Disney gives man with terminal cancer dying wish


Fuzzy bears!
May 4, 2009
This is just a nice story I thought I'd post. Daniel Fleetwood has terminal cancer, is already living past the timeframe given him by doctors, and wanted to see the new Star Wars before he dies. He didn't think he'd be able to make it until it opens in theaters, so he asked Disney to let him see it before release. Somewhat surprisingly, Disney allowed him to view an unedited screener of the movie.

Disney Screens Star Wars: The Force Awakens For Terminally Ill Fan

No politics, just a touching story.
We need to invest more into cancer research so people like Fleetwood don't have to die.
I'll tell Disney my dying wish is a fivesome with some Disney princesses.

Hey, we're all dying, some just more slowly than others.
This is just a nice story I thought I'd post. Daniel Fleetwood has terminal cancer, is already living past the timeframe given him by doctors, and wanted to see the new Star Wars before he dies. He didn't think he'd be able to make it until it opens in theaters, so he asked Disney to let him see it before release. Somewhat surprisingly, Disney allowed him to view an unedited screener of the movie.

Disney Screens Star Wars: The Force Awakens For Terminally Ill Fan

No politics, just a touching story.
WOW! I'd heard about this story and I just assumed there was no way they'd do it! Good job Disney! I guess a company who's entire existence is based on making dreams come true better do that every once in a while!
We need to invest more into cancer research so people like Fleetwood don't have to die.
The American Cancer Society, just for last year had revenue just under a billion dollars. And there are many other cancer research foundations out there. Sadly, the research is slow, even with lots of money going to it.
I just saw this on the news. Didn't know the guy already passed away. I'm so glad they honored his request.
Cancer takes so many lives...and there's so many different kinds.
We need to invest more into cancer research so people like Fleetwood don't have to die.

Sad thing is....we know how to eliminate 90% of cancer. DIET. We cause most cancer by eating shitty foods. Sugar and processed meat.

The medical community can't profit off broccoli and 45 minutes a day on a treadmill.

It's not the answer to ALL cancer. But...most of it. Cancer cannot grow in an alkaline environment. Most of our food is acidic and inflammatory. Change that and most of it goes away.

But....the pill companies need money.
We need to invest more into cancer research so people like Fleetwood don't have to die.
Do you know how much money is already spent on cancer? No, you don't. You just mouth off your typical garbage, without any citations to back you up.
Of course giving him a showing was the right thing to do, and I give them props for doing it, but I can't help noticing how they made sure the story was spread about what they did. I suspect PR had something to do with it as well.
Of course giving him a showing was the right thing to do, and I give them props for doing it, but I can't help noticing how they made sure the story was spread about what they did. I suspect PR had something to do with it as well.
You misunderstand the situation.

Jesus told Christians to hide their charitable acts, so that their reward would be in heaven and not in this world.

Corporations have no soul, so they can't get into heaven no matter how much they give in secret. The purpose of the giving is to improve the company's public image, and increase value for the stockholders.
Of course giving him a showing was the right thing to do, and I give them props for doing it, but I can't help noticing how they made sure the story was spread about what they did. I suspect PR had something to do with it as well.

While I don't doubt that PR played a role (probably the major factor) in Disney's decision, I don't know that Disney has promoted this incident. I think that Mr. Fleetwood or his wife made a Facebook post which began this, and that gaining a following is what drew Disney's attention to it.
Of course giving him a showing was the right thing to do, and I give them props for doing it, but I can't help noticing how they made sure the story was spread about what they did. I suspect PR had something to do with it as well.

While I don't doubt that PR played a role (probably the major factor) in Disney's decision, I don't know that Disney has promoted this incident. I think that Mr. Fleetwood or his wife made a Facebook post which began this, and that gaining a following is what drew Disney's attention to it.

Could be.

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