Do an FBI Background Check Going Back to 7th Grade for Every DC Employee

One can only imagine future nominee processes.

Oh well. This appears to be what we want.

No, it's what the Nazis want. The question is whether we let them get away with it.

Jeff Flake is understandably scared, the Nazi mob assaulted him and cornered him, it was real clear just how easily they could kill him or his family. They sent the message they intended to send, and he backed down from supporting confirmation.

Caleb Hull on Twitter
One can only imagine future nominee processes.

Oh well. This appears to be what we want.

No, it's what the Nazis want. The question is whether we let them get away with it.

Jeff Flake is understandably scared, the Nazi mob assaulted him and cornered him, it was real clear just how easily they could kill him or his family. They sent the message they intended to send, and he backed down from supporting confirmation.

Caleb Hull on Twitter

So THAT’S how we get heard by our representatives! And here I’ve been wasting my money sending faxes and letters!

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Time to drain the swamp. Fire anyone who has remote allegations of a misdemeanor against them.

Yes it's funny but it's also accurate. That's what these clowns want. With good reason. NOONE is a perfect person, certainly not a perfect kid. All have some warts, embarrassing and cringe worthy experiences. It's called being human.
Time to drain the swamp. Fire anyone who has remote allegations of a misdemeanor against them.

Hell just do an FBI background check on the confirmation committee members. After all we need to make sure those making the decision on Kavanaugh's confirmation are not corrupt sexual abusers.
Time to drain the swamp. Fire anyone who has remote allegations of a misdemeanor against them.

I didn't want him even before the allegations came out , and esp not since he displayed how ill-tempered he was.

Yeah no right to be angry as the reputation he spent his whole life building and the family he protects and nurtured is threatened. Just a baseless angry white man, right? But Ford’s accusations are credible, though they lack enough detail to even qualify for a search warrant? People are more 3-domensional than the media wants you to think and more is going on. Cut the guy some slack so this doesn’t happen to you too in a few decades!

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Liberals that are on board with this are either delusional stupid or pure evil

The lying whore has half a million in her gofundme

Leland may "find her memory" but it won't matter

The damage is done dems will pay a heavy price in the midterms
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Time to drain the swamp. Fire anyone who has remote allegations of a misdemeanor against them.

Hell just do an FBI background check on the confirmation committee members. After all we need to make sure those making the decision on Kavanaugh's confirmation are not corrupt sexual abusers.
Spartacus is an admitted sexual predator, so there's that...
Time to drain the swamp. Fire anyone who has remote allegations of a misdemeanor against them.

Hell just do an FBI background check on the confirmation committee members. After all we need to make sure those making the decision on Kavanaugh's confirmation are not corrupt sexual abusers.
Spartacus is an admitted sexual predator, so there's that...
Why is Booker even allowed to sit on the judiciary committee? That should be an immediate dis-qualifier..
Time to drain the swamp. Fire anyone who has remote allegations of a misdemeanor against them.

Hell just do an FBI background check on the confirmation committee members. After all we need to make sure those making the decision on Kavanaugh's confirmation are not corrupt sexual abusers.
Spartacus is an admitted sexual predator, so there's that...
Why is Booker even allowed to sit on the judiciary committee?

Why is Pelosi the Dem's leader?
Time to drain the swamp. Fire anyone who has remote allegations of a misdemeanor against them.

Hell just do an FBI background check on the confirmation committee members. After all we need to make sure those making the decision on Kavanaugh's confirmation are not corrupt sexual abusers.
Spartacus is an admitted sexual predator, so there's that...
Why is Booker even allowed to sit on the judiciary committee?

Why is Pelosi the Dem's leader?

Because she cannot lead. Failure is the hallmark of liberalism.

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Time to drain the swamp. Fire anyone who has remote allegations of a misdemeanor against them.

Hell just do an FBI background check on the confirmation committee members. After all we need to make sure those making the decision on Kavanaugh's confirmation are not corrupt sexual abusers.
Spartacus is an admitted sexual predator, so there's that...
Why is Booker even allowed to sit on the judiciary committee?

Why is Pelosi the Dem's leader?
Stupid people still vote...
Time to drain the swamp. Fire anyone who has remote allegations of a misdemeanor against them.
What is with you Weatherman20, you post better than this. I see this whole thing as a Progressive smear, of Hilly people who are still pissed off about the fact that we voted them out of office. They feel threatened and rejected. In doing so the use anything they can find in record checks, and or rumors that have no base. You can have this happed anytime during your life. I have been accused to Rape, problem is I was in Canada on vacation. Witness RMC officer. In Alabama Judge Roy Moore was accused and he is now suing some Trailer park trash, and looks like he is going to collect. Settle down and be cool.

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