Disagree with 'liberals' on anything any you are thrown out

I'll repeat the question. Who gets thrown out of the Democratic Party?

I'll repeat another question. Who doesn't think that Mac1958, in reality, is one of the most intolerant posters on USMB?
Some conservatives and libertarians can do that, the overwhelming majority can't.

We would not have the nonsense of Trump if they could.

So we are going to have HRC because of far right regressive and reactionary hatred.

We easily could have had a conservative like Kasich or Paul.

But nope, the entitled far right can't share the sand box. Fuck em.

Dear JakeStarkey if Trump isn't going to allow all the other
Republicans to represent (a) their constituents and (b) the rest of the nation they serve,
I would TOTALLY support you and other GOP in meetings with all these
leaders and Trump to work out a game plan that DOES.

This is too important. We don't need to suffer from a bad administration
as collective punishment on everyone.

I will work on a draft of letters to local state and national level
Texas officials through their offices and call for a meeting.

It looks like similar is dividing the Democrats where a good following
is contesting and rejecting the political censorship and manipulation/abuse
of the party systems in ways that wasn't fair but exclusive and damaging
to the Democrat base and leaders trying to reform the party constructively.

Thanks JakeStarkey if we can't even get parties to represent
their own member voters without contortion and censorship, they
certainly can't be trusted to represent the nation. This is sad and serious.

I really hope it pulls people together both left and right to do more.
Thank you!
Your error assumes a parallelism between the two parties, that each are equally flawed. When you have a candidate who cannot poll 40%, such as Trump, in the national election, while Johnson captures about 10% and Clinton at about 50%, your thesis falls.

Texas GOP leaders seems to be divided almost equally between Cruz and Perry as home town favorites.

What you could ask Texas party leaders to contact Ryan and McConnell and open the convention to first ballot nominations.
I'll repeat the question. Who gets thrown out of the Democratic Party?

I'll repeat another question. Who doesn't think that Mac1958, in reality, is one of the most intolerant posters on USMB?

1. The LaRouche Democrats were blocked in Texas by a resolution passed against those followers
2. Bernie Sanders had to sue the party to follow their own rules instead of cutting him out of the process
3. Whenever a candidate like Kerry or Clinton is pegged to be the most electable and competitive, then the conventions are limited to only those delegates going. Delegates have to declare in advance and agree only to vote that way, or they won't be chosen.
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Some conservatives and libertarians can do that, the overwhelming majority can't.

We would not have the nonsense of Trump if they could.

So we are going to have HRC because of far right regressive and reactionary hatred.

We easily could have had a conservative like Kasich or Paul.

But nope, the entitled far right can't share the sand box. Fuck em.

Dear JakeStarkey if Trump isn't going to allow all the other
Republicans to represent (a) their constituents and (b) the rest of the nation they serve,
I would TOTALLY support you and other GOP in meetings with all these
leaders and Trump to work out a game plan that DOES.

This is too important. We don't need to suffer from a bad administration
as collective punishment on everyone.

I will work on a draft of letters to local state and national level
Texas officials through their offices and call for a meeting.

It looks like similar is dividing the Democrats where a good following
is contesting and rejecting the political censorship and manipulation/abuse
of the party systems in ways that wasn't fair but exclusive and damaging
to the Democrat base and leaders trying to reform the party constructively.

Thanks JakeStarkey if we can't even get parties to represent
their own member voters without contortion and censorship, they
certainly can't be trusted to represent the nation. This is sad and serious.

I really hope it pulls people together both left and right to do more.
Thank you!
Your error assumes a parallelism between the two parties, that each are equally flawed. When you have a candidate who cannot poll 40%, such as Trump, in the national election, while Johnson captures about 10% and Clinton at about 50%, your thesis falls.

Texas GOP leaders seems to be divided almost equally between Cruz and Perry as home town favorites.

What you could ask Texas party leaders to contact Ryan and McConnell and open the convention to first ballot nominations.

Dear JakeStarkey Sorry but I was NOT trying to say they were the same.I forget that you read things so literally.
Just because the same mechanics who can fix your brakes can fix your engine doesnt make these the same.
But both need to be fixed to get the car to run safely before you drive it, right?

Sanders cannot win nationally like Clinton can. But that doesn't mean the issues at stake aren't the key to uniting the party, even if it is coming from a minority faction.

What is common is that both parties have major groups that don't represent each other.
So regardless who can win or who is dominant or larger or minor,
each faction can be respected and included as representing that following, in context with the rest. The bullying can be reduced almost to a halt if groups quit threatening to exclude each other, regardless of their numbers and sizes; they are going to fight to defend their beliefs.

Thanks for your list of reps you identify as key leaders.
I think Ryan is standing for unity and it is going to take all of them pulling together.
We don't need another Obama type consensus that means pushing it on people,
it only works if it comes from the people not forcing a decision on them. Thanks!
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This started many years ago and I considered myself quite liberal when I compared myself to many conservatives but the minute I happen to defend anything that sounded remotely conservative for even the slightest reason I was immediately thrown out of the group. They didn't hold a vote or anything but more just started labeling me as 'conservative' simply because I had no issue with creationist themselves. I didn't agree with them but I didn't care if they believed what they believed. I came to the conclusion that 'liberals' only care about one thing and that is the socialist agenda in this country and the more they did the less tolerant they became. I don't know if anyone else has had this experience of being expelled from the democratic party simply because you disagreed with them on anything at all.

Good riddance to bad rubbish, then.
This started many years ago and I considered myself quite liberal when I compared myself to many conservatives but the minute I happen to defend anything that sounded remotely conservative for even the slightest reason I was immediately thrown out of the group. They didn't hold a vote or anything but more just started labeling me as 'conservative' simply because I had no issue with creationist themselves. I didn't agree with them but I didn't care if they believed what they believed. I came to the conclusion that 'liberals' only care about one thing and that is the socialist agenda in this country and the more they did the less tolerant they became. I don't know if anyone else has had this experience of being expelled from the democratic party simply because you disagreed with them on anything at all.
I had an ultra liberal co-worker who couldn't leave a moderate or conservative remark alone. We ended up joking about it, though. You actually got kicked out of the Democratic party? I didn't know that could happen! (P.S. Can you tell the Republicans how to expel Trump, please?)
Some conservatives and libertarians can do that, the overwhelming majority can't.

We would not have the nonsense of Trump if they could.

So we are going to have HRC because of far right regressive and reactionary hatred.

We easily could have had a conservative like Kasich or Paul.

But nope, the entitled far right can't share the sand box. Fuck em.

Dear JakeStarkey if Trump isn't going to allow all the other
Republicans to represent (a) their constituents and (b) the rest of the nation they serve,
I would TOTALLY support you and other GOP in meetings with all these
leaders and Trump to work out a game plan that DOES.

This is too important. We don't need to suffer from a bad administration
as collective punishment on everyone.

I will work on a draft of letters to local state and national level
Texas officials through their offices and call for a meeting.

It looks like similar is dividing the Democrats where a good following
is contesting and rejecting the political censorship and manipulation/abuse
of the party systems in ways that wasn't fair but exclusive and damaging
to the Democrat base and leaders trying to reform the party constructively.

Thanks JakeStarkey if we can't even get parties to represent
their own member voters without contortion and censorship, they
certainly can't be trusted to represent the nation. This is sad and serious.

I really hope it pulls people together both left and right to do more.
Thank you!
Your error assumes a parallelism between the two parties, that each are equally flawed. When you have a candidate who cannot poll 40%, such as Trump, in the national election, while Johnson captures about 10% and Clinton at about 50%, your thesis falls.

Texas GOP leaders seems to be divided almost equally between Cruz and Perry as home town favorites.

What you could ask Texas party leaders to contact Ryan and McConnell and open the convention to first ballot nominations.

Dear JakeStarkey Sorry but I was NOT trying to say they were the same.I forget that you read things so literally.
Just because the same mechanics who can fix your brakes can fix your engine doesnt make these the same.
But both need to be fixed to get the car to run safely before you drive it, right?

Sanders cannot win nationally like Clinton can.
What is common is that both parties have major groups that don't represent each other.
So regardless who can win or who is dominant or larger or minor,
each faction can be respected and including as representing that following in cintextb with the rest.
You don't do comparisons well.

They are full of derivative failures.

The Dems can include the Berns much more easily than the GOP including the anti-Trumps.

The Dems will tolerate the Berns well while the GOP majority will turn its back on the Trumps.
I'll repeat the question. Who gets thrown out of the Democratic Party?

I'll repeat another question. Who doesn't think that Mac1958, in reality, is one of the most intolerant posters on USMB?

1. The LaRouche Democrats were blocked in Texas by a resolution passed against those followers
2. Bernie Sanders had to sue the party to follow their own rules instead of cutting him out of the process
3. Whenever a candidate like Kerry or Clinton is pegged to be the most electable and competitive, then the conventions are limited to only those delegates going. Delegates have to declare in advance and agree only to vote that way, or they won't be chosen.

Kesha Rogers, the laRouche Democrat, was on the ballot as a Democrat in the 2010 congressional election.
Mac1958 tolerates only those who believe him tolerant.

Hmmm sounds familiar like C_Clayton_Jones definition of free choices as only those approved as such.
Do we agree to call these rejection types Regressive or Reactionary?
Because one side threatens to ban or exclude them and their beliefs,
they react and do the same, threatening to bully ban or exclude the opposition.

However the point is not to sideline these people but try to bring their IDEALS
they are trying to defend into the MIDDLE where these can still be represented and defended.
So even if some people peg Cruz as too far rightwing and rejecting,
the point is to bring the Constitutional principles to be included without the bullying by coercion or exclusion.
Some conservatives and libertarians can do that, the overwhelming majority can't.

We would not have the nonsense of Trump if they could.

So we are going to have HRC because of far right regressive and reactionary hatred.

We easily could have had a conservative like Kasich or Paul.

But nope, the entitled far right can't share the sand box. Fuck em.

Dear JakeStarkey if Trump isn't going to allow all the other
Republicans to represent (a) their constituents and (b) the rest of the nation they serve,
I would TOTALLY support you and other GOP in meetings with all these
leaders and Trump to work out a game plan that DOES.

This is too important. We don't need to suffer from a bad administration
as collective punishment on everyone.

I will work on a draft of letters to local state and national level
Texas officials through their offices and call for a meeting.

It looks like similar is dividing the Democrats where a good following
is contesting and rejecting the political censorship and manipulation/abuse
of the party systems in ways that wasn't fair but exclusive and damaging
to the Democrat base and leaders trying to reform the party constructively.

Thanks JakeStarkey if we can't even get parties to represent
their own member voters without contortion and censorship, they
certainly can't be trusted to represent the nation. This is sad and serious.

I really hope it pulls people together both left and right to do more.
Thank you!
Your error assumes a parallelism between the two parties, that each are equally flawed. When you have a candidate who cannot poll 40%, such as Trump, in the national election, while Johnson captures about 10% and Clinton at about 50%, your thesis falls.

Texas GOP leaders seems to be divided almost equally between Cruz and Perry as home town favorites.

What you could ask Texas party leaders to contact Ryan and McConnell and open the convention to first ballot nominations.

Dear JakeStarkey Sorry but I was NOT trying to say they were the same.I forget that you read things so literally.
Just because the same mechanics who can fix your brakes can fix your engine doesnt make these the same.
But both need to be fixed to get the car to run safely before you drive it, right?

Sanders cannot win nationally like Clinton can.
What is common is that both parties have major groups that don't represent each other.
So regardless who can win or who is dominant or larger or minor,
each faction can be respected and including as representing that following in cintextb with the rest.
You don't do comparisons well.

They are full of derivative failures.

The Dems can include the Berns much more easily than the GOP including the anti-Trumps.

The Dems will tolerate the Berns well while the GOP majority will turn its back on the Trumps.

Again JakeStarkey
1. I am not saying they are the same, and I am perfectly fine if it takes the GREENS to include
the Sanders platform and if it takes the Libertarians to represent the indy Trump voters.
I can OFFER to the Dems and GOP, but if they cannot reconcile then it may take the Greens
Libertarians in a Tea Party type open setting that can invite people of all angles to organize in groups

2. Are you saying that this all has to be set up and labeled and led as you and these
others set it up before people will even participate? I've seen that before.
Muslims I know will not fit into the framework set up using labels like Muslim, Islamists, and Jihadists
but reject those labels and this goes in circles also.

If this is a condition on participation, I will take heed and ask those leaders to set up what
works for them.

But then JakeStarkey it still takes a more unconditional universal set up to include THAT team
and the other teams, to allow all people to represent themselves in groups.

If you and they have such set conditions, then it won't be universal to include others unless they agree!
Same with trying to set up a Constitutional convention; if some groups have such restrictions
and refuse to include others, they can't very well be in charge of calling the convention.

We'd need a bigger group to draw a circle around the factions that won't include each other.
Thanks for the warning. I knew something was going on with the GOP that was more
complicated. I hope this can be worked out because we need strong support unified
around the Constitution if we are going to pull all other diverse groups in under that umbrella.
I'll repeat the question. Who gets thrown out of the Democratic Party?

I'll repeat another question. Who doesn't think that Mac1958, in reality, is one of the most intolerant posters on USMB?

1. The LaRouche Democrats were blocked in Texas by a resolution passed against those followers
2. Bernie Sanders had to sue the party to follow their own rules instead of cutting him out of the process
3. Whenever a candidate like Kerry or Clinton is pegged to be the most electable and competitive, then the conventions are limited to only those delegates going. Delegates have to declare in advance and agree only to vote that way, or they won't be chosen.

Kesha Rogers, the laRouche Democrat, was on the ballot as a Democrat in the 2010 congressional election.

Yes but since then, the last time I went to a resolutions meeting
they were preparing to pass one barring the LaRouche delegates from obstructing
and pushing their own agenda at a convention meeting.

Not sure how far this went.
The LR Dems have some extremely bad points but they were willing to check Obama
on Constitutional violations so some of that is good material to weigh in.

This time around the Sanders factions had to sue to get the rules enforced,
and are still contesting some of the later oppressive tactics used recently to throw
the process. Most people are willing to overlook this since Clinton is seen as more electable than Sanders anyway but the means used are still argued as abusive violations.
President Obama addresses it clearly.

The Regressive Left does what it always does:

Lie, deflect, deny, attack.

More on the way, no doubt.

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No such think as a "regressive" left exists, except in the mind of right wing losers who somehow think they are 'liberals'.

The far right wants to redefine terms and facts and etc so they don't feel bad.

Regressive and reactionary are terms that apply to the far right, and they hate it.

Watch Mac1958 somehow once again say "regressives" are on the left.

He just :blowup:
Traditional, honest liberals such as those above really do welcome all voices, they really do want everyone to be heard, they really don't try to shut people up, and perhaps most importantly, they have an innate humility that says "I really don't have all the answers, let's hear your idea and see what happens if we talk about it".

They are truly CURIOUS.

You mean they sit down at the dinner table and talk to people because they are people first and not a party? You know, we aren't alien creatures that have never had anything to do with each other. We are the people at the stores, on the streets, neighbors, coworkers, etc. We solve problems all the time and we don't know what political party the other is. The only division is the one someone else plants in your head.

Liberals don't solve problems. They create problems.
No such think as a "regressive" left exists, except in the mind of right wing losers who somehow think they are 'liberals'.

The far right wants to redefine terms and facts and etc so they don't feel bad.

Regressive and reactionary are terms that apply to the far right, and they hate it.

Watch Mac1958 somehow once again say "regressives" are on the left.

He just :blowup:

Did you forget how to get back to the home again, Fakey?
Traditional, honest liberals such as those above really do welcome all voices, they really do want everyone to be heard, they really don't try to shut people up, and perhaps most importantly, they have an innate humility that says "I really don't have all the answers, let's hear your idea and see what happens if we talk about it".
Ironically that in no way describes you.
If I were dealing with a normal person, I would invite you to bring up five or ten of the biggest issues we face and I'd provide examples of how my opinions and solutions are quite independent and often draw from both "ends" of the issue.

But I'm not. Believe as you will. You're an obedient Regressive Leftist, that's how you roll.

You're already on the liberal side of the spectrum because you think government is supposed to solve problems.
...liberals are advocates of inclusion and practice tolerance...
You see stuff like this, you shake your head, and you realize there is nothing you can say.

Are you claiming liberals are less tolerant of gays than conservatives? ...for example?

Liberals obviously hate gays because they want to import the people who kill gays and they want to prevent gays from defending themselves and they refuse to do anything about Islamic terrorism.
...liberals are advocates of inclusion and practice tolerance...
You see stuff like this, you shake your head, and you realize there is nothing you can say.

Are you claiming liberals are less tolerant of gays than conservatives? ...for example?

Liberals obviously hate gays because they want to import the people who kill gays and they want to prevent gays from defending themselves and they refuse to do anything about Islamic terrorism.
And hate women by making them dependent on govt for birth control and health care
And hate successful business people they punish for making more money
And hate the Constitution for putting limits and checks on govt
And hate police for using force while arguing only police should have guns
And hate faith-based policies pushed in schools while mandating their own brand of LGBT beliefs

And boo God at conventions
Have I left anything out?
Spoof: God hates America
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