Disturbing Footage Shows White Men Trying To Kick Black Teens Out Of Resort Pool, Man Seen Strangling Child

This is a hot potato.

No matter whether it's in South Africa or the United States, if you think someone is not entitled to use the pool, you must never consider yourself a cop.

Just leave the pool and report the matter to the management.
Superwhitemutha isn't black.

He's a white bigot wearing blackface and putting on a show of the worst possible stereotypical behavior of blacks in order to defame black Americans, most of whom don't act like he does.
I found him,
The video footage showed a group of white men attempting to kick two Black teenagers out of the resort's pool area — and then one of the white men became violent and tried to strangle one of the teens.

The men seen in the footage alleged that the swimming area was for "white people" only, according to local reports.

The incident took place at The Maselspoort Resort sits, which sits just outside the Free State's capital, Bloemfontein.

In the video, one of the teens can be seen in the mostly empty pool as an older white man reaches down and attempts to grab him from the water.

The young boy then gets out of the pool and attempts to push the man back before he was forcefully shoved into the water. The physical violence caused another teenager to confront the white man, who then turns his physical aggression toward the child, as he is seen pushing and then choking the boy.

Several bystanders attempt to remove the white man from his grip on the boy but the situation continued to escalate further.

As the boy is being pushed against a wooden fence surrounding the pool area, the white man's hands are still firmly grabbing him.

Next, another white man, who was not inside the pool's fence, reached over and grabbed one of the boys by the hair before the child managed to wrangle himself free.

With chaos surrounding the children as more bystanders flood the area, one of the older white men seen at the beginning of the footage is shown with his arm around one teenager in a headlock-type fashion before they both plunge into the pool, aggressively intertwined with one another.

The teenager's father claimed that his sons were told by the group of white men that they were not allowed in the area, although the father insisted that his children informed them that they were residents who had the right to use the swimming facilities.

See these incidents happen to the wrong black kids.

It is almost 2023 and black folks are still dealing with some of the same racist shit we dealt with in 1923.

Had this been my kids it would have gotten ugly real fast.
I sure wouldn't want negro kids swimming in my pool. I would have to drain the pool and then scrub down the sides.

I remember visiting DC a few years ago and going to the FDR Memorial. They have big reflecting pool out front. We were told that when they first opened the memorial the filthy ass DC Negro kids thought it was a public swimming pool. They even bussed in kids to swim in in before the park officials put an end to it. Ghetto trash.
If that is the case then why do they move their pasty, white racist asses back to Europe, where they can have their own white utopia. It's funny how racist try to defend the actions of other racist.

One white farmer murdered by blacks every 5 days
What about if you're black, and Zulu?

Well, you'd probably be dead, murdered by the ANC.

That doesn't seem "better."

Whenever possible I ALWAYS employed Zulu's when I had a project in Africa. Universally honorable, honest, and damned hard workers.

I never once had a problem with one of them, and they would tear our little black racists to pieces if given a chance.

For the most part they despised American blacks. It took me a lot of effort to convince them that most black Americans were fine folks, they were just being exposed to the freaks and losers.
Threads like this are made by NWO shillbots/NPCs to incite violence against white Americans.

But are you aware that YouTube and Facebook comments etc are FULL of AI generated posts that make it appear as if the majority agrees with the Corporate Elite BS ?
Here's an example......90%+ of these comments are AI generated. Your dumbass liberal neighbor reads the garbage and believes the comments are real.

I sure wouldn't want negro kids swimming in my pool. I would have to drain the pool and then scrub down the sides.
This coming from white trash who will swim with his hunting dogs and probably eat out of the same bowl.
I remember visiting DC a few years ago and going to the FDR Memorial. They have big reflecting pool out front. We were told that when they first opened the memorial the filthy ass DC Negro kids thought it was a public swimming pool. They even bussed in kids to swim in in before the park officials put an end to it. Ghetto trash.
Who told you that bullshit? Your buddy with the 3 teeth in his mouth.
None that I am aware of

And none that you know of either

But if you want to deal in pure fantasy how many white kids did the local black kids bully before they reached the swimming pool?
So all those blacks murdered in South Africa during Apartheid just happened to mysteriously die one day.
So all those blacks murdered in South Africa during Apartheid just happened to mysteriously die one day.
Apartheid ended more than 20 years ago

How long will blacks maintain the get-even war against whites?
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