DNC plans to wins the election this way...

Ed Spacer

Jan 16, 2012
Some people with their real heads up the ass of the situation know one thing on the lib side of things. Joe blowahard biden is a real liability to Obama and his campaign. To a degree,it was planned along for this ugly monster to run in 16',but,the hush-hush is that biden steps down before next term,and Obama will announce Hillary Clinton as running mate to counter anything Romney comes up with,and ole joe will retire back to Greenville, DE.
Does any one think this will help Obama?
Or hurt?
Its a pretty well-known fact this WILL HAPPEN.
If he dumps Biden, I'll be shocked.

Hillary would not be a game changer.
Oh, I think Hillary WOULD be a game changer if Obama feels the need. Democrats want to retain the White House, so that makes Biden expendible if necessary. And I'm sure he'd be the first to agree.

I like Biden, but I sure as hell don't want him as president - now or in 2016.
Obama dumping Biden would be a sign of desperation and a sign that the end was near. In no way does Obama dump Biden. Many suggested Bush dump Cheney when he ran for re-election; the same situation was at hand. Doing so would almost certainly have cost Bush the election.
Not a chance of this happening...

Biden isn't a "liability". He's got higher approval ratings than Obama does.

--------------You're kidding right? :lol: "Plugs" Biden approval rating has taken a novedive since his meltdown in ohio, it's around 40%. Even the "It's only Joe" crowd arn't trying to stick up for him anymore.

The Stukaman
Oh, I think Hillary WOULD be a game changer if Obama feels the need. Democrats want to retain the White House, so that makes Biden expendible if necessary. And I'm sure he'd be the first to agree.

I like Biden, but I sure as hell don't want him as president - now or in 2016.

------------It would be a game changer in a few different ways.

1, It would help stroke the Hillary backers who still feel she got a raw deal in 2008.

2, Obama can't run on his record and he can't hope to throw crazy distractions out like the "War on women" from now till November. Hilary would give his ticket alot of momentum and definately energise his base.

3, It would put Hilary in as incumbent in 2016, she would be tough to beat under any circumstances, but having the power of incumancy behind her would be devistating.

Now this is all in play if Hilary were to come on board for it, she has already said she will leave the Administration after this term, and her dislike of the Obamas is no secret, however, with her hunger for power and 2016 race hers for the taking who knows how she will decide.

The Stukaman

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