Disagree with 'liberals' on anything any you are thrown out

I remember having a discussion with 'liberals' about the theory of evolution. I pointed out that it is just a theory as in this is what we think is true about such and such thing. The theory of the atom is a good example. We can't really see what is inside of an atom and we don't have any time lapsed photography to show the process of evolution occurring. However, we do form ideas of what explains facts gathered from an experiment. I am not a scientist but this is what I was taught in high school biology by a very liberal teacher (I still remember her class). I point out the theory of evolution or the theory of the atom isn't a fact but a theory. I was then accused of defending creationism and a religious zealot....blah...blah...blah. I tried to point out that I don't agree with either but the accusation stuck and I was treated like a conservative from that point out and that meant being treated like shit by them. This made me conclude that their is something wrong going on inside the democratic party that isn't liberal in the sense I thought liberal was. They acted like no one can have an opinion that they don't agree with which meant creationist must die and those that tolerate their beliefs are accomplices to their crime. Yah...it is that fucking insane with dealing with liberals.
I remember having a discussion with 'liberals' about the theory of evolution. I pointed out that it is just a theory as in this is what we think is true about such and such thing. The theory of the atom is a good example. We can't really see what is inside of an atom and we don't have any time lapsed photography to show the process of evolution occurring. However, we do form ideas of what explains facts gathered from an experiment. I am not a scientist but this is what I was taught in high school biology by a very liberal teacher (I still remember her class). I point out the theory of evolution or the theory of the atom isn't a fact but a theory. I was then accused of defending creationism and a religious zealot....blah...blah...blah. I tried to point out that I don't agree with either but the accusation stuck and I was treated like a conservative from that point out and that meant being treated like shit by them. This made me conclude that their is something wrong going on inside the democratic party that isn't liberal in the sense I thought liberal was. They acted like no one can have an opinion that they don't agree with which meant creationist must die and those that tolerate their beliefs are accomplices to their crime. Yah...it is that fucking insane with dealing with liberals.

Dear SuperDemocrat
The layer that has to be removed first, before you can even discuss content without getting stuck emotionally,
is this "defense mechanism" of denying and projection issues onto other people and groups,
as a screening device or barrier, like building a wall across the border, but emotionally.

If someone is not forgiving but has wounds and fears they haven't addressed,
such as the fear of change or fear of the unknown, fear of other groups trying to control them,
they will project that fear that biases their views, perception and INFORMATION coming in and out.

We cannot heal the past wounds and conflicts biasing people except by surrounding them with "safe" people in a "safe" environment, where eventually their inner wounds and experiences will find "safe" expression to be released. Over time, the wounds will heal, as in the stages of grief and recovery; denial and depression is one phase, anger, etc. until people can bargain and eventually let go and reach resolution.

So in the meantime they may TEST you. If you cannot walk "a mile in their moccasins" with them without criticizing and rejecting them, they will reject you as "unsafe" and "trying to impose your view on them and force them." This is their way of screening out who is safe and can be trusted, and who is not. Again if you look up the stages of grief, there are phases where people just aren't ready to handle deeper changes, and first have to isolate themselves and/or vent. That's natural for that stage in the process.

Now, for people who can forgive this "denial and projection" game and get past those protective walls,
then there CAN be discussion comparing people's experiences WITHOUT judgment or blame.

Behind those walls, if you can get past them, the beliefs are about equal.
Some people believe in a personified God and some people take a secular approach to universal law of life, nature and creation/universe, without a personified figure or representation.

They just won't let you past their protective walls if they FEAR you are trying
to FORCE your ways on them and judge them if they don't see it the way you do.

The more both sides agree to forgive each other their differences,
and let go some of this FEAR that the other side is going to impose and pound on them,
the more communication and sharing is possible. I find it is a mutual give and take,
but it takes mutual stretching for both sides to agree to step outside their comfort zone
and deal with the fact the other person is coming from the totally opposite direction.

If you've ever heard two people in the middle of marriage or relationship counseling,
both sides will "swear up and down" they did everything they could to meet halfway and it wasn't enough.
That's why one marriage counselor said it this way:
"Meeting in the middle" means meeting in the middle of what
both sides already thought was meeting in the middle!

It's harder than we think, but the good news is, the more we have to work to save a relationship,
the greater the rewards come from that mutual sacrifice in committing to work together.
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I remember having a discussion with 'liberals' about the theory of evolution. I pointed out that it is just a theory as in this is what we think is true about such and such thing. The theory of the atom is a good example. We can't really see what is inside of an atom and we don't have any time lapsed photography to show the process of evolution occurring. However, we do form ideas of what explains facts gathered from an experiment. I am not a scientist but this is what I was taught in high school biology by a very liberal teacher (I still remember her class). I point out the theory of evolution or the theory of the atom isn't a fact but a theory. I was then accused of defending creationism and a religious zealot....blah...blah...blah. I tried to point out that I don't agree with either but the accusation stuck and I was treated like a conservative from that point out and that meant being treated like shit by them. This made me conclude that their is something wrong going on inside the democratic party that isn't liberal in the sense I thought liberal was. They acted like no one can have an opinion that they don't agree with which meant creationist must die and those that tolerate their beliefs are accomplices to their crime. Yah...it is that fucking insane with dealing with liberals.

Dear SuperDemocrat
The layer that has to be removed first, before you can even discuss content without getting stuck emotionally,
is this "defense mechanism" of denying and projection issues onto other people and groups,
as a screening device or barrier, like building a wall across the border, but emotionally.

If someone is not forgiving but has wounds and fears they haven't addressed,
such as the fear of change or fear of the unknown, fear of other groups trying to control them,
they will project that fear that biases their views, perception and INFORMATION coming in and out.

We cannot heal the past wounds and conflicts biasing people except by surrounding them with "safe" people in a "safe" environment, where eventually their inner wounds and experiences will find "safe" expression to be released. Over time, the wounds will heal, as in the stages of grief and recovery; denial and depression is one phase, anger, etc. until people can bargain and eventually let go and reach resolution.

So in the meantime they may TEST you. If you cannot walk "a mile in their moccasins" with them without criticizing and rejecting them, they will reject you as "unsafe" and "trying to impose your view on them and force them." This is their way of screening out who is safe and can be trusted, and who is not. Again if you look up the stages of grief, there are phases where people just aren't ready to handle deeper changes, and first have to isolate themselves and/or vent. That's natural for that stage in the process.

Now, for people who can forgive this "denial and projection" game and get past those protective walls,
then there CAN be discussion comparing people's experiences WITHOUT judgment or blame.

Behind those walls, if you can get past them, the beliefs are about equal.
Some people believe in a personified God and some people take a secular approach to universal law of life, nature and creation/universe, without a personified figure or representation.

They just won't let you past their protective walls if they FEAR you are trying
to FORCE your ways on them and judge them if they don't see it the way you do.

The more both sides agree to forgive each other their differences,
and let go some of this FEAR that the other side is going to impose and pound on them,
the more communication and sharing is possible. I find it is a mutual give and take,
but it takes mutual stretching for both sides to agree to step outside their comfort zone
and deal with the fact the other person is coming from the totally opposite direction.

If you've ever heard two people in the middle of marriage or relationship counseling,
both sides will "swear up and down" they did everything they could to meet halfway and it wasn't enough.
That's why one marriage counselor said it this way:
"Meeting in the middle" means meeting in the middle of what
both sides already thought was meeting in the middle!

It's harder than we think, but the good news is, the more we have to work to save a relationship,
the greater the rewards come from that mutual sacrifice in committing to work together.

I'm not building any kind of wall. I was just pointing out how liberals have changed in the last twenty years. It is became agree with me or die. I'm not fucking exaggerating either.
I remember having a discussion with 'liberals' about the theory of evolution. I pointed out that it is just a theory as in this is what we think is true about such and such thing. The theory of the atom is a good example. We can't really see what is inside of an atom and we don't have any time lapsed photography to show the process of evolution occurring. However, we do form ideas of what explains facts gathered from an experiment. I am not a scientist but this is what I was taught in high school biology by a very liberal teacher (I still remember her class). I point out the theory of evolution or the theory of the atom isn't a fact but a theory. I was then accused of defending creationism and a religious zealot....blah...blah...blah. I tried to point out that I don't agree with either but the accusation stuck and I was treated like a conservative from that point out and that meant being treated like shit by them. This made me conclude that their is something wrong going on inside the democratic party that isn't liberal in the sense I thought liberal was. They acted like no one can have an opinion that they don't agree with which meant creationist must die and those that tolerate their beliefs are accomplices to their crime. Yah...it is that fucking insane with dealing with liberals.

Dear SuperDemocrat
The layer that has to be removed first, before you can even discuss content without getting stuck emotionally,
is this "defense mechanism" of denying and projection issues onto other people and groups,
as a screening device or barrier, like building a wall across the border, but emotionally.

If someone is not forgiving but has wounds and fears they haven't addressed,
such as the fear of change or fear of the unknown, fear of other groups trying to control them,
they will project that fear that biases their views, perception and INFORMATION coming in and out.

We cannot heal the past wounds and conflicts biasing people except by surrounding them with "safe" people in a "safe" environment, where eventually their inner wounds and experiences will find "safe" expression to be released. Over time, the wounds will heal, as in the stages of grief and recovery; denial and depression is one phase, anger, etc. until people can bargain and eventually let go and reach resolution.

So in the meantime they may TEST you. If you cannot walk "a mile in their moccasins" with them without criticizing and rejecting them, they will reject you as "unsafe" and "trying to impose your view on them and force them." This is their way of screening out who is safe and can be trusted, and who is not. Again if you look up the stages of grief, there are phases where people just aren't ready to handle deeper changes, and first have to isolate themselves and/or vent. That's natural for that stage in the process.

Now, for people who can forgive this "denial and projection" game and get past those protective walls,
then there CAN be discussion comparing people's experiences WITHOUT judgment or blame.

Behind those walls, if you can get past them, the beliefs are about equal.
Some people believe in a personified God and some people take a secular approach to universal law of life, nature and creation/universe, without a personified figure or representation.

They just won't let you past their protective walls if they FEAR you are trying
to FORCE your ways on them and judge them if they don't see it the way you do.

The more both sides agree to forgive each other their differences,
and let go some of this FEAR that the other side is going to impose and pound on them,
the more communication and sharing is possible. I find it is a mutual give and take,
but it takes mutual stretching for both sides to agree to step outside their comfort zone
and deal with the fact the other person is coming from the totally opposite direction.

If you've ever heard two people in the middle of marriage or relationship counseling,
both sides will "swear up and down" they did everything they could to meet halfway and it wasn't enough.
That's why one marriage counselor said it this way:
"Meeting in the middle" means meeting in the middle of what
both sides already thought was meeting in the middle!

It's harder than we think, but the good news is, the more we have to work to save a relationship,
the greater the rewards come from that mutual sacrifice in committing to work together.

I'm not building any kind of wall. I was just pointing out how liberals have changed in the last twenty years. It is became agree with me or die. I'm not fucking exaggerating either.
I'm saying the people projecting fear are using that as a protective wall.
To keep you out, if you are pushing for change that they aren't ready for.

You'd have to be safe enough to them by their standards,
before they'd even let you in behind these walls they reinforce as a barrier.

I had to go find a different group, of older people, before
I found some who weren't so reactionary and defensive.
They were pissy with me before, whenever I brought up the PC Police, which was funny.

But ever since I borrowed the term "Regressive Left" from a couple of honest liberals, they have completely lost their shit.

Look back over thread. They never say anything about Obama's quote or the quotes from other prominent honest liberals.

These people are not liberals, they are perversions of liberalism. Lie, spin, deny, deflect, attack - it's their natural impulse.

Go back and look at post 105. They literally can't help themselves at this point.

I always laugh when self professed "moderate republicans" like Jerkoff Fakey suggest you're a partisan right winger.
They were pissy with me before, whenever I brought up the PC Police, which was funny.

But ever since I borrowed the term "Regressive Left" from a couple of honest liberals, they have completely lost their shit.

Look back over thread. They never say anything about Obama's quote or the quotes from other prominent honest liberals.

These people are not liberals, they are perversions of liberalism. Lie, spin, deny, deflect, attack - it's their natural impulse.

Go back and look at post 105. They literally can't help themselves at this point.

I always laugh when self professed "moderate republicans" like Jerkoff Fakey suggest you're a partisan right winger.
He's not a serious poster. I don't know what he's trying to accomplish.

They're liars.
You mean they sit down at the dinner table and talk to people because they are people first and not a party? You know, we aren't alien creatures that have never had anything to do with each other. We are the people at the stores, on the streets, neighbors, coworkers, etc. We solve problems all the time and we don't know what political party the other is. The only division is the one someone else plants in your head.
Yes, it's always someone else. I get that from both sides.

Is it? Are you telling me you have no interaction outside of your computer?
I have no idea what that means.

If you have a point to make, make it. I've made mine.

I think you understand perfectly.
Okay, your call.

I'll agree with the following liberals, you think as you wish.

I'm not defending a bunch of self entitled nitwits on a campus.
As usual, Mac equates liberals holding bigots accountable for their bigotry to be an example of intolerance.

I have never made an attempt to shut anyone up or avoid hearing the other side of an argument. I have, however, told people who are bigots that I think they are bigots.

To Mac, that act is "shutting them up". Telling someone that they are a bigot is "intimidation" and "consequences". In fact, the very fear that they will be called a bigot is enough to send a nutbag into a coma. All the while whining about how their freedom of speech is going to be shut down if they say the bigoted thing that is on their mind.

On the other hand, Mac had me on iggy for a couple of years. I suppose that is because he would never "shut anyone up". He really demonstrated a willingness to hear me and try to understand where I was coming from. Classic.

I ask Mac to name names all the time. Who are the people who speak for "regressive lefties"? Obama? Clinton? Sanders? Warren? Biden? Maddow? Oprah? Reiner?

Yes...this is boring as we've covered it literally hundreds of times in the past year.

An excellent summation...which Mac would never see because he's got his personal little "shut up" called the ignore button. Or in Mac's case the "I don't have to answer anything uncomfortable" button.
Never experienced that. I tend to be more conservative than my liberal friends and more liberal than my conservative friends. Perhaps what you say is true but in my case my liberal friends just happen to be women who can't help but overlook those matters in favor of my charm and natural good looks.
As usual, Mac equates liberals holding bigots accountable for their bigotry to be an example of intolerance.

I have never made an attempt to shut anyone up or avoid hearing the other side of an argument. I have, however, told people who are bigots that I think they are bigots.

To Mac, that act is "shutting them up". Telling someone that they are a bigot is "intimidation" and "consequences". In fact, the very fear that they will be called a bigot is enough to send a nutbag into a coma. All the while whining about how their freedom of speech is going to be shut down if they say the bigoted thing that is on their mind.

On the other hand, Mac had me on iggy for a couple of years. I suppose that is because he would never "shut anyone up". He really demonstrated a willingness to hear me and try to understand where I was coming from. Classic.

I ask Mac to name names all the time. Who are the people who speak for "regressive lefties"? Obama? Clinton? Sanders? Warren? Biden? Maddow? Oprah? Reiner?

Yes...this is boring as we've covered it literally hundreds of times in the past year.

An excellent summation...which Mac would never see because he's got his personal little "shut up" called the ignore button. Or in Mac's case the "I don't have to answer anything uncomfortable" button.
LL's standard obtuse question about who the Regressive Left is yet another fine example of why I don't burn much time communicating with him.

The Regressive Left constantly self-identifies for me, I don't have to name names. His post is also an example. The non-stop attention I get from you folks tells me I'm nailing it. It REALLY went into overdrive, though, when I started borrowing the term "Regressive Left" from some liberals. Wow.

I also know that no amount of names or examples I provide will be "good enough", so why bother?

And here's yet another: Not communicating or ignoring someone is not the same as shutting them up. Is that really the claim here? Really? How dishonest. How transparent. How silly.

And finally, there are plenty of honest liberals who agree with me. Having Regressive Lefties get so upset with me illustrates my point, wonderfully. You folks keep trying to make this about me, when it isn't. I'm therefore under zero (0) obligation to enable the behavior.

Wow, so much (typical) dishonesty to address and so little time.

Now, to the honest liberals for you folks to ignore, again, as usual, so that you can try to deflect by making this topic about me:
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Never experienced that. I tend to be more conservative than my liberal friends and more liberal than my conservative friends. Perhaps what you say is true but in my case my liberal friends just happen to be women who can't help but overlook those matters in favor of my charm and natural good looks.

I tend to be more conservative than my liberal friends and more liberal than my conservative friends.

I tend to feel like this as well but more of a neutral than either side. I agree with 'liberals' that thought censoring the internet was a bad idea and things like that but agree with conservatives about economics. I have noticed a tendency with 'liberals' lately that the minute you disagree with them they throw you on the conservative side. I believe, John Stossel, said a similar thing many years ago. He is a libertarian and despite that he is still labeled as conservative. I don't get it with these people anymore.
He's not a serious poster. I don't know what he's trying to accomplish.

They're liars.

I think Fakey is paid, just because of the volume and sock accounts. He doesn't even know what a reactionary even is.

  1. 1.
    (of a person or a set of views) opposing political or social liberalization or reform.

People on the right are demanding "liberalization" and less interference from government.

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This started many years ago and I considered myself quite liberal when I compared myself to many conservatives but the minute I happen to defend anything that sounded remotely conservative for even the slightest reason I was immediately thrown out of the group. They didn't hold a vote or anything but more just started labeling me as 'conservative' simply because I had no issue with creationist themselves. I didn't agree with them but I didn't care if they believed what they believed. I came to the conclusion that 'liberals' only care about one thing and that is the socialist agenda in this country and the more they did the less tolerant they became. I don't know if anyone else has had this experience of being expelled from the democratic party simply because you disagreed with them on anything at all.
What group is this you are referring to? Middle school cliques?
This started many years ago and I considered myself quite liberal when I compared myself to many conservatives but the minute I happen to defend anything that sounded remotely conservative for even the slightest reason I was immediately thrown out of the group. They didn't hold a vote or anything but more just started labeling me as 'conservative' simply because I had no issue with creationist themselves. I didn't agree with them but I didn't care if they believed what they believed. I came to the conclusion that 'liberals' only care about one thing and that is the socialist agenda in this country and the more they did the less tolerant they became. I don't know if anyone else has had this experience of being expelled from the democratic party simply because you disagreed with them on anything at all.

Oh please. Enough.
Someone is having a sad about being kicked out of some clique.
This started many years ago and I considered myself quite liberal when I compared myself to many conservatives but the minute I happen to defend anything that sounded remotely conservative for even the slightest reason I was immediately thrown out of the group. They didn't hold a vote or anything but more just started labeling me as 'conservative' simply because I had no issue with creationist themselves. I didn't agree with them but I didn't care if they believed what they believed. I came to the conclusion that 'liberals' only care about one thing and that is the socialist agenda in this country and the more they did the less tolerant they became. I don't know if anyone else has had this experience of being expelled from the democratic party simply because you disagreed with them on anything at all.

Oh please. Enough.
Someone is having a sad about being kicked out of some clique.

I notice that 'liberals' employ an isolation tactic against anyone they don't agree with. I don't know if this is done on purpose or just the way their thinking is. It is just something I notice especially when they get into large groups.
This started many years ago and I considered myself quite liberal when I compared myself to many conservatives but the minute I happen to defend anything that sounded remotely conservative for even the slightest reason I was immediately thrown out of the group. They didn't hold a vote or anything but more just started labeling me as 'conservative' simply because I had no issue with creationist themselves. I didn't agree with them but I didn't care if they believed what they believed. I came to the conclusion that 'liberals' only care about one thing and that is the socialist agenda in this country and the more they did the less tolerant they became. I don't know if anyone else has had this experience of being expelled from the democratic party simply because you disagreed with them on anything at all.

Oh please. Enough.
Someone is having a sad about being kicked out of some clique.

I notice that 'liberals' employ an isolation tactic against anyone they don't agree with. I don't know if this is done on purpose or just the way their thinking is. It is just something I notice especially when they get into large groups.
"Employ an isolation tactic".......So you have abandonment issues you blame on liberals. Too precious! :lol:
This started many years ago and I considered myself quite liberal when I compared myself to many conservatives but the minute I happen to defend anything that sounded remotely conservative for even the slightest reason I was immediately thrown out of the group. They didn't hold a vote or anything but more just started labeling me as 'conservative' simply because I had no issue with creationist themselves. I didn't agree with them but I didn't care if they believed what they believed. I came to the conclusion that 'liberals' only care about one thing and that is the socialist agenda in this country and the more they did the less tolerant they became. I don't know if anyone else has had this experience of being expelled from the democratic party simply because you disagreed with them on anything at all.

Oh please. Enough.
Someone is having a sad about being kicked out of some clique.

I notice that 'liberals' employ an isolation tactic against anyone they don't agree with. I don't know if this is done on purpose or just the way their thinking is. It is just something I notice especially when they get into large groups.
"Employ an isolation tactic".......So you have abandonment issues you blame on liberals. Too precious! :lol:

You just notice a pattern with some in that they don't want to hang around you anymore if they found out you watched Rush Limbaugh

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