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Diversity for diversity’s sake is not a good goal

Um, okay, let's look at that.

The military desegregated in 1948. So they've been "Woke" before you were born. Before that, blacks served in segregated units with white officers who were not considered the best and brightest. These units came out of World War II, some of them having distinguished themselves.

In the 1970's, a lot more opportunities were opened to women in the military. Despite some issues, these women have done a fine job.

In the 1990's, Clinton stopped discrimination against gay soldiers with "Don't ask, Don't Tell". Eventually, Obama got rid of that and let gays serve openly.

It would seem more diversity has been GOOD for the military.

(And since only one of us has a DD214, you are probably better off quitting now.)

The key attributes of a military unit are Lethality, Efficiency and Operational or Mission Success ... Everything else is just bullshit.
You should have learned that when you were in the Service ... I did and it works.

Yup….horrible attitudes about the importance of work, and a job, are pervasive. It’s most apparent in customer-facing fields, since that’s what we see, but it’s also apparent in the quality of products. Half the time I order something, the box is missing something, or something is defective.

There is no question in my mind that this problem with product quality has increased. Like garbage pickup! Don't get me started.

However, the whack the working population took with Covid mandates and the Great Resignation was so serious that I am trying to be patient and expect that things will return to normal eventually. They just don't have the people to do the job right. And those people they do have are new and inexperienced. I think. And of course they killed out normal participation by women in the business world with all the lockdowns and school closures, and women are the best and most careful employees.
No, it's the low quality of the people they pick. Harris is the worst example, maybe, but most of us have suffered with working beside truly incompetent blacks hired for the infamous quotas and then never fired despite serious lacks in effectiveness.

Blacks are fine if they are fine. Unfortunately, they are too often not fine at all.
Thanks. It Is really disgusting how these nasty leftists accuse whites of racism, while many of them - that Joe poster is one of the worst - make horrible antisemitic statements.

A good question is why are bigots on the left accusing others of racism while simultaneously spreading their Jew-hate? That particular poster lambasted me as CHOOSING to be Jewish, when I could have cast off my religion, with the obvious implication that remaining a Jew is a bad thing.

Liberals are the worst bigots. And hypocrites to boot.
Since I didn't vote in the last election I won't get into that stuff. As far as work, I did my time, served my sentence of working for over 40 years. I am so happy to be out of the terrible godforsaken rat race. Retirement is wonderful. It was never my job to contribute to society. I worked to earn a paycheck. It ended there

Since I didn't vote in the last election I won't get into that stuff. As far as work, I did my time, served my sentence of working for over 40 years. I am so happy to be out of the terrible godforsaken rat race. Retirement is wonderful. It was never my job to contribute to society. I worked to earn a paycheck. It ended there

You didn’t care enough to vote….you don’t care anything about contributing to society….you consider work as a “sentence”…..

It is people with your apathetic attitudes toward our country and negativity toward work that is becoming more endemic, and bringing our county on a downhill slide.
It is people with your apathetic attitudes toward our country and negativity toward work that is becoming more endemic, and bringing our county on a downhill slide.

Is it the people with those attitudes that are the problem ...
Or is it the people that keep making excuses for them, feeding them and listening to them that are the problem?

I don't think you are going to have much luck fixing the problem until to handle the latter of the two.

Thanks. It Is really disgusting how these nasty leftists accuse whites of racism, while many of them - that Joe poster is one of the worst - make horrible antisemitic statements.

A good question is why are bigots on the left accusing others of racism while simultaneously spreading their Jew-hate? That particular poster lambasted me as CHOOSING to be Jewish, when I could have cast off my religion, with the obvious implication that remaining a Jew is a bad thing.

Liberals are the worst bigots. And hypocrites to boot.
Religion is a choice.

I mean, I wouldn't fault a child for believing bronze age fairy tales, but a grown person who thinks they are God's favorite people becasue a book with talking snakes says so, that's a choice.

Also- should point out that NO ONE would know you were of a certain religion - UNLESS YOU TELL THEM.

Not the same as black people who are subjected to systematic, institutional racism.

Is it the people with those attitudes that are the problem ...
Or is it the people that keep making excuses for them, feeding them and listening to them that are the problem?

I don't think you are going to have much luck fixing the problem until to handle the latter of the two.

That’s why the first step is to toss out the Democrats who are enabling them, making excuses for them, supporting the “you don‘t have to take a job because we will transfer other people’s money to you” mindset - beginning with the midterms. All indications are that it will be a big win for the Republicans.
That’s why the first step is to toss out the Democrats who are enabling them, making excuses for them, supporting the “you don‘t have to take a job because we will transfer other people’s money to you” mindset - beginning with the midterms. All indications are that it will be a big win for the Republicans.

I think what is broken is much deeper than Democrat or Republican, and is society or government in general.
It's amazing when you get young people as employees now, if they have any brains.

As soon as they figure out that it doesn't matter what they think if it doesn't improve the product or service ...
It won't take long for them to understand the sense of accomplishment, earn good pay ...
And getting bonuses because they know where the money comes from and how to get it.

There are plenty of people and institutions that do crap wrong and mistreat people ...
Bitching about crap never accomplishes anything when compared to what can be accomplished with effort and proper vision.

That still comes with an understanding that some people are never going to figure it out ... :auiqs.jpg:

That’s why the first step is to toss out the Democrats who are enabling them, making excuses for them, supporting the “you don‘t have to take a job because we will transfer other people’s money to you” mindset - beginning with the midterms. All indications are that it will be a big win for the Republicans.
Until they realize their "White People Welfare" of entitlements are the first thing they want to cut.
1). There wasn't a candidate I agreed with so I don't vote
2). Work doesn't define a person in any way shape or form. It's a means to a paycheck so one can be self sufficient. Don't leave everything you have in the office. Save plenty for after work.
3). I did contribute to society. I worked and paid my taxes. More than enough.
So you could say the same thing about AA enrollments, right?

Actually, they are letting women into the infantry now.

Point was, at some point, the bigots argued against diversity in the military, and were proven wrong. Lizard88 still thinks it is, but that's because she's a racist cow.

Wow, that's an interesting rewriting of history... but wrong. The racism was there all along.

Keep in mind, only propertied white males could vote, but the census counted everyone. It was always about keeping black people down.
So instead of answering my questions, you are launching a diatribe because you are wrong as you are on almost every "fact" you post. I never denied people were racist back then. By today's standards the most raving liberal alive in the 1780s was a flaming racist. Literally no one on the planet thought minorities were the equal of whites back then with the exception of the Chinese and Japanese who always thought they were the best and most civilized people on the planet.
Oh, and it wasn't just white males who could vote, it was white male PROPERTY OWNERS. The common idea then was that voters should be responsible people who had skin in the game.
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Dan Quayle couldn't spell Potato, I'm guessing you didn't spend much time complaining about him.

Harris was picked because Biden wanted to enhance his popularity with his base. The same can be said of Quayle.

The last time we picked a Veep based on being really qualified was Dick Cheney, and everyone hated him.

Again, compared to what? Most of the really awful managers I've seen in my career have been white dudes. A few of them have been Jews.

Again - compared to the applicant who was more physically attractive, or had the right connections, or hired the better resume writer?

Seems there are a lot of inequities you are fine with, except Affirmative Action. Wonder why that is. Could it be - racism?
Vps are very rarely, if ever, picked for their qualifications. They are picked to enhance a weakness in the presidential candidate, or to bring in votes from a geographical area or population group that the main candidate doesn't appeal to. FDR's first VP is quoted as saying the job of VP wasn't worth a bucket of warm spit. Personally I think he was referring to another bodily fluid and the quote got changed by a reporter to be publishable.
Oh, and it wasn't just white males who could vote, it was white male PROPERTY OWNERS. The common idea then was that voters should be responsible people who had skin in the game.

I specifically said propertied white males...

Pot meet kettle.
NOpe, people love working with me. Two of my last three jobs I got because people who worked with me before gave me recommendations.

Vps are very rarely, if ever, picked for their qualifications. They are picked to enhance a weakness in the presidential candidate, or to bring in votes from a geographical area or population group that the main candidate doesn't appeal to. FDR's first VP is quoted as saying the job of VP wasn't worth a bucket of warm spit. Personally I think he was referring to another bodily fluid and the quote got changed by a reporter to be publishable.

You are correct, but my point to Lizard88 was that she really has no business criticizing Harris after Quayle and Palin.

If something were to happen to Biden, I have no doubt Harris will do an okay job. The right wing will absolutely lose their shit. She's black AND has a vagina!
I specifically said propertied white males...

NOpe, people love working with me. Two of my last three jobs I got because people who worked with me before gave me recommendations.

You are correct, but my point to Lizard88 was that she really has no business criticizing Harris after Quayle and Palin.

If something were to happen to Biden, I have no doubt Harris will do an okay job. The right wing will absolutely lose their shit. She's black AND has a vagina!
I strongly disagree. Harris is from the extreme left edge of the Democratic Party, she also has no idea how to govern OR get along with people. As a politician she’s a disaster offending or alienating everyone she comes into contact with. Remember she couldn’t even pull three percent of the Democratic vote in the primaries. Her color doesn’t matter her personality is so bad she makes Hillary look good.
Odd how Joe, who says the most bigoted, disdainful things about Jews, calls ME a racist cow.

He’s one of the worst hypocrites on this forum.

Just saying.

I strongly disagree. Harris is from the extreme left edge of the Democratic Party, she also has no idea how to govern OR get along with people. As a politician she’s a disaster offending or alienating everyone she comes into contact with. Remember she couldn’t even pull three percent of the Democratic vote in the primaries. Her color doesn’t matter her personality is so bad she makes Hillary look good.
Agree. But to leftists like Joe, any criticism of Harris is due to racism. The fact that she is incompetent and unqualified is not to be mentioned.

That, btw, is what we can expect if she (G-d forbid) becomes president. She can be the biggest idiot, and answer every question with cackle and word salad, and if anyone points out the obvious - that she is completely unqualified - he or she will be called a racist.

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