Disgruntled Democrats Want A Constitutional Convention To Leave The Union

but first they want to steal as much money from the middle class, then leave the union.
It would crumble within a year and they'd be begging to be allowed back in the union.
what are the illegals going to do when the checks/deposits stop in 2017?
Hopefully self deportation.
imagine all of those illegals crossing the border assuming they will get free money from Hillary? and now they know there wont be any free money? what are they gonna do? live on the streets of LA?

Hopefully run to a sanctuary city [ghetto].
or east la?
The Democrats, beaten that they are, can not call a Constitutional Convention. They lose one more state they cant even STOP a Constitutional Amendment. Keep the pressure on...keep grinding them down...then in two years crush them. Dont judge victory by the media...they will always own that. And Hollywood. And tenured professorships.
Leave them in their echo chamber saying "but the polls said...."
Sounds like the GOP heavily influence being disgruntled after Oblama was elected...Both are a group of disillusioned poor losers, maybe a milk bath would help, a few stress candles...
Sounds like the GOP heavily influence being disgruntled after Oblama was elected...Both are a group of disillusioned poor losers, maybe a milk bath would help, a few stress candles...
I think there's one important differentiation to keep in mind, Moon, and that's that obama peed on the constitution every chance he got, the fundamental transformation, the pen and the phone, the end run around congress, and the incoming Trump admin is going to adhere to the constitution.
Sounds like the GOP heavily influence being disgruntled after Oblama was elected...Both are a group of disillusioned poor losers, maybe a milk bath would help, a few stress candles...
I think there's one important differentiation to keep in mind, Moon, and that's that obama peed on the constitution every chance he got, the fundamental transformation, the pen and the phone, and the incoming Trump admin is going to adhere to it.
Reagan slapped the Constitution also, I hope Trump plays by the rules and the rest of our government, and it doesn't turn into a govt. of revenge..The kiddies need to bury their hatchets but not in each others skulls..
I have been thinking for a while that Civil War is the next step. I think we are very close.

Good thing red states have all the guns
and all the hot white women
they are as hot as 98 degrees...
i want the hot white women with three breasts and two vaginas !!!!
Then you'll need to get the split dick operation...
no,,one penis is enough, too much maintenance for 2
Sounds like the GOP heavily influence being disgruntled after Oblama was elected...Both are a group of disillusioned poor losers, maybe a milk bath would help, a few stress candles...
I think there's one important differentiation to keep in mind, Moon, and that's that obama peed on the constitution every chance he got, the fundamental transformation, the pen and the phone, and the incoming Trump admin is going to adhere to it.
Reagan slapped the Constitution also, I hope Trump plays by the rules and the rest of our government, and it doesn't turn into a govt. of revenge..The kiddies need to bury their hatchets but not in each others skulls..
I just hope that pushing back against the leftist agenda isn't seen as revenge... course... that's probably a given.

I don't want to see the nation split either, or skulls, but the nation is split pretty bad. I think everybody should take a deep breath and just wait and see what Trump does. Problem the leftists have now is they don't want to see what they've done turned around, even if it's what most of the nation wants. They hate to lose ground, but they have, lots of it. They're the fractured party of the left coast now, and it doesn't look like things are going to get any better for them any time soon when they reelect leaders like that old hippie babe pelosi. They just haven't learned anything.

"We have to pass the bill to find out what's in it"... I mean, no one wants to hear lame brained things like that.
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Sounds like the GOP heavily influence being disgruntled after Oblama was elected...Both are a group of disillusioned poor losers, maybe a milk bath would help, a few stress candles...
I think there's one important differentiation to keep in mind, Moon, and that's that obama peed on the constitution every chance he got, the fundamental transformation, the pen and the phone, and the incoming Trump admin is going to adhere to it.
Reagan slapped the Constitution also, I hope Trump plays by the rules and the rest of our government, and it doesn't turn into a govt. of revenge..The kiddies need to bury their hatchets but not in each others skulls..
I just hope that pushing back against the leftist agenda isn't seen as revenge... course... that's probably a given.

I don't want to see the nation split either, or skulls, but the nation is split pretty bad. I think everybody should take a deep breath and just wait and see what Trump does. Problem the leftists have now is they don't want to see what they've done turned around, even if it's what most of the nation wants. They hate to lose ground, but they have, lots of it. They're the fractured party of the left coast now, and it doesn't look like things are going to get any better for them any time soon when reelect leaders like that old hippie babe pelosi. They just haven't learned anything.
Pelosi is a rich bitch, I doubt she was ever a hippie...
Sounds like the GOP heavily influence being disgruntled after Oblama was elected...Both are a group of disillusioned poor losers, maybe a milk bath would help, a few stress candles...
I think there's one important differentiation to keep in mind, Moon, and that's that obama peed on the constitution every chance he got, the fundamental transformation, the pen and the phone, and the incoming Trump admin is going to adhere to it.
Reagan slapped the Constitution also, I hope Trump plays by the rules and the rest of our government, and it doesn't turn into a govt. of revenge..The kiddies need to bury their hatchets but not in each others skulls..
I just hope that pushing back against the leftist agenda isn't seen as revenge... course... that's probably a given.

I don't want to see the nation split either, or skulls, but the nation is split pretty bad. I think everybody should take a deep breath and just wait and see what Trump does. Problem the leftists have now is they don't want to see what they've done turned around, even if it's what most of the nation wants. They hate to lose ground, but they have, lots of it. They're the fractured party of the left coast now, and it doesn't look like things are going to get any better for them any time soon when reelect leaders like that old hippie babe pelosi. They just haven't learned anything.
Pelosi is a rich bitch, I doubt she was ever a hippie...
She looks like she was a flower child... and talks like she dropped a little orange sunshine in her day... :lol:
Well why don't we just have a second CIVIL WAR and winners take all?.

Your kind is always itching for an excuse to shoot Americans.
Evidently you missed where I said this, dumbass...

"I wouldn't start it or like it, but I'd welcome it.""

Like I said- your kind is always itching for an excuse to shoot Americans- or as you put it- you would 'welcome it'.
I have been thinking for a while that Civil War is the next step. I think we are very close.
I wouldn't start it or like it, but I'd welcome it.

It's the number one way to REALLY "drain the swamp" in my opinion.

Yep- if you get to shoot every American you disagree with- just think how that will drain your swamp.

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