Disagree with 'liberals' on anything any you are thrown out

Traditional, honest liberals such as those above really do welcome all voices, they really do want everyone to be heard, they really don't try to shut people up, and perhaps most importantly, they have an innate humility that says "I really don't have all the answers, let's hear your idea and see what happens if we talk about it".

They are truly CURIOUS.

You mean they sit down at the dinner table and talk to people because they are people first and not a party? You know, we aren't alien creatures that have never had anything to do with each other. We are the people at the stores, on the streets, neighbors, coworkers, etc. We solve problems all the time and we don't know what political party the other is. The only division is the one someone else plants in your head.

Liberals don't solve problems. They create problems.
Close bripat9643 I think the lawyers who monopolize judges campaigns, corporate party interests in federal courts and govt, and Jack the costs of health care .
Make big bucks off problems that lead to lawsuits . They benefit from bad laws while ppl and parties fight each other . Follow the money. The lawyers lobby and CYA for each other , paying judged and politicians running for office
emily and bripat: together, finally, at last. :lol:
Well you broke my heart JakeStarkey led me on, then left me at the altar, to reach across both aisles by myself while you flee and flirt with easier users.
Had to turn to ppl who would at least laugh at my jokes. Instead of my serious posts! Boo hoo, what's a girl to do?
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Emily my dear, I am sure that bripat will be a 150% full time chore.

Keep a daily journal. It will become a best seller and support you in your old age. Everyone will be like, "She is such a saint!"
Emily my dear, I am sure that bripat will be a 150% full time chore.

Keep a daily journal. It will become a best seller and support you in your old age. Everyone will be like, "She is such a saint!"
Anyone who is remotely a Constitutionalist, I can align with. It's ppl who don't use that, or the Bible as a central standard, who have to insult and attack because they have no grounds for pushing their agenda with no check. I can deal with venting, I can deal with extremes on left and right by including their views as religious freedom protected by law from infringement by govt. But if they can't deal with the Constitution they play hit and run. Maybe I'm the one who's a full time job to argue with.
The Regressive Left does what it always does: Lie, deflect, deny, attack. More on the way, no doubt.
No such think as a "regressive" left exists, except in the mind of right wing losers who somehow think they are 'liberals'. The far right wants to redefine terms and facts and etc so they don't feel bad. Regressive and reactionary are terms that apply to the far right, and they hate it. Watch Mac1958 somehow once again say "regressives" are on the left
And for the zillionth time, I say it, they jump right in and do it.

The VERY NEXT POST. How does this keep happening?

I toss the softballs up in the air, they whack 'em over the fence for me.


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Mac1958, keep tossing those misdefined softballs, and, yes, they will keep going over the fence.

You have a right to your opinion.

You have no right to your own definitions, terms, and facts.
Mac1958, keep tossing those misdefined softballs, and, yes, they will keep going over the fence.

You have a right to your opinion.

You have no right to your own definitions, terms, and facts.

Isn't that the crux of the whole bathroom argument?
Mac1958, keep tossing those misdefined softballs, and, yes, they will keep going over the fence.

You have a right to your opinion.

You have no right to your own definitions, terms, and facts.

Isn't that the crux of the whole bathroom argument?
Yup, and the far right haters have lost it. They don't get to redefine anything.

Wow, you totally don't get it. Progressives think if a guy thinks he is a girl, he's a girl, and we all have to accept that "fact" OR ELSE.

The whole progressive movement is based on re-defining things, and ignoring facts and truths when not convenient.

Guys can be girls if they feel like it, You can be a Native American if you feel like it, hell you can even be black if you feel like it. And what's worse, is if someone questions you, then they get to get crushed.
The Regressive Left does what it always does: Lie, deflect, deny, attack. More on the way, no doubt.
No such think as a "regressive" left exists, except in the mind of right wing losers who somehow think they are 'liberals'. The far right wants to redefine terms and facts and etc so they don't feel bad. Regressive and reactionary are terms that apply to the far right, and they hate it. Watch Mac1958 somehow once again say "regressives" are on the left
And for the zillionth time, I say it, they jump right in and do it.

The VERY NEXT POST. How does this keep happening?

I toss the softballs up in the air, they whack 'em over the fence for me.



You've officially passed PoliticalChic as USMB's number 1 cut and paster.

Try speaking your own mind once in a while.
The Regressive Left does what it always does: Lie, deflect, deny, attack. More on the way, no doubt.
No such think as a "regressive" left exists, except in the mind of right wing losers who somehow think they are 'liberals'. The far right wants to redefine terms and facts and etc so they don't feel bad. Regressive and reactionary are terms that apply to the far right, and they hate it. Watch Mac1958 somehow once again say "regressives" are on the left
And for the zillionth time, I say it, they jump right in and do it.

The VERY NEXT POST. How does this keep happening?

I toss the softballs up in the air, they whack 'em over the fence for me.



You've officially passed PoliticalChic as USMB's number 1 cut and paster.

Try speaking your own mind once in a while.

She cuts and pastes from fellow hardcore right wing partisan ideologues.

When I cut and paste, it's from honest liberals, so I can rub the noses of Regressive Leftists like you in their words.

I'm gonna guess you "don't see" the distinction.

Rub rub rub!!


And the regressive, reactionary Mac1958 keeps failing to redefine the world except in his own head.
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When I was alive during the eighties my opinion towards Reagan was neutral. I never felt I had to agree with anything the president said or that his own opinion was something that could influence mine. I really felt free to have my own opinion but I have notice a slight change that started after 2001. Now if you happen to agree with anything on the other side you are virtually condemned as being a 'conservative' and from that point on your liberal friends just treat you as one of them. The saddest thing I witnessed was how the average opinion of the pope went up after Obama gave him his approval. Didn't the left have an opinion on the man before that and why did it change?
Getting thrown out of the drum circle for having an independent thought is how some people actually learn to think, and go out and get a job.

Some of them get really good jobs. So it pays to get away from regressive parasites, get some responsibility and become significantly more conservative on your own.

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Getting thrown out of the drum circle for having an independent thought is how some people actually learn to think, and go out and get a job. Some of them get really good jobs. So it pays to get away from regressive parasites, get some responsibility and become significantly more conservative on your own.
The liberal regressive deflection in the thread has reached mythical status.
I've notice that to.

They were pissy with me before, whenever I brought up the PC Police, which was funny.

But ever since I borrowed the term "Regressive Left" from a couple of honest liberals, they have completely lost their shit.

Look back over thread. They never say anything about Obama's quote or the quotes from other prominent honest liberals.

These people are not liberals, they are perversions of liberalism. Lie, spin, deny, deflect, attack - it's their natural impulse.

Go back and look at post 105. They literally can't help themselves at this point.
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Those are progressives you're describing. We liberals don't care. We just want everyone to do well, for all to have good health, and make a fair wage. Whatever someone chooses to believe is their business so long as they don't try and make me believe it. Progressives on the other hand are about power, the collection of it, and the abuse of it against those they don't like.

Progressives are scum.

Interesting westwall I've been using liberals to mean the ones following along with the politicized corporate Democrats,
and progressives to mean the independent Democrats and Greens trying to set up the right programs directly instead of relying on govt which isn't happening.

I was told progressive actually came from conservative types imposing reforms.
Since I align more with Constitutionalists seeking to reform govt by enforcing
common principles to streamline and reorganize resources, I thought this progressive
label better fits me, as most of the active Constitutionalists I find are conservative.
However I don't believe in coercing people either by political or religious groups, but believe in making policies and reforms by consent of parties affected. So that part is more Green.
For the inclusion of diversity and prochoice position, this aligns with Democrats, as well
as helping the poor and disadvantaged "minority interests." With enforcing the Constitution to check govt, that aligns with Libertarians and Republicans. I can't find that with most Democrats.

I am a liberal. And you guys can keep trying to divide us until it is meaningless.............for you. Classification, classification, classification.

OK Disir and westwall so which way are we going to refer to the REAL liberals/progressives and the COMMERCIAL/CORPORATE sellouts?
Since people complain more about "liberals pushing social agenda through govt" I was using Liberal for that type, the Clinton type that's really corporate
but CALLED "liberal" in the media so everyone CALLS them liberals.

Fewer people call the REAL liberal/left movement by progressive which really came from a conservative reform movement that was seen as rather oppressive.
But when I meet "liberal left" activists who are really pushing on the GRASSROOTS level, that is the right way, to set up your own programs
and then it trickles up to the govt by catching with people and spreading by free choice and voluntary adoption of better solutions.
So I was using "progressive" to mean the REAL left.

Disir if you object to dividing people by "denomination" what do you call the two groups:
1. one is like how the Conservatives complain about -- the sheep who follow the leader who imposes liberal BELIEFS through govt as MANDATES FORCED ON the Public
2. the other are the REAL meaning and purpose, but it's not done by imposing unconstitutionally, it's implemented by consensus and INCLUSION where
people of all diverse groups CHOOSE to collaborate by free will and reason, by proving SECULARLY these solutions work better (not faith based, imposed like a religion)

A. First, do we all agree there are the corporate sell out types that push agenda for power and
it goes against the principles of prochoice and inclusion of diversity by coercion/exclusion
And this is the public image created by imposing liberal BELIEFS on others who disagree and contest these social policies as unconstitutional
B. versus people who LIVE and IMPLEMENT the liberal principles by example (and don't force it on others against their will by bullying)

Do we agree there are two types?
And do we need a term to distinguish these two?

A. Do we agree that people that use divisional tactics to place people in tribes and groups are out to profit and obtain power?
You mean propaganda and shills? You know, like pretending a business is like "artistic expression" to attempt to make it a violation of rights? Like repeating it makes it any true-er. Do you know choosy moms choose Jiff?

We have names for these tactics. It's the same tactic used by the right to label people as unAmerican or pejoratively using the term Socialist and the left uses racist, homophobic and Socialist. It's propaganda, Emily. That's what you call it.

I get it. You're mad. It isn't necessary to reinvent the wheel. The only way to fight it is to follow the money.(Usually to Delaware where there is a plethora of shell companies, but I digress.) You either buy into the propaganda or you don't. The more you try to reclassify individuals the more you play right into their hands. Divide, divide, divide and hide behind a party like the Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians and, apparently, the Constitutional party.

No Disir you DON'T get it I'm not mad, I'm accepting of people's beliefs.
If people have different denominations, even within a party, that's NOT going to change.
I ask to INCLUDE people's beliefs AS THEY ARE. I believe in ISONOMY -- if people are going to be equal in rights and responsibilities, we NEED to organize by like beliefs so we can RESPECT each other's LIMITS. That's just natural, like organizing by State, and letting people govern themselves that way. Then put all the States together to represent the collective union.
That's does supplant the laws per state, just because each one is localized.

So sure, if people BELIEVE in using majority rule to impose THEIR beliefs on the beliefs of others,
whether left over right as in ACA/right to health mandates
or right over left as in right to life regulations or restrictions, let's be honest about that.
How can we include that instead of reject it. If Nevada has legalized prostitution, can't that group keep that and not impose it on other states; and if so, why not organize by parties?

Where do you get that I am using division to reject?
I'm using it to INCLUDE like finding out who you've got in a band or a choir.
You don't just label everyone the same voice or instrument: you map out who
is in the tenor or bass section, the soprano or alto so you can organize your choir to sing in harmony!

Yes it takes "dividing in groups" but it's to align people so you can work with EVERYONE.

Do you get it now, Disir?
I'm a Constitutionalist, and believe in equal INCLUSION to protect everyone's beliefs equally,
so I am ASKING what beliefs people identify with, so I can INCLUDE not reject them!

NOTE: What makes me "mad" is when people bully and exclude each other
and cause the other side to do that, so it blocks democratic due process
and the right to petition for EVERYONE, like how our courts get backlogged for months or years
because too many people didn't resolve conflicts. Or DOMA or ACA get passed and don't
get corrected because people won't sit down and find a mutual way to write out the laws they both WANT.

Disir what I think may happen here, is a third "unofficial house" or network of reps by party, similar to the Senate, where all people can organize representation per party and per issue. Just because it INCLUDES all parties doesn't mean it is RESTRICTED to that. But just allow citizens to make sure all sides of a conflict over beliefs is Represented and Included in MEDIATION to spell out both Consensus points and points of separation. Lay out all the positions and make sure everyone is represented. Then present these lists of DOs and DONTs to the OFFICIAL Congress and Govt as Blueprints for what laws/rulings are consistent with public interest, beliefs and consent on issues that involve BELIEFS that people aren't going to change. Just spell them out along with Agreed solutions, and work WITH govt to write out neutral or inclusive laws/rulings that we already AGREE with so no overreaches go unfixed. ALL objections and concerns are included and resolved in advance, BEFORE writing proposing or passing such laws/reforms/rulings. If we don't agree, then spell that out where and why groups object, and what we propose to separate or resolve those differences in BELIEFS.

It's not division. Really it's not. It's division for equality......

Emily, you're a wreck.
It's not division. Really it's not. It's division for equality.......

Hi Disir I AGREE that's what I'm saying is that we
SHOULD use parties to protect and represent people equally.

What ISN'T equal is when decisions that involve beliefs
endorse one side and exclude the other, that isn't equally including both sides.

Also EVEN IF BOTH sides "bullying each other equally"
Two "wrongs" don't make a right. We shouldn't be deciding
laws by bullying, but by consent. You don't bully people into
sex or a marriage contract, you respect consensual agreements.

I think you and I AGREE the point should be equal protections and representation.

Now, how do we get there from here?

The Greens have suggested "proportional representation" instead of
winner take all. I have added to that, and believe in both representation by
party AND consensus decisions by mediation and conflict resolution to
redress all grievances and correct all issues causing objection or rejection.

Disir if you think I'm a mess, I'm offering solutions,
based on the best ideas I find from all the parties put together.
The problems are a bigger mess, much more complicated and costly.
The solutions are simpler in comparison with that.

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