Sept 12th, 2019

"I would, in fact, make sure that there is -we immediately surge to the border, all those people seeking asylum."

He would make sure of it. Yep, sure did.

So, now it's up to Democrats and leftists to either support Biden's desires or not. By the looks of it, what is happening is not good. Lots of suffering going on. Is that good or bad?
Neither party wants to stop it.

Notice how when Trump came to power he has the GOP control Congress for 2 years and did NOTHING to secure the border. Then when the DNC took the House, all of a sudden he was wanting to build the wall.

There are 2 possibilities here

1. Trump knew that he did not have the support of the GOP to build they wall, and did not want to embarrass the party by having his own party stop him from building the wall, and decided to fight the democrats instead of his own party on the issue.

2. Trump did not really want to build the wall. He is a Deep State plant like all the rest.

The choice is yours, but it is either one or the other.

As for talk about what to do now that the system has imploded with no real way to reverse course, I'm not sure people care anymore. They have just accepted it.

Trump did not want a secure border?


It was one of the main planks of his candidacy.
It was one of the main planks of his candidacy. Without it, he probably does not win. So why did he wait 2 years till the Dims could stop him in the House to build the wall?

What say you?.

He could not get funding. He figured it out.

Are you actually saying he did not want a secure border?
I'm saying he had a Republican majority in Congress in both Houses

Are you saying that the GOP would not have funded the wall if asked in his first two years?

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