Disney threatens to stop filming in Georgia if anti-gay bill becomes law

We live in a country where corporations are now people. Ms. Disney and Mr. NFL are merely expressing their first amendment rights.

Well I'm glad you agree. Because Mr. & Ms. 90% believe that it's important for a child to have regular contact with both a mother and father. And they can express their first Amendment right to associate (or not associate) with corporate "people" they disagree with. Bye Bye Ms. Disney.

Poll. Please Vote. Did You Have a Mother & Father in Your Life?
We live in a country where corporations are now people. Ms. Disney and Mr. NFL are merely expressing their first amendment rights.

Well I'm glad you agree. Because Mr. & Ms. 90% believe that it's important for a child to have regular contact with both a mother and father. And they can express their first Amendment right to associate (or not associate) with corporate "people" they disagree with. Bye Bye Ms. Disney.

Poll. Please Vote. Did You Have a Mother & Father in Your Life?

Mr. & Mrs believe that same sex marriages should be treated the same as traditional marriages under the gov't.

Gov Deal won't sign the bill, and Georgia will get back to making movies, hosting Super Bowls and more.
Aren't the trolls who runs around crapping all over the members on this board made up of the Beautiful tolerant people?

some of the nastiest I've seen, from all the boards I've been on . brings this board down the dailykos level.
We live in a country where corporations are now people. Ms. Disney and Mr. NFL are merely expressing their first amendment rights.

Well I'm glad you agree. Because Mr. & Ms. 90% believe that it's important for a child to have regular contact with both a mother and father. And they can express their first Amendment right to associate (or not associate) with corporate "people" they disagree with. Bye Bye Ms. Disney.

Poll. Please Vote. Did You Have a Mother & Father in Your Life?

Yes, I am sure Disney is positively just beside themselves over a meaningless internet straw poll. lol
It does not matter. It does not matter if only one person objects. They have an absolute right to have any opinion they want. They have a right to conduct their lives how they want.

Would you say the same thing to a man that didn't want to get fucked by some guy he worked with? Would you use these arguments to a mother that just threw her son out of the house?

You cannot use polls to justify sin?
It does not matter. It does not matter if only one person objects. They have an absolute right to have any opinion they want. They have a right to conduct their lives how they want.

Would you say the same thing to a man that didn't want to get fucked by some guy he worked with? Would you use these arguments to a mother that just threw her son out of the house?

You cannot use polls to justify sin?

I've been, helping kids rejected by their family for something they have no control over. I've cared for them till social services could mend the relationship, find more permanent accommodations or emancipate them.
I did not reject kids because of what they did or who they were. I didn't want them on the streets, turning to crime or drugs or suicide, even those I was willing to help.

Kids get treated worse than stray pets when they can't go home. A place to sleep, sometimes just a sleeping bag or a mat, a clean bathroom, food and when possible clothes even from the good will and a chance to stay in school or have homework brought back for them.

As long as they behaved under my roof, I had no problem with my kids bringing home their friends from school who had no place to stay, like stray pets.

I'm appalled by parents to reject their children and kick them out. Gay can't help what they are, they are just people and should be treated that way.

opinions might be wrong, but when they become actions against people who have a right to live and love in this country, it is not a freedom, it is harming others.
1000s of jobs really? that's IF they were EVER going to film something in their state to begin with.

"In FY 2015 alone, Georgia-lensed feature films and television productions generated an economic impact of $6 billion."

They already were shooting there.

Georgia Film and TV Production - Georgia Department of Economic Development

yeah and, ? you want to live by being blackmailed too. what freaking country are we living in when a corporation CAN THREATEN THE CITIZENS who live in it if they don't pass some LAW in their own states?

We live in a country where corporations are now people. Ms. Disney and Mr. NFL are merely expressing their first amendment rights.

1 U.S. Code § 1 - Words denoting number, gender, and so forth
Current through Pub. L. 114-38. (See Public Laws for the current Congress.)

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In determining the meaning of any Act of Congress, unless the context indicates otherwise—

words importing the singular include and apply to several persons, parties, or things;

words importing the plural include the singular;

words importing the masculine gender include the feminine as well;

words used in the present tense include the future as well as the present;

the words “insane” and “insane person” shall include every idiot, insane person, and person non compos mentis;

the words “person” and “whoever” include corporations, companies, associations, firms, partnerships, societies, and joint stock companies, as well as individuals;

“officer” includes any person authorized by law to perform the duties of the office;

“signature” or “subscription” includes a mark when the person making the same intended it as such;

“oath” includes affirmation, and “sworn” includes affirmed;

“writing” includes printing and typewriting and reproductions of visual symbols by photographing, multigraphing, mimeographing, manifolding, or otherwise.

(July 30, 1947, ch. 388, 61 Stat. 633; June 25, 1948, ch. 645, § 6, 62 Stat. 859; Oct. 31, 1951, ch. 655, § 1, 65 Stat. 710; Pub. L. 112–231, § 2(a), Dec. 28, 2012, 126 Stat. 1619.)

U.S. Code, Chapter 1, section 1.

This is the statute that states that a corporation is a "person."

To change that, you would have to burn down every law library in the United States, since this definition of a person applies to every statute in every law book in this country.
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Disney threatens to stop filming in Georgia if anti-gay bill becomes law

Once again proving that homosexuals run Hollywood, and in particular, run Disney at all levels, Disney has said it will boycott the state of Georgia if it passes a law saying that Christian bakers can't be forced to make gay wedding cakes.

In other words, Disney has made it clear that it values gays more than it does the "family values" kind of people who watch most of it's movies, cartoons, and TV shows, and go to its theme parks.

So it remains to be seen whether Georgia will bravely stand by Christians, or will it bend over and take it in the ass from gays.

More bullying tactics by the left to suppress democracy.

Democracy? Ever noticed the Bill of Rights? Made by those "left wing bullies" the Founding Fathers.

Did you read the bill? All it does is ensure religious freedom, which is paramount in the Bill of Rights.

No, I don't believe it ensures religious freedom. It ensures religious bigotry.

Rights and freedoms are the ability to do what you like as long as they don't infringe on the rights of others. As soon as you "exercising your right" infringes on someone else's right, then you're no longer exercising a right any more.
Disney threatens to stop filming in Georgia if anti-gay bill becomes law

Once again proving that homosexuals run Hollywood, and in particular, run Disney at all levels, Disney has said it will boycott the state of Georgia if it passes a law saying that Christian bakers can't be forced to make gay wedding cakes.

In other words, Disney has made it clear that it values gays more than it does the "family values" kind of people who watch most of it's movies, cartoons, and TV shows, and go to its theme parks.

So it remains to be seen whether Georgia will bravely stand by Christians, or will it bend over and take it in the ass from gays.

More bullying tactics by the left to suppress democracy.

Democracy? Ever noticed the Bill of Rights? Made by those "left wing bullies" the Founding Fathers.

Did you read the bill? All it does is ensure religious freedom, which is paramount in the Bill of Rights.

No, I don't believe it ensures religious freedom. It ensures religious bigotry.

Rights and freedoms are the ability to do what you like as long as they don't infringe on the rights of others. As soon as you "exercising your right" infringes on someone else's right, then you're no longer exercising a right any more.

No one has a "right" to obtain someone else's service or to be able to buy their product without their consent. If I own something it is my right to decide who I will sell it to, if I am providing a service it is my right to decide who to give it to.

Disney has every right to decide where and with who they want to do business with, just as much as any one else. Just because you agree with the reasoning of one and not the other doesn't mean that just one is denying people's "rights". They are either both denying rights, or neither are.
Disney threatens to stop filming in Georgia if anti-gay bill becomes law

Once again proving that homosexuals run Hollywood, and in particular, run Disney at all levels, Disney has said it will boycott the state of Georgia if it passes a law saying that Christian bakers can't be forced to make gay wedding cakes.

In other words, Disney has made it clear that it values gays more than it does the "family values" kind of people who watch most of it's movies, cartoons, and TV shows, and go to its theme parks.

So it remains to be seen whether Georgia will bravely stand by Christians, or will it bend over and take it in the ass from gays.

More bullying tactics by the left to suppress democracy.

Democracy? Ever noticed the Bill of Rights? Made by those "left wing bullies" the Founding Fathers.

Did you read the bill? All it does is ensure religious freedom, which is paramount in the Bill of Rights.

No, I don't believe it ensures religious freedom. It ensures religious bigotry.

Rights and freedoms are the ability to do what you like as long as they don't infringe on the rights of others. As soon as you "exercising your right" infringes on someone else's right, then you're no longer exercising a right any more.
There is no right to thr favorable opinion of someone else. There is no right to be liked. There is no enforceable good will.
It does not matter. It does not matter if only one person objects. They have an absolute right to have any opinion they want. They have a right to conduct their lives how they want.

Would you say the same thing to a man that didn't want to get fucked by some guy he worked with? Would you use these arguments to a mother that just threw her son out of the house?

You cannot use polls to justify sin?

I've been, helping kids rejected by their family for something they have no control over. I've cared for them till social services could mend the relationship, find more permanent accommodations or emancipate them.
I did not reject kids because of what they did or who they were. I didn't want them on the streets, turning to crime or drugs or suicide, even those I was willing to help.

Kids get treated worse than stray pets when they can't go home. A place to sleep, sometimes just a sleeping bag or a mat, a clean bathroom, food and when possible clothes even from the good will and a chance to stay in school or have homework brought back for them.

As long as they behaved under my roof, I had no problem with my kids bringing home their friends from school who had no place to stay, like stray pets.

I'm appalled by parents to reject their children and kick them out. Gay can't help what they are, they are just people and should be treated that way.

opinions might be wrong, but when they become actions against people who have a right to live and love in this country, it is not a freedom, it is harming others.
Yoi can only make these decisions for yourself. Plenty of parents throw gay adult children out. Plenty more just leave them alone.
one of the senator's should have sneezed

Atlanta mayor blasts bill
LGBT lawmakers denounce bill
W.V. Senate Overwhelmingly Kills Antigay Bill
California lawmaker has introduced a bill that would ban government-funded travel to states with laws that he says discriminate on sexual ...
Atlanta's chance to host a Super Bowl could get sacked by an anti-gay rights bill now on the governor's desk. The National Football League ...
The University of Tennessee will be forced to shut down its Office for Diversity and Inclusion on the Knoxville campus if State Republican ...
$60 million in Indianapolis tourism losses due to anti-gay bill
NASCAR has issued a statement expressing its disappointment
Nashville's Metro Council is now on record requesting the city's delegation in the Tennessee legislature to oppose state bills that are anti-gay ...
Which Country Artists Publicly Support Gay Rights?

screws tightening yet?

the new jim crow?

The rightwing cracka bible thumpers passed a law here in NC yesterday

View attachment 68857

just a matter of time until these mutants are put down like the rabid dogs they are

NC discrimination law creates business backlash

"We believe no individual should be discriminated against because of gender identity or sexual orientation. Laws that allow such discrimination go against our fundamental belief of equality and are bad for the economies of the states in which they are enacted," said Katie Cody, a spokeswoman for American Airlines, which has its second-largest hub at Charlotte-Douglas International Airport.4

Wells Fargo, Replacements Ltd., Apple, Microsoft and others all signed on to a statement in opposition to the North Carolina law and similar legislation in other states.

"Equality in the workplace is a business priority to foster talent and innovation, and these state laws undermine this core value," the statement said. "These state laws set a dangerous precedent that stifles investment and economic growth by jeopardizing a state’s status as a welcoming place for employees to live and thrive, undermining the success of a business at large. It is unreasonable for job creators to recruit a diverse workforce from states that encourage businesses to discriminate against our community of employees or consumers.

Read more at NC discrimination law creates business backlash :: WRAL.com
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Homos should go to homo owned business where they feel more inclusive


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