Discriminating against criminals is now illegal

So basically Daycare businesses across the nation will have to close down then. How can anyone be a Daycare owner and not do criminal background checks on all of their employees? They couldn't. They are responsible for children - they have to know who they are employing.

This should be alarming for any parent who uses daycare. It is opening the floodgates for paedophiles, child abusers, people who hate children, it is the worst idea I've ever heard of. - Jeri

Why couldn't a convicted felon care for children? Do you think they should be sterilized too?

I depends on what they were convicted of. An embezzler might be very good at child care. A sex offender not so much. A convicted embezzler wouldn't be much good as a cashier however. Companies that have close contact with the public are not likely to hire anyone with a past criminal record. If that criminal commits a crime against a customer, the company is automatically liable for hiring that criminal in the first place. Hence the words "presents a liability".

Stop injecting reality into his narco-libertarian fueled rant. IN the narco-lib universe everyone does fine by pursuing his own self interest to the exclusion of everything else. We don't need laws of any kind. All we need are police and courts to protect their own shit.
We've lost our minds at this point. A company is screening potential employees for criminal records because people with criminal records represent a liability. And the Obama Administration is now suing because, ta da, most of the people getting screened out are blacks.
EEOC sues over criminal background checks at Dollar General | Nashville City Paper

Then insurance companies, investment firm and banks who refuse to hire felons are all braking the law?

All those stock brokers convicted of insider trading better get their jobs back.
That smells like narco libertarian bullshit. Recidivism is what it is because criminals are stupid and lazy and inclined to break laws. Same reason why people won't hire them. Same reason that people convicted of financial crimes are barred from working in finance. People convicted of sex crimes are barred from working in certain environments. Etc.

This smells like puritanical fingerpointing shit. If people can't earn honest money, what do you think they'll do, spend the rest of their lives unemployed bemoaning a moment of bad judgment?

The reason puritanical, self-righteous, totaltiarian-minded morons discrminate against people who have been in prison is because they are stupid and lazy and too limited to evaluate people on their strengths and skills.

Denying someone a job in daycare because they are a pedophile is common sense. That's no reason to discriminate against anyone who had done time. Denying someone a job in a store because they robbed a bank in 1983 is just wonderfully stupid.
If Charles Manson ever gets out of prison will you hire him?

Yeah. I'd webcast the Wit and Wisdom of Charlie Manson and make a fortune.
We've lost our minds at this point. A company is screening potential employees for criminal records because people with criminal records represent a liability. And the Obama Administration is now suing because, ta da, most of the people getting screened out are blacks.
EEOC sues over criminal background checks at Dollar General | Nashville City Paper

I can understand why a retailer like Dollar General would not want to hire a shoplifter or thief. They need a criminal background check to discover that information. In fact, I can understand why every employer doesn't want to hire thief.

Why do you think that someone who had been to prison for shoplifting will continue to be a shoplifter? It doesn't make a lick of sense.
We've lost our minds at this point. A company is screening potential employees for criminal records because people with criminal records represent a liability. And the Obama Administration is now suing because, ta da, most of the people getting screened out are blacks.
EEOC sues over criminal background checks at Dollar General | Nashville City Paper

I can understand why a retailer like Dollar General would not want to hire a shoplifter or thief. They need a criminal background check to discover that information. In fact, I can understand why every employer doesn't want to hire thief.

Why do you think that someone who had been to prison for shoplifting will continue to be a shoplifter? It doesn't make a lick of sense.

What changed about them?
We've lost our minds at this point. A company is screening potential employees for criminal records because people with criminal records represent a liability. And the Obama Administration is now suing because, ta da, most of the people getting screened out are blacks.
EEOC sues over criminal background checks at Dollar General | Nashville City Paper

It's important that the Federal Government Overlords know if one buys things on Amazon and surfs pr0n sites...but for an employer to know if a job candidate has a history of embezzlement, that is not allowed.

Go figure.
We've lost our minds at this point. A company is screening potential employees for criminal records because people with criminal records represent a liability. And the Obama Administration is now suing because, ta da, most of the people getting screened out are blacks.
EEOC sues over criminal background checks at Dollar General | Nashville City Paper

I can understand why a retailer like Dollar General would not want to hire a shoplifter or thief. They need a criminal background check to discover that information. In fact, I can understand why every employer doesn't want to hire thief.

Why do you think that someone who had been to prison for shoplifting will continue to be a shoplifter? It doesn't make a lick of sense.

If it didn't make sense, then no criminal would ever repeat the crime that got them sent to prison in the first place. No one would ever have a second conviction for shoplifting. But they do, over and over again.

This guy had 19 convictions for shoplifting. Do you think that after his first conviction he was convinced never to do it again?

Detective: Shoplifting defendant has 19 earlier cases | CJOnline.com

Since 2008, Topeka police have investigated 20 thefts in which Lucas is the suspect, Detective Kristi Powell, testified, adding she has worked on 17 or 18 of the cases.
We've lost our minds at this point. A company is screening potential employees for criminal records because people with criminal records represent a liability. And the Obama Administration is now suing because, ta da, most of the people getting screened out are blacks.
EEOC sues over criminal background checks at Dollar General | Nashville City Paper

Politicians are just worried about their ability to get jobs if they lose their re-election runs at some point
I can understand why a retailer like Dollar General would not want to hire a shoplifter or thief. They need a criminal background check to discover that information. In fact, I can understand why every employer doesn't want to hire thief.

Why do you think that someone who had been to prison for shoplifting will continue to be a shoplifter? It doesn't make a lick of sense.

If it didn't make sense, then no criminal would ever repeat the crime that got them sent to prison in the first place. No one would ever have a second conviction for shoplifting. But they do, over and over again.

This guy had 19 convictions for shoplifting. Do you think that after his first conviction he was convinced never to do it again?

Detective: Shoplifting defendant has 19 earlier cases | CJOnline.com

Since 2008, Topeka police have investigated 20 thefts in which Lucas is the suspect, Detective Kristi Powell, testified, adding she has worked on 17 or 18 of the cases.

That's one guy. So the kid who stole a tube of lipstick from Walgreen's 10 years ago shouldn't be hired because of that?

We have prisons so that people can pay their debt to society. After it's paid, the slate should be clean.

There's no reason to brand them and punish them further.
Why do you think that someone who had been to prison for shoplifting will continue to be a shoplifter? It doesn't make a lick of sense.

If it didn't make sense, then no criminal would ever repeat the crime that got them sent to prison in the first place. No one would ever have a second conviction for shoplifting. But they do, over and over again.

This guy had 19 convictions for shoplifting. Do you think that after his first conviction he was convinced never to do it again?

Detective: Shoplifting defendant has 19 earlier cases | CJOnline.com

Since 2008, Topeka police have investigated 20 thefts in which Lucas is the suspect, Detective Kristi Powell, testified, adding she has worked on 17 or 18 of the cases.

That's one guy. So the kid who stole a tube of lipstick from Walgreen's 10 years ago shouldn't be hired because of that?

We have prisons so that people can pay their debt to society. After it's paid, the slate should be clean.

There's no reason to brand them and punish them further.

Records of things one did as a child do not come up in typical background searches.

If the kid had murdered his parents and was tried as an adult, that would likely show up - but petty shoplifting, nope.
Why do you think that someone who had been to prison for shoplifting will continue to be a shoplifter? It doesn't make a lick of sense.

If it didn't make sense, then no criminal would ever repeat the crime that got them sent to prison in the first place. No one would ever have a second conviction for shoplifting. But they do, over and over again.

This guy had 19 convictions for shoplifting. Do you think that after his first conviction he was convinced never to do it again?

Detective: Shoplifting defendant has 19 earlier cases | CJOnline.com

Since 2008, Topeka police have investigated 20 thefts in which Lucas is the suspect, Detective Kristi Powell, testified, adding she has worked on 17 or 18 of the cases.

That's one guy. So the kid who stole a tube of lipstick from Walgreen's 10 years ago shouldn't be hired because of that?

We have prisons so that people can pay their debt to society. After it's paid, the slate should be clean.

There's no reason to brand them and punish them further.

Are you out of your mind, CJ?

The nutball canon is conformity.

Conform early.
Conform often.
Or a lifetime of punishment.

The idea that the US is a Christian nation built around opposition to military adventurism, unreasonable taxes and second chances died when halfwit white trash elected a B actor wrapped in the flag and carrying a Bible.
Why do you think that someone who had been to prison for shoplifting will continue to be a shoplifter? It doesn't make a lick of sense.

If it didn't make sense, then no criminal would ever repeat the crime that got them sent to prison in the first place. No one would ever have a second conviction for shoplifting. But they do, over and over again.

This guy had 19 convictions for shoplifting. Do you think that after his first conviction he was convinced never to do it again?

Detective: Shoplifting defendant has 19 earlier cases | CJOnline.com

Since 2008, Topeka police have investigated 20 thefts in which Lucas is the suspect, Detective Kristi Powell, testified, adding she has worked on 17 or 18 of the cases.

That's one guy. So the kid who stole a tube of lipstick from Walgreen's 10 years ago shouldn't be hired because of that?

We have prisons so that people can pay their debt to society. After it's paid, the slate should be clean.

There's no reason to brand them and punish them further.

Reductio ad absurdum at its best. We're talking about people with serious criminal records, shoplifting, theft, embezzlement, etc.
Besides, how can you as a narco libtard be in favor of the gov't telling private employers what standards theycan use?
We've lost our minds at this point. A company is screening potential employees for criminal records because people with criminal records represent a liability. And the Obama Administration is now suing because, ta da, most of the people getting screened out are blacks.
EEOC sues over criminal background checks at Dollar General | Nashville City Paper

I can understand why a retailer like Dollar General would not want to hire a shoplifter or thief. They need a criminal background check to discover that information. In fact, I can understand why every employer doesn't want to hire thief.

Why do you think that someone who had been to prison for shoplifting will continue to be a shoplifter? It doesn't make a lick of sense.

Oddly enough, that isn't what I said. Are you being sarcastic?
The issue has nothing to do with ‘discriminating against criminals’:

The EEOC alleges that BMW's policy affected dozens of employees working for a contractor that staffed a BMW warehouse in Spartanburg, S.C. The contractor's policy was not to employ anyone with a criminal record within the past seven years. When a new contractor took over the company, BMW ordered a new round of criminal background checks and fired anyone with a criminal record from any year.

It’s perfectly appropriate to use a criminal record as a condition of initial employment, or attempting to conceal a criminal record.

But in this case the new contractor changed the conditions of employment for those already hired and employed, without first interviewing employees to determine if anyone had a criminal record beyond 7 years. The issue is about employee honesty, not past criminal activities.

Employers cannot capriciously change conditions of employment and terminate employees who were otherwise honest about their criminal records, in compliance with the original conditions of employment.

That a disproportionate number of African-American employees were adversely effected by a questionable and capricious policy indeed merits review, having nothing to do with the criminal records of those adversely effected.
Ignoring the black angle, it's about time the discrimination against people who have been to prison ends. If someone does their time, they've paid their debt to society and the shit needs to end.

No wonder the recidivism rates are so high.
There is a much bigger problem than blanket rejection of job applicants with a felony conviction. Employers are always looking for a safe bet, someone that can do the work and won't cause a problem. Felonies, history of addiction, disabilities, past mental problems, disfigurement, and a host of different problems are red flags for employers. The easy safe thing to do is skip all applicants with red flags and stick to the safe bets.

Avoiding those red flags may be good for the business but terrible for society. People have to have work. If not, they will end up on public assistance and often become wards of the state.

There are over 2.5 million people in prisons in the US. The average period of incarceration is only 2.9 years. This mean most of those in prison today will be out and looking for jobs in 3 years. Those that can't find and keep jobs are likely to turn to crime again.

As employers, we need to be hiring based on our assessment of the applicant's ability to do the job. There are no typical black people, females, ex-convicts, addicts, or disable people. We are all different with our on particular weakness and strengths.
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If it didn't make sense, then no criminal would ever repeat the crime that got them sent to prison in the first place. No one would ever have a second conviction for shoplifting. But they do, over and over again.

This guy had 19 convictions for shoplifting. Do you think that after his first conviction he was convinced never to do it again?

Detective: Shoplifting defendant has 19 earlier cases | CJOnline.com

Since 2008, Topeka police have investigated 20 thefts in which Lucas is the suspect, Detective Kristi Powell, testified, adding she has worked on 17 or 18 of the cases.

That's one guy. So the kid who stole a tube of lipstick from Walgreen's 10 years ago shouldn't be hired because of that?

We have prisons so that people can pay their debt to society. After it's paid, the slate should be clean.

There's no reason to brand them and punish them further.

Reductio ad absurdum at its best. We're talking about people with serious criminal records, shoplifting, theft, embezzlement, etc.
Besides, how can you as a narco libtard be in favor of the gov't telling private employers what standards theycan use?

Nonsense. I'm talking about people who commited serious crimes, did their time and want to get on with their lives. I'm talking about people like you stopping them out of some kind of self-righteous tizzy.

...and what a retarded (yes, retarded) retort with the narco libtard bullshit. Employers can hire whom they please. It's not a government function to supply them with information, though.

Do you think at all?
That's one guy. So the kid who stole a tube of lipstick from Walgreen's 10 years ago shouldn't be hired because of that?

We have prisons so that people can pay their debt to society. After it's paid, the slate should be clean.

There's no reason to brand them and punish them further.

Reductio ad absurdum at its best. We're talking about people with serious criminal records, shoplifting, theft, embezzlement, etc.
Besides, how can you as a narco libtard be in favor of the gov't telling private employers what standards theycan use?

Nonsense. I'm talking about people who commited serious crimes, did their time and want to get on with their lives. I'm talking about people like you stopping them out of some kind of self-righteous tizzy.

...and what a retarded (yes, retarded) retort with the narco libtard bullshit. Employers can hire whom they please. It's not a government function to supply them with information, though.

Do you think at all?

OK, so you're opposed to the EEOC action in these cases. We agree.
Sorry bout that,

1. More negro entitlements???????
2. Sure they say, "Yeah I killed that honky, buts that were's a long times ago"
3. Why can't a brother catch a break, we got a brother in the White House???!!!
4. Honky man needs to hire these ex-prisoners!!!!
5. Eye's done did my time, hook me up on a job fool!!!!!
6. Lets don't and just say we did.
7. I myself would not hire a known criminal.
8. I have hired them before, accidentally, they always fuck up, every-time!
9. Character does matter.
10. The criminal mind needs to know they will suffer in the long run doing bad things, if not chaos flourishes


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