Dismal Biden November Jobs Report less than half what was predicted.

Seriously DUDE--you really think this? Are you in junior high.
If you were serious, you would have taken careful time to prove me points were false. You did not. Which means you can't or you are too lazy to prove me wrong. Either one works for me.
If you were serious, you would have taken careful time to prove me points were false. You did not. Which means you can't or you are too lazy to prove me wrong. Either one works for me.
“China did everything right” —- BWK
You know a lot about lies when you say "Trump" loses 4 million jobs amid a worldwide pandemic sent here by Joe's buddies in China.
Trump telling us it was a hoax was the biggest fuck up of them all.

And you have zero evidence Joe's buddies brought it here. You are a liar.
Trump has done no good, except keep Obama policies in place. He's also responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths from covid by calling it a hoax, and never taking it seriously. He is responsible for the attack on our country when he incited an insurrection over a lie. Trump has done no good for the American people. Period!
No one says “done no good”. You’re a foreigner.

“China did everything right” —- BWK
Trump telling us it was a hoax was the biggest fuck up of them all.

And you have zero evidence Joe's buddies brought it here. You are a liar.

And you have zero evidence Trump saying it was a hoax was responsible for one person dying, especially when he said it long before covid became an issue in this country. But I also understand lies is all you Communists have.
And you have zero evidence Trump saying it was a hoax was responsible for one person dying, especially when he said it long before covid became an issue in this country. But I also understand lies is all you Communists have.
Trump put in a travel ban with China. He did warp speed and PPP loans. BWK is a Chinese troll.
Another example of the pathetic recovery under Biden and his policies.

550,000 predicted, only 210K added.

I will tell you the same thing I told the TDS folks, if you do not make a thread about the good numbers, then making one about the bad numbers just shows your to be a mindless partisan drone.
Unemployment under Trump was 3.5% before China unleashed the Fauci Flu on us.

Let me know when Veggie Joe breaks even with that, Dipsqueeze.

Higher prices means people buying much less. Can't wait until he "taxes the rich" like he promised over a year ago. That will really bring things to a halt.
Oh brother---you don't even begin to realize that numbers are fudged and that the media has you brainwashed.

Its not about the unemployment numbers---they are EASILY manipulated baby. Once people stop looking, they are no longer considered unemployed. Its about the JOB PARTICIATION RATE first off.

Secondly, the US economy is huge sweetie, it generally doesn't just snap and change overnight---it takes a bit to get policy to move it.

Third---when the government does it giant stupid sending bills two things happen--1) the economy and stock market shoot up as business compete to get that government money given to morons---atleast temporarily we get this sugar high. BUT THEN BOOM---the money runs out and the government and taxpayers are left with INTEREST to pay on the borrowed money for Candy that doesn't last, inflation settles costing people more, and the assholes who do this shit also jack up taxes which hurts the economy and then jobs as inflation (cost of everything) seeps in.

Fourth history repeats itself---same type assholes doing the same type shit results in the same type of problems over and over and over and over. It's the CARTER years hun...so open you damn eyes and learn. Remember you stupidly gave Biden create for the economy---you need to keep giving this asshole credit when it bombs.

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